Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 983: Wait for him to pick me up

The attendant who led the way was someone close to Emperor Chu, and his face suddenly became extremely embarrassed when he heard the words. He wanted to remind him, but he didn't dare to say more. {[August One? ((<文<(W)WW.81ZW.COM

"I dare to call myself my palace, Mr. Liu, if my king remembers well, the crime of trespassing like this should be a felony in the imperial palace. Or if the king is not in the imperial palace for a long time, your majesty will change it. The rules in the palace have been violated." Silver Moon King sneered and spoke lightly.

Gonggong Liu's face changed, and he smiled bitterly: "Silver Moon King is too worried, my Da Chu Palace is strict and will never make such an unreasonable change."

"Since the rules of the palace have not changed, this Madam Ting acted like this. Could it be that the people of the palace penal division are all corpse position vegetarians, do you need this king to personally tell the emperor brother?" Yinyue King sneered, "If this King remembers Yes, for matters concerning the Palace Penalty Division, you also have the responsibility of coordinating Liu Gonggong."

Grandpa Li's face suddenly became stiff, his mouth was bitter, and he begged for mercy: "His Royal Highness, why bother with the old slave? Mrs. Ting is pregnant with a dragon, and occasionally there are places where the words are not in line with the system. How can the old slave really take her? Go to the Palace Penalty Division to be punished, if the dragon seed is moved, and the old slave’s head is cut off, it can’t make up for it.”

"Since it's not easy to take her to the Department of Criminal Justice, then put her in your own palace. After the birth of the dragon, Mrs. Ting must be able to heal this kind of ignorance of duty."

"This... the old slave dare not do things on his own..."

"You just do it, the emperor brother, this king will speak for himself."

"Yes, your lord." Grandpa Liu got a guarantee, straightened up immediately, waved his hand blankly, and said: "Come here, send Mrs. Ting back to Chunxi Palace, and keep the entrance guard so that the wife can rest assured. Come out to hang out again, so as not to get fetal gas." He has been around Chu Huang for a long time, and he naturally knows his majesty's temperament. After today's incident, after Mrs. Ting gave birth to the dragon, she might not be able to be pampered anymore. He acted There are also fewer scruples in the time.

Mrs. Ting's face was pale, and she regretted it when she heard Liu Gong speak publicly. The Silver Moon King is a direct bloodline of the Da Chu royal family. He shares the same father and sister as Chu Huang, and has the highest level of cultivation in his own creation. He is respected in the Da Chu royal family. Even the queen is close to her, based on her identity. How can there be qualifications to compete with. Now that he heard the news of his imprisonment, his eyes suddenly showed despair, and he screamed: "Who dare you! This palace is pregnant with a dragon! I want to see your majesty! I want to see your majesty!"

Gonggong Liu sneered and said: "Madam should still pay attention to your body, and be careful not to hurt the prince, otherwise things will be more difficult to do. Your Majesty will know this soon. If you want to see your wife, you will naturally send someone to summon him. Wait patiently in the palace."

"Carry away!"

Mrs. Ting was beautiful for a while, but from today onwards, her scenery in the Chu Palace is destined to be yesterday.

When the matter was over, the Silver Moon King waved his hand, and Gonggong Liu respectfully bowed, turned and led the people around him back.

A trace of worry flashed through Yu Ji's eyes. There was no way to show favor in the imperial palace for no reason. She didn't know why the Silver Moon King would help her, but there was a slight sense of anxiety in her heart, but she still bowed respectfully, saying: "Thank you Yinyue His Royal Highness assisted, and the concubines were grateful."

"This king knows that there are so many puzzles in your heart, but don't be afraid, this king has no malice towards you. This is not a place to talk more, you and I will go into the pavilion in southern Henan and talk again." Yinyue King looked at Yu Ji After sweeping, seeing her graceful and luxurious, she couldn't help but secretly admire her, and said that the emperor's brother had no eyesight, and fortunately Mrs. Ting's kind of goods, but let the real pearl in the palace.

"His Royal Highness, please."

Entering the pavilion in southern Henan, Yu Ji beat her maidservant to deal with the scars on her face. The rumor that she was killed by a maid next to her was purely a rumor, but the relationship between the master and servant was extremely close.

This palace lady is also a person of exquisite thoughts, knowing that she shouldn't stay for long, and retreat after saluting.

Yu Ji poured tea for King Xuyan and King Yinyue herself, and stood down respectfully. Regardless of the identity of the two, or the kindness before, she did this for granted.

The Silver Moon King kept silent. She only made the move because of her status. Disposing of her concubine in the imperial palace would not attract rumours from the ruling and the opposition, but at this moment she taught the right to speak to King Xu. Of course she understands the truth about marrying her husband.

King Xu took a deep look at Yu Ji and said: "This king and Silver Moon King are here because they are entrusted by others. I don't know if you know one person, his name is Xiao Chen."

"Xiao Chen!" Yu Ji suddenly raised her eyes with excitement, "His Royal Highness, you know Xiao Chen, and he has also ascended to the Great Thousand Realm! I know that with his aptitude, he will never be trapped in the small world. In the Thousand Realms! Where is he now? How can I bother you to take action?"

