Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 981: Stick to the bottom line

Xiao Chen's face was iron-blue, and her heart was full of anger. Among them, there was an irrepressible fear of the shadow of death! The picture seen through the river of time is what will be born in the future. If he does not change it, everything in the picture will become a reality. Bayi Chinese [[ W> W ?. ) 8) 1] Z> W ?. Com

But nowadays, no matter how he struggles, he can't escape! In the face of the imminent death, the torment of the mind was so unimaginable that an anxiety and despair came from his heart, leaving him cold and pessimistic in his eyes.

"No! There must be a way! The king came to this day only after suffering so much, how can he scorn here!" Xiao Chen suddenly lifted, his mouth roared, as if venting and self-suggesting, breathing deeply in his mouth, With a powerful and shocking will, I will suppress all the emotional fluctuations in my heart, and make my mind return to absolute calm.

Today's predicament is definitely the biggest threat that Xiao Chen has encountered so far. It is so dangerous that even if he foresaw the future in advance, he could not find a glimmer of life from it! But the more you do, the more you need to be calm, otherwise you can only make the situation worse and put yourself in a state of no danger!

Xiao Chen was low, his frowns frowned tightly, his eyes twinkled, apparently his thoughts were turning fast.

Yan Zhenzi, the master of Jiuyou Di Palace, and Wei Tianyuan joined forces to block the star field and kill the team and unite the power of Sanhongmeng. As long as his whereabouts are exposed, he will be directly killed in the next moment! But the most fundamental reason for this is that he was too injured! If he can recover most of his injuries, relying on the power of time and space, there is great hope that he can escape from their joint strangulation. In other words, he wants to find vitality in the dead, and the most fundamental crux is to recover the injury in his body.

However, he was too injured this time. If he wants to recover, how long will it take, Yan Zhenzi's three strange people obviously will not give him this opportunity. In this way, you can only delay time or find a way to quickly repair your damage.

Xiao Chen took a few steps to suppress the time. He is not in a good position to take risks now, and any mistake may even cause a fatal threat. In this way, there is only one option to recover quickly.

For other monks, if they are seriously injured, unless they have some elixir in their hands, or if they get an adventure, they will never recover in a short time. But Xiao Chen is different, because there is a golden seal in his Yuanshen space!

His eyes were gradually brightening, thinking about the feasibility of the matter, but soon it was dim again.

From the picture of the River of Time, he saw Yan Zhenzi, Jiuyou Di Palace Lord, and Wei Tianyuan San Hongmeng each summoning His Majesty the strongman to search for his traces. All of these monks are stepping into the heavens. If it is not difficult for Xiao Chen to slay them during the weekdays, then he can refine his soul with a golden seal and draw powerful power. But now the premise is that he has been seriously injured, and he has not been saved as a ten, even if he is facing the three-way monks who step on the sky, he is definitely not an opponent.

Things are back to the beginning.

Xiao Chen's face became more and more ugly, and his mind gradually became anxious again, because there was not much time left for him. If he can't find a way to save himself, he will be in the wild starfield!

But at this moment, in the space of Yuanshen, the golden seal suddenly rose from the Yuanshen, emitting a dazzling golden light! A faint wave came in an instant, directly imprinted into his Yuanshen, and transformed into an evil mystery he could understand!

"Kill God"!

Through slaughtering of living beings, gather their flesh and blood souls, refining supernatural power into a powerful force, and integrate into their own body to repair the injury! The heavier the kill, the stronger the power you can obtain, and the faster your recovery will be! And most importantly, "Killing God" has no requirements on the target of the slaughter. Both monks and mortals can provide power to the killing people!

This is an absolutely bloody, selfish and cruel method, but everything is slaughtered only for yourself! With Xiao Chen's injuries today, he only needs to slaughter dozens of cultivation stars in this star field, and he can refining and get enough power. Not only can the injuries be recovered, he can even be improved slightly! Although Xiao Chen was severely wounded, all the powers can still be in the wild star domain, and be cautious, it is not difficult to do this!

With Xiao Chen's state of mind, when he saw the content of "Killing God", his heart could not help but beat hard! As long as you grit your teeth and cruelly create a killing, you can recover your injuries and break free of today's death!

In desperation, suddenly seeing a glimmer of vitality represents endless temptation! At such moments, the selfishness and gloom in people's hearts will be completely exposed. In order to keep their own lives, they can always do everything!

As long as you live, no one can die!

His breathing gradually became dignified, a tinge of blood appeared deep in his eyes, slightly lowered, and the whole person's breath became colder!

