After a moment, the monk in black sighed and said slowly: "The old man has been penetrating hard all his life, how he has been reluctant to talk a little bit, and the matter that hasn't disappeared is because the one thing in his heart can't be put aside. Little friend, is it okay? "

Xiao Chen nodded, and Shen said, "Seniors, please tell me, no matter what, Xiao Chen will respond. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WW.81ZW.COM" Monk without a black robe shot Xiao Chen is dead, even if the black robe The monk said that the embarrassment was extremely dead, and he would not hesitate to respond.

Only for the sake of life, only life and death can return.

The monk in the black robe looked at Xiao Chen, seeing that his pure and sincere look did not seem to be false, and he felt more satisfied with it, thinking a little, thinking, "The old man could have won the battle, but he was counted and ended today."

"This entrustment with you does not want you to take revenge on my husband. I just hope that if I have a chance, I can ask her on your behalf. Have you ever really loved that person?"

The words fell, a ghostly figure formed out of thin air. It was a graceful woman with a proud and crowned world, with a slight wrinkle between her eyebrows, enough to cause the love of thousands of souls, and secretly hurt her.

Xiao Chen stayed a little, not for the beauty of this woman, but because he had seen this picture before.

Ji Family, when the blood seed was obtained in the funeral garden, someone once made a request to him, asking Xiao Chen to ask why in the future?

The two men were actually the same woman in front of them.

Xiao Chen came up with a certain idea, raised her silence for a moment, and whispered: "I don't know the name of her predecessor, can you tell me to let Xiao Chen remember, even if you really ask her in the future, you can tell her who asked for it."

The monk in black robe was silent, and opened his mouth a moment later, and said lightly, "Ji Changkong."

Xiao Chen felt a slight shock in his heart, glanced at the monk in a black robe, and did not ask deeply. At this moment, he gave a ritual, saying, "The younger generation took note. Farewell to the older generation. I hope there will be a period of goodbye in the future."

"Okay." The monk in black robe said lightly. "If this is done, come here to find me. The old man's control of the origin of gold can be given to you in return." For him, the origin of gold is far away. It is far less important to solve the confusion in happiness.

If he didn't want to die now, he would have given it to Xiao Chen, and he would have suffered much less.

Xiao Chen didn't quit. He can guess how much Ji Jikong is in the present situation, respectfully salute, turn around and take a step forward, the space breaks through and the space flows turbulently, the figure disappears into it and disappears. Only the black monk stands in the starry sky. within.

A moment later, a sigh emerged from the population, "Ji Changkong is already dead, half turned into a funeral bamboo and returned to the Ji family, and half into a dead corpse monster that is better to die now."

"The funeral bamboo has been released, and he broke a step that the old man I could not take. As for your question, the old man can answer, I do love West Princess, just as you always love long flowers."

"In the end, you can abandon the **** of identity memory and be together as a burial bamboo and a burial flower. Although only one day, the old man is still envious because I can never get these,"

"Xi Fei, now I just want to ask you a question, but have you ever really loved me,"

The sound gradually became low and eventually audible.


Ripples flickered in the constellation, and the monk stepped out of it.

The visitor is Xiao Chen.

Turned back and looked back, the darkness of the starry sky was dark, only the stars flickered. Thinking of this encounter, he was secretly fortunate in his heart. If the ancestors of the non-human ancestors were able to explode, I am afraid that he is dead now, and the beautiful spiritual planet in front of them will also fall into catastrophe.

Xiao Chen low, this true star has his beloved girl, his family of relatives, his enemies of life and death, but now he can't go back. It has been 183 years since leaving Moro ’s true world. Qing Mei does n’t know what the situation is. If she is harmed in the slightest, Xiao Chen will not be able to forgive herself.

"Qing Mei, Brother Xiao Chen will go back to find you soon, and you'll have to wait for me for a while." Said the nursery, the dark eyes rose up, and the cold chilled.

After looking for Qingmei, all the grievances must be liquidated together.

"I don't know if two old monsters have washed their heads, this seat is coming back."

As the words fell, the Yupao space avatar appeared instantly, Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and then entered the left eyebrow dojo. Rushing to Moro's true world through space turbulence, naturally, space is needed for the shot.

At the next moment, Xiao Chen, a jade robe, waved and chopped down, and the space split instantly. A thousand rifts appeared to lead to the turbulent flow of the space. The next step came, and the figure instantly disappeared into it.


