Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 978: Save one's life

The mountain is broken, the river is broken, and the earth is broken!

There are huge cracks that are bottomless, crisscrossed like a cobweb spreading out, spreading in all directions, until the end of the line of sight. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

There was a dead silence between the heavens and the earth, and only the "whine" howling wind, desolate and dead silence. Everything is completely destroyed under one stroke!

At the bottom of the deep pit, the blood-stained ground, Xiao Chen was lying in it, with countless wounds on his body, still bleeding with blood. Through the terrible wound on the chest, you can clearly see the almost cut off white bone, and the heart under the white bone, which slowly beats every few seconds. On his heart, a bloodstain was running up and down, exuding a lot of red blood beads, but still tenaciously sticking together without fragmentation.

His injury had never recovered, and he was as strong as Hongmeng, and his entire body was almost completely destroyed! In the Yuanshen space, the golden Yuanshen languished, and the scattered golden light was dimmed to the extreme. After a long time, there was a flash of gold. Severe injuries and a large amount of blood loss made his body gradually cold, his thoughts blurred, and his eyes seemed to be dark. He seemed to be in a permanent darkness.

Xiao Chen's chest heaved a bit, and he managed to bite the tip of his tongue. A slight sweet **** smell came from his mouth, which made him feel a little refreshed. He knew in his heart that if he fell asleep at this moment, I was afraid he would never have the opportunity to wake up! Efforts were made to gather only the remaining mana in the body, and after a moment a faint aura of light flashed on his hands, several elixir appeared directly in his hands. Xiao Chen didn't waste energy to identify, and slowly raised his hand, every time he moved, there would be a fierce pain like a tide, and he was suffering like a hot flame!

Just the simplest action of swallowing elixir almost exhausted the remaining power in his body. When the elixir came into the belly, several warm currents slipped into his belly, his arm "popped" on the ground, and his mouth "wheezed" and gasped. He no longer wanted to move a little bit. But even so, each heavy breath will bring severe pain like tearing flesh.

The power of the elixir was dissipated and merged into the flesh and blood, as if the cracked earth greeted Pujiang Ganlin, and the damaged flesh began to be repaired under the action of medicine. The flesh and blood in the wound around the body grows fast during peristalsis, but it just heals, but it will collapse again! The flesh was torn apart, and a large amount of blood and water poured out. This is the destructive force hidden in the wound that has not yet dispersed, destroying the recovery of the wound.

The recovery of the medicinal power and the destruction of the destructive force are reciprocating. In this process, it is equivalent to Xiao Chen's need to repeatedly suffer the damage that the body needs to experience. The pain brought by it is unimaginable!

This pain seems to penetrate the barrier of flesh and blood, directly acting on Yuan Shen, so that Xiao Chen's Yuan Shen is trembling slightly! But it is in this pain that we can constantly offset the destructive force in the body, so that the injury will not be aggravated and eventually repaired.

For exactly three hours, Xiao Chen's broken green robe was thoroughly soaked with blood and water, dried up in the wind, and formed into pieces of hard dark red blood. The wound on his body was barely repaired until then. However, this repair only targeted the most superficial injuries. The real injuries in the body were only suppressed for the time being and did not further deteriorate.

He took a deep breath, barely supported his body to climb up from the ground, and took out several pills again and swallowed them. When he climbed out from the bottom of the deep pit, the medicine spread, and some strength was restored in his body.

He stood on the earth, and his eyes were full of purgatory scenes.

Xiao Chen was able to tell where the Li family was, but now there is a bottomless gully and nothing is left. His body was trembling slightly, his pale lips clenched tightly, and there was a sorrow in his eyes. Just a moment ago, he was sitting there, using it early like an ordinary person, with the Li family and Yulian three beside him. They were talking about Yuanshan. He said that soon he would be able to leave Zongmen and return home to visit ... but now everything is destroyed. Even though Xiao Chen resisted regardless of his life, he still couldn't protect them.

And when Yuanshan comes back, seeing this scene, how will he accept it?

The sun still hung in the sky, but the light seemed pale, so that Xiao Chen could not feel the slightest temperature!

He took a slow breath, took a deep look at the Li family, controlled some of the strength recovered in the body, and went straight above the clouds in the envelope, whistling towards the endless starry space. Now he was very confused, but he didn't have the energy to think more, so he forced himself to think nothing. All he has to do now is to leave here as soon as possible and then save his life.

The Li family died and Yulian died. The mortals of the entire city, and even innocent beings in a wider area, were killed in this catastrophe.

So he can't die anymore.

Because there must always be someone alive, to repay everything already born!



A jade bamboo slip was sent to the imperial palace as soon as possible and was placed on the case of Yan Huang Yu.

The content in Yujian is very simple: Xiao Chen was seriously injured and dying. Now he is in the wild star field, and it is a must to kill him.

Few words, however, made Yan Huang's heart beat vigorously, looking at the coordinates of a star chart attached to the back. After a few seconds of silence, he slowly raised his eyes, his eyes moved coldly!

Reaching out to shoot the royal case, I saw a faint flash of light passing, the tabletop fell silently, exposing a thin piece of paper, I do not know how many years have been stored, the color has slightly yellowed. Lift the royal pen, dipped in cinnabar, Yan Huang's wrist slightly moved a book on the yellowed paper.

"Xiao Chen appeared in the wild starfield and was seriously injured. Will the ancestors decide to kill him if he has a good opportunity?" After a word, it was the coordinates of the star chart. If the cinnabar scarlet letter is blood, an air of killing blood is coming!

Yan Huang fluttered his sleeves, his blood flashed slightly, and the cinnabar red letters on the yellow paper disappeared instantly.

At the same time, similar things happened in the palaces of the eight empires. Although the emperors of various countries did not discern the truth of this news, they did not dare to take it lightly when they thought of its source, and tried their best to send it into the holy place!


In the Holy Land of the Great Swallow, the robe Yan Zhenzi shimmered in the cold light, and a crimson text on the void in front of him dissipated.

After a few silences, he suddenly said, "Zhao Yanyun, Yan Cheng, Yan Chi, and shot with the deity, cut off Xiao Chen!" The sound was dull, but contained endless power, spreading in the tremor of the void, resound Sky!

Xiao Chen is now showing his strength to pose a great threat to Dayan. If he hadn't been completely sure to kill him, wouldn't Yan Zhenzi endure to this day! Right now, how could he miss it!

This time, he will be beheaded!


Great Wei Tianhuo Palace.

Chi Yuan Wei Yuantian waved his sleeves, "Xuan Weijie and Wei Zhang entered the palace, and went to the wild star field with the deity!"

In low drinking, the red eyes of the weird eyes shone!

Xiao Chen and the Fire clan are as deep as the sea. The two are destined not to coexist in the world. Naturally, he must seize the opportunity given by the sky to wipe out the fire clan's confidant!


The Great Qin Jiuyou Di Palace.

The decaying corpse cleft suddenly, and a dried palm protruded out of it, becoming plump with great speed. By the time he got up and stepped out, he had become a middle-aged monk from the dried-up corpse. His face was pale and his eyes were cold.

"Whether the sealed book is in your hands, this time, the deity will have to find out ... Protect the three corpses and go with the deity!"


The final result quickly became clear. Five of the eight empires remained silent. Yan, Wei, and Qin Hongmeng shot and went straight to the wild starfield!


[Two chapters, maybe a little later. 】

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