King Xu and King Yinyue glanced at each other, and at the same time showed a smile of relief. It seemed that they had found no mistake. The Yu Ji in front of him was the one Xiao Chen wanted them to look for.

"This matter is a long story. This king and the Silver Moon King were favored by Xiao Chen, so they were entrusted by him to find his sister-in-law in Chu Kingdom. It has been more than a hundred years, and fortunately, you have been found today. "Xu'an Wang opened his mouth, never concealing the matter.

What he said was a fact, but Yu Ji instantly became confused, frowned slightly, and hesitated: "When the junior was called into the Great Thousand Realm, Xiao Chen's brother had not yet reached the state of destruction. Now he can successfully ascend to the Great Thousand Realm, and his cultivation level will be improved. Obviously not slow. But it is still unknown whether he touches the creation realm, and what means can he help the two majesty?"

Yu Ji was really puzzled.

In just five thousand years, it is not too long for a high-level monk, and later, the higher the cultivation level, the slower the improvement. Even if Xiao Chen's cultivation level progresses faster, how can he intersect with the strongest monks? .

Creation Realm?

When the king heard this, his face was slightly stiff, and then he shook his head and smiled bitterly. Is it a joke that as the two of them, they will be asked by the mere craftsman to spend more than a hundred years looking for one person.

Xiao Chen, the sister of Yi Yi, underestimated her younger brother.

However, if it had not been for the rise of Xiao Chen and the information about him collected by the eight empires, the two of them would have been unable to believe that since he ascended to the Great Thousand Realms, within a short period of time, his cultivation base had soared to his current realm.

This kind of degree, it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no one before and no one afterwards.

"Yuji, you have been in the imperial palace these years, and you don't know the changes in the great thousand realms. Xiao Chen's current cultivation level is definitely far above your imagination." Silver Moon King slowly spoke, knowing Xiao Chenzhi Things are coming slowly.

Although she has said very simple, but every news makes Yu Ji's heart tremble!

And Xiao Chen's current identity makes her even more unbelievable!

Build a country and build a tripod, develop Dongyan!

The combat power is shocking, and you can retreat in the face of Hongmeng!

Only these two points are enough to prove Xiao Chen's current status. He has stood on the highest peak of the Great Thousand Realm, overlooking the vast and vast world, reaching a height that she never dared to imagine!

Yu Ji took a deep breath, and it took a long time to digest the news. If she hadn't told her everything was the Silver Moon King, she would never believe it. In the human world, the young man who met by chance has now achieved such an achievement, almost climbing to the top of the avenue!

And to this day, he still has not forgotten his promise, one day, he will come to her.

She left the human world back then and returned to Xiao Qian. Later, Xiao Chen also soared into the Xiao Qian realm, achieving supreme prestige in a short period of time. However, the two of their siblings had no chance for the time being. Because of the summons of the Great Thousand Realms, Yu Ji soared to the Kingdom of Chu and entered the imperial palace. The two were once again separated from each other.

But now, Xiao Chen came to her again.

This time, he became stronger, strong enough to shield her from wind and rain, and hold up a piece of heaven and earth!

Yu Ji's eyes were red, and she stretched out her hand to cover her mouth. When her mind calmed down, she hurriedly said: "Where is Xiao Chen now? I want to see him."

The Yinyue King's face changed slightly, and after hesitating, he looked at King Xu Suan.

The king nodded slightly and said: "This matter can't be kept from you, so this king told you the truth. Xiao Chen is a bit uncomfortable now." At the moment, he fully explained Xiao Chen's current situation, although he tried to express it as tactfully, but The danger can also be detected.

Yu Ji's face suddenly became pale, and there was no more blood left! She was slightly lowered, and slowly lifted up after a few breaths, her face had returned to calm, she bowed to salute, and said, "Thank you, King Xuyan, for not hiding from me, let the younger generation know the truth of the matter."

"Yuji, don't worry, no matter what, since we have agreed to Xiao Chen, we will take care of you. If you don't want to stay in the imperial palace, this king can ask the emperor brother to take you out of the palace. "Yinyue Wang whispered, she could see the deep friendship between Yu Ji and Xiao Chen, and she couldn't help showing a little pity in her eyes.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness Yinyue King. If you can really leave the palace, it is what the younger generation wants. But I believe that Xiao Chen will be fine, and soon, he will come to Chu and pick me up. Because he promised. I, will come to me. Maybe everyone thinks he will die, but the younger generation will not. Because he is Xiao Chen, my proudest brother, so he will be fine, absolutely not." Yu Ji said calmly , She turned and looked out of the hall, her gaze seemed to penetrate the endless space, and fell on the figure in the green robe, the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, and she showed a faint smile, "Xiao Chen, sister is here, waiting for you to pick me up ..."

The voice is calm, but like a rock, unshakable.


[Please accept the chapter I wrote for Yu Ji. She is a very important female protagonist in my book, but she has not been able to get the pen and ink she deserves. This time it is a make up. Tomorrow will update the theme of return. In desperate situation, Xiao Chen will appear, and his choice is not wrong. Good night everyone. 】

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