Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1010: Carmine

Corning Palace, beaming. <[? 八 {{一 中文 网 (<[

The attendant and the maid of the palace had joy that could not be masked. His Majesty broke through Hongmeng, and Xuanfei's concubine Jin Concubine was already the most respected person in the Great Harem. As long as the dragon is bred in the future, you can get the Queen's position, the mother of the world! Slaves with the Lord, the higher the status of the master and son, the people below naturally rise with the chickens and dogs, how do they not like it!

After Xuan Zhi's attendance and rewards left, the people in the palace fell to the knees at the same time, and said, "Congratulations to the queen mother and concubine, honored and honored, the first person in my harem!"

On the throne of luxury, sincerely holding the court palace, decorated with jewellery, wearing a phoenix pattern robe, calm manner, self-evident. But at this moment, she didn't have much joy, she waved slightly and said, "Reward."

The woman next to her wore a violet dress and stayed in the palace all year round. She gradually became contaminated with a certain degree of family style. Now her face is slightly stretched and more stringent. "Emperor Concubine, you can come by yourself. Treasury withdrawals. Today, my mother-in-law is overworked. You must wait first to stop the mother-in-law from resting. "

"Thank you aunt." The people in the palace were not amazed by the spoils and humiliations of their masters for many years, so they wouldn't be surprised. After saluting, they turned out of the hall and didn't mention their rewards.

When everyone retreats, only Cheng Cheng and the woman are left.

"Aunt Yun, when I first entered the harem, I was fortunate to be jealous. You have to make such a harsh look to frighten the slaves in the palace. Now that I am an emperor and concubine, no one dares to secretly resort to secret means. , Just relax. "Chengcheng started, and there was a hint of warmth in his eyes when he looked at the woman. Over the years, she has been hiding her heart under a thick coat. Only when facing the only person close to her, will this coat be opened slightly.

The woman's face slackened, and she heard the words: "Now the mother is now a royal concubine, and her words and deeds must attract countless lights in the harem and even the former dynasty. The more so, the more mistakes you can make, the more careful you must be .It's just today, the mother doesn't seem to be happy. "

"His Majesty made a breakthrough and the National Games rose sharply. How can he continue to be patient with his temper, fearing that he will have to attack Dongyan soon. If I can, I would rather not have this imperial concubine, only hope that I can get some time for the Grand Duke. . Now everything is not what I want, even if the emperor and concubine are respected, there is no meaning to me. "Chengcheng slowly shook his head and calculated the time for a while, saying:" Let ’s just let it go. get medicine."

The woman's complexion changed slightly, and she never returned to take medicine as usual, and remained silent for a long time. She said, "Madam, your majesty has made a decree. When you give birth to a dragon, you will become a prince, and you can also become the queen. Couldn't you consider having a child for your Majesty? "

"Aunt Yun, I know that you are committed to me, but there are some things you should know. When Her Majesty sent the Grand Duke to the Sin Sin Realm, my heart was dead, and a body shell was left just to wait for the Grand Duke to return. Or avenge him after despair, and then go underground to find him. "

"But Guogong has nothing to do now, and is more expensive as the owner of Dongyan. Why can't the mother-in-law still let go of the old thing?"

"Guo Gong is indeed dead, but I'm in the harem, but I don't know anything about it. Aunt Yun, you have made drastic actions to prevent me from knowing that you must not mention it in front of me, but in my capacity, if I want to I know, how can you stop it. Your Majesty has tried to kill the Guogong several times. Dayyan and Dongyan are already so powerful that they cannot coexist in the world. And I always know that Guogong is the dragon-like man in this world. When there will really be a battle, Da Yan will lose! At that time, is it necessary for the father-in-law to kill my child with severe heart and cut off the roots, or for him to bear the hatred of the country and destroy his family? Yan? In this way, how can I extend the offspring for him and let my baby be born in the world, then I have to bear this countless sufferings. "Chengcheng slowly opened his eyes, looked at the woman calmly, no more words, but determined shift.

The female population sighed, turned and entered the apse, and took a colorless, tasteless pill.

With sincerity, her brows suddenly frowned slightly, revealing a touch of pain. If you want to conceal the Emperor Yan, conceal the Tai Hospital, conceal everyone in the imperial palace, and secretly keep yourself pregnant, you will naturally have some hardships. After a long time, her face was slightly white, and a tiny layer of sweat beads came from her forehead. She said, "Aunt Yun, help me to rest on the couch."

The woman opened her eyes with sorrow, sighed secretly, and hurriedly held her back to the apse.


The light stood in front of the window, looking up at Yunxiao, his brows frowned, and a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

"I have seen in this seat in the early years that the Emperor Yan had the luck to complete her luck, and there will be a sky flying in the future. I never wanted to come so soon. I do n’t know if Xiao Chen is ready to meet this time. Coming storms. "

He was slightly low, exhaling slowly after half a ring, his face gradually calmed down, his eyes turned firm.

The final period of stability of Daqian has already reached the end. Even if the Emperor Yan has not broken through, the period when the war will break out is not far off. That being the case, it is no different if you come early and come later! At the critical moment, he will naturally step out of Hongmeng, join Dongyan, help Xiao Chen to help, and repay Zhongyan's blood revenge in the same vein!

