Daomen Invasion

Chapter 998: :support

Life constructs: "Is it calculated?"

"Calculated." A staff member said: "Songguo Town, if the number of demons is less than one thousand, it will be able to hold it securely. If the number exceeds three thousand, there will be casualties immediately. All will die in battle. The prerequisite is that the devil's level is similar to the first attack. "

"After all, it is a town, not a castle based on dangerous terrain, Lord Duke."

"I know, depending on the devil's support, will it exceed three thousand."

The people in the meeting room began to disperse, and the life structure let everyone rest. Only Ulysses did not leave, accompanying the life structure.

About six hours later, outside the town of Songguo, more devil troops arrived.

However, Little Sun City had made an early warning and sent a fleet of six flying warships to support it. More than three thousand demons gathered on the ground were mostly killed by air blows.

After the flying warship had poured ammunition, it flew away.

On the ground, the devastated devil wanted to cry without tears. Why are humans in this world so difficult to deal with? In hell, war is cruel, but it is the collision of steel and steel, the strangulation of muscles and muscles, and the confrontation of magic and magic.

What's going on in this world? The flying equipment is capable of attacking from a distance of several miles, throwing weapons down at high altitudes. More than three thousand six hundred devils were bombed to death in their early twenties, leaving only fifteen.

Many of these fifteen hundred heads of the devil are also injured with varying degrees of severity.

The devil's resilience is strong, that is in hell, in this world, some injuries can't be cured within three or two months. Of course, this is also thanks to the Demon Clan. Most weapons of the Duke have a purification effect.

No matter if you are from Devil, Hell or Abyss, as long as it is an evil creature, the damage will definitely double.

Life Configuration closes the screen, and nine are released at the same time. He switched them all at once. Not only the town of Songguo, but also other small towns and villages were attacked by the devil.

Sure enough, the devil didn't come specifically for big cities. Originally, war is like this.

At the beginning, Xiahe conquered this land, starting with rural towns first, and finally attacking the enemy's large cities.

However, this time, because the invader was a devil, the original surrendered Zhesu army was swearing to resist. It is useless to surrender, it is said that the devil will also play with the soul. It's better to die than fighting. The magic of the Duke can make people's souls rest after death and won't be caught by the devil.

The spread of the devil is not fast, but even so, nearly 20 villages have been slaughtered by the devil.

Of these dozen villages, only one has received the reform of the Duke ’s leadership, but there is no garrison, and only a few militiamen do the work of communication and mailing.

Taking the technology gun, these ordinary villagers are still not the opponents of the devil.

However, all villages, after being captured, without exception, detonated the same bombs. Looking at the coordinates on the map, Ulysses was uncomfortable.

"At the beginning, in order to deal with the demons, Duke Zhesu and I also had exchanges, so there are magical creations in the villages, which are specially prepared for mental control. Otherwise, the humans in these villages will not even have resistance. "Life is constructed to Ulysses."

The devil is weaker than the Devil Race in controlling spirit, but it is also stronger than humans.

If human beings do not practice, they are not professionals and cannot resist the temptation of the devil.

Looking at the empty village, the wreckage everywhere, the life configuration asked: "Ulysses, now you understand, why should I support them?"

"I see, this is something the Duke must do."

"Yes, this is what I have to do, my responsibility." Life Construction said painfully.

All the people of the duke's kingdom, including those in the new territories, have their soul origins after death in the life and death book. In fact they will not be taken away by the devil. But no one understands this, and they are all desperately fighting with the devil.

This is correct, even if it is Xiahe, there is no guarantee that the life and death book can really hold every soul. Among the demons, if there is a strong existence, they can directly take away the soul, and they are not afraid of the traction of life and death book.

In a village, the surviving devil picked up a technology musket and learned to look like a human. He lifted, aimed, and pulled the trigger. He heard a bang, the technology musket exploded in the devil's hand, and the devil was blinded by one eye. Explode and roar with pain.

In the conference room, there was finally laughter.

The weapons inside the duke's collar must be controlled by the duke's people. Things such as life and death books are also capable of soul identification.

The soul itself does not belong to the duke's collar, and the magic musket cannot be activated. And during the war, the self-destruction device will be activated and taken away by the enemy. If the enemy wants to use it, it will explode.

In the technology gun, there is a built-in battery, and the battery that is blown up is the battery.

The surviving demons roared towards the sky, and a fleet of six warships flew in the sky. They arrived late, but there was no way. They had just transferred from another battlefield and had little ammunition.

