Xiao Chen stepped forward, and as he fell step by step, his external momentum became stronger and stronger, and his mighty warfare was about to tear the **** of this world!

Sensing this powerful war intention, outside the Ares Palace, the thin layer of white aura that cuts off the power of chaotic space and time, trembled slightly at this moment, and a circle of ripples suddenly appeared. There was a portal in the surrounding waves. Emerged. Eight (<1 Chinese W) W) W). 〉 8〉 1) ZW. Com

The door was a hundred feet high, and the whole body was golden.

Looking at the scene in front of them, all the monks in the Ares Temple shivered violently, and then gave birth to a deep awe, hurriedly saluting, as a sign of respect. It can use its own breath to motivate the defense array of floating cash gates. This welcomes the specifications. Only in the God of War Palace can you do it.

But there is no one who can make the Golden Gate shape reach a hundred feet!

The cultivation of this blue robe is actually the young master in the palace, and its strength is even more unfathomable, but I don't know which Taoist respect he came from?

When the monk of the Ares Palace secretly guessed, Xiao Chen did not pause. He waved his sleeves, and the golden gate in front of him opened naturally, and his foot stepped forward, and the figure had already stepped into the Ares Palace.

Standing on a foot in the air, he suddenly turned to the distant sky, his eyes were cold and indifferent, without any temperature.

At this moment, at the end of his sight, aura flashed, and four figures appeared one after another.

The visitor is Lingxiao as the four minor respects. The eyes of the four fell on Xiao Chen, feeling the horror sent from his body, and a sudden burst of anger in his heart made his face pale. He stood in front of him like this without any other action, but the overbearing breath emanating from his body was like a torrential rain and shower, containing imposing pressure, which forced them to bow their heads! It was just a face-to-face meeting. The original four unwillingness and hesitations of the four disappeared. Although they did not fight, they had sensed the horror of Xiao Chen. If they really dared to fight, even if the four of them joined forces, they would be directly defeated Kill here!

The power of Xiao Chen makes them feel desperate!

Ling Xiao Shao Zun strongly suppressed the fear in his heart. He took a deep breath and arched, "Ling Xiao has seen Xiao Chen Shao Zun."

"See Xiao Chen Xiaozun." Behind him, three young monks, Yuan Shan, Xie Yue and Ling Bo, saluted at the same time.

Xiao Chen looked at the four, and with the inheritance power of the third respect in each other, he could easily know their identities. From the depths of his eyes, a trace of murderousness emerged, and the temperature of the whole body's space suddenly dropped. The violent killing intention stimulated the whole body to hurt, and the flesh seemed to be torn. Xiao Chen was silent, but the more so, the more frightened in Si Shaozun's heart, a drop of cold sweat came out from the back and wet their robes.

Just when they were almost unable to bear it, he suddenly said, "In the wild star field, you four joined forces to cut off the king?"

Ling Xiao bit the tip of her tongue, forcing herself to escape from fear, and whispered, "Yes."

"The news of King Wang was leaked, because you were shot by Da Yan, Da Qin, and Wei Wei to hunt down King Wang. Is that what you did?"


"But did you ever know that when the sun broke out, you have killed countless innocent beings?"

Lingxiao stayed a little, still shaking his head, "I don't know."

Xiao Chen nodded. "That's the case, there is no need to say more." His voice didn't fall, and he stepped forward, and the violent killing intention was completely exploded, making people have no doubt. In the next instant, he would shoot and directly cut the four of them. drop!

"Wait a minute!" Ling Xiao's heart contracted violently and almost stopped beating, screaming: "Shao Xiaochen, I and Yuanshan, Xieyue, and Lingbo, three young lords willingly surrendered the stone tower, giving way to **** the third homage. Qualification for inheritance! "

Xiao Chen said lightly: "So what?"

"We made these concessions, hoping that Xiao Chen Xiaochen could open up one side and let me wait for a way out! This matter, the fourth Lord has already agreed!"

Xiao Chen was silent for a few minutes, and then suddenly sneered, "Joke!"

The four bodies of Ling Xiao Shao Zun suddenly froze, their eyes widened, as if he had never thought that he would dare to speak like that!

"That day, you joined forces to kill and kill the king, and you tried to save your life without success. Where can there be such a simple thing in this world?" Xiao Chen said coldly. "Since the king is not dead, you have to pay for what you have done. ! "

After the words fell, he reached out with one hand and shot directly at the four of them! With this hand, he rolled over with murderous power, and he shot with all his strength, without any reservation.

Suddenly, there was a ripple in the space where Si Shaozun lived, sweeping towards them. It seemed normal, but the terrorist power contained in it was enough to obliterate any monk who stepped on the sky!

"The Fourth Supreme Master, save me and wait!" Ling Xiao and other four young masters screamed in the face, facing Xiao Chen's palm, they were frightened and couldn't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance!

"Huh!" A faint, cold hum came from the sky, and Xiao Chen shot a wave of waves suddenly, then disappeared in silence. A woman wearing a splendid palace robe with a face of grace and grace appeared directly above the clouds. She looked about thirty years old. There was a slight coldness in her beautiful eyes. Irresistible!

