Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 6: Vast spirit world

Moru's face became extremely ugly for a moment, and his eyes were gloomy and looked at Xiao Chen. If the ancestor had said that the existence of Ye demonic city made him dare not to provoke monks at will, and strictly forbidden this person to have trouble, this Moru had already shot in front of him The monk in the black robe killed, although both were early monks of the fit, but his true cultivation was comparable to the mid-fit, and it was natural to kill the same level of existence. Bayi Chinese W] WW. 81ZW. Com

Looking cloudy and uncertain, Moru said coldly, and said, "This woman really likes it very much. If Daoyou is willing to let go, and if she is willing to offer 10,000 spirit stones, she is considered to have bought her from Daoyou. I do n’t know. How about friendship? "

"In addition, I would like to remind Daoyou that this teacher is working under the old ancestors of the bitter leaves, and this time he is accompanying the old ancestors to work in the Night Magic City. Daoyou is best to take a step back, so as not to cause trouble to his family."

This statement is a naked threat.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and his words flickered slightly when he heard the words: "Spirits and other things are not lacking in the lower hands, and they don't want to have trouble with Taoist friends. As long as Taoist friends let go and no longer persecute this woman, today's affairs will be revealed. Too. "

"As for the reputation of the dead leaf ancestors, I have never heard of it before, and I may disappoint Taoist friends."

"You, okay! Okay! Okay!" Moru looked grim, and took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and said in a cold voice: "Daoyou best hope that I will not see you in the future, otherwise," this person Although he didn't finish, it was enough to make him understand the thoughts in his heart, and he turned away in a sneer.

Xiao Chen frowned. It seems that the fierce and militant nature of the Yasha clan is indeed so, because it inexplicably provokes a deadly enemy. Although it has never been in the mind, it still makes people quite helpless. At this moment, without waiting for the Lingkou to thank him, Xiao Chen turned to go straight out, but there was a slight cold surge in her eyes.

It's best not to see yourself in the future, lest you have to waste food cooking. A junior monk in the early stage of integration, has not yet been qualified by Xiao Chen. As for the dead leaf ancestor, he will leave by teleportation at the latest tomorrow, and naturally there is no need to fear.

Out of Totem Pavilion, Xiao Chen disappeared into the crowd.


After half a day, Xiao Chen had already appeared in a certain inn in Ye Mo Cheng. He chose a good independent courtyard, naturally to avoid contact with the Yasha monks, so as not to expose his identity unconsciously.

Sitting cross-legged in the secret training room, Xiao Chenyang put a handful of bans on his hands, and Yuan Shen swept without exception. Then he nodded with satisfaction and took off the black robe. This thing was obtained from the thunder cave of Tianzun Cave, and his hidden form prevented the monks from exploring the gods, and it was a rare treasure.

The black robe was closed, and the light in his hand flashed a little. The jade Jane that was purchased immediately appeared on his hand. Xiao Chen penetrated into it, and he raised it slowly after half an hour, and did not frown slightly. .

According to this map record, the Yasha tribe ranks 57th in the spirit world and occupies a total area of ​​500 million yuan. It is bordered by the Tujia, Karst and Unicorn. Leaving, and then crossing the Unicorn Territory, Nightmare Territory, and Montenegro Giant's Territory to reach it. During this period, the road needs to be 100 million territories, which is much larger than the human world. Moving forward, if I want to reach the human race, I am afraid it will take thousands of years, and I do n’t know how many crises and dangers they will experience. Therefore, hurrying through the teleportation array is his only option.

The level of teleportation in the spirit world is naturally far from the human world. According to Xiao Chen's estimation, if everything goes well, I am afraid that he can enter the human realm within 5o years. According to the map, the Montenegro giant is a race of good race, so the distance is still smaller.

"Find the fastest and safest way of returning first, and secondly, safety first." Xiao Chen must carefully choose the route. This route requires passing through many dangerous places, and he will naturally avoid it, otherwise Getting stuck in it is even more troublesome.

Silent all night, until the next day the sky became bright, Xiao Chen pushed out the door, hurriedly went straight to the transfer square after checkout.

