Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1007: : Fusion

"The sixth squadron withdrew and the seventh squadron topped!"

The captain shouted desperately, with a mountain bag in front of him, and the devil was standing high. The first six squadrons did not hit. Because the opponent has no legend, his own legend will not be shot.

It is not hypocritical, but the legends are staring at other places where there are legendary devil.

The six squadrons have no downsizing, but the robot has lost half of it. If you continue to attack, the combat effectiveness will drop more, which is not conducive to the subsequent battle.


The call for artillery support did not arrive. In the sky, three floating fish swooped down, and a wave of artillery fire was given to the devil on the hilltop.

A huge javelin was thrown up into the sky, and the floating fish dodged easily.

The robot took the opportunity to rush to the top of the mountain bag, and the infantry followed closely.

A devil waved the steel fork and swooped down, trying to drive the robot away. However, a human squad leader, roaring, took his squad and ran into it head-on.

His heavy armor gleamed with blue light, and he had a spear in his hand, which turned into a magnificent color.

The devil never imagined that a small captain who could not reach level 10 would use such a method. He was pierced in the chest with a heavy spear. The soldiers in the back swept him away with a hammer in his hand.

The devil of the master level was killed in this way.

At that moment, the squad leader was a little off, but his men swarmed up to protect him, and he also released an air shield to block the javelin thrown by the devil above.

Another team, over his position, rushed to the top of the mountain.

In the interlace of plasma, this team bravely cut down more than ten devil.

"Take it down ..." The brigade took a long breath. The devil on the hill threatened the inward infantry. Although there were only more than two hundred, it would be too dangerous if not cleaned up.

The devil's stamina is excellent and can last for several days.

The last thing humans like is this kind of tenacious enemy.

Troops of many races collapsed to such a degree, and it was not without devils before. But Shantou is obviously elite.

"Magic Squadron, come with me!" The captain ordered, leading the man to charge toward the hill.


On the top of the mountain, a heavy magic warrior cut a stone column with a battle axe, and the **** breath that filled the devil's position suddenly dissipated. stand up.


The magic musket, even the devil with the broken leg, let go of the gun in the air.

This is the lesson of blood. The previous troops, hundreds of people who had been careless because of the devil's crippling, died.

Now, everyone in the Changling Legion knows the truth. The devil who died completely still has a threat, and it must be dealt with by the magician.

Among the devil's corpses, **** demons had been drilled and several soldiers were parasitized.

Since then, no one has dared not to wear a mask and no one has to wear gloves.

The bladder cleaned the smoke and dust, and the priest looked down from a high altitude. It was originally a flat ground, and a metal castle stood up. This thing seems to appear out of thin air.

The Taoist turned and flew back to the head of the legion.

"I can't deal with the devil's war fortress." Taoist said.

& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> ----- This is a gorgeous dividing line-& 1t; / i>

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> ---- This is a gorgeous dividing line --- & 1t; / i>

"No, I will mobilize the magic cannon and solve it slowly."

"I suggest that you apply for the battleship strike of the main legion. The degree will be faster, and in terms of cost, it is better than slowly grinding with a magic cannon."

The head of the legion murmured, the battleship struck? There are many warships in his hand, and the number of fire arrows is not small.

But he was curious about Taoist advice. Is there any weapon he didn't know on the Duke's side?

The devil's war fortress is relatively famous. Although it cannot be moved, it is not easy to break through. The main reason is that the fortress protects the space singularity and allows the devil's energy to continue to be invested. This is the trouble.

The chief of the Changling Corps immediately communicated with the secondary legion. It did n’t matter there. The main attack was still based on the Changling Corps. The secondary legions mainly contain the devil's strength, destroy the living forces around the devil, and do the dirty work.

The application went out immediately. In less than ten minutes, a battleship of more than 100 meters in length was flying in the sky in the distance. The battleship did not see much preparation, and attacked at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters.

The giant ship of more than one hundred meters in height can only be seen clearly by legend. The captain of the legion saw the scale of the battleship creeping and flying open, and in the gap of the scale armor, a muzzle was found. The muzzle was dark, he was too far apart, and when he looked at it, he also felt a creepy feeling.

If you attack yourself, you will die!

A golden light fell, and on the devil's metal fortress, mushroom clouds rose into the sky. All the blocking attacks released by the legendary devil did not block the golden light, and even the rubbing was not born.

The commander of the legion was surprised. He was close to the devil's metal fortress, but the sound wave passed long before the strike.

That golden light is definitely a physical projectile attack.


If the sound of the explosion is not blocked by a helmet, many people are afraid of being temporarily deaf. This voice is also too scary for professionals.

