Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1022: : Mission of Muses

Shrek said: "Musis, this thing is afraid of being hidden in the deep sea. Only the legendary strongman can go down to find it. If we leave, it will not be safe on the Lord God."

Muses said: "However, this thing takes root in the sea, you really don't want to?"

"It's still far from Rhode Island. Besides, the level of these things is not too high. It's still from a different world. Our legend can deal with it. Let the soldiers fight the mechanical life ..."

"If this is really the case, Lumori will not kill these things until now."

Shrek nodded with a smile, agreeing with Muses's words, and then said: "I heard that, is it cost-effective. Legend attacks mechanical life, the efficiency is very low?"

"Yes, compared to epic magic, it seems that legendary magic is not as efficient as epic magic, and it is very expensive."

Shrek said: "Then let's go, it is estimated that it is also not easy to go. It is better to go back and develop an underwater mechanical warrior project and give these things to the robot to deal with?"

"I didn't want to destroy them now, just to investigate first."

"However, the depth of the water in this area is more than a kilometer, and it is okay to say that three to five hundred meters, such a deep place, I don't dare to go down."

Muses was depressed, and said, "I can just take people down, no need to trouble you."

"Well, I will cooperate with you. When you stop the boat and when you move forward, you will temporarily arrange it." Shrek said that, and he no longer objected.

He doesn't care much about mechanical life.

In fact, Rhode Island has a security circle with a range of thousands of miles. Under the sea, there are also monitoring equipment and corresponding robots stationed. It is not without any experience.

If mechanical life wants to attack Rhode Island, Rhode Island naturally has an early warning system.

It seems a lot, but in fact, it only has a mechanical life in its early 500s, which was cleaned up by the people on the deck. No one can get close to the deck, and they are all hit by volley.

Now we can see that the weapons produced by the Duke are powerful enough.

Magic musket, if it is an enemy attacking the main world, after the armor is blasted, the power of the projectile has been extremely weakened, and rarely can directly kill the target, but it can hit the enemy hard.

But when attacking mechanical life, even if it is a technological gun, it also explodes the mechanical life with one shot. In many cases, half of the body is blown up.

This kind of weapon goes to a world lower than the main world, because it avoids the suppression of the law, that is, the big killer.


Responsible for command is the computing core of the main god, which itself exists like a legendary configuration.

Li Anna felt bored, she fired two shots, and after killing two epic-level targets, the battle was over. The surrounding robots and structures have a stable attack frequency, one shot per shot, which makes no sense.

"Li Anna, if you are bored, she will perform the deck patrol mission, and no drinking is allowed." Chu Men said to her at the back.

"Yes, few of you, patrol with me!" Li Anna didn't want to go back to the cabin. She still didn't like the battle in the illusion. As for the development of the map? The map in the magic area is also a little small, which makes her very uncomfortable when she is used to the illusion of Xiacheng.

The members of the squad were crying and mourning. If the captain liked them, they would rather go back to the illusion instead of patrolling the deck.

There is something nice on the deck. The sea is on all sides. There are occasionally a few birds. Most of the sea beasts are friendly to humans. You ca n’t bear to beat them.

The corpse of a deep-sea beast disguised by mechanical life floats on the surface of the sea. Some soldiers dispatched a robot to fix it with a rope and hang it behind the main god. The robot went to collect and harvest.

The first step is to construct the magic, release an electric magic, and completely paralyze the contents. Then, the small robot goes deep into the inside to conduct an exploration scan. The outside has a medium-sized robot to cut, collect materials, and analyze.

There are also diving robots who go to the sea to collect the life of the flying machinery that was shot down.

The robots led by the Duke have sacrificed some autonomy to ensure that they will not be controlled by other high-level mechanical lives. Everything is in order. The other team of patrols on the deck watched it. .

They are the soldiers of Muses, and they are well-tested, but when they look at the people led by the Duke of Asla, they move quickly and concisely, and from the physical form, they are quite calm.

These people, who were the people of Zhesu before, have integrated into the system of the Duke of Asla so quickly?

The material samples were sent to the alchemy laboratory on the ship. The laboratory was not large, but it was not small. It was originally intended to cope with this kind of scene. The magicians quickly scanned and analyzed and recorded the data. The computing core of the main **** is also running at full speed, and all the details of the battle before and after are processed to form file data.

The magicians of the main world are still very deep in the development of retrieval science. Xiahe joined Daomen's experience, developed the computing core, and processed the data. The magicians can easily review and query, and the efficiency will become particularly high. Such a file can be given to a mage with outstanding computing power, and within a few minutes, a concept can be formed in the mind to accurately grasp the entire battle.

