Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1024: :Refuse

Li Anna was so happy that she was finally able to come out and stroll around without having to be bored in the cabin.

Medelly sent her over, of course, to provide Xiahe with the latest information. Shrek is in the bright place, she is in the dark, and she can take care of Shrek.

Xiahe is not at ease with Shrek. This guy is loyal enough, but his talent is not so good, it's just the upper middle class. He can grow up to the level it is today. In addition to Xiahe giving him resources, he also works hard, otherwise Xiahe would have given up on him.

Only by self-improvement can there be hope.

The giant battleship of mechanical life is dominated by gray-black metal. The pattern above, in Li Anna's view, is also designed to arrange the lines of energy flow.

Magic and technology have been figured out in many places. It is just that when magic starts, it takes the mysterious route. Most magicians cannot know what magic is from the beginning. In the world of science and technology, we must first understand the principles of science and technology before we can move on.

When you reach a high place, it is not interoperable, but there are similarities.

If the shell of this battleship is supplied with energy, the defense is quite strong. After losing the energy supply, it is considered to be a particularly hard metal and light in weight.

The refining of this stuff is also a good technique.

Medieri walked briskly, followed Chumen, and entered the battleship all the way. There are not many accompanying robots, but the two legendary mages have released a large number of robot warriors from their own space equipment.

For the legend, the capacity of space equipment is large.

The torn part above the battleship is more than ten meters in diameter. It looks like it was done by ice magic. Li Anna was affixed to the back, calmly, took a sample and put it away.

There are three decks that are penetrated below. The robot directly welds the metal ladder. The robot and soldiers behind keep up. The four metal ladders are continuously added to the structure. A complete spiral ladder is quickly formed. Easy access to the first deck.

The legendary mage under Muses said: "Let's not disperse, layer by layer, start from the top."

Chu Men naturally had no opinion, he had come to monitor.

The legendary mage ordered his squadrons to be dispersed, in units of squads, in groups of five. After determining the coordinate points, they first advanced towards the northern passage.

All the robots have entered a combat state. The frontmost robot is bloated, carrying a spray gun, and spraying some fluorescent agent on the metal wall every other way. The original dark channel has a point light source.

All helmets prepared for soldiers have the ability of night vision, but the night vision ability of magic items is to consume energy, or the original stone of magic, or the crystallization of raw coal. If there is a little light source on the outside, the consumption will drop in a straight line. In pure darkness, the consumption of this magic array is quite scary.

The soldiers all watched by the magic array in the artificial crystal, and the robot did not turn on the auxiliary light source. This fluorescent energy can exist for more than three days. It is very cheap and has weak toxins.

The number of robots in front increased, and the low scorpion-shaped robots protruded into the corridors on both sides.

A light source appeared, but the light was on the top of the head.

The Mutant lifted up the magic musket, hesitated for a moment, and didn't do it. The robot in the back raised the plasma gun and destroyed the light in front.

The robot continued to spray the fluorescent agent indifferently. After twenty meters, the robot bored the walls on both sides to embed the weapons it carried. That's a technology bomb that can identify target attacks.

Another robot directly hangs a weapon that is one meter high and two meters wide in the corner of the wall. This is an electromagnetic attack weapon, which is specifically aimed at mechanical life. As for whether it is effective, we do n’t know. Anyway, it is very close to the exit. Once, when retreating, there will be a support point.


A robot warrior, using a gravity hammer, knocked on a door next to the room, and a sharp cry came out of the room.

The robot warrior dropped a plasma bomb and quickly disappeared.

After several robots entered the room, the magician took out materials from the space equipment and sent them into the room. A total of eight robots are spliced ​​together to form a medium-sized robot. They take the material parts given by the magician and arrange the positions to make the room a firepower point.

The following Chu Men saw that the people of Muses were so professional. Although they had a relatively emotional state in their hearts, Shrek ordered him not to shoot, he could only watch beside him. It is useless to be unconvinced.

He felt that his soldiers were as good as the other's robots, but he did not buy the Duke's collar.

There was a mechanical spider, climbed to the ceiling, welded the structural points quickly, and reinforced by the magician, the robot went up and suspended a weapon station on it.

Li Anna stroked the wall. The wall was thick, but there was a mezzanine in the middle, and wires were laid.

Li Anna silently let out a ray of sword gas, cut off all the wires inside, and incidentally took a charm, which was fused under the wall, and could be awakened at any time.

The people of Muses left the means, they could not do nothing.

