Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 205: Resentment ended 100,000 rush

Ji Laoguai heard his face change instantly, his body trembling with irritation, and there was an upset in his body, but he never shot. It was even older when he sighed for a long time. [? ([Eight {One small ([W?.? 8] 1? Z} W.COM

Hongmeng Palace and Huangji Family did not expect that they were hidden so deep. They unknowingly penetrated the tentacles into the remaining five clans, and even the Ji Family, who had always been closed, rarely walked outside.

If Ji Ruoshan's statement is true, Ji Laoguai really can't get started. Five of the six ancient clan have already become His Majesty's forces, but the Ji family's hard support, if I give them any more truth, I am afraid that He will commit crimes and uproot his Ji family.

For the sake of his family, this old Ji Ji dare not take action.

Ji Ruoshan was keenly aware of this, and he turned up and laughed at the moment. "Father, the three temple masters have already promised. If you are willing to take the initiative to lead the Ji family to surrender, you can become the Hakka Qing directly with the other four tribal monsters. Over tens of millions of people, but if you are stubborn and resolute, you will not escape the ending of the Ji Family. "

"Today, grandchildren put their words here, and asked their ancestors to make an early decision. If the ancestors have no other instructions, the grandchildren will take a step forward and welcome the grandparents in the Hongmeng Palace."

Anyway, Ji Ruoshan smiled, he wanted to turn away.

But at this moment, his body was stiff, and his eyes showed incredible color.

At the gate of the palace, a monk in a blue robe suddenly appeared, expressionless, dark eyes bright like stars, and radiated with cold light. At this moment, his eyes fell down, which contained immense power, which made Ji Ruoshan's body instantly stiff, and then Can't move a little bit.

Xiao Chen!

The monk Jijia in the hall knew everyone in front of him. He had already heard that this person was falling in the blood, but he never expected that he would suddenly appear today, and the pressure of explosion that broke out in his body made it impossible for all monks in Jijia. respite.

Fit Realm!

The old man Ji felt the atmosphere of Xiao Chen's body. At this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and then his heart became bitter. If there was no accident at first, it must be that Xiao Chen has been combined with the moon dance, so why is it today? But at this moment, it is said that these are late, everything is a foregone conclusion.

"Mr. Ji doesn't dare to kill you, I dare!"

Xiao Chen stepped forward, but it seemed that he was stepping on the chest of Ji Ruoshan, making this person spit out blood together within seven tricks, and his heart was terrified, but the "scratch" in his mouth was still unable to make a sound.

"If it weren't for you, Xiao Chen didn't have to endure the killing of many calculations, and was forced to travel far away for 2oo years to return, you **** it!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, Ji Ruoshan's body fell apart instantly, and Yuanshen was forcibly torn to pieces.

In the Ji Family Hall, no one dared to say anything to stop the monks from killing the Ji Family, even if the old man Ji was aware of Xiao Chen's breath at the moment, his heart was even more shocked. Although I don't know what Xiao Chenxiu is, he is definitely above him.

"Where is Ziyan Yuewu now?"

Xiao Chen stared directly at the old Ji, looking at the monk's appearance in the temple at this moment, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Ji Lao's face was dim, and he heard a bitter smile. "Xiao Chen Daoyou, my Ji family was incompetent and did not complete the entrustment of the Daoist. Only in the late Hongmeng Palace combination came the power to come. Power, now, and now Xiyue and Ziyan have been taken away, "

Xiao Chen's complexion became extremely ugly for a moment, sternly: "Where is the Hongmeng Palace?"

Ji Laogua tried to persuade Xiao Chen not to hit the stone with his eggs. Even if he had achieved a deep integration, he did not have the qualifications to sway with Hongmengong, and he could only lose his life in vain. However, seeing Xiao Chen's black eyes tumbling, Qi Laoguai suddenly felt inexplicably fierce, and the words of dissuasion were actually pressed back.

"Dongxuanzhou, Dead Sea."

Xiao Chen's eyes glanced coldly across the hall, and no one dared to evade him with all his eyes. "This time I watched Yue Yue and Ji's family help me to protect Ziyan for many years. The grudges between you and me were cancelled. In the future, Yuewu has nothing to do with Ji's family! "The voice still echoed in the hall, Xiao Chen tore the space with his backhand, and his body whistled into it.

"Dongxuanzhou!" Within the turbulence of the space, Xiao Chen looked extremely cold, thinking that Ziyan and Yuewu would be forcibly captured by others, but he had a murderous heart in his mind, but he could not write to the Ji family. It is impossible to say that the moon dance relationship is above the Starfield Big Six. If Ji Jichang shots, Xiao Chen would have been ridiculed.

