Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1065: : Complaint No. 18

Made a mistake ...

The legendary mage is angry, his arcane missile level is high enough, but the release has not changed, and the other party has long expected to intercept, in fact, the change of the bone spear has been preset, just to destroy the elven attack Ability, not kill it.

The ramp is more than 50 meters wide, the number of robots is insufficient, and the firing speed of the bullets is also one shot per second, unlike the bullets in some worlds.

The speed at which this army was approaching was quite fast, and Li Anna didn't look at it in her eyes.

Because the elves of the other party were specially taken care of, they began to attack three hundred meters away, so that the elf archer could not function.

The tactics of the duke are all trained, even if there is no commander, the soldiers know how to fight.

These people are considered elites, and the gap with the main army is actual combat experience and psychological quality. If you take one, you can also be a squad leader or squadron leader.

Bill didn't even have a hint, and Yuren had long been accustomed to long-range fighters who killed the enemy first.

The mood of the legendary mage is getting worse and worse, because his long-distance side cannot play a role at all, and the enemy's attack distance is always stronger than his own.

Not to mention three hundred meters, the shooters who are thousands of kilometers away have already been named one by one.

And he and his two legendary mages, once released the long-range attack, they will be intercepted by each other.

No matter what kind of magic, he has tried various attributes. That is not dispel, but a strange fighting spirit. This fighting spirit is very powerful in restraining the spell. He estimates that even if he casts the spell at close range, both sides are five No matter how open it is, no one can help anyone.

Li Anna didn't think so much. When she saw the infantry of the opponent approaching a distance of 200 meters, she released a dragon scale scroll.

Serial fireball.

On the ground, a big pit was directly blown out, and more than a hundred soldiers were torn apart, and everyone around them also rolled to the ground.

The Legendary Master frowned. He did n’t react, but the fireballs were not big. He thought he could only hit a dozen people. This time the mistake made his face dull.

Li Anna knew that the matter was completed, and the other party refused to come off in person. These 30,000 people could be wiped out by themselves about 5,000. Then it ’s okay to run away again, who said that he ca n’t run, the other person passed by, really rushed up, what he took and killed him.

It is undoubtedly that the wounded Yu Fei stays dead. The nine of Bai Kesi can fly, but they dare not fly and will be targeted by the legendary mage.

In the final analysis, this is a war between himself and the legendary mage.

Of course, a tie or even a terrible victory is considered a loss, and the remaining troops of the opponent can overwhelm the people on their side.

The legendary mage is also stupid. If you switch to yourself, you will get angry and push you down the slope. If you lose your geographical advantage, the remote long-range attack will be much worse.

The legendary mage stared at the top of the hill, and finally couldn't bear it. He flew up, wrapped in a layer of purple mage armor, as fast as lightning, and flew towards the top of the hill.

He felt a little weird. None of the people on the top of the **** attacked him.

He did not know that Li Anna had already given the order, even if it did not give the order, during the battle, all the army led by the Duke would default that they would not attack the enemy's legendary units until the chief had issued the order.

Because attack means invalidity, legend, there is naturally a legend to deal with.

The military thinking of the entire Duke's army is efficiency, and then humanization. These will be unified under discipline,

The legendary mage came to Gaopo, but no one attacked him, which made him uneasy. His height was less than one hundred meters. It stands to reason that even a gun can be thrown to such a high position, the enemy But the army of full-time professionals is not an ordinary multitude.

The anger of the legendary Master continued to rise, and he discovered something, that is, on the other side of the mountain, there was no large-scale human army at all, and everything was interfered by a huge water mirror. Although the water mirror technique is subtle, it is only an epic magic.

Deceived by an epic magic? The legendary mage put his hands together, and in the middle of the two palms, a blue fireball instantly condensed.

It's ... excessive.

A sigh on the 18th sounded, and at the same time, a golden fireball flew up and exploded in the air.


The legendary mage felt something burrowing into his head from his eyes. At this moment, the pain caused him to fall and hit a sharp object.

Li Anna was stunned, and Jian Feng picked it up, and the legendary mage was broken open by her sword and split into two pieces.

Li Anna flew instinctively, holding a golden soul bead to collect the soul of the legendary mage.

In the communication channel, on the 18th, he was dissatisfied and said: "Li Anna, you are a real troublemaker, do you know what magic is released by the magician?"

"do not know."

"Yanyang Furnace, the whole mountain bag was lost after being dropped."

"Why is that gone?" Li Anna used the soul beads to absorb the soul of the legendary mage.