What if those things are for you?

Yes, whether it is Xiahe or Medirelli, the training given to her is full of such thoughts that there are always people who want to hurt me.

For Jianxiu, it is always good to prepare more.

I believe too much in my own fighting power, and sooner or later I will be killed by this habit.

Behind the team, there are flying robots, suspended in the tears of the mechanical life battleship, here is like a three-story patio. Below, there are movements of mechanical life.

Flying robots can't go down, their combat effectiveness is very bad, it is used for investigation.

The team in front is getting deeper and deeper, and soon there is a fierce battle sound. In the depths of the battleship, hundreds of mechanical beasts are thrown out, the size of a dog.

However, the robot's plasma weapon is just the nemesis of this mechanical beast.

The magician released the one-way air shield in front, and the robot began to shoot wildly. The small mechanical beast fell silently, and a mechanical soldier smashed the left door with a gravity hammer, and the robot rushed up behind, dragging the small mechanical beast up, throwing it into the next room, and then another plasma The bomb went in.

Chumen is also analyzing. The uppermost level seems to be low-level mechanical life dwelling cabins, which are relatively weak types.

This kind of environment, as long as it is not attacked by both sides and pushed forward positively, mechanical life can't threaten its own team at all.

On the two sides in front of the road, the legendary mage stopped, looked back at Chumen, and said, "Here, you need to keep some people to defend. Do you leave a squad?"

"Okay." Chu Men directed a small team to stay and arrange positions.

This is to facilitate the retreat in case of an accident.

The people of Muses carried quite a lot of equipment. They advanced all the way. Every 20 meters, they left something on the wall, and at the same time they cleaned the rooms on both sides.

A large warehouse appeared in front, and the legendary mage walked in alone, and then quickly retreated, saying: "It's all sleeping mechanical life. The second team went in. After cleaning up, we went on."

Chumen is too lazy to enter. This is the first floor, the outermost, and there will be nothing good in the warehouse.

The team continued to move forward and passed the warehouse. A door appeared in front. The legendary mage reached out and patted a huge palm, and the mechanical structure door was torn apart.

Behind the gate, more than one hundred mechanical lives were hidden and shattered at the same time.

It took a lot of time for the legendary mage to shoot, and the team cleaned the first floor. The robot warriors that the legendary mage carried with him were almost all finished.

Chu Men judged that this guy is better than himself. If it is its own space equipment, it certainly can not carry so many robots. If you carry too much, you can't afford the loss of mental strength.

Li Anna followed the squad with no gains. She actually explored all the warehouses that passed by. She also kept samples of all mechanical life. However, most of the mechanical life has been damaged long ago. It should be that Muses and Shrek shot it, and the lower mechanical life was affected.

Most of the arrangements were taken back, and the legendary mage under Muses said to Chu Men: "If you are on the second floor, we will move separately, faster, how?"

Chu Mendao said: "This ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not very good, right?"

The legendary Master said: "It took six hours on the first floor, and six hours on the second floor. There are more than a dozen floors below, which wastes too much time."

"Then I won't explore anyway, and I didn't take the task anyway, just to accompany you to take a look." Chu Men said slowly.

The legendary Master frowned, Chu Men said: "It's easy to speed up, you can take action to solve the mechanical life, soldiers and robots are only responsible for cleaning the battlefield."

"Then your people did nothing?"

"Yes, do nothing." Chu Men replied coldly, at the same time, he also took out his short spear. If the other party talks nonsense, the cooperation will be suspended.

The Legendary Master was surprised to see Chu Men ’s movements, but immediately took his breath and said, "Well, I will clean up the second floor by myself, and invite your people to help clean the battlefield."

"Okay, that's it." Chumen raised his short spear, not at all slack.

The legendary mage nodded, jumped down, made a turn in the air, and flew for the second time.

The soldiers and robots in the back followed the rotating metal ladder, and Li Anna was curious and asked, "Chumen, why do you say that, he will be angry."

"He's angry, what matters to me, I have to execute the order given above."

Li Anna judged in her heart that Chumen's thinking was almost integrated into the system of the duke. When performing tasks outside, be sure to grasp the key points and never make your own claims.

For example, agree with the legendary mage's suggestion, let his own people go up and clean up the mechanical life.

The combat strength of the legendary mage is very strong, but when most of the power is consumed, if you encounter a strong enemy again, you will be in danger of life. The legendary mage didn't dare to consume too much power, so he suggested everyone to do it together.

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