Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1027: : Straightforward

"What does it mean not to go up and down a line? Is it a heart?" The captain asked.

"I mean, for example, our Duke leader, the Duke's will is everything. After the order is issued, it will be transmitted layer by layer, and there will be no branches. Who dares to distort it is death. So it is a line. No matter how it is delivered, it is not under one person's control. "

"My name is Billy." The captain suddenly introduced himself.

"I know, why say this?"

The captain was embarrassed and said, "I thought you didn't know."

"How is it possible, the four squadrons that came out this time, I know all the names." Li Anna answered inexplicably.

"I smoke cigarettes, okay?" Billy asked embarrassingly.

"If you ask the squadron leader, he can do it."

In the distance, Chu Men, who was in charge of the robot, turned back and said: "Yes, you can start to rest now, you can use the guardian of the logistics team to build."

Billy was a little embarrassed. He wanted to chat with Li Anna. If Li Anna left like this, he came to talk, and it seemed very dazzling. There was one person left here. What a shame.

"Are you going to chat, are you?" Li Anna didn't refuse people thousands of miles this time. She was bored.

Such things as guarding positions should not be managed by Jianxiu at all.

Billy is a middle-aged man, in his thirties, with grade 20, just reaching the level of a master. The selection of characters this time is considered elite, and they are excellent in the main force.

Billy felt a little awkward talking with Li Anna, the other party was too direct.

He didn't even say any polite words, just said: "I don't think you like to use magic guns?"

"I'm a magic warrior, and it's my destiny to cut people close to my body."

"Fate?" Billy had never heard the word.

"Those sneaky gods invented."

The scene was embarrassed again, and talking about such things embarrassingly doesn't make any difference in the world. The only people who can chat with Li Anna are those who can be seen by her. They will take the initiative to cooperate.

Usually, she just wanted to say what she said, and she didn't consider other people's feelings.

Billy took the box out of the skin sac around his waist and began to roll tobacco. Many technology worlds have similar things, which are extremely cheap and mechanically produced.

Rhode Island in Xiahe, no low-grade tobacco leaves, are all specially cultivated plants, mixed with drugs, and expensive.

Billy was not so rich, at least he was an epic mage. The tobacco leaves in his box were traded from Juno City, the royal industry, and the royal logo on the cigarette box.

This tobacco leaf is also good, at least not harmful to the professional body.

The cheapest leaf not only hurts the body but is also addictive.

Billy rolled a cigarette and inserted it into a pipe, which was a product of the Duke's collar and used to filter toxins. Similar things have been studied by the magician, but he is from the city of stars.

Although Billy's status is not high, and his family has a small industry, Xiahe surrendered early and surrendered early, without being affected.

At that time, the Billy's shop was robbed by Snowvis' army. Later, Xiahe sent people and the county king to return.

"You're pretty particular." Li Anna said casually again, couldn't hear whether it was ironic.

"My father is in business, and no aristocracy has ever been in the family. There is nothing to pay attention to. I didn't use a pole at first, but the Duke refused to let me say that this thing is poisonous after all." Than threw the flue pipe with his hand.

Li Anna took out a wine bottle, unscrewed the cap, and poured herself a bite. This style is more like her ancestor Xiahe.

Of the four teams, only Chumen was busy, and the rest were all taking time to rest. Legendary wizards of this level of Chumen have no problem sleeping for days and nights. But the people under the legend cannot.

God knows how long this mission will last.

Chu Men didn't believe what the legendary mage under Muses said. Anyway, he stayed here for two days, and he couldn't keep running.

Many soldiers were replenishing food and water, and Billy simply called a robot to come and lean on him.

"Our army is very strict, but they are doing well." Billy pointed to the pipe and pointed to the soldier who was cutting the canned meat in the distance.

"The rules are strict, so that you can live."

"The truth is this, but if the treatment is not good, the mood is much worse."

"What are you going to say?"

"It's nothing, just because you haven't used magic guns, and you're curious." Proportionate sender got used to talking to Li Anna, and it became a lot easier.

"I'm not good at shooting." Li Anna was casual, not serious at all.

"Are all the people from Rhode Island like you?"

"Of course not, I am unique." Li Anna finished, released a water mirror, and began to appreciate herself.

Awkward to continue, Billy said: "What are you going to do in the future?"

"No plan, do I need to plan?"


He took a violent breath of smoke, leaned heavily on the robot, and straightened his legs, as if he were an appointed lamb.

