Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1020: : Talent (1)

"Captain, you have unloaded the armor, some are out of order, although beauty is the first ..."

"In the past few days, I have rested and only had a task after I went ashore. You go to watch the rotation table yourself. Why do you ... still wear masks and drink with me."

"Captain, this is not enough, you are not a squadron leader."

While talking, the squadron leader walked in from the outside with a grinning smile: "Our squadron has been taking a rest for the last few days, no matter what the duty is, go to the restaurant and have a good meal over there."

Li Anna was sulking, this squadron leader was the culprit that haunted her. Legend Masters, did they come together to discuss major events, how did they turn back?

"Let's go." Li Anna waved her hand, regardless of the legendary mage, stepped forward and stepped out of the cabin.

The restaurant of the Lord God is large and can accommodate more than 400 crew members to eat. It is now noon and there are many people, except for those on duty.

Li Anna said to her squadron leader, the legendary mage Chumen: "Go get something, yes, other captains, come together and gather together?"

The legendary master is depressed, this guy, why should he drink to a legend!

Moreover, is she still her chief?

No, the interim chief, Li Anna had a chance. Those who had been forcibly assigned could not arrange any dangerous tasks. They clearly came to increase their experience.

Li Anna was originally sitting, and suddenly stood up again, greeting the distance.

"Master Tiffany, come here!"

The Legendary Master had a good temper, and she really came over, with a robot holding her cutlery behind her. She came to sit next to Li Anna and said, "Why, go out and harass you?"

"Men, there is no way." Li Anna laughed.

"I don't have it!" Chumen defended.

"Don't you think?" Li Anna frowned, looking at Chu Men's young and pure face. Xin said that such a white wizard is quite rare in Rhode Island. Even the ancestors often run outside and have very healthy skin.

Chu Men was stunned. He is a legendary mage and can't play rogue.

"Well, I have a good opinion of Li Anna, I admire in my heart, but not to harass, not count, right?"

"It's a bit of an advantage." Tiffany took the robot's tableware and used the knife to slice the fish.

"Legend, how could there be no merit. Chumen, why are you still stunned!" Li Anna's voice was loud, Chumen quickly fled, to get her food. Standing next to it was too embarrassing.

"Aren't you afraid of him?" Tiffany pitched a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, looking at Li Anna said.

"My teacher can't afford it."

"Which one?"

"From a unicorn."

Tiffany respectfully, the Unicorn Knights, no one can afford it. The head of the regiment is really indescribably cruel. A team of unicorns dared to hit the legend. If you assemble a squadron, aren't ordinary legends directly trampled to death?

I heard that the head of the Unicorn Knights is the most trusted leader of the Duke, and has followed the Duke since the beginning.

I also heard that she is a duke.

Li Anna's teacher, born of a unicorn, should also be a legend in itself. Ordinary legends don't matter, but the legend of the unicorn, with the head standing behind, and the duke standing behind the head.

"This time, there may be no oil or water." Tiffany tempted.

"What kind of oil and water do you want, you have received a lot of things in the warehouse. This time, the task is done, the rewards are more, don't think about anything else."

Chu Men brought a huge plate of lobster over and placed it in front of Li Anna. Li Anna nodded, pulled out a short knife, and went straight to cut it.

The blade was sharp, and the hard lobster shell was cut open without seeing her use any force.

This is a lobster of the level of Warcraft. In the water, the tenth level warrior is not its opponent. The hard shell, the ordinary sword is just a white mark.

Even if it is dead, there is no power blessing from the magic core, and it takes a little effort to cut the shell.

Fortunately, the following people do not understand, and the mage does not understand the power of the swordsman. No one is surprised, only when she has a magic weapon.

"Actually, I want to go to Asla College for further study after completing this task."

"Are you all legendary?"

"Legend, it's just the beginning ..." Tiffany's voice was sad. Her young and promising mage felt the urging of the world's will.

Yes, because the world feels a crisis and needs the creatures in this world to guard it.

On the Lord God, two groups of horses are safe, and Muses is tightly bound. The other four legendary mages are arranged by the Lord God as his team members. His staff are naturally very obedient.

Along the way to the north, the daily patrols and routines are also relatively tense.

There will be singularities at sea, and if there is land, it is not impossible to create parallel space channels that can be exchanged. On the third day, I saw a small island. The flying robots had long been clear. The two parallel space channels above, and the two parallel space troops, for this small island, killed dead bodies.

