Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 203: Strong enemy to commit Xiao family crisis

There was a struggle on Lin Yuan's face, and Xiao Chen did not urge. [Eight? [A Novel Network ((W? W> W). 81ZW.COM

After a moment, he had a decision and respectfully said: "Master Hui, Master Lin, only to be able to achieve today's achievements. It should have served him, but the disciples were born in Sichang and Si, and family and friends are here. I really do n’t want to be separated from them. Moreover, the disciples have decided that they will open a sect and call the Xiao Clan Buddhism in the future.

The person's voice was sincere, and his words were clearly out of breath.

The side of Tian Shujiao was slightly stiff. At the moment Lin Yuan refused to hear it, and she was quietly relieved.

Xiao Chen heard the words secretly, and laughed, "It's just a matter of not thinking about the teacher. Since you want to stay, it won't make it difficult for you to be a teacher." Hundred treasures, as well as more than fifty top-level jade slips and many elixir from which he converged, were put into a storage bag together, "Under my door, the teacher has not taught you personally because of the difficult situation What means, now that you are going to preside, you will give away these treasures. "

"Although these things are not very useful for teachers, they are enough to help you leave the school and reward the disciples."

Having said that, Xiao Chenfu was thinking for a moment, and once again took out a thing, but it was a magic weapon retrieved from the storage bag of Lei Dao Tianzun, the main defense, but the attack power was also not to be underestimated. Yu Lingyi.

"This treasure is given to you at the same time.

Lin Yuan's eyes were red. At the moment, he didn't quit, kneeling directly on his knees, and took the gift.

King Jinlong, Beiguzi, King Qinghuang and others flashed their eyes, surprised that the six younger brothers had such a big handwriting. Although the reward was a treasure, it was not very useful to them, but it was precious enough to be ordinary. Bulk inventory is really no small matter.

"Four elder brothers, Xiao Chen left this time and returns to somehow. After that, my disciple would bother you to take care of them. Xiao Chen thanked him first."

"Lin Yuan, I have seen five uncles."

Naturally, Lin Yuan will not miss the opportunity. He approached the courtesy one by one, respectfully spoke to the master, and settled on the relationship.

The King of Dragons, Beiguzi and others naturally have treasures. Although not as powerful as Xiao Chen, it is no small feat. Although this Xiaobei Buddhism was not founded, it can be known from the current relationship that it will thrive in the future.

"Four elder brothers, Xiao Chen, don't leave it alone." After handling all the trivial matters, Xiao Chen had the urgency and wanted to return to the Xiao family, and then took back Ziyan and Yuewu as much as possible, but they were not sure if they were all right now.

One arm lightly chopped off, and a space crack appeared silently in front of the space, but the strange thing was that the power of the violent space was actually very docile, and no good point was revealed.

Xiao Chen grabbed the green eyebrows, and then led the King of Green Phoenix and King of Golden Horn into it. After a flash, the space crack disappeared.

"The disciples congratulate Master!" Lin Yuan pulled Tianshu down and bowed down, saluting.


In the vast sea, the calm and calm seas, with the breeze, the sun is bright, and there is a tranquil scene.

At this moment, a few hundred feet above the sea surface, a crack in space opened silently, followed by a flash of aura, four monks' figures flashed out, and it looked like a young monk in a green robe took a look A charming girl, standing on one side, is famous for a woman in a colorful Xiayi, who is graceful and luxurious, with a magnificent manner. After the three of them, a man with a golden single-horned head like a iron tower respectfully binds his hands, like a subordinate of a servant.

These four were naturally Xiao Chen and others from Moro's true world.

After he came out, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and suddenly a flame came out of the void, disappearing into him. This group of breath contains a little source of fire, which was originally left by Xiao Chen to sense the direction.

"Sister Five, here is the hometown of my younger brother. Spiritual power is a bit sparse compared to Moro's true world." Xiao Chen opened her mouth with a smile, watching Haitian as blue as wash, only feeling relieved.

The King of the Phoenix nodded slightly, but did not take it for granted: "Ancient saints have clouds, mountains are not high, water is not deep, and immortals are spirits. This side of the human world can walk out of such a shocking role as the six younger brothers, which is enough to make people dare not to be small. watch for."

Xiao Chen nodded, knowing that she opened her mouth just because of her own family, but didn't say much. "Five sisters should go home with me first, wait for proper resettlement, and then come back to calculate."

"Qing Mei, my parents have died. When I receive Ziyan and Yuewu, you and I will go to worship together."

