Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1019: Elder Xitong

Dongyan's Lord Shengyan introduced Dayan, and the countless monks who were angry about Dongyan's Lord who wanted to annex Dayan suddenly suddenly became silent at this moment. [<{? <W] W). } 8] 1] Z] W). ] C) In this war, the nature of the war has gradually become a struggle for power between the Dayan sects, and Zuo Yan's pulse has taken the side of Dayi. In this case, another rumor quietly rose. Zhongyan's incompetence caused Taiyan's state to wither. If he wanted to preserve Dayan and not become the slave of the dead country, he could only return to the master of Dongyan and merge the two countries. Only in this way can we have a few chances to win in the world war.

In the face of this rhetoric, the vast majority of the subjects of the Great Yan remain silent. For them, since they are also the blood of the Great Yan Clan, it is no different who inherits the throne, and who can shelter them from damage is naturally the best. Compared with the current impotent inferiority of the Yan Royal Family, the Lord of the East Yan entered the heart of the Great Wei, forcing Wei to withdraw from the Great Yan, scaring Qi from annexing his tusks, and it will undoubtedly look bright and numerous. The emotions in their hearts began to change unknowingly. The prospect of "merging the two swallows" proposed by the Lord of East Yan gradually ceased to be repelled and angry. Instead, they felt a little joy and expectation.


A mysterious guest came from Dongyan Emperor's Palace, and a black robe covered the figure, but the stance of walking and the rounded curve of the black robe turned accidentally, it is not difficult to guess that she is a woman.

The attendant led to the secret hall and gave a deep gift, "Master, Your Majesty is here, please." Yan Ba ​​turned and respectfully retreated. The imperial palace was forbidden here, and he did not dare to stop for a bit.

The black robe guest nodded slightly and pushed the door in front of him to open the temple door by herself. She stepped into it, but it was rare and neat, without too much care and estimation.

The eyes of the three in the hall came together.

The light coughed, and he stood up and arched his hands. "Elder Xitong, I haven't seen him for a long time."

The black robe guest gave a slight meal, and a pair of white and delicate palms extended out of the wide robe sleeves, and the hood was dropped to reveal a beautiful face.

The face of a 17-year-old girl, the charming of a 25-year-old young woman, and the grace of a 33-34 woman. Three completely different temperaments appeared on her at the same time, but they did not look weird, but they blended together perfectly, which added a little female-specific charm to her. At this moment, when I heard the words and looked at the light, the corners of my mouth were slightly raised, revealing an unabashed mockery, "Since you went to my right Yan's vein to repair the stars in the Holy Land, you will not dare to take half a step. If you count then It ’s really been a long time since you and I! ”

There was a hint of embarrassment on Guangzhao's face, afraid she would say more, and hurriedly said: "This deity introduces you, the seat is my patriarch Zuo Yan, and the owner of Dong Yan Xiao Chen [exactly should be renamed Yan Chen, but Xiao The clan is a branch of Zuo Yan's blood, which will not be revised in the text, so that you will not get used to it when reading. "

"This is my Dongyan teacher, Quan."

After introducing them separately, he continued: "Xiao Chen and Quan, this is the contemporary elder of the Great Yan Clan Right You Yan, Xitong."

Xiao Chen swept slightly on the beautiful Elder Right Youyan and Zhao Guang, and he did not show a slight difference in color. He got up and arched his hands and laughed: "Recently, the news of the Central State of Yan has been spreading, revealing the true nature of Zhongyan, and it is a big deal for the merger of the two swallows. The Emperor would like to thank Elder Xitong for his help. "

Quan just glanced up and nodded slightly as a greeting, and drank tea without saying a word. Although the breath in his body had recovered, his face was still pale, his temperament was cold, and his beauty became more and more confused.

Elder Xitong didn't mind it either, she said a little politely, and said, "Zhongyan took the imperial power. In order to control the monks and secretly suppress other monks in the imperial clan, they have caused complaints in the interior of the imperial chamber because no one can shake the status of Yan Zhenzi. On the surface, there has been peace. Zuo Yan's rise in the same vein now reveals the mean behavior of Yan in the past, and this one should help himself, which is also helping himself. "

"The elder Xitong righteousness, if the emperor succeeds in taking over the big swallow, he will certainly keep his promise and never secretly oppress you with right swallows." Xiao Chen said quietly, stretched out his hand, and said falsely, "Elder, please sit down."

Xitong responded and sat down in the light.

Chuan suddenly said: "Dongyan rises, domestic news is full of enthusiasm, Yan Zhenzi must suspect that someone secretly contributes to the situation, the elder Xitong's identity may be kept secret?"