Muses asked Shrek if he wanted to participate.

Shrek said: "When I come back, the island is not very big. The soil analysis collected by the robot has no resources. It is just two parallel spaces. Maybe when they come back, they have finished playing, and we don't need to do it."

It does n’t matter what Muses is. The main **** can run 180 hours every hour, and it runs 24 hours a day. Now there are more than two days. There are tasks such as deceleration fishing and bottom detection. , Will reduce the speed, but also ran nearly ten thousand miles away.

Such a broken island poses no threat to Rhode Island and its territory.

The main **** turned around, intending to bypass the island and continue north. Unexpectedly, two figures flew on the island and rushed to the main god.

Two strange-looking human warriors ride the snow-white Warcraft under their hips.

No, this thing does not seem to be flesh and blood, just like a kind of Eudemons encountered before.

At level 20, you can fly and fight. This is a Eudemons warrior, and it is rare in parallel space.

Shrek still did a lot of homework on parallel space and quickly judged what the enemy was coming from.

"Musis, come yours," Shrek said.

"Alright." Muses said: "It's still my own shot to save some time."

Saying that, Muses walked up to the deck, facing the two Eudemons knights flying, and nodded with his hand, two tiny Venus blasted in the air, and the golden swords penetrated the two Eudemons knights , And their mounts.

The simple magic, without much dazzling, saw blood spilled into the sky.

Muses bowed his head, opened his hands, the two Venus, re-condensed, on top, stained with green color. He attacks with spells, just for sampling, what the Lord God wants.

The people on the island discovered this scene and the fighting on both sides stopped.

Muses unleashes a powerful breath wave, which they have never felt before, even the dragons of their world have no such terrible coercion.

Two powerful Eudemons knights, just gone?

That is the main force of both sides!

The ship that wanted to **** it, did not expect that it was not an ordinary merchant ship, but a monster.

"Look, there's really no need to go to the island, it's all ..." Shrek walked up the deck and said to Muses.

Muses's hand retracted into his sleeve and smiled: "Actually, it doesn't take much time to go up."

"Keep it, time is precious."

Murcis did not dispute with him either. The Lord God made a huge wave in the sea, bypassing the island and continuing to sail northward. The people on the island watched the icebreaker leave, filled with fear.

What kind of world is this?

Shrek also felt bored. He shot it himself, and it was solved easily. He was weaker than Muses.

"I'm going to rest. Call me if you have anything."

Shrek went back to his place, and there was only a small phantom on the ship, which could not provide a legendary experience. Fortunately, he doesn't care. Recently, life configuration instructed him to depress his realm and experience the physical state and control state at a low level. Therefore, the low level of the phantom array does not matter to him.

Although low, the upper limit is close to forty.

The upper limit of the phantom array has not reached the forty level, even if it is only half a level, the consumption is also very different.

After entering the phantom, he directly counted the number and found that three of the four squadrons he brought were in the phantom. After nearly three days of sailing, everyone was tired of the scenery at sea, and they were honestly training in the phantom array.

In front is a small plain, almost a closed terrain, surrounded by high mountains.

The two armies fought on the small plain.

One side is Tiffany's and one side is Dean's. Those who didn't see Chumen, probably went to the edge of the illusion.

Shrek flew into the air and looked down at the battle in the phantom array. It was quite exciting!

Malone ’s soldiers lost less and only killed two, but his robots suffered more losses, and half of them were destroyed.

I thought Malone was going to lose. Suddenly, the soldiers of the two teams rushed to the Trojan horse, a magical configuration, to bless the soldiers of the two teams. Suddenly accelerated, with a bang, the Dean side that was intensively advancing rushed into the ground.

Malone, there is the material of a general, but the life of a soldier is not so cherished.

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Malone and Dean collided together, and the magic of both sides fell like rain. Although it didn't take long for them to join the Duke's camp, they learned the battle method of the Duke's.

Firepower theory, at the moment of contact between the two parties, whoever can invest more firepower first will gain an advantage.

The so-called firepower is a unit, referring to the power of a single fireball.

Because he broke up his opponent, Malone ’s mage team is sound, and the number of fireballs projected at the same time is far more than Dean ’s troops.

If you want to cover the enemy, you must cast a joint spell, otherwise it is easy to be solved by the opponent's dispel. Once the formation is dispersed, joint casting cannot be done.


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