After half a ring, Xiao Chen snarled in his mouth and stepped forward, his figure disappeared into the space directly. The next moment, when his figure reappeared, he was outside a certain cultivation star. His eyes were reddish, and he walked towards the star, and his frantic murderous tumbling in his chest.


The small village at the foot of the mountain is beautiful and quiet. Xibo Xishan, the men and women of Shimoda farming came back with simple and self-sufficient laughter on their faces, the children playing in the village, seeing the return of their parents from afar, with a happy smile on their faces, greeted with joy in a gust of wind Screaming "daddy hug", the guys put down their hoees and hugged them, with happy smiles on their wives' faces.


A plump woman in the city, sitting in front of the door, kept looking at the end of the long street, waiting for her husband to return. She touched her swollen belly with the palm of her hand, sensing the occasional movements of the unborn child, and full of happiness between her brows. A burly man in a sturdy shirt strode forward and grinned before seeing his wife's figure before he reached the door. He walked quickly to the woman, reached out and held her in his arms, his expression seemed to embrace the whole world.


In the private school, the gentleman was lying on the table and sleeping, the children below shook their heads and recite the articles that need to be remembered. The clear child's voice came out of the window, and went further with the sound of the wind. The yard contained several stout willow trees, and a few of them knew that we were working hard to meet them.


On the endless field, the farmers rushed to the cattle to prepare for the next planting. He wiped the sweat on his face, looked back at the turned land, and his face, which was tanned under the sun, showed a smile. His eyes were full of expectations, hoping to have a good harvest this year.


Xiao Chen stepped forward, and inadvertently, Yuan Shen could clearly sense everything that was being born in each corner of this star. This scene is directly imprinted into his mind, his body gradually shaking.

Suddenly, he snarled in his mouth, stopped at his feet, looked up at a mortal city below, his eyes shivered fiercely!

"Get out of this king! Don't think about it-control my mind!" During the roar, blood flowed again from his nose and nose, but the blood in his eyes gradually faded, and eventually disappeared completely.

Xiao Chen's tired eyes looked deeply at the foot of Xiu Zhenxing, then turned and left.

He was calm, without regrets, without hesitation.

Hundreds of millions of souls from the cultivation of the truth, in essence, are no different from him. He is not qualified to take an indifferent shot to save his life and wipe them out of this world. If he really did that, he would have lost the bottom line he has been holding so far. If that is the case, then what is the difference between him and the four young masters of the God of War Palace who, regardless of the life and death of Xiuzhen Star, joined forces to kill him, and what qualifications they have to avenge them.

Xiao Chen's heart is very simple and simple, that is, absolute grievances. His animosity with the Fire clan originated from the endless suffering endured by the ancestors of the human race in the human world, and the blood of the corpses, mountains, and seas could not be washed away. So he vowed that he would never coexist with the fire tribe! Therefore, in the territory of the fire clan, he can shoot without hesitation, and even intentionally cause a larger range of injuries. Because this is a sin committed by the Fire clan, death and fear are needed to repent.

But the creatures in the wild starfield did not have any resentment against him, let him kill by his own private shot, he could not do it. This can be called stubborn, stiff, ignorant, or even stupid, but this is the last point that Xiao Chen insists on in this bloody, cruel and indifferent monk world. If this is not even guaranteed, he will Will lose the last one in my heart! By that time, even if he could survive, it was just another cold and cruel monk in the realm of cultivation, not him anymore!

Xiao Chen stepped forward, resisting the erosion of selfish desire and murderous intention, his mind suddenly became quiet, and the whole person suddenly became relaxed. Even if he would really die here, it was doomed, and he deserved it.

But this does not mean that he will give up!

Do not!

Absolutely not!

Xiao Chen's eyes gradually became firm, like a rock, unshakable. Even if he knew he was going to die, he would stick to the end, even at the last moment, he would not give up at all.

Because as long as you live, there may be a turnaround.

Only death is the end of everything.


Chu State, Ba Du.

King Xu Yan and King Yinyue sat opposite each other, and all the news they got made them shocked, and it was difficult to be calm for a long time.

After half a ring, King Xu Yan took a deep breath and said, "Yinyue, this time, can he escape the ascent?"

Wang Yinyue ’s beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she was silent. She said, "Xu, I know you have a good impression on Xiao Chenxin, but one thing you need to know is that he is now the Lord of Dongyan Kingdom. If he continues to be strong In the near future, it may soon break the tense situation in the middle of the Great Thousand Realms, and even threaten the interests of our country. This time, the Great Yan, Da Qin, and Da Wei Hongmeng joined forces to block the entire star domain and convene the country. Brother Tian searched wildly, so he obviously anticipated this, and never let it go. If Xiao Chen's strength is strong, but he was injured first, he is now in a killing situation.

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