Qing Mei looked at the dead leaves falling on the tree, silently calculating in her heart, and then sighed.

Brother Xiao Chen has been gone for 183 years and 15 months.

This period of time is much longer than her survival so far, and the pictures in many memories are gradually blurring, but only the back of the tall blue shirt stands upright and never fades.

Many people say that Brother Xiao Chen has been buried in a turbulent space, but Qing Mei will not believe it, so she insists not to cry or make trouble and practice hard.

Although the practice given by Lei Dao Tianzun is very weird, she was forced to help her in the first practice, but it is undeniable that this practice has been promoted extremely quickly, coupled with some peculiar medicines, which actually made her less than 2oo. In the middle of the year, the advanced Yuan infant period, even now has a hunch, and the breakthrough period is not far away.

"Efforts to cultivate, not to avenge Xiao Chen's elder brother, or at least to keep myself alive and wait for my brother to pick me up."

The little girl exhaled softly, flashing a firm color in her black and white eyes, and then turned back to the grotto and began to practice retreat. Only in this way can you not feel that time is passing too slowly.

As long as she doesn't try to escape in this valley, her actions will not be restricted at all, which is the only thing that is fortunate.

A thousand miles away from the valley here is a quagmire of Osawa. There is some kind of strange snake in this quagmire. The nature of thunder and lightning can attract the energy gathering of the land mines, and the surrounding clouds are flashing with electricity and lightning.

An isolated island standing in the mud of Dize, ten miles away, is the place where the Thunder Road Tianzun repairs. This is where he spent a lot of money to find, which is of great help to his practice of mines.

This weird is secretly closing his eyes in the secret room. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of thunder in his eyes, and he sank, "Daoyou came distracted, but have already found the Xiao Chen news?"

The voice fell, and an illusory figure appeared in front of it, and gradually solidified, it was the five-yuan Taoist of the Alchemy Association.

The old stranger shook his head when he heard the words, and his brows didn't feel tightly frowning. "Although I didn't find the whereabouts of Xiao Chen, the old man brought bad news." There was a little anxiety in his tone.

Lei Dao Tianzun lifted his eyes and sharpened his eyes. "Would a Taoist have something to say, but is it related to Xiao Chen?"

"Yes." Wuyuan Taoist nodded. "The previous day, the old man spent a lot of money to ask the Dao Yuanzong monster to perform his life-testing technique. He used the breath of Xiao Chen's refining Lingdan as a testament to testify him. But Gua The elephant did not show that Dao Yuanzong's old monster was directly bitten by each encounter, and he lost most of his life. "After that, the person's face became extremely ugly.

Lei Dao Tianzun's complexion changed slightly, and his pupils shrank inadvertently. "This Xiao Chen is really not dead. What secrets are hidden in his body, and using Fa Yuan Zi Xiu as a personal divination, he will encounter backfire."

Measuring the number of people in the Tao by the technique of secret hexagrams is to look into the heavens to predict the future mysterious magical powers. To perform it requires the monks to have a high level of cultivation and to have profound attainments in the heavens. The Yuanzong Fa Yuanzi Xiuwei is in the middle of the fit. Although the fighting skills are slightly weak, the method of testing the destiny is very clever. Even if the monk in the later part of the fit is safe, it can be harmless for a few years, but it will definitely not cause backlash. .

It should be noted that Tiandao counterattacks, and the power is extremely horrible. Even if this Falun Dafa survives by chance, this practice will probably be abandoned.

Wuyuan Taoist face was dignified and said lightly: "My husband came here specifically to tell the Taoist news about this, you and I know how Xiao Chen is against the sky, and it has disappeared for more than a hundred years now, and I don't know what kind of position it is."

"I need to be a bit more careful. In addition, my disciple has been harassing the Taoist for more than ten years, and now I should go back with me. I wonder where others are now?"

Lei Dao Tianzhuang's eyes flickered slightly, but his face was quite calm, saying: "Your grandson's enlightenment from the old man ’s looting spirit has progressed very quickly. But this supernatural power is only for me to be a monk, he thought I'm afraid it will take some time to take full control, and we are closing in. "

"But Wuyuan Daoyou rest assured that in another six months at most, he will be able to complete the pass, when the old man will let him go."

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