Green Phoenix King and Little Girl both smiled and nodded.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes slightly, and the Yuanshen slightly sensed the position. Then his complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly opened his eyes, and said coldly, "Move my Xiao family, find death!"

The King of the Phoenix and King of the Golden Horns sensed such a change of breath from Xiao Chen. They could not help but jump hard, but did not dare to delay, and immediately followed Xiao Chen's tearing space and left.


Xiaocheng Xiao family.

On the evening, the meaning of prosperity and dignity of Zhao Guoxiu Zhen's holy place disappeared. Only repression and killing, the sky was dim, and the pressure of blackness was sulking.

Taking the Taoist people as the sacred place, three dedications, seven guardians, and many deacons stood behind them. At this moment, they felt the invisible pressure in the void and looked pale. The disparity in strength between them makes them unable to bear the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

On the opposite side, a full 2o monks looked dull, and their eyes flashed with scum. For two people, one of them was wearing a luxurious robe with a cold face, it was the old man of the Mu family, and the other was a white robe with eyes closed and a middle-aged monk.

"Daobao Taoist, the old man advised you not to get involved in the matter today, otherwise you will not retreat from your whole body."

"Xiao Chen ’s child killed my six elite monks. I waited to kill him and vented my anger, but this child has not appeared in 2oos now, I ’m afraid it has already died. In this case, this blood debt can only be repaid by the Xiao family. . "

"After today, the Xiao family will be completely erased from the cultivation world. If you dare to stop it, blame me for being ruthless!"

Mu blame the clutch, his heart is full of murder.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, in addition to the Ji family, the other five ethnic groups were able to slaughter the Xiao family to relieve their hatred, but coincided with the promotion of the Taobao Taoist people, and the six ethnic groups did not dare to persecute the delay. But the situation is different now, adults are going out of customs, and see who can shelter this Xiao family.

The people of Duobao Tao sank in their hearts. This time Mu Laoguai brought the spirits of the clan out of steam. Obviously, he was very energetic. I am afraid that things are a little troublesome. But even if he promised to help Xiaoshi take care of Xiao's family, how could he get away with it.

"Mu Daoyou, the Xiao family is weak, and can absolutely not threaten you and other beings. Why do you need to kill everything. The old man once promised Brother Xiao Chen to protect the Xiao family for him, and he will never step back."

"If Taoist friends really want to use strong, you and I have to do one match, but the fit monk fights, how the Taoist friends know the consequences, please think twice not to be too aggressive."

The Duobao Taoists were able to protect the Xiao family so far, which is why the five-family veterans were afraid of it, otherwise they would have joined hands to kill them.

Just before his voice fell, in front of Monk Mu, the monk in white robes opened his eyes suddenly and his eyes flashed sharply. "Mu Qingqing need not talk to this person. Since he doesn't know how to lift, this seat will capture him and erase it. Refine your thoughts into a palace guard. "

The monk in white robe spoke, his voice was rather cold, but that old man Mu really didn't say much, and respectfully saluted and didn't speak.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of Duobaodao people suddenly jumped fiercely, and their eyes fell on the middle-aged monk in the white robe. At that moment, there was a faint breath scattered out of the person, and the entire Xiaocheng was covered for three thousand miles. Inside, space suddenly freezes. The endless power to seal the town was born from the void, suppressing all creatures must not move, but only in their hearts.

"Self space!"

"Late monk of fit!"

The Duobao Taoist opened his mouth silently, the fear on his face could not be covered, and the moment of confusion in his heart was so horrified that when such a horrible existence appeared among the five clans.

"Huh! Now that you know your identity, you will understand why you are dead. But it was a junior monk in the early days of integration. I really thought that in this world, you could let your arrogance fail. Then the Xiao family will be cut off and rooted. "

The monk in the white robe reveals the corners of his mouth. At this moment, his hands are cleaved, and suddenly the sinister magical power turns into an empty phosphorous fire skull, and the monster leaps away with a smile.

Duo Tao Tao people cry out in my heart and die!

The monks of the Xiaojia Holy Land were even paler, and the elders who were too senior were not rivals, so they could not escape.

But at that moment, there was a low voice in the sky. "The monks in the later period of integration, dared to live wild in my Xiao family, I don't know whether to live or die!" With a wave of his sleeve, he was instantly dispelled by the phosphorous skull's scream of fear.

The monks such as Taoist Taoist, Xingtian, and Dexter suddenly lifted their eyes and looked at them with incredible colors in their eyes.

Xiao Chen, it really is him!

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