Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 986: Unwilling

The monks of the Three Kingdoms suddenly stiffened, their pupils contracted violently, and their hearts rose up in horror. [Eight?] [Fiction Network ((W? W> W). 81ZW.COM. They never expected that they would receive warnings from their respective monks, and let them return immediately.

Is Xiao Chen so powerful that he can let the three Hongmeng retreat!

Although they were shocked in their hearts, they did not dare to delay, for fear of staying for a while, they would put themselves in a state of despair. The monks of the Three Kingdoms flickered with aura of light in their hands, took out the self-defense objects, and did not hesitate to pinch them.

The light flashed a little, their figures disappeared quickly, and they reappeared, and they returned to their ancestors.

Da Wei Huoliang flashed a hesitation in his heart, and the reaction was a little slower than the others. He crushed the objects in his hands, and a touch of light had enveloped his body. Just a few moments later, he could Get out of this star field.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly widened, his mouth opened and a roar had not come out yet, his body suddenly became stiff, and the light in his eyes quickly dissipated.

Behind him, the figure of Xiao Chen emerged, and a mysterious will glanced at him with an expressionless expression, and fluttered his sleeves, causing his physical body to collapse and disappear completely in this world. The storage ring and other things were taken backhand.

On him, this is the fourteenth storage ring, which shows that the monks of the Three Kingdoms have been cut by him for fourteen moments! This kind of killing degree can cause the damage that can be called horror, which has weakened the peak power of the Three Kingdoms.

Lifting slowly, he looked towards the end of the star field, and all the colorful and golden light dissipated in his eyes, but still cold, without any mood swings.

He stepped forward and the figure disappeared again.


"Fire and cold!" Wei Yuantian screamed in anger and anguish. In the sense of Yuanshen, the breath that belongs to fire disappeared directly, leaving the old man's heart frantic and on the verge of violence!

The monk who stepped on three steps was the strongest under Hongmeng. There were only three of them in Dawei, and Huoliang was one of them. His ridicule, the loss is far more than a few step by step, two steps monks superimposed!

"Xiao Chen! The deity will kill you!"

This old monster roared, terrorist forces spewed out, and swept the surrounding madness around him. The earth's rock suddenly shattered, and a layer of destruction power passed to the entire Xiuzhen Star! The earth collapsed in trembling, the mountains collapsed, the Yangtze River ceased to flow, and numerous ground fire magma gushed out of the ground cracks, burning the jungle and destroying the city!

The entire Xiuzhen Star is plunged into catastrophe, and countless lives have died!

Hongmeng was furious, the sky was falling apart, and his life was ruined!

At this moment, not far from this star of cultivation, in the ripples of space, Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the breath instantly appeared in the induction of Yan Zhenzi, the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace, and the San Hongmeng of Wei Yuantian.

"Xiao Chen!"

The roar came, and the entire star space suddenly collapsed, and the horrible power fluctuations filled the sky and the earth. The figure of Wei Yuantian appeared for a moment, his face was pale, and he swaggered suddenly! The surrounding space is suddenly distorted, the sky turns red, the ground magma flows freely, and the hot atmosphere is full, as in the heart of the earth! But at this moment in the magma, there were red bodies, and strange creatures with raw tails behind them survived. Now they cheered again and again, jumping to the shore to kneel on the ground and worshiping Wei Tianyuan. In a short time, there are countless forces of pure faith, integrated into this old monster, pure and fanatical!

"Today's deity did not hesitate to take a copy of the Great Wei National Games and manifest the ghost image of Hongmeng Kingdom of God, and will kill you here! Xiao Chen, today you don't want to leave!" In the roar, Wei Yuantian shot with a palm of his hand, in the Hongmeng God In the country's virtual shadow, he is the supreme master, able to burst out the most powerful force! And because of the existence of the ghost of the kingdom of God, sealed the space, even if Xiao Chen controls the origin of time and space, he can never escape from it!

Monk Hongmeng, the endless kingdom of God, almost forms a real world, and can give birth to souls on its own. Such a powerful world, of course, needs to pay a great price to put its power into the great realm. And this price is the loss of the National Games! If the Great Wei National Games is ten, then Wei Yuantian takes a shot and needs to lose one of the ten! This time, regardless of whether Xiao Chen can be killed or not, the entire Wei National Games is traumatized! Even the national strength will weaken! The tense world is in a tense situation, and Wei is weak, which will inevitably affect the future battle.