Breath induction, this beautiful woman in the robe is supreme Hongmeng!

"See the fourth respect!"

In the God of War Palace, all the monks were lying on the ground, respectfully saluting, and did not dare to look at her at all.

The fourth line of sight fell directly on Xiao Chen, and said lightly: "Xiao Chen, the fourth line of the deities in the deities of war, Ling Xiao and others are not good for you, but they are eventually trained by my war shrine for many years. It ’s not easy to build a body. Therefore, the deities give grace. If they are willing to surrender the stone tower and give up competing with you for the inheritance of the third deity, they will save their lives. I hope you can understand and accept it. "

The beautiful woman in a palace dress has a flat voice. Although she is explaining, she is more like narrating a certain thing than talking with him.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but his face was still calm and silent for a long while, and said, "The Fourth Lord speaks, Xiao Chen should really give up and let the four of them make a living. But today, not only is Xiao Chen alone, but also On that day in the wild starfield, the many innocent people died innocently. Xiao Chen can let go of her hatred, but can't give up their hatred, because after all I have them, this is what Xiao Chen owes them. And all I can do Only for their revenge, and for the Fourth Master to understand. "

The fourth Taoist face suddenly became gloomy. She looked coldly at Xiao Chen, "as you said, to reject the deity's proposal."

"It's not rejection, but Xiao Chen has to do it."

"But the deity has promised the four of Lingxiao."

"Then, Lord Dao Zun, please take it back."

The woman in the palace costume's eyes became colder and colder, and the magnificent pressure of Hongmeng rose slowly, and the whole space became completely quiet, without any sound. All monks can only tremble in this terrifying atmosphere!

She didn't say much, but this move has already demonstrated her attitude.

Regarding the matter of the Four Young Masters, she forced Xiao Chen to retreat!

Lingxiao, Yuanshan, Xieyue, and Lingbo were all pale, but their hearts were full of ecstasy! They were all monks who stepped into heaven, but because of this, they were able to sense the power and horror of monk Hongmeng.

This power cannot be resisted or resisted!

Now that the fourth Supreme Master has taken care of them, even if Xiao Chen is tough and overbearing, he has to choose to give in! Even if he has the power to kill the three step monks, he is only one level away from Hongmeng, but the power gap between the two is still the difference between heaven and earth!

Ling Xiao looked at Xiao Chen. His eyes were full of pleasure and hatred, and a hissing growl was heard in his heart. "Xiao Chen! Even if you want to kill Ben Shaozun and others, just join the fourth master , You can only endure! "

"As long as you can't kill me today, I will inevitably go after everything you took away at all costs!"

Ling Xiao waited to see Xiao Chen frightened and then flinched, but he waited for a long time, but now, except for his pale face, Xiao Chen hadn't changed at all. His expression remained calm and his eyes became brighter. The breath that burst from him was not suppressed at all, but in the tumbling, he became more and more powerful!

His heart shrank fiercely, and his eyes began to show shock, and in this shock, there was still a hint of concealment!

This is impossible!


The fourth master shot, and most of the external coercion fell on Xiao Chen. They only suffered a small part of it. But it was this small part of the power that made them unbearable.

How can Xiao Chen support it?

Is he really as rumored as to break through to the level of Hongmeng in the wild starfield assault!

No, no!

The breath on him is by no means a state of Hongmeng, or even if they don't notice it, the Fourth Master is bound to know. If Xiao Chen really set foot in Hongmeng, presumably the fourth adult will not continue to try to protect the four of them.

In the hands of Xiao Chen, it is obvious that he has a certain means, either a treasure or a magical power, in order to counteract the magnificent coercion of the fourth adult!

Yes, it must be!

Ling Xiao's thoughts turned sharply. He kept hinting to himself that Xiao Chen would never dare to disobey the will of the Fourth Lord. Today, the four of them will be fine. But his complexion gradually turned pale until he was completely scarlet.

In the depths of the Ares Palace, in the two towering temples, two figures crossed their knees, at this moment opened their eyes. They looked up at the void in front of them, their eyes shining brightly, as if they had penetrated the barrier of space, and fell on the figure of the blue robe.

At this moment, they were also curious, what kind of realm Xiao Chen's cultivation had reached.

The fourth face gradually became dignified. She looked at Xiao Chen who was calm and unchanging in front of her eyes. There was a touch of shock in the depths of her eyes, but for some reason, there was a bit of complexity in this shock. .

On his body, she faintly saw that figure many years ago.

At this moment, Xiao Chen slowly lifted up, he looked at the fourth Taoist, and said: "Master Daozu has already taken a shot, and does not count against his promise. I wonder if he is willing to give up now? Lord Dao Zun is the enemy. "

The woman in the palace costume was slightly silent, saying: "Although the deity is curious, what means do you have to counter the coercive power of the deity. But with this, there is no qualification to degenerate the deity."

"What qualifications are sufficient?"

"There are ants under Hongmeng. If you want the deity to change your mind, you need to have enough power to get the deity to face it."


[I played a little better, and there are updates in the evening. 】

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