Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 994: New book

The moment Yun Yunzi heard the voice, his body suddenly froze, his eyes were shocked and unbelievable, and he suddenly turned to look out of the hall, and saw the green robe monk stepping forward. . [<{?

His lips trembled slightly, and he knelt amidst the struggle, respectfully: "See my junior!"

Li Yuanshan's face was dull. Although the person in front of him was younger than he remembered, he knew that he had absolutely no confession and hesitated, "Xiao ... Uncle Xiao ..."

Xiao Chen glanced at them, nodded slightly, and said, "You don't have to be courteous, I'll deal with the matter at hand, and I'll talk to you in detail."

Yun Zhongzi was excited in his heart, and hurriedly respectfully should be. After the events of that year, he vaguely guessed that Xiao Chen's identity was absolutely unusual. Now that he has arrived, he will never let their apprentices and their students suffer any more!

Li Yuanshan got up, but still couldn't return to the spirit. He looked blankly at Xiao Chen, he couldn't compare him with the gentle and uncle Xiao that year with the mighty power in front of him. Terror monks at the door were linked.

Xiao Chen has recovered her gaze, frowned slightly, and fell on the monks of Shangrao Qi Baishan.

"When this seat sent Yuan Shan into your Qi Bai Mountain, it was for you to have a good education, not to intimidate and insult him. Although Yuan Shan has no relatives in the world, this seat is his support. If you insult him, you It ’s against this seat! And against you, you do n’t have such a qualification! ”In a low drink, he suddenly waved his sleeves, Qi Xiao's whole body space was suddenly distorted, wrapped him in, and was directly crushed into powder. God died.

After doing this, he looked up at Shangrao, and his eyes were cold.

"You can't kill this ancestor! Qi Baishan is the gate of the sacred sect, and this sect is also an elder of the sacred sect. If you dare to kill me, you will be chased to death by the sacred sect!" Shangrao screamed, eyes All fear.

Xiao Chen ignored him and turned to Li Yuanshan, saying, "Yuanshan, I taught you to be good in your heart, but this good is not to be bullied, but to be persistent in your heart, not to be promoted by cultivation. And self-indulgence! When the current killer, don't hesitate, leave no hidden dangers! Just like the moment! "

He looked up at Rao, and said lightly: "This seat is waiting here, see who can kill me!

The next moment, Shangrao's eyes suddenly widened, which was still full of fear, but Shenguang dissipated a little bit. There is no injury on the surface, but his primordial spirit has been wiped away silently, and the corpse slipped from the suzerain.

In a short period of time, the understatement of killing Qi Baishan's lord Shangrao and the elder Qi Xiao in an understatement was understated. Such a means instantly deterred all monks in Qi Baishan and let them have a terrifying fear!

Xiao Chen stepped over the corpse of Shangrao and settled on the suzerainty, "Yunzhong, how far is the idol sect from Qi Baishan sect?"

Yun Zhongzi was shocked in his heart, and said respectfully: "Back to the predecessors, the idol sect is 300,000 miles away from Qi Baishan, and Shangrao is dead. If the idol lord arrives, it only takes a moment."

"That seat is waiting for him."

Xiao Chen said nothing, and the whole hall was silent and silent.

Li Yuanshan's eyes were excited, and his heart was full of comfort. The grief and humiliation that had gathered in his heart disappeared at this moment. He looked at Xiao Chen, deep in his eyes, showing the meaning of worship.

A man born in the world, like Uncle Xiao, is happy to be enmity!

In the wave of hands, the power can't match!

It was in this silence that time passed little by little.

At one instant, the three figures in the sky came torn through the space, and spoke solemnly, "Who dares to kill the elder Idol Zong, must he be the enemy of this Zong!" The sound of waves billowed like a thunderous thunder.

Xiao Chen lifted, his eyes seemed to see through the space, sneer: "Dare to show off magical powers in front of this seat, give me down!"

One-handed out of the robe sleeve, grabbed hard in front of the space!


There was a shock in the void, and in the horror and howl, three figures were directly held by him, forcibly taken under the temple, and kneeled directly on the ground under a mighty pressure, unable to move at all.

These three people are the idol suzerain and the two elders in the suzerain. It may be regarded as a strong person in the depths of the barren star field, but in front of Xiao Chen, it is like a ants!

