Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1026: clarify

Tian Qijun and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace have appeared one after another. In the eight empires, monk Hongmeng has arrived. Eight W]. ] 81ZW. Com

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly swept over the four, saying: "Since you are here, presumably the remaining Taoists should also be here, so don't continue to hide, please show up."


The large space in the star field suddenly collapsed, and Xiong Di stepped from it. The burlap robe screamed in a powerful atmosphere.

A luxurious frame travels directly from the void. The thing that pulls the car is the first triangle, a snowy white beast, and a blue bell ringing under the canopy. One of them is faintly visible. I've met the Lord of Dongyan. "The warm voice came out, and it seemed to be able to directly eliminate the fierce gas in people's hearts, and couldn't help feeling very kind.

Not far from the frame, a man in a black robe holding a bamboo roll stepped out, his face was cold and indifferent.

Deep in the stars, a slender man stepped forward and stopped there, coldly: "Da Zhao Zhao Tuotian."

Qi Chuyan, Han Zhao, Wei, Qin and Tang, the Eight Kingdoms and Hongmeng gathered here! If you count Xiao Chen, Monk Hongmeng here has as many as nine people, which is already the peak strength of more than half of the thousands!

Emperor Xiong's eyes are as sharp as a knife, falling directly on Xiao Chen, and he said coldly: "If you let the deity appear, the deity will appear, but I don't know if this time the War God Temple will help you."

Xiao Chen's expression was calm. At the moment, he had anticipated that he would not be shocked or frightened. At this moment, he said lightly: "The emperor is here as the master of Dong Yan, who wants to deprive Zhong Yan of his position and control Dayan. In this case, the War God Palace abides by the ancient contract and naturally will not intervene. "

Xiong Di sneered, "Since the War God Palace will not intervene, what confidence do you have, dare to face the deity and others."

"If the deity has any confidence, if Emperor Xiong really wants to know, he can wait and try, but before that, the emperor will have to clarify the matter." Xiao Chen glanced faintly, "All the friends here join in today The matter should be influenced by the news from Dawei and bluntly that the Lord of the Immortal left a sealed book to the treasure in the hands of this seat. The emperor will explain this. This matter is purely fabricated by Dawei and cannot be trusted. "

Wei Yuantian snorted coldly, "If I'm not sure, my Dawei will speak easily. Xiao Chen, the booklet will be in your hands. You must stop quibbling about it!"

"Is there evidence?"

When Yan Zhenzi saw Xiao Chen's face look indifferent, she jumped a little in her heart at the moment, and gave out a bad feeling.

The eyes of the surrounding people came together at this moment.

"The deity knows that you will not easily admit it." Wei Yuantian showed sneer, "Fortunately, my Da Wei has mastered the means, only one test will be needed."

In other words, there was a flash of aura in his hand, and a transparent round ball appeared directly in his hand. "This object is called the Immortal Pearl. It is an ancient fairyland that finds treasures. Anything that touches the breath of the immortal realm will have a sense of it. . The sealed book is the main relic of the immortal realm. There must be a relic of the immortal realm. Can you dare to try it? "Afterwards, the old man's face was covered with sneer.

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "Why dare not." He reached out a move, and Yuan Shen felt that there was nothing wrong with this thing, so he reached out and took it directly in his hand.

The next moment, the fairy Yuanzhu in his hand suddenly lit up, exuding a glorious glory.

"Xiao Chen, what else can you say! Immortal beads are in your hands, no matter where you hide the booklet treasure, you can't escape the induction! The booklet treasure is in your hands!" Wei Yuantian growled, eyes Hot.

The surrounding people suddenly became dignified, and a greed grew in their hearts.

The Lord of the Immortal World left the sealed treasure, which is the treasure given to the true spirit world. If you put it into your hands, you may find the secret to promote the true spirit! This temptation, to Monk Hongmeng, is almost irresistible!

Yan Zhenzi was ecstatic. He looked coldly at Xiao Chen. Now that the evidence is in front, no matter how you quibble, it is useless! Xiao Chen, if you want to annex Dayan, you have to see how to get through the level!

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, as if he hadn't expected such a situation. After a few breaths, he showed a stunned look, waving his sleeves, and a Jinjia Xianwei appeared directly beside him, respectfully saluting, and said, "See the master."

Jin Jiaxianwei left, and the celestial celestial aura in his hand disappeared and became dim.