"Nonsense, I used an expensive scroll! Originally, I could solve it directly with my own hands. Who knew this guy was so angry that he used a scroll of more than 70 levels!"

"Reel to reel, don't we suffer?"

"That's my treasure!"

"Go back and get another one, don't do anything."

On the 18th, he covered his face and said angrily: "No compensation, it is used, it is the only one."

Li Anna didn't understand it. In the Duke's leadership, the army fought. If you used private equipment, your merits would be high, and if you used public equipment, your merits would be low. If you do n’t do anything, your personal equipment will be compensated for damage.

How could it not be compensated?

"I'm constructing, even I am a prince!" The 18th said helplessly.

"It makes sense, what do you distress about, don't you say it's okay?"

"Not yet to save you!"

"Then I thank you." Li Anna happily put away the two bodies of the legendary mage and fell to the ground. She originally wanted to lead her opponent down and assassinated with the sword in the mirror.

"Rush up and kill them!" Under Gao Po, the remaining legendary mages were shocked when they saw their leader fall. He could see that the other party had released an extremely powerful scroll, otherwise it would not be the case at all.

Above the high slope, No. 18 is still in distress.

This scroll, or Fulu, he collected materials for a long time, and it took more than two years to refine it successfully.

This is a light attack with attributes, extremely fast, and great lethality, or a one-way attack. Throw it out, a dozen big ones.

In order to save Li Anna, she simply used it directly against a low-level legend, offsetting the opponent's Yanyang melting pot.

"Okay, don't be angry. Eighteen, I'll get you a fun Fuluo, can't you?" Li Anna coaxed him with the hand on the eighteenth after falling down.

"It must be interesting."

"very interesting."


"There can be no one else, can it?"

"Higher level!"

"Over level 70, will it work?"

"Okay, then I forgive you for being rude." On the eighteenth, he mourned.

"Do you seem to forgive me?"

Pointing to his face on the 18th, he said: "It's not real skin, my emotional response is very long, and it will look like this for a while."

"Well, at least you won't turn your face too fast," Li Anna said.

Under the high slope, the enemy's attack accelerated. The problem was that two legendary mages died, and Li Anna was fearless. She got on the iron horse and smiled, "You guys are good, if you are a unicorn knight, what kind of battle will it take."

He closed his eyes on the 18th and said, if I didn't help you, would you dare to rush down?

Li Anna lifted her gun and released a strong breath on her body. This breath was not an elemental force, nor a fighting spirit, nor a sword spirit. It was like a substance, and a huge set of armor was condensed on the body, and a back was pulled A black cloak that hunted with the wind.

Li Anna said no more nonsense, urged the iron horse, and rushed down the slope.

Rhode Island has no farmland in the original sense, but in the Arcane Empire, there are still endless fields.

When autumn harvests, there are large puppets, carrying complex machinery, and harvesting crops quickly.

Li Anna is like a large puppet, and her spear is like a giant sickle rolling on the ground.

She rushed all the way down over a 50-meter-wide ramp, and the enemy fell like wheat.

Usually soldiers, using the fighting spirit, cannot last so long.

However, Li Anna, who harvested more than 800 people in one fell swoop, stopped the iron horse and raised the rifle at the troops that stopped behind.

No one said anything, because the remaining legendary mages did not issue an order to continue the attack.

That legendary mage was scared. If such a powerful legendary warrior confronts him head-on, will he be killed?

The pride of the magician? He was in his early forties, and the extra level was just a little more magical skill.

The leader is dead, he has no confidence, can hit this hill.

Li Anna jumped on the horse and provoked a bit. She did not expect the other party to counsel, which made her really helpless. There were only a few people on the high slope, and all of them rushed past, not enough for others to cut.

Killing hundreds of them yourself, and not daring to rush forward anymore, is also a little dangerous to be entangled in the legend.

Unless the 18th is willing to come down with himself, but if the 18th is unwilling, this matter will not be discussed.

If you are self-willed and attack the army, it will not be very good. Although the 18th is just a construct, Li Anna knows that he is a sentimental construct. Just like No. 1 likes art, the batch of flying outfits cultivated by the ancestors are very unique.

Li Anna always said that there was no heart on the 18th, UU reading www.uukanshu. comm but she didn't want to hurt the heart on the 18th.

Use her safety to make a bet and force the 18th to come down, which is something she can't do.

This is not the case if you are sensible.

Li Anna sneered, slowly swallowing, riding an iron horse, walking back from the **** to the slope, standing on the top of the slope, and looking back, the army slowly backed away, the