Xiao Chen said faintly, "The monarch Qi Baishan was killed by this seat, but the three of you want to repay him justice." His voice was calm, but fell into the ears of the idol monarch, but the word was as hard as a hammer. Hit them hard, leaving them pale and pale.

"The juniors and others do not know the seniors are here. If there is any offense, please do not blame the seniors!" The three idols of the zongxiang were directly begging for mercy, frightened expression, panic, and there was no prestige.

"You haven't answered this question yet."

"The predecessor's words are heavy. Since you have shot and killed Qi Baishan Sovereign Shangrao, it shows that this person must have a place to blame and you, since he should die, there is no objection to the younger generation."

"In other words, do you think Qi Baishan's lord died?"

"Exactly! Exactly!"

Xiao Chen nodded, and he waved his sleeves. "That being the case, you three don't have to stay here, go! Remember, from now on, Qi Baishan's ruler will be succeeded by Yun Zhongzi, and your idols will be the same in the future. It is the affiliated gate of Qi Baishan! "

The lord of the idol shivered, and his mouth was bitter for a while, but he dared to show a little rejection. "The younger generation and so on obey the elder's law and join the Qi Baishan ancestors from now on. There will be no heart after that!" The terror pressure on his body disappeared The three again respectfully saluted and quit the hall carefully before turning around to drive out of Guangguang.

The divine idol lord and the elder in the sect did not have the slightest resistance, and were directly frightened. They even surrendered to join Qi Baishan to protect themselves. In the hall, monk Qi Baishan was trembling with fear and awe in his eyes!

Xiao Chen glanced in the hall, recovered the pressure in his body, and slowly said, "I think you should understand what this seat is saying. You don't need to repeat it here."

The monk Qi Baishan was light, and at the moment when he heard the words, he felt that a chill was born from the bottom of his heart, so that the blood around them was almost coagulated! Where dare to delay a little bit, hurriedly stood up and saluted Yun Yunzi respectfully, "I'll see the Sovereign!"

Li Yuanshan's eyes were bright, and his adoration of Xiao Chen reached its peak at this moment!

Yun Zhongzi was shocked and happy, but he was not immersed in it, and hurriedly said, "How can the younger stubbornly be dead? How can he be the suzerain? If the elders want to establish a new lord, let Yuan Shan be the elder, presumably all the elders I will not object. "

"Xiao ... Uncle Xiao, please rescue Master Master. These years, Master has been very good to me! Please, Uncle Xiao!" Li Yuanshan fell to his knees, his face begging.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and pulled him up directly, reprimanding him: "The man has gold under his knee. If he had no choice but to do so, how could he easily kneel down! As for you, Master Yun Yun, and the idea of ​​playing a trick with this seat, for a moment Can't die in half a moment. "

Yun Zhongzi trembled in his heart, hurriedly kneeling, and said, "There are a lot of seniors, and the juniors will never dare! I also asked the seniors to take action to save the lives of the juniors!" When Xiao Chen was displeased, where did the old guy dare Play with one's eyes and cry directly on the knees.

"Huh! You are still the same as before, this temperament has not changed in any way. Since this seat makes you the lord of Qi Baishan, you will naturally take a shot and heal your injuries." Xiao Chen said, his breath changed instantly, The eyes were indifferent and warm, and there was no mood swing. A faint breath exudes from his body. Although thin, but the absolute suppression from the level of the source of life left all the people in the temple blank, and in the subconscious, they dared not have any resistance.

He suddenly stretched out with one hand and grabbed forward suddenly!

Under this grasp, with Qi Baishan's ancestral gate as the center and hundreds of thousands of miles in the territory, all the celestial forces gathered in his madness, and all fell into his hands. The crazy extraction in an instant made a large blank space of Yuanli suddenly appear on this cultivation star, and the surrounding heaven and earth Yuanqi poured into it madly, which caused the richness of the Yuan force on the entire cultivation star to drop in a short time. Count more!

This mighty-sounding momentum was suddenly noticed by countless monks on this star, and he looked up to Qi Baishan in a horrible manner, and his expressions showed endless fear! But at this moment, there is no one, dare to go and find out!

Suddenly, the means of extracting the power of heaven and earth in the range of hundreds of thousands of miles has gone far beyond their imagination!