Li Anna took her team and walked around the side of the ship. She didn't wear a mask and suddenly pointed to the distance with her finger and said, "Look, flying fish!"

"Captain, I see this stuff every day."

"Golden ..."

"The most is the golden one. This stuff is poisonous and cannot be eaten."

"Warcraft attribute! With the help of wind, it is almost really flying!"

"Captain, our Duke leader, there are flying toys that are sold longer than this one. A few silver coins can be bought back to play for children, it is not easy to break, and it is not a problem to use one or two hundred years."

"You are not curious about anything!"

Everyone stopped answering, and Li Anna said happily again: "Look, look, dolphins! Golden thread dolphins! I know, this thing follows the boat, I want to eat!"

"We are not fishing boats, there is not so much to feed it, captain, you can't ..."

"What are you talking about! It's not a fishing boat, you can't feed dolphins? Can't we fish ourselves? Isn't it easy to be a fishing rod?"

"We are patrolling."

"The patrol mission is over."

"Dolphins won't last that long ..."

"I am the captain, or are you the captain!" Li Anna said angrily: "Go to the restaurant and get some fish out!"

"Yes." The precision shooter ran away quickly. Anyway, there was an order from the captain. He was not considered to be leaving his post. In the kitchen behind the restaurant, there are live fish to be discarded every day.

Although the main **** is not a fishing boat, but there are fishing robots, there are more than 400 people on board, and there are many things to eat every day. In the ocean, many fish are not only nutritious, but also at the level of Warcraft, which is beneficial to practitioners. As long as the guardian is constructed and tested to be non-toxic and does not affect mental power, it can become an ingredient.

As for the nutrients that are not good, put them in the pool and discard them uniformly.

Golden thread dolphins can eat almost any fish, even some highly toxic species. The precision shooter borrowed the skin from the kitchen and got more than a hundred fish out, carrying it on the deck.

Li Anna smiled, opened her skin, mobilized her consciousness, took the fish out of it, and threw it into the sea.

There were more than a dozen golden thread dolphins following the main god, and soon they all ate the food thrown by Li Anna. The precision shooter is biting his face and returning the skin.

There are more than a dozen soldiers on the ship, and there are more than a dozen crew members, who are basically kitchen people.

The rest of the sailors and the like are robots. Then there are the two magicians in charge of maintenance, but they are very idle. Even if the Lord God encounters a battle, it is difficult to be beaten.

In the end, Li Anna still has to obey the military discipline. On the side of the ship, she teases the dolphins and dares not jump down to play.

"Temporary break." Li Anna gave the order, everyone sat on the floor, and all took off their masks. Patrol is essentially a state of combat.

The mask, also called the visor, is an accessory of the helmet and can be retracted upwards. It is a device made mainly of flexible metal and artificial crystal. The protective ability of the face shield is excellent. Usually, the magic rifle blasts at close range and will not break.

"Captain, you said, are these regulations really so useful?" The precision shooter asked.

Li Anna said seriously: "There is no danger on the ship, there are so many robots and equipment around the guard, so you think routine patrols are useless?"

"It's not useless, it's a waste of energy."

"People in the main legion don't think so. You guys are still too young." Li Anna sighed.

"Captain, the Unicorn Knights, what is it like?" The precision shooter is the most yearning for the Unicorn Knights. Although he is an archer profession, he has transferred to a musketeer, but he has excellent melee ability and has always wanted to get it. Knight skills.

Li Anna was stunned for a while, and said: "If you don't say this, there are rules."

The precision shooter threw out his tongue, so he did n’t question it. The Duke led many things loosely, but involved confidentiality issues, that would be dead. If you can ask, if you are refused to continue questioning, you will be investigated.

This time Shrek, who is in charge of the team leader, is the devil. Those who have been investigated by him are not going well.

"Captain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then you can say something." The tall soldier, leaning on the metal shipboard, spoke with ease.

"There is nothing to say, a group of arrogant people." Li Anna pouted, said: "It is ... the support of their army commander, if you dare to say bad things about the army commander, it will start you for a month. Not coming."

"We ride on Trojan horses, captains, I heard there are iron horses, short pterosaurs, unicorns."

"Trojan horses are good. Those constructions are made to match the cavalry skills. They are expensive. You don't know cavalry skills. You haven't trained them. You can ride them like a Trojan horse. It's faster and harder to destroy.

"It's very impressive. I have seen unicorns in the phantom array, which are more than two meters high. That armor, nagging ..." The precision shooter could not help nagging again.


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