"Then what are you going to do, in the future." Li Anna turned abruptly and suddenly came close to her.

"Be a professional soldier. I'm not young, but I'm not old. In my lifetime, I still hope to advance the legend. Of course, it is the worst kind. How can I live a thousand years old. Retire as soon as the legend, and then go to the stars City, open a shop. "

"Ha, there are nobles playing there, where the rich squander, what are you going to sell?"

"Write a book."

"Write a book? You won't die if you are hungry."

"No, I have a good friend who is a magician and grew up together. He said, ah, you can use magic to create images that can be read, just like a phantom, but nothing changes, it's all from the sidelines. , Can describe the story. Write my experience of these years as a magic novel, and the noble master who has not been on the battlefield will read it. "

"You can write without going to the battlefield."

"How can I have so much imagination, it is better to experience more of life."

"Maybe starve to death."

"Legend, how could you starve to death."

"Do n’t dream, you are all in your thirties, only 20th grade? Probably about one hundred and fifty years old, can look like an epic, and then it will be more difficult later. It ’s better to say that you can I have made a lot of credit, gained a lot of merit points, and exchanged it for spiritual practice. Otherwise, it would take at least two hundred years to be an epic. No, if you do n’t reach the epic realm, you might die. "

Li Anna deserved to be Jian Xiu, and she was so heart-wrenching when she spoke.

"I'm dead." Billy sullenly smoked.

"If you work hard, if you have enough merits, you can still buy some foods and medicines to improve your fitness. Your qualifications are not bad, it is more difficult to advance the legend. Or loan, if the loan, it may let you To survive, the three-hundred-year-old has become a legend, but this kind of legend can only be retired after the five-hundred-year-old. "

"It's not bad, no matter how bad luck, there are still 500 years to enjoy."

"It's really good." Li Anna waved her hand and broke the water mirror. In the air, the power of the elements quickly dissipated, but it made people feel a little damp.

"I didn't have a good time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to reach the 20th level before mixing up as a captain."

"Dare not to take risks, right?"

"Yes, I haven't performed well in several battles."

"Then it's over, Lord Duke. The one you don't like most is people like you."

"It's better than quick success, is it better to lose soldiers?"

"Your level is just a non-commissioned officer. It is possible to damage the soldiers. It will not be your turn. You are too conservative before giving you a small team leader. Anyway, there are five people in total, and you can't affect the overall situation. Think of you as a tenth-level professional, you can make a snack. "

"I'm better than a tenth-level professional. Maybe I will be the strongest squad leader in the future."

"But such a person would find it difficult to make loans. On the side of the Changling Legion, the loan is more stringent, unlike the people from the main legion, who are from Rhode Island. But even if the people from Rhode Island do not work hard, It ’s not good enough, and it ’s impossible to borrow money. "

"Then what should I do?"

"Acknowledge your fate, what else can you do? There are so many people who die early in the world, and you are not the only one."

"Leanna ..."


"I'm sure that you are unique and leave." Billy wiped out the smoke and got up and left.

"Ah, I haven't finished speaking yet. I think you are still too late to retire. This time, ah, you, a conservative person, are hard to survive!"

Billy had a **** expression on his face, and he said why should I come to have a relationship with her?

Isn't it just to look after each other, why is it so congested, why do I feel like crying?

Li Anna withdrew her raised feet and looked back at her four men, wondering: "So, what am I saying wrong?"

The four men, with their heads lowered, did not dare to pick it up, fearing that she had not said enough, and put the unpleasant words on everyone again.

"Why this expression, you are my men, will I take care of your mood?"

"Captain, do you know you didn't take care of him? Billy is good ..."

"If people are good, they should be able to stand me?" Li Anna wondered.

"Captain, how come you are almost thirty this year?"


The fist hit the face with a heavy blow.

"What are you talking about when you are less than twenty years old?" Li Anna was furious.

"That's no wonder." The tall soldier covered his face, "Sheenyin" said.

"A big man who makes such a sound is mocking me?"

"Captain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You said, take care of us!" The soldiers next to him hurried over to help.




Li Anna punched a punch and ended the conversation fairly.

"Captain, I am a precision shooter. You hurt my eyes. It's terrible!" The precision shooter screamed.



"Lie down."


Accurate shooter, obediently lying on the ground, Li Anna took out a bottle of alchemy potion, wiped the precise shooter, and then released a light blue light in her hand, kneading twice randomly, the bloodshot in the precise shooter ’s eyeballs really subsided .


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