Six fire arrows attacked the ground, and the huge projectile silently slipped out of the electromagnetic orbit.

On the ground, blood spattered, the devil was torn apart by metal projectiles, and some bodies were directly cut in two.

The weapon controller on a battleship felt uncomfortable, hovered, adjusted the muzzle, and bombarded it. On the ground, the twenty or so demons gathered together were instantly sent into the air.

"Let's go, don't waste ammunition." The commander's flagship issued an evacuation order. On the ground, more than a dozen demons were slightly injured, and they were all scattered. It ’s okay to kill them, but it ’s not worth it. There are already robot corps, searching in the pull net, this kind of establishment of more than a dozen devil, a hundred robots are enough to deal with.

"Those things that should go to **** ..."

"Forget it, they came out of hell." The driver took control of the weapon, put away the main gun, followed the flagship, and flew away. The weapon controller leaned heavily on the back of the chair, with tears in his eyes.

In the conference room, life pretends: "Many human beings are killed by demons, whether it is our people or the people of other noble territories. For the alien invasion, everyone hates, if they do n’t rescue , We will lose the legitimacy on this land. "

"The Duke said that this is the meaning of responsibility." Ulysses said to obey.

"There is nothing worthy or not worth. I will send airships to pick up those trapped in the area with a small number of people. It will not be too fast and not too fast. The airship must have no less than three legendary protections. One The protection of the formation flying warships. The devil will not let us easily. "

Life constructs listening on his ears, Xiahe is contacting him now.

"A real human being should have a sense of responsibility. This is also the difference between us and other creatures." Xiahe was feeling that no matter how cruel the world is, how vicious the palace is. However, as a human being, the Nine Avenue Palace has been fulfilling its obligations.

The Taoist palace sheltered even more than the people in its own area.

Taiyin Xianfu was slaughtered, but even in the world controlled by Taiyin Xianfu, even if there was a rebellion, Jiu Avenue Palace did not take too drastic measures, but tried to change from generation to generation.

It is not the people who are wrong, this is the original saying of Dao Palace.

As long as they are both human beings and hatred, sooner or later they will disappear. Of course, the prerequisite is that your own strength is enough to crush all rebellions.

Dao Palace has grown to this point, and it can already take a variety of means.

The Taoist palace is not absolutely kind, why should we eliminate Taiyin Xianfu? It ’s not because the Six Gods are too dangerous.

As long as there is a powerful golden fairy out of Taiyin Xianfu, he will be able to kill Da Luo with the six Dao Shen. If the Dalu Jinxian is out of Taiyin Xianfu, it will be above the Jiu Avenue Palace.

This is beyond the tolerance of the Nine Avenue Palace, not because of how bad it is.

So Xiahe no matter who is right or wrong, his idea is to re-establish Taiyin Xianfu, if Jiu Avenue Palace is stopped, then Jiu Avenue Palace is destroyed.

However, judging from the relationship of the Nine Avenue Palace, it is Kunlun Dao Palace at most, and will use all methods to deal with itself.

The remaining eight Taoist palaces have no such hatred, they have always been bystanders.

The whole duke led the cycle, and all kinds of materials were gathered in the Great Liang City and sent to the Little Sun City. The King of Snowvis, who also moved the army, headed towards the middle of the 6th Duke.

His journey was not fast. On the way, he also cleared the village and took some people with him.

In the west and south, some nobles also moved, but they all dispatched flying warships and robotic troops. The Duke gave these robots authorization, and after the robots entered, they went to the devil to fight on their own.

Low-level robots are not valuable, and the nobles can afford it. Although the flying warship will move, it will consume a lot, but the attack strength is also large, which is more cost-effective than the use of infantry.

Xiahe understands that the empire's homeland is not badly stricken by space barriers, and everyone is reluctant to invest in infantry.

Soon, the second-level college and the third-level college of the empire also moved, and began to dispatch the magician ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the academy mercenary, riding a floating airship, came to support Xiahe.

Sith's plan was successful.

In the face of alien invasions, the second-level colleges united and did not hesitate to invest capital and manpower to support the Duke.

These, but nothing in return. At most, it takes away some loot, but the loot from **** is also in parallel space, and the price is certainly not as high as the outside world.

On the side of Princess Angelina, I heard that a devil appeared in Xiahe's territory. In the name of the royal family, he donated a flying camp to Xiahe. Of course, in the form of gold coins.

Xiahe now has no shortage of gold coins, but gold coins can still be exchanged for many, many materials. The equipment of a flying battalion is worth a lot of money. The princess is really helping this time.

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