"It is indeed a fairy yuan bead, and it is really magical, even the Jin Jiaxian Wei hidden in the crown ring of this emperor can sense it." He said lightly, looking up at the people in front of him, saying: "I don't know if this can be proved, sealed The book of treasure is not in the hands of the emperor. "

Wei Yuantian was sinking in water, but facing the scene in front of him, he had nothing to say. Xian Yuanzhu is his great Wei. He naturally knows its effectiveness. Since there is no response, it shows that Xiao Chen has no substance contaminated by the immortal realm.

In other words, the sealed treasure is really not in his hands.

Old monsters such as Xiongdi and Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace also became silent.

Yan Zhenzi's face was stiff, and things changed unexpectedly. At this moment, he suddenly yelled, "No! The sealed treasure is bound to be in Xiao Chen's hands, and all the Taoists will not be deceived by him. If he has no sealed treasure How can you cultivate to such an extent in hundreds of years? Even if you do n’t enter Hongmeng, you have the power to compete with Hongmeng! Even if the sealed book is really not in his hands, it must be transferred by him Yuanzhu test is not accurate! "

Xiao Chen said indifferently: "Since Yan Zhenzi knows that the emperor has not entered Hongmeng, but has the power to compete with Hongmeng, then the emperor has made Hongmeng a big wish. If the Lord of the Immortal Book is in my hands, the emperor will have difficulty entering Hongmeng is half a step. I don't know if this may make you believe. "

Yan Zhenzi kept silent, Xiao Chen had made a great wish, and such a heavy vow almost made the matter no longer questionable.

Xiong Di and others frowned slightly, but already believed in Xiao Chen's words, not only secretly relieved. Even if there is no news that the Lord of the Immortals sealed the treasure, they do not want such treasures to fall into the hands of others. It's not that these weird idiots can't think of Xiao Chen's passing the booklet to other people's hands, but they don't think about it at all. How precious the sealed book is, enough to attract monk Hongmeng to fight for it. If they get it, they will inevitably be in their hands, and where will they be handed over to others. After all, such a treasure can attract the hearts of any monk, and it is normal for the father and the son to turn against each other. It is precisely because they treat others by themselves that they miss this. Moreover, if Xiao Chen really had a sealed book, why would he go directly to Dayan and face the Hongmeng of other countries directly? The more he did so, the more open-minded and unsuspecting.

Xiao Chen looked at the faces of the people, and knew that the matter of sealing the treasure was passed, and he paused a bit, saying, "Since it has been proven that the news announced by Dawei was a rumor, I do n’t know if all the Taoists will take the shot and block Ben. Emperor. "

Yan Zhenzi jumped fiercely in her heart, and her eyes fell on Xiao Chen, wishing to swallow him alive.

Xiong Di frowned slightly, this weird low-concerned, after a few breaths I don't know what to think, but actually stepped back, and the figure directly disappeared into the space. This weird went away directly, no longer involved in today's affairs.

"Since the sealed book is not here, this deity also takes a step first." The hoarse voice of the Lord of the Nine Palaces came from the decaying coffin, and the coffin trembled directly to tear the space, leaving it to leave.

"Retreat." Tang Muzi never stepped out of the frame, the blue bell rang slightly, and he left just like when he came.

Korean Han Fei faced a cold gift, saying: "Farewell."

The four great nations, Hongmeng, retreated at this moment.

Yan Zhenzi's face was ugly. In his eyes, it was cloudy and cloudy. He suddenly lifted it after a short while and said fiercely, "Wei Yuantian, Tian Qijun, and Zhao Tuotian. If you three are willing to take the shot today, my big Yan is willing to offer five hundred true stars as compensation. ! "

Wei Yuantian said coldly: "The deal."

Tian Qijun said: "This matter is willing to help each other."

"Good!" Zhao Tuotian nodded faintly.

Dayan is adjacent to the Three Kingdoms. If it is annexed by Xiao Chen, a strong empire will be formed. After Dayan, the victims will be them! In this way, they will not stand idly by, even if the book is not sealed. What's more, this shot can get a lot of rewards. As for the Daqin, Dachu, Datang, and Korea Quartet Hongmeng retreating, naturally they also realized this. They do not embarrass Xiao Chen, does not mean that others will stop. In addition, it is unknown whether they really left or watched it in secret.

Yan Zhenzi's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, sternly: "Xiao Chen! If you want to swallow my big swallow, it depends on whether you have such qualifications!"

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