At this time, in the ceremony of Qi Baishan Zongmen, Xiao Chen said lightly, "Remember, this is the reward you deserve for taking care of Yuanshan for many years."

The voice didn't drop, he reached out and shot forward.

The strength of the heaven and earth in the range of hundreds of thousands of miles, even if it is thin, will be extremely scary when they are brought together! Xiao Chen compresses it with supreme repair, turning it into the purest force of heaven and earth, pouring directly into the cloud neutron!

With repair as the protection of its primordial spirit, under this elemental power, a sudden sound of "cracking" came from Yun Zhongzi's body, and many flesh burst, but he was reborn in a very short time and repaired intact . Where Yuan Li flows, all injuries in his body are dispelled by this tough method! He even washed his entire body and refined it, making it more powerful than the previous ones!

Although this method can repair the neutron injury in the cloud as quickly as possible, the pain it brings is equally unbearable. Xiao Chen guarded his Yuanshen, but did not isolate his induction power. In the hall, the scream of the old guy's hoarseness and exhaustion suddenly sounded, making people smell the hair in his heart, and his hair was beginning to rise. Such a move is also a punishment for his previous manipulation, with clear rewards and punishments.

Fortunately, this process does not last long, otherwise Yun Zhongzi's mind may not be able to withstand the pain from the mad sweep. Within a few short breaths of time, Terror Yuanli had cured his injury, but its amount was only consumed by less than half. The remaining part was pressed into the neutron body by Xiao Chensheng and integrated into his cultivation! Such a move made him soar to the creation realm, a step away from the creation level, but a step away!

Fusion of mysterious will, with the power of Yuanshen's colorful, is comparable to Hongmeng's shot, it is not difficult to create a cloud neutron!

Xiao Chen closed his hand, and the cold, indifferent breath in his body disappeared, and he returned to normal again.

The cloud neutron figure fell to the ground, his robe became broken and stained with blood, but the whole body recovered as if it had been replenished with strength. The silver of his head became full of luster, his wrinkles disappeared, and his body was rippling. With layers of powerful breath! This is a sign that the surge is soaring and it is beyond its control.

He was shocked and looked down at his hands, feeling the tremendous power flowing in his body, as if in a dream!

After a few breaths, he took a bite of his tongue. The pain awakened him, and he fell to his knees in ecstasy, deep in deep grief, "Thanks to Xiao Chen for his achievements, and his younger teeth are unforgettable!" Smashed, respectfully.

Between the waves of hands, he gathered hundreds of thousands of miles of world power, destroyed the wounds and healed his internal injuries, and directly allowed him to cultivate to the immediate realm!

What kind of realm does such a terrible way to cry ghosts and gods do?

Thinking of the cold, indifferent, powerful and uncompromising breath that Xiao Chen had before, and the coercion from the level of the origin of life, then I thought of the catastrophe of the year ... Xiao Chen's predecessor could escape safely under that knife. It was ... Hongmeng!

As soon as he thought about this, Yun Zhongzi was shocked, and Wei Wei was deeply in awe.

Xiao Chen waved his hand and said, "This seat said that you deserve the reward, no need to thank you. Just one thing this seat needs to say. Although this move has made you soar, it is not without its flaws. After you retreat, Absorbing all the power in the body can reach the virtual world, but in your life, you can only stop at the limit of cultivation. "Physical promotion creates monks. Such an anti-day move is naturally limited!

"If there is no predecessor's shot, the junior will definitely die. And the junior knows that the qualifications are blunt and no predecessor's shot, I am afraid that it is difficult to break through the bottleneck in life. It is fortunate that this life can reach today's state.

"You know that, then it can't be better. This seat has to talk to Yuanshan alone for a while, and the rest will be left to you to deal with, so as not to cause people to disturb the two of them."

"Follow the elder order!"

Xiao Chen said: "Yuanshan, you follow me." As the words fell, he turned to the apse.

Li Yuanshan followed quickly.

Yun Zhongzi looked at his back, and suddenly a little worried appeared in his eyes. Now he has determined that the events of that year must be related to his predecessor Xiao Chen, and he can also guess what he will say to Yuanshan.

I just hope that Yuanshan can figure it out, because it will irritate senior Chen Xiao and let some of the great opportunities disappear in front of him.


[It ’s too late to write, but fortunately there are more words, sorry for all of you. Goodnight everybody. 】

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