Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 209: Shocked the world

"Well! Who doesn't have long eyes dare to provoke our six brothers? I'm afraid it's impatient! It's so rare that we don't bully others. How can we have a big loss without getting back where we are?" Bayi Middle School

"Sixth brother, you can rest assured that no matter who it is, the elder brother will help you tear him up!"

The King of Dragons is furious. This peerless monster has always been overbearing and terrified. Even though Kitaniko has overwhelmed him, this monster relies on the mighty power of the physical body. Although it cannot be defeated, it is more than self-defense. It has always been that Defects will be reported to the Lord who will not suffer, and now hearing this, it is natural to be heart-burning.

The faces of the three men including Beiguzi also became extremely ugly. Although they did not speak, the cold eyes were enough to show their thoughts.

Xiao Chen originally wanted to introduce a few people into the temple and inform him of the incident, but at this moment, as long as he smiled and opened his mouth, he explained the resentment with the Six Clan and the terrorist power of Hongmeng Palace. "This is the cause and effect of this matter, unless the opponent is too strong, Xiao Chen will never bother you brothers. "

I heard that there are four main halls and other people in Hongmeng Palace. The King of Dragons and Beiguzi and others look slightly dignified, but at this moment when they heard Xiao Chen speak, they sneered together.

"Is it because of the situation to oppress others, and who has more hands than other families, can this King still be afraid of it. The sixth brother said that this is the only time I want to listen to this. Since I am waiting to become a brother, it is natural for me to take this action. Or else the Brothers Lai said. "

"My lord rushed back to Moro immediately, and ordered His Majesty Lang, and played with this Hongmeng Palace!" The peerless sneer sneered, then turned abruptly, but returned directly to Moro through the interstellar movement. Out of bounds.

Beiguzi's face was calm, and he said lightly at the moment, saying, "Sixth brother, the elder brother said this is a good thing, I will not say more. You just wait here, the old man will go back and go back." In other words, the alchemy association The master followed the King of Dragons.

Although Xiao Chen was calm on her face, she was excited at the moment. Originally, the six people were mixed to prevent each other from working together to break through the ancient town of Wangufeng in order to ascend to the spiritual realm, but through the matter of the Hongmeng Palace, Xiao Chen recognized the elder brothers from the bottom of his heart.

People treat me with sincerity, and I will give it back with sincerity.

An hour.

Xiao Chen, King Qinghuang, Xiguzi, Dongguzi and others were still standing in the trial ground. At the same time, their eyes flickered, and a secret road came. At the same time, the space inside the stars' beam of light above the interstellar array was distorted violently.

The dragon king appears first, and the person behind him is the fourth emperor of the monster family, the third mysterious boa concubine, and the fourth emperor penghuang. After these three monsters, there are eight monsters in the middle and above. Come out.

With the Emperor Xuanming Python and Xun Penghuang as the lead, the eight monsters took a step forward, respectfully bowed down and saluted, Shen said: "I will come here to listen to Lord Xiao Chen's mission, but I will never quit!"

The domineering atmosphere of the mixed demon clan exploded, and the black and black demon qi was born instantly, permeating the sun.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's reaction was not waiting, but there was another figure in the interstellar movement.

Kitaniko stepped forward first, and three others appeared immediately behind him. It was three mixed elders such as the Alchemist Association's Huoyuan Taoist, and then two alchemists of the Alchemist Association appeared later, and a whole ten mid-term monks and swords appeared. Xiandao and Jiuxiandao are among them.

"I'm here to listen to Lord Xiao Chen's orders, but I have no choice but to die!"

15 Terran monks growled and growled.

Fifteen human races, 1o strong demons, a total of 25 people bent down to salute at the same time, respectfully speaking, Lord Xiao Chen, the shock caused by unimaginable.

Duobao Taoists, Xing Tian and many monks from the Xiao family were completely at a loss of their minds at this moment. If they were not encouraged by the coercion of nothingness, they would never believe what they saw. Of the 23 fit monks, many of them even existed at the end of the fit, but at this moment they were very respectful in front of Xiao Chen.

The Taobao Taoist took a deep breath and finally understood why Xiao Chen could be so calm in the face of the Hongmeng Palace. He was not arrogant and overwhelmed, but he already had the powerful strength to counter it and even defeat it.

The five dragon kings, the king of blue phoenixes, the beiguzi, the xiguzi, and the east guzi looked at each other. At this moment, they took a step forward, and the surging majesty broke out of the body. If the spear pointed at the sky, they would break the sky.

"Sixth brother, since the Hongmeng Palace wants to bully others, I will let him know today. What is unknown? Today I will wait for you to dispatch and wait for me to make the Hongmeng Palace a fan!"

The King of Dragons laughed and started to kill himself.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and barely suppressed the turbulent mood in his heart, but the blood in his body turned madly like never before. He looked at the King of Dragons and Beiguzi in front of him, and his magnanimity rose from his heart.

These lineups are pointed by the blade, who can be blocked in the world!

"Troublesome Dao friends shot, Xiao Chen kept it in mind, and there will be a return in the future!" Xiao Chen said in a deep voice, with a sincere voice, and turned abruptly, hunting and hunting in the robe. The arrival of the friend was so shocking that he must have been noticed by the monk of Hongmeng Palace. Without delaying the fear of life and death, I would just kill Taishan with the momentum of the top and wipe it out from the realm of cultivation! "

"Follow the orders of Lord Xiao Chen!" The 25 celebrities and the two strong demons of the two races promised abruptly.

Xiao Chen waved his hand suddenly, "Come out!" The next moment, his foot stepped forward, and the aura of flashing light burst into the sky instantly.

The Hongmeng Palace was immortal one day, and Xiao Chen couldn't be at ease for one day. To prevent accidents, it would be best to erase it earlier.

next moment.

call out!

call out!

call out!

The dense crackling sounded instantly, five people including the Dragon King, the King of Green Phoenix, and Beiguzi, 25 strong people of the two races, followed by Xiao Chen and whistled away.

Until the sound of breaking air disappeared and the silhouette of Skyrim disappeared completely, countless monks in the entire Xiao family still failed to return to God, and they all fell into a complete shock.

The Lord, the Lord wants to destroy the Hongmeng Palace today, and this thought lingers in his heart, after shocking, it makes their whole body's blood suddenly boil violently!

"Squeak" the window opened, and the three beautiful women looked at the direction of their men's departure, their eyes were full of pride. They are not unwilling to send their own men, but they do not want to distract him before the war. When they return home in the future, they will surely smile.


Ji Family.

Ji Laogua suddenly awakened from the retreat, his eyes were shocked, and his eyes were shocked. The old strange foot stepped forward, and the figure directly tore the space where Ji's house was located into the outside world, sensing the sensation of breath coming from Zhao Guo's imagination, making him stiff and unable to produce a slight resistance in his heart.

"Zhao Guo, Xiao Family, Xiao Chen !!!"

Be able to figure out how huge the momentum, in addition to Xiao Chen, Ji old monster can no longer find a second person.

One, two, three, and a total of 31 breaths burst into the air, making Ji Laogua's body fingers tremble violently, and some difficulties swallowed a spit, trembling: "31 fit monks, repair for At least on the old man, this, this, how is this possible! "

Even if this person's state of mind is cultivated, it has completely collapsed after sensing the breath of 31 fit monks.

At this moment, when I sensed that this breath was rushing towards Dong Xuanzhou, Ji Laogua's heart was shocked again, and he lost his voice: "Xiao Chen, he actually took the initiative and wanted to destroy the Hongmeng Palace!" The evil spirit rolled and the killings raged enough to show Xiao Chen's thoughts.



Li Xiaoyi lifted, watching the moment when the aura of light flashed from above the sky, sensing one of the familiar atmosphere, the beautiful eyes flashed red, and whispered: "Brother Xiao Chen, wait for you to destroy your enemies, may come back to find I."

"Xiaoyi will always be waiting for you here, whether you choose me or not, but there is one thing you can't go wrong with." Li Xiaoyi raised her cheeks, watching the rush to go light, full of pride and pride "It turns out that my vision is very good. The man I see is really not something in the pool!"


Above the sea, two monks fight desperately to fight, this time has killed red eyes, only one thought is in the heart, that is to kill all the opponents.



The roar, the sound of fighting, and the sound of dying and tragic death are mixed together, and it is extremely tragic.

But at this moment, the distant sky burst into a breath, making the 5o surviving monks pale in an instant, without waiting for them to react, it was clearly sensed that a horrific murderous machine swept across the distant sky. Under this killing power, 5o and the human body were instantly stiff, and the mana in the body actually stopped working directly, and the body "slammed" and fell to the sea.

The next moment, in the stunned surviving monk, 31 ray of light across the sky, although thousands of feet away, but the strong breath still stirs the endless waves of the sea instantly.


Hanhai University 6, Huayuan City.

The ancestor of Xiangyun was pale, and felt the breath that screamed directly from the sea. In the middle of my heart, I hope that the other party should not come to his mysterious door, otherwise,

"No, absolutely not. If you start working on my Xuankongmen, why are you so powerful, I am afraid that any one of them can completely kill me." Thinking of this, the ancestor of Xiangyun was slightly relieved. .


The 31 breaths passed through Huayuan City in an instant, and the space was fragmented without causing death or injury.

At this moment, the ancestor of Xiangyun suddenly changed his face, his eyes were full of shock, just because these 31 breaths passed by the moment, one of them made him feel a little familiar.

"Can it be him,"

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