"Guo Shi rest assured that this seat has not had much contact with the elders of the light. Since then, it has never seen each other again. Even if Yan Zhenzi has doubts, he will never come up with any evidence. As for Dong Yan, everything in this seat has been Properly arranged, it will not be exposed. "Xitong Road.

"That's all right, the right Yan Yan, which the elder represents, will play a great role in the later things, and there must be no accidents." Quan nodded slowly, "Dare to ask Elder Xitong, now the situation, Yan Zhenzi What do you want to do? "

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed.

Xitong didn't hesitate. Since she came to Dongyan, she has made a decision in her heart and said directly: "Yanmako has opened the Great Yan Holy Land, and gathered the strong Yan one to gather together in Jidu City, and set up a large support. The new Yan Emperor controls the Dayan National Games. On the Jidu Cultivation Star, the Emperor Yan will have the power to compete against Hongmeng temporarily. Combining the two men's combat power to stay at the Jidu, if the Lord of the East Yan wants to rob Dayan the right to rule, Yan Mako will never stop! "

The face of light suddenly became extremely ugly, and said in a cold voice: "Sheng Yanzi behaves like this, I am afraid that I have made up my mind, and I would rather burn the jade and burn it than fight with it! If you really kill, the thistle will be destroyed, and billions of monks will undoubtedly destroy it. To die in it, the Dayan National Games can't escape the heavy damage! This way, it will definitely shake Dayan's foundation. Even if Xiao Chen takes over smoothly, the National Games will be extremely difficult to recover. "

Xiao Chen murmured and said suddenly after a while, "Since the emperor wants to take over the big swallow, what can I do if Yan Zhenzi blocks? With him, there is no such qualification! Now is the best time to merge the two swallows. Hesitation! The Emperor has decided that he will soon leave for Dayan to complete this matter! "

"When the situation continues to be affected by chaos, there is no better way to solve the situation than the chaos, and I agree." Quan said lightly.

The light frowned and finally nodded slowly.

As Xiao Chen said, the opportunity is no longer here, no matter what, we must take over this time!

Elder Xitong heard the words, and there was a hint of hesitation in the depths of her eyes, but she was slightly worried, but in the end, she didn't say much. Although she didn't want Dayyan to be damaged, the situation now can only be so. Just thinking that thistle is going to be ruined, there will still be some gloom in her mind.

Xiao Chen arched hand, "Elder Xitong is also asked to forgive me."

"The decision made by the Lord of Dongyan is correct, and I have no objection to this seat. But before that, I ’m a monk in the vein of Yan, who will try to undermine the powerful Yan Zhong to help trust the Emperor Yan to control the Dayan National Games. If it succeeds, He also asked the Lord of Dongyan to keep thistle as much as possible. "

"Okay! The Emperor promised that if Youyan could break the Jidu Zhongyan's array, she would do her best to keep the Jixingxingxing star from being attacked!" Xiao Chen waved her sleeves, and a golden light flowed in her palm, faintly visible One of them is the exquisite and complicated rune phantom, and a strong breath fluctuation came from it. "This is the third inheritance of the Ares Palace, which is the thing that the emperor promised before, and also asked the elder Xitong to collect it. under."

Legacy of Ares Shrine!

Xi Tong's eyes were instantly bright, and two brilliant shots were shot. At this moment, even with her state of mind, her heart couldn't help beating vigorously. For her monk who walked three steps like this and was trapped in endless years, being able to get the inheritance of Taoist respect means paving the way to Hongmeng! In other words, as long as she gets this thing, refining and integrating into the body, within hundreds of years, she can successfully break through Hongmeng and become the pinnacle of existence in this world!

How can she be calm in the face of such temptations!

There was a touch of light in Guangguang's eyes. He knew that Xiao Chen would simply take out Dao Zun's inheritance in this way. Most of it was for his sake. Because he trusted him, he trusted the Xitong he had found. But that's why he has to be more cautious.

"Xitong, the deity has previously agreed with you that before you can inherit the Taoist deities, you need to make a great wish of Hongmeng and loyal to the Lord of Dongyan. You must not have the slightest idea of ​​rebellion, otherwise you will not be able to enter Hongmeng in your life!"

The elder Xitong took a deep breath, and his face gradually returned to peace. At this moment, when he heard the words, he glanced at him and laughed, "You called me to Dongyan, and I came directly. I never thought you would hurt me. Maybe you also worry that I will make you fail. Since I promised to cooperate, this seat will naturally take on its own responsibilities, not like some people, who will only flinch before the event, and will not take the slightest attitude! "

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