Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1013: : Upgrade yourself

"Lucifer, it's up to you." Xiahe was about to laugh.

Sure enough, this infernal purgatory was false at all, but it was very powerful. At first, he concealed his identity and controlled his level to level 5. As a result, he was really restricted to level 5 by this space and could not be recovered.

However, Lucifer came from its heyday and is now at the demigod level.

The main reason is that although he was unable to pull Lucifer over, Lucifer could find the coordinates by himself.

That monk has a ninth gold body? Levels are limited, just fight.

"Master Daojun, I came down at a great price ..." Lucifer's words were not finished, a white radiance glowed in his palm, a light sword was cut, and in the sky, huge black bird feathers flew, a The pale golden bones fell to the ground and were taken away by Xiahe.

Xuan Niao's head fell, watching Xiahe put away his gold body. How could he not understand that the other party could use a large space? This is inferior purgatory!

Xiahe retreated, with two disciples, Lucifer disappeared.

He used only a sword to solve the monk, and quickly returned to the kingdom of the earth he built himself. Come here again, the cost is really great, the resources consumed can be able to build a small angel army.

However, he instantly understood the cause and effect, and it was worth it. When he came over and shot, there would not be any accidents. Master Daojun was careless and hit the Buddha's causal weapon.

This is one of the strongest abilities of Buddhism. If something goes wrong, Master Daojun may fall.

A ray of flame emanated from the palm of Xiahe and fell on the head of the black bird. The head of the black bird instantly turned to ashes in the flame.

Xiahe was relieved, and he barely used the real fire of the sun to destroy the broken soul of the other party.

"Teacher, just that bald, dead?" When the phantom of Infinite Purgatory disappeared, and the three men and students returned to a different space, Smith asked carefully.

"Not yet complete." In the space of Xiahe's Divine Mansion, the ninth golden body was lying quietly. He didn't restore his semi-divine power, and he didn't want to use the Six Dao Shen to purify.

"Let's go back." After the shot, Medierli also had something in her heart.

My strength is strong enough, but after the level is limited, although the flesh is not limited, but the way to kill the enemy is too far behind. If he is still at the 80th level, the golden body of the Ninth World is even more magical, and he can also hit the white robe monk with one shot, and may even exterminate it with a sword.

What you should master is that in the first-level state, you also have the ability to kill the 80th-level strongman.

Level should not limit yourself, as long as the soul has mastered the law.

"I also want to go back to practice swords." Smith said sullenly, and ran a lot of places with the teacher, and he was the worst performer. This time, his harvest is not small, and it feels similar to that of Medirelli.

Xiahe looked at the different space in front of him. The overall size of this different space should be thousands of miles, which is considered to be full of vitality, and may have a population of millions or even tens of millions. The upper limit is less than the legend, and it can grow up, very young. It is parallel to the main world, but there are not many similarities.

What is the principle of parallel space?

After thinking for a while, Xiahe felt that the Nine Avenue Palace was not thoroughly studied, so don't waste your time. It is mainly these ideas that do not help much in practice.

Xiahe nodded, restored his rank, forcibly torn the space, and returned to the main world.

The arms trade fair in the main world is not over yet, and there are many ships in the southern region that cannot be imagined. It can be so lively, after all, the technical control of the nine colleges was too strong before, and everyone took it for themselves.

Now Duke Asra is willing to sell technology openly, and the second-level college is very cooperative.

The nine universities haven't escaped the blockade, and no one will object to this kind of thing at all. Everyone is afraid that this is the last time, so they are so active.

It turned out that there was no such thing in the Empire. That was influenced by the attitude of the Nine Academy.

When Xiahe returned to Xiacheng, he entered King Kong Mountain, and in his own independent space, he dealt with the ninth golden body first.

This time, Xiahe released the Six God Embers at all costs and slowly burned the ninth golden body. Among the **** embers, the ninth golden body and bones, countless causes and effects were eliminated. Xiahe watched safely. It should have been the appearance of many soul robbers.

This stuff from Taiyin Xianfu is so eye-catching that it's not unreasonable.

If Jiu Avenue Palace has this technology, it can completely crush the Buddhist gate.

The bones dissolved and turned into nine groups of golden material, which looked like a liquid egg without a shell. Xiahe collected the six gods of embers, and felt that he had not consumed more than half of it, and he had been in a period of mad accumulation recently. About two or three years later, he could recover today's loss, and he was satisfied.

The nine masses of golden material slowly hardened, each of which was the size of a watermelon and did not glow. Even if there is a light source shining up, there is no brilliant color.