Since there is a battle, let's fight it!


The Emperor Yan broke through and saw the Hongmengmen Path, which caused the growth of the Dayan National Games. The atmosphere of the Great Thousand Realms suddenly reached the extremes of subtlety, like a tight silk, with a little force, it would completely break.

In the following months, military movements within Dayan were frequent. Except for the presence of heavy troops at the border with Dawei, the big camp at the junction of Dayan to the south and Daqi, and the east camp to the wild starry junction were all born One third of the military strength was drawn. In addition to retaining the basic emergency forces, the rest of the star army in the territory gathered to the northeast border.

Such a majestic move, even if Dayan strictly blocked the blockade, he never thought of concealing the elite spies of various countries, and the news suddenly fluttered like snowflakes to the monarch royal cases. The purpose of simple military maneuvers today is obvious.

Dayan is interested in Dongyan country!

In terms of the relationship between the two countries, this is not unexpected. But at this time, the situation has changed again.

Da Wei suddenly assembled a heavy army, approaching the border of Dongyan, Jian Feng emerged from the scabbard!

For a time, the winds of the Daqian Realm trembled, and a battle between the Three Kingdoms was already on the string!


East Yan Emperor Capital.

Xiao Chengao sat on the ninth emperor's throne and heard the report of His Royal Highness. Everyone looked dignified, and there was no lack of worry in his expression.

Dongyan is weaker than the other eight countries. It may not be able to counteract the attack of Dayan. Besides, Dawei suddenly shot and wants to join the war! If the two countries join forces, Dong Yan will inevitably fall into an extremely dangerous situation!

"Now that the heavy armies of Dayan and Dawei are assembled, in accordance with this degree, all preparations can be completed within half a year, and it will be a hard fight, please also make your majesty respond early!"

Xiao Chen glanced down the hall with majesty and slowly said: "The battle for the big fight is inevitable, and now it is about to burst. Dayan and Dawei accompanied our border with East Yan. The situation is dangerous, but the emperor is absolutely the same. Fear! Although Dong Yan is weak in the nine empires, they are by no means easy to handle! The emperor vowed today to co-exist with my East Yan and one country! I also ask Zhu Qing to help the emperor survive the difficulties! "

"The minister will swear allegiance to His Majesty!"

"Order, the barbaric Star Forces are all transferred back to China!"

"The order, the dark parts of the evil rallied, and headed for the Dawei border!"

"Order, order the ancestors, Zhang Liangdong, Fan Lin to lead the army to the Dayan border!"

"Order, the national division commander-in-chief of the army, take control of the national army, and fight with the two countries!"


All intentions were sent out of the imperial palace, and quickly passed to His Majesty's Starfield. The entire army suddenly moved like a precision machine, gathered from all directions, and set off for the frontier battlefield!

Above the imperial capital, Dongyan National Games suddenly boiled, and the golden dragon in the Golden Pillar of National Games roared to the sky, his eyes turned towards Dayan and Wei, and the chill was soaring!

After the meeting, Xiao Chen changed into a uniform, sitting face-to-face on the desk solemnly, and said, "Once the war begins, the light will immediately enter the realm of Hongmeng and renounce Dayan and smash his country's fortune. The Emperor will work with him to stop Dayan Sister Wei Hongmeng, do n’t let them have the opportunity to strike at me. I will give you everything you can to command the army.

Quan nodded sternly and walked away without a word. After returning to the army, he did not go to the army's large account, but after passing through several rigorous defenses alone, he entered a army's account of the army.

The space law matrix is ​​set up in the account. It seems to be invisible, but it is hundreds of acres in size. Various herbs are planted on the ground and mixed into a unique flavor.

There was no pause at the foot of Quan, and he took a few steps. The figure had already appeared outside a courtyard, and said lightly, "Is this seat what you have prepared is completed?"

The gate of the courtyard opened quickly, and the two women stepped out of it, respectfully saying, "See Lord Guoshi." These two were actually the Xiaohua and Biqing sisters who had met Xiao Chen in the Sinister Realm.

The two of them returned to the Great Thousand Realms together with the hidden part of the evil. Xiao Chen had ordered people to find where they were fruitless, but they did not know when their sister was brought here by Quan. Xiaohua's pure white long dress is already in ruins for her breath, and her progress is amazing. At this moment, she is slightly low and respectful. Bi Qingxiu is at the top of his creation, but only looks at Xiangquan's eyes, faintly showing the color of fear.

"Returning to the State Teacher, the medicine has been refined, but I do n’t know if it meets the requirements of the State Teacher. I also ask the National Academy of Adults to identify it."

Izumi took it and opened it. In the jade box was a layer of pink translucent cream with a faint fragrance. He sniffed slightly, his face changed slightly, and he held his jade box directly with his breath, then closed his eyes. After a while, he spit out a stale gas, and the pink color was faintly visible. Opening his eyes, he looked at Xiaohua and couldn't help showing his admiration. "This seat only provides similar medicinal raw materials. You can successfully formulate this carmine. Although the efficacy is slightly worse, it is enough. .Do not hesitate to take this shot to help you make a breakthrough. "

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