Immediately afterwards, another golden light fell. Above the devil ’s metal fortress, a huge hole was blown up. I do n’t know how many demons in it. He was killed by the main gun of the star warship. The surface of the metal projectile also had a magic array to form a protective film. After the second injection, at least half of the mass is vaporized.

All the demons nearby died.


The third attack fell, and the battleship did not look at the battle results, as if it turned into a virtual shadow, flickered and disappeared.

Fire Crow II small star battleship, after the main battery three companies, also succeeded.

Such an attack, which is the defense of the star carrier, may be torn apart. What can be defended directly are battleships and flagships.

The devil's metal fortress obviously has not encountered such an attack, and all magic defenses are ineffective.

The upper half of the entire fortress was exploded, and the projectiles penetrated into the interior, clearing the devil in the nearby space.

"Magic Cannon ... No, all artillery, offensive attack!"

The chief of the Changling Corps did not expect the Duke ’s warship to attack so sharply.

Of course he didn't know that Xiahe had built a fire crow type 2.

There are now more than 40 Type IVs, but the main guns of the Fire Raven Type IV do not have too long orbits, and they are destined not to be added to such terrible levels. If this kind of projectile is not enough, the power will be reduced sharply.

The devil's fortress, which is the legendary mage attack, has to fight for a long time.

The artillery covered the attack, was penetrated by the defense, and the semi-destructive devil fortress could no longer hold on. The robot simply swarmed up and destroyed the fortress with plasma weapons at close range.


& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> --- This is a gorgeous dividing line --- & 1t; / i>

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

& 1t; isty1e = ‘co1or: # 4876ff’> ----- This is a gorgeous dividing line- & 1t; / i>

A smart scorpion-shaped robot, crawling in through the gap of the fortress, spouting plasma, attacking the nearby target.

The scorpion-shaped robot flew against the ground, with its tail raised high, constantly changing angles, as long as a slightly stronger target appeared, a projectile shot out.

A devil wielded his short sword, and turned into a red light, a scorpion-shaped robot flying towards the ground.

The devil's blood-red sword light, waves, the entire corridor floor was covered. This one already has an epic level.

The scorpion-shaped robot jumped lightly, jumped on the roof, and hung upside down. The metal projectile and the plasma dropped simultaneously.

The metal is cut into the ceiling with a long foot, and it is stable.


A thick modular tower came out of the corner, and a small cannon carried on his shoulder blasted out of the corridor.

More robots rushed into the fort, and human soldiers have followed. The epic demon was shot over the head, one of the corners was broken, his shoulders were burnt, and his right arm was completely finished.

"Master Legion, if you see it, the power of the Duke is above your imagination."

"The price is high?"

"It's almost like a magic cannon, it may be a little more expensive."

"That's acceptable, but it can only be aimed at this kind of high-value goal." The Changling Corps commander said.

"Yes, the usual battle is still the most effective artillery. But you have not thought about it, we advance layer by layer, and finally the artillery position is in a safe place. If it is a staggered battle, it is impossible for us to open it More artillery. The artillery's own survivability and mobility are all problems. The power of tank artillery is too small. "

"Master Duke, it's really amazing." The head of the army was convinced.

"It was amazing, you are not bad."


"I know that surrendering to the Duke can bring benefits to the people here. I know that you are not for yourself."

The regimental commander was silent, and the cron sent by the duke even understood his own thoughts?

In fact, when he goes to any place, someone will give him a good treatment, after all, he is a magician of more than fifty levels. However, this is his hometown, he is gone, don't worry.

So many old men, not everyone can have this condition. Following him, he can still take care of one or two.

"Go ahead and do it well. You are a combat mage, not a research mage. In troubled times, your achievements will not be under the research mage."


"It may not be easy for you to become a deity with your qualifications, but it is still possible to break through the 60th level. As long as there are enough merits, the Duke will make you do it."


"Don't sigh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The conflict between the Duke and Zhesu is irreconcilable. Besides, the Duke has not abused you and the treatment is not bad. Think about it, does the Duke really lack you troops?"

The commander of the legion carefully considered that the so-called secondary legions had no worse combat effectiveness than the Changling legion, and their progress was also flying.

The Duke of Asla is not lacking more than 200,000 people. He doesn't need to give himself so many good equipments and so many opportunities to attract people's hearts. This battle can be dominated by the secondary legions, and clean the devil's periphery around yourself.

The Duke is the one who does big things. He just wants the new territory to merge with the old one.

The soldiers below do not know how much they envy the citizenship of the Duke. What's wrong with integration?

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