Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 172: The Origin of Killing

"Swallow! The king will eat you into your stomach bluntly, and then you will have everything you have!"

In sneer, the nine **** vines shot in an instant, and countless **** rattans slammed the sky. Bayi Middle School W). ] 8> 1? Z] W]. } COM At this moment, the **** rattan is full of thickness, but it is the true body of these nine **** vines, which contains the mighty nature of the mighty, and can easily hang the late monks of ordinary fits.


Xiao Chen exploded. At this moment, he was desperate, and there was no way back. All he could do was fight hard.

He was tough and fierce, and even if he had no place to die, his opponent would have to pay his due price. Today, even if he is not an opponent of Jiuyou Bloodvine, if Xiao Chen is really desperate, he will definitely let it fall a few teeth.

The demons of the demons and the avatars of the space step directly into the deity of the human race. In the current situation, Xiao Chen naturally wants to gather all his cultivation practices and explode into the strong combat power!


The fierce breath broke out of the body instantly, rising into the sky. When this breath exploded, Xiao Chen roared and screamed in his mouth, his body swelled madly, and within a few breaths he had transformed into a huge figure, and stepped on the earth's head. This variant is a fusion of the power of Xiao Chen's bloodline and the ability of the royal family's demon to be transformed into a demon body. The breath and combat power have reached the peak level. At this moment, countless blood vines are strangled, and Xiao Chen violently shot.

A punch blasted out and blasted thousands of blood vines forward, but the material was extremely tough. Although he retreated under this blow, he was not harmed in the slightest.

The punch fell back suddenly, stepped down with his knees raised back, and landed on the ground suddenly. He pressed the blood vine that was going to be sneaked out of the ground and forced to press it. The ground was violently violently writhing in all directions when the two battled. Shrouded in thousands of miles.

The sky was shattered, the ground was wailing, and cliffs suddenly appeared, and peaks of rushing sky collapsed instantly.

This battle is shaking!

The giant giants roared and roared, with or without thousands of thick and thin blood vines siege. At this moment, a scene like the ancient floods, the scene of the ancient gods and witches and the wild monsters in the wild fighting in the wild myth, is extremely horrifying.

This battle was changed to a late monk of ordinary fit, I am afraid that it has been bombed to slag.

Xiao Chen kept roaring and smashed the siege of blood vines with a violent shot, but instead of relaxing, he became more and more gloomy. Right now, he looks like Mighty Mighty has a lot of skill in blood vine strangulation, but he is truly at an absolute disadvantage. Once there is a slight mistake, he will be entangled by blood vine, and he will die.

Fight hard.

Nine **** vines sneered on the face. This Xiao Chen's strength was indeed called the Xeon in the human world, but it was not in front of it. Although the blood vine strangling is blocked at the moment, this monster is not in a hurry. His long life has allowed him to cultivate enough patience, otherwise he won't be able to bear it until today. This Xiao Chen can resist for a while, but is dying and struggling, and it will eventually become blood in his mouth.



Xiao Chen's mana is strong and his flesh body is even more powerful, but at the moment maintaining this powerful body is extremely powerful and terrifying to his own loss. After a while, the blood vine is still walking around like a poisonous python, and the timing is crazy Strangling was not exhausted, but he had gradually felt weak.

"So far, Xiao Chen has practiced, is it going to be ridiculed today?" A helpless intention was born from his heart, and then he was forcibly suppressed by his eyes.

If it is true that he will die, Xiao Chenning would rather explode his self-cultivation, but also pay for the price of Jiuyou Bloodvine, relying on the power of the three main sources of mines, fire, and space in his hands. If he explodes, the lethality will be extremely horrible.

"If I want Xiao Chen's life, don't worry about it!"

"Little blood, sacrificing the source of fire, detonating the power of the source, there is no retreat today, you and I have to fight to the end!"

Xiao Chen's heart was fierce and fierce, and his thoughts roared in the eyebrow space.

The little blood dragon's eyes showed Lusen's cold killing. At this moment, the 500-foot-sized body suddenly stretched out, a wild roar uttered in his mouth, and an extremely hot breath was scattered from its body, revealing a bit of destruction.

The origin of explosion is to understand the origin of the monk's desperate means of death. Once it explodes, it cannot be recognized by the origin again for life. There is no qualification for the advanced level of the road. If it is not necessary, no one is willing to take the shot.