The Ji family has a wife and his wife, and the Ji family has an ancestor with him. Xiao Chen can only do whatever he wants. He can only rush to Dongxuanzhou as soon as possible, and can rescue Ziyan and Yuewu halfway. The second daughter waited for him for many years, and Xiao Chen never allowed them to be harmed in the slightest.

In the chaotic space of space, there was a monk in the blue robe moving forward with anger, and his dark eyes killed the autumn.


Ten thousand miles above the sea, there was a group of monks driving the magic weapon. This treasure is in the shape of an octagon. It is about thirty feet in size after being excited. There is a faint aura of light shining on it to withstand high-altitude winds. On top of the treasure, a dozen monks sat cross-legged. It was a black robe monk, in his early forties, and closed his eyes slightly at the moment, manipulating the magic weapon. The rest of the monks sat and trapped two beautiful sleeping women.

These two women are Ziyan and Ji Yuewu, but although they are restrained, their rosy complexions are stable and they are obviously not harmed.

"The main preacher of the main hall, Ling Ji, asked me to wait for the Clan Xiao and the two women to go to the temple and open the altar to perform the curse." The monk in black robe frowned, and could not help frowning. Xiao Chen's current practice is to realize what kind of realm he can reach, so that he can make the master so jealous, even at the expense of the enemy, he must use anti-sky means to kill him. "

Huangji Danteng already knew all the relevant information about Xiao Chen from his clan. 2oo years ago, he did not fall to the mid-level peak level. No matter how talented he is against the sky, he could not be compared with him.

Although he didn't take it for granted, he didn't dare to disobey the order of the master. Fortunately, the trip was very smooth and the two women were captured back.

"Hey, the Ji family is a good boy. They did not kill themselves with a pebbled stone, but they will not return to the Hongmeng Palace. There will be only extinction in the future." Huang Ji Danteng sneered in his heart, thinking in his heart that he should be able to arrive in half an hour Dongxuanzhou.

But at this moment, a telephonic sounded directly in this weird ear through mystery, "Xiao Chen returned to strength against the sky, and has already killed the old quarter, I am afraid that I have ran to you, and go all out immediately This seat is approaching you to cope with it, and it will surely persist until I arrive. "The voice was cold and anxious.

Huangji Danteng's complexion suddenly changed, and his pupils contracted sharply. He was no stranger to this voice. It was the Lord of the Great Hall. Now Xiao Chen can kill the old quarter, and although this old man is ranked the third Lord of the Hall, Xiu Wei and Huang Ji Dan Yuan are only in Bozhong. In the meantime, Xiao Chen can kill his avatar, this old man is naturally not an enemy.

"This seat is one step ahead. You will wait for this to dissipate, and drive each other to go in all directions."

This weird voice fell, and the monk family monks on the octagonal magic weapon rose up to give salutes at the same time. Although unknown, they never dared to disobey the orders of the ancestors and turned and screamed and left.

After these monks walked away, Huangji Danteng took back the magic weapon, directly captured the two women, Ziyan and Jiyuewu, and took the next step to directly tear the space and disappeared. The next moment, the figure suddenly appeared out of a thousand miles.

In order to avoid hunting, the emperor Dandan first tried to confuse Xiao Chen's hunting direction. At this moment, he immediately cast a teleportation and went madly toward East Xuanzhou.

At the same time, in the dead sea that leads to the **** place, a vortex suddenly appeared silently, and then a figure of an old man in purple robe appeared, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with anxiety, and he ruptured and went straight. Huang Ji Danteng left.

"The owner named to capture this Ziyan and Jiyuewu. If he goes on a business trip, he will be punished!"

"Hurry up, I just hope that Xiao Chen can't catch up with the old third man. As long as the old man arrives, he won't want to take people away!"

Huang Jidan walked frantically.


In the cracks in the space, Xiao Chen suddenly stopped. Although he was turbulent across the space, a special induction suddenly filled his mind, making him surprised.

At this!

Although there is no reason, Xiao Chen will not doubt her own feelings, Zi Yan and Yue Wu must be outside.


With a punch, he smashed the space turbulently, and Xiao Chen's figure went directly into the outside world. It was just at the end of the line of sight that a monk in black robes captured the two shadows. The figure suddenly disappeared. Although he couldn't see it from a distance, Xiao Chen was slightly shaken, and her heart was sure.

"Where to go!" Roared, and he stepped down suddenly, his figure also blended into the void.

Huang Ji Danteng's face became "ugly". Although he didn't look back, the fierce breath that suddenly appeared behind him had made his heart beat like a drum.

Xiao Chen is definitely this person. I didn't expect him to catch up so quickly!

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