If the price were not so heavy, wouldn't Yan Zhenzi let Xiao Chen escape after hesitation!

But knowing this, Wei Yuantian still shot, which of course has his reasons! Because at this moment, he felt an unprecedented threat on Xiao Chen! This is the feeling of Monk Hongmeng, and the perceived threat caused his heart to contract fiercely, almost stopping to beat! This old weird had a thought directly. If Xiao Chen could not be killed now, in the future, his fire tribe would be unable to escape the slaughter, and the tribe would be destroyed. This induction allowed him to make the decision to kill Xiao Chen at all costs without any hesitation!

As he said, this time, he will never let Xiao Chen leave!


The shadow of the kingdom of God trembled, and countless top worshipers suddenly burst into tears, and a cluster of black flames came out. This is the fire that they have sacrificed in their own faith. As long as they are contaminated, they can burn until they are incinerated!

Everything in the world can be burned!

Countless clusters of black flames quickly converged into the void in the control of Wei Yuantian, rolling, turning into a black palm, the dark gray tongue jumping silently, no strange temperature was released, but at this moment in the whole kingdom of God, all fires fell, Like worshipping the emperor, he dare not fight with the black flame.

"Go!" A roar, the black palm snapped, and the shadow of the kingdom of God it trembled seemed to be unable to withstand the terrorist power it released, but it was almost torn apart!

Wei Yuantian shot with hate, and devoted all his energy to conceive countless black fires in the kingdom of God, condensing this black flame palm! Its mighty power can incinerate the stars and kill billions of souls!

Before it has fallen, the terror coercion has completely locked Xiao Chen! In the repression of the kingdom of the gods, he couldn't hide this palm, and could only use his own cultivation as a hard shock! Wei Yuantian does not hesitate to pay for this result. As long as Xiao Chen resists, he has the confidence to kill him directly and eliminate the great trouble of the fire tribe!

This weird tooth clenched, his eyes widened, his eyes stared at Xiao Chen, showing his wretchedness!

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, his eyes were cold and there was no temperature, and he faced Monk Hongmen without fear. Seeing that Black Flame's palm roared, feeling the horror released from it, he slowly raised his hand and tear it forward fiercely!

Above the five fingers, golden light flashed, and under the cover of golden light, a trace of colorful power mixed in.

After tearing, Wei Tianyuan's body suddenly stiffened, this weird pupil contracted, showing incredible color! The next moment, a groan was heard from his mouth, and a little blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and his body was blown away if he was severely hit!

The black flame of the palm was trembling, and the dark flame was directly rigid, as if frozen, and after a little stagnation, it exploded and disappeared during the scattering. In the rear, the ghost image of the kingdom of Hongmeng was torn apart in a huge gap, and then there were countless cracks appearing and spreading wildly in all directions, and eventually shattered like a mirror.

Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, he took a step forward, the figure appeared in the star field, and shot fiercely in front of him! The entire space trembled suddenly, and a layer of ripples swept towards the surroundings. Although there was no sound in the ears, in the sense of Yuanshen, it was as terrifying as the sky was falling apart!

Yan Zhenzi, the master of Jiuyou Di Palace, and Wei Yuantian Sanhongmeng jointly blocked the space and were directly broken at this moment!

After completing this matter, Xiao Chen didn't make any further pauses, and a layer of ripples appeared on his whole body, and he disappeared.

The next moment, Yan Zhenzi and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace appeared. The two looked at the scene in front of them, their faces were stiff, and endless stormy waves set in their hearts. It was difficult to calm for a long time.

Turning to each other, both can see the bitterness in each other's heart.

Who would have thought that this time the three kingdoms Hongmeng joined forces to besiege the final result.

Xiao Chen is not dead now, so they will obviously have a lot of trouble in the future.

At the moment, they have a faint instinct in their hearts. They failed to kill Xiao Chen today. They are afraid that they will lose the opportunity to kill him forever!


In the violent atmosphere, Wei Yuantian returned with a shawl, and there was a roaring roar in his mouth, "Why! Why Xiao Chen's power soared to such a level! The deity is not willing! Unwilling!" The billowing waves echoed in the air, but I did n’t know this strange Unwilling to never kill Xiao Chen, or think of the future of the fire family is doomed to fall!

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