The face of Jiuyou Bloody Vine shivered, and her heart jumped fiercely, "Explore the origin!"

"This monk is a decisive man. He can't get away in the first sight, but it's Ning Weiyu's desire to make me pay for it. But this source is so important to the king, how can I watch you blow yourself up."

"Kill the source, imprison the king!"

Although the monster roared madly in the heart, a sense of killing emanated from its body instantly. The immense sheer mass of killing intentions is like the cutting edge of a sword, appearing in this world seems to completely confine the whole world.

This intention to kill can kill people, kill lives, kill countless souls in the world, and even kill the heavens and earth, which is the source of killing in the world.

The power of the origin, the five roots of heaven and earth, have evolved thousands of heavenly origins, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements that have evolved and evolved to produce wind, thunder, ice, space, and other source types. The number is endless.

But beyond the origin of the Tao on this day, there are endless humane origins, which are based on the change of the monks' seven emotions and six desires. They are based on joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. They reproduce and change, giving birth to endless branches, such as love, hate, and affection. And hatred, among which the source of killing is among the sources of humanity.

There are countless roots in the world, and one of them can achieve the avenue.

These nine blood-blooded vines have the bloodlines of the blood-vine family of kings. They are placed here in the world of endless years, devouring endless souls, and create monstrous killings. The ignorance implies the truth of heavenly sentiment, and there is no need to touch the killing. origin. However, if the situation continues as before, this blood vine will not be able to achieve its origin even after ten thousand years, but this thing devours the blood and flesh and blood **** of the monk in the cultivation world where Xiao Chen was born. Supernatural powers imprisoned, resulting in self-intellect, and even professed to be the nine King of Blood Vine. This monster has endless years of hidden repairs, and the killing roots are quite high. At this moment, the explosion suddenly is enough to completely seal off Xiao Chen. Even if the three major sources of thunder, fire, and space are at hand, they will not be able to break free.

Above the void, there are scarlet spots of light within the countless blood vines, and Morin's horrific killing intentions are scattered from it, and he wants to tear and kill this world.

Xiao Chen's face changed wildly, and his eyes showed bitterness. The blood vine also had a source. If he didn't feel bad, this source of breath should be the source of killing in humanity. As a result of the killing, the rage was extremely powerful.

There are also strong and weak points among the strong in the source. This killing source is one of the most difficult sources of repair in humanity. Once obtained, it will naturally allow monks to skyrocket and make it easier to suppress the existence of their peers. Moreover, the endless years of the cultivation and killing of Nine You Bloody Vine, Xiao Chen, the mighty power, cannot resist.

At this moment, his figure was completely suppressed by the source of the killing. Wan Zhang's body stiffened back to the size of the body, and he could not move at all even if he was madly urged.

Xiao Chen is in an almost desperate situation right now!

"Casting the left eyebrow guard can only last a breath, but it allows me to have time to enter the left eyebrow dojo. Even though these nine **** vine kings are mighty, it is not a moment to break the left eyebrow dojo. .But once this is done, the left eyebrow dojo itself will be taken away by it, and it will be difficult for me to think of it again. "

"And this monster can't kill me. Under the anger, it will inevitably destroy the human world. Xiao Chen can only watch her relatives and friends die and die, but there is nothing she can do. If so, it is better to let go! Fight, if you ca n’t Breaking away is the end! "

Xiao Chen growled, this time there is no reservation, the breath of the three major sources burst out, superimposed together to resist the killing of the source to seal the town.

The blood of Jiuyou Xueteng occupies the flesh of the old man's body suddenly widened his eyes, showing ecstasy, "Haha, it really is the care of the heavens, but it is you who sent me monks from the Nether."

"Three origins are actually three origins, and among them there are such powerful mutation origins as thunder origin and space origin. As long as the king successfully swallows you, it will surely become the strongest existence in the world in the future."

"Dead, put your flesh and blood into your body and sacrifice everything for you!"

Nine You Xue Teng can no longer bear the eagerness of patience, since it has been a long time since its inception, it has never wanted to devour a soul like it does today. Now it has only one thought in its heart, which is to devour Xiao Chen!

"Three origins, three major avatars, no matter where they are hidden, they cannot escape."

"Separate me!"

Nine Youxue roars, the origin of the horrific killing is instantly depressed, and it is actually forced to push Xiao Chen's demon avatar and space avatar out of the body and appear above the void.

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