This time, the flagship computing core is secured.

Originally planned for five fleets, now there are six, with three more groups of golden material, Xiahe first received in the Shenfu. This thing is rare because it is difficult to copy.

Originally, the ninth golden body was the treasure in the Buddhist gate, and then a Buddhist monk was deceived, not human blood. After thousands of years of practice, all the blessings were absorbed by the ninth golden body. The resentment in this thing is very high, and it has been completely purified by the six gods, and it is almost impossible to recreate similar substances.

Six groups of golden material, Xiahe received his own lunar fairy ring, then quietly flew into the sky and went straight to his flagship.

"Daojun, you are here."

At the core of the flagship, Huo Rou I vaguely felt a little excited.

"Yeah." Xiahe soul connected with Fire Crow One and passed all the drawings he designed.

Fire Crow No. 1 rejoiced: "This is so good, in the future I can become a real Fire Crow!"

Xiahe didn't say anything, so he threw the material he had prepared, and a mass of golden material, to the core of Huowa No.1, allowing it to absorb, refine, and transform its own form.

"Master Daojun, can I leave for a while?" Huoya asked.

"how long?"

"Long as two or three years, as short as three or five months."

"What are you doing?"

"The sun near this world, strengthen the battleship, and I will first go to the nearby planet to dig up the material myself."

"Is the robot enough for you?"

"Enough, yes. With the materials, I can make a batch of robots back, but there is no calculation core, just an empty shell. In the drawings of Daojun, I will try to make some models."

"Which star do you go to?"

"The one closest to the sun, the temperature is very high, the metal is rich, I will be careful."

"Then go, don't get too close, your materials ... judge the distance yourself."

"Okay, if it fails, at least I will escape with the core."

Xia He smiled and said, "Then I'm gone. Maybe in the future, I will build an alchemy factory on that planet. You remember to complete the data."

"Okay, but it's not easy. The gravity there is huge, the temperature is high, and the living environment is harsh. This is also true for the legend."

"Good equipment is built in extreme environments, otherwise how do you want to be close to the sun?"

Xiahe said, and escaped the flagship, which suddenly accelerated in the starry sky and disappeared in Xiahe's induction. Xiahe can all feel the excitement of Huowa-1.

The mass of golden material he gave to Fire Crow One is already a material that can be used as a sustenance for souls, which is very rare.

Fire Raven One is like a man-made soul, but if there is no sustenance, it is trapped in the flagship like a prisoner. Although the flagship can go anywhere, its feeling will not change.

With this mass of golden material, Fire Crow One can strengthen itself indefinitely, and finally have freedom.

Of course, this golden substance is made from the six gods, and the limit of freedom is only within the scope of Taiyin Xianfu. However, Fire Crow No. 1 doesn't care about this. Even Master Daojun is limited to the area of ​​Taiyin Xianfu. What can Dao Master do if he meets the people of Jiu Avenue Palace? There is no chance of mutiny.

Freedom is limited. Fire Crow One, an artificial creature, understands this better than most natural lives.

So its joy is so heartfelt and sincere.

Xiahe likes this kind of emotion, and Taoist practitioners must also pursue this pure happiness.

Regardless of the size and the stability of the orbit, the number of galaxies and planets in the main world can be increased to sixteen, of which twelve are fairly stable.

The one closest to the sun has a slightly larger volume and will look very bright at night.

This planet is almost metal and has no life. On the surface of the planet, there are some liquid metals, as well as highly toxic gases.

There is no life on the flagship, they are all robots, so you do n’t need to provide extra life protection if you go. But the cost of a trip is not small, it consumes more magical rough stones than a war.

Xiahe has to endure a few months or even two or three years without the support of Fire Crow One. It may cost more to obtain information. These are the advanced costs of the flagship.

When Xiahe returned to Mount Kongo, he told Medierli about it.

Mediel Li said: "My dragon ship may not be suitable. Or ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ First rush out a flagship to talk about it?"

She said that the dragon ship is not very suitable, because she built the flagship by using the sword refining method. Now that the dragon ship is not completed, if it is placed in the high altitude, it may be the fierce sword spirit. Even life in the depths of the earth can be felt. This thing cannot be hidden for the time being.

Xiahe was helpless, first gave Medieri a group of golden material, taught her the method of refining, and improved the dragon ship's own computing power.

Regardless of the direction of the dragon ship, in short, it is also the flagship. In the future, the Medieli fleet will need a command ship.

Now that the dragon ship can't get it out, it doesn't mean that it won't work well in the future. Even this thing will be the best one.

Dragon ship, there will be the best ship soul.


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