Now he has a plan in his mind. He first entered the Baosha City through the Night Magic City teleportation array, then teleported to Nanming City, 5oo miles away, and then traveled to the big city Zhentian City via the teleportation array. If everything goes well, he can be in 2o years. Leaving Yasha territory.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart was suddenly grinning, but the size of the spirit world was far beyond his imagination limit. He should be glad that the chaos of the ascension channel did not throw him into a farther corner of the spirit world, otherwise, even if he kept on his way through the teleportation array I do n’t know how long it will take to return to the human race.

Shaking his head secretly, Xiao Chen came to the teleportation square and waited for the teleportation to open after paying the spirit stone.

The time is about half an hour, and the 1ooo monks who need to start the teleportation are complete. Xiao Chen follows a group of monks from the Yasha tribe to the teleportation team.

But at this moment, there was a faint whisper, "Slow!" The sound had not yet fallen, and the mighty coercion came instantly, covering the entire teleportation square. The next moment, a gloomy old man appeared instantly, and behind him a monk of the Yasha tribe respectfully followed.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and then he lowered his head and stood among the monks of the Yasha clan without hiding any trace.

Cross the robber monk!

This gloomy old man has a strong and dense breath, and can raise his hands to bring Xiao Chen a touch of oppression. At least it is also a practice in the middle and later stages of the robbery, and even in the late period of the robbery. Such existence, even in the spirit world, already belongs to the absolute strong level.

Xiao Chen grieved secretly, only hope that this person left earlier, do not notice him, he was not sure at all whether the black robe on his body could prevent the gloomy old man from inquiring.

"I've seen my predecessors!" A number of monks of the Yasha clan gave salute, looking extremely awed.

The gloomy old man was expressionless, and said coldly, "The old man wants to go to Iron Stone City, and you wait for a while to teleport." time.

"Yes, sir." None of the yaksha monks dare to oppose the demand of the gloomy old man. Although the ethnic group is not allowed to kill by the same ethnic group, it is naturally another case if the majesty of the powerful is provoked.

Xiao Chen withdrew with everyone, trying not to make himself noticeable.


Suddenly a cold drink came, Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly changed, and the secret road made a terrible sound, suddenly lifted up, just to see that familiar face, that is the Yasha monk Moru, now full of smirk.

"Master, this monk in black robes was the one I mentioned to the rude monk yesterday. The disciple has already stated your identity, but instead of conceding, this person speaks not badly. He is also offensive to Master Master and must be Severe punishment! "

Before Xiao Chen responded, Na Moru had reached out to hold him, screamed loudly in his mouth, and instantly attracted countless eyes to look at Xiao Chen, while the surrounding monks were backing away, for fear of causing trouble.

The ancestor of the dead leaf became even more ugly in an instant. Today, he was in a bad mood when he started unfavorably. Now he suddenly chills when he hears his words. This person is also a well-known monk in the Yasha clan. In order to reach the later stage of the robbery, his supernatural powers are strong and ruthless, and no one who dares to offend can survive.

The old man snorted coldly. This person offended first, and in his capacity, he shot and killed the younger junior in front of him. He was not afraid that the people in the clan would be held accountable.

However, at the moment when his eyes fell, the bitter ancestor's face changed slightly, and then the expression of anger was revealed in his eyes, but at the next moment, there was a little joy, and eventually it turned cloudy and cloudy.

Xiao Chen watched this strange reaction tightly. At this moment, when he saw his discoloration, he didn't know his identity had been exposed, and he gritted his teeth in order to turn away and gallop away. However, he knew in the heart that in the Yasha clan giant, once he was exposed, he would die!

But even so, Xiao Chen will never go hand in hand.

"Huh! Junior, I don't know why you appear here, but if you want to survive, don't act rashly, otherwise no one can save you today!" Suddenly, a light drink came from my ear, but Xiao Chen knew The speaker must be the dead leaf ancestor of the Yasha tribe.

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, and the situation seemed different from his imagination. Since this person did not immediately reveal his identity, he would naturally not act lightly, and now bowed respectfully and said, "Senior Xiao Chen, I've seen my senior!"

Moru sneered, straight at the moment Xiao Chen was afraid of begging for mercy, and wanted to open his mouth, but was interrupted by the ancestor of the dead leaf, but he retreated carefully to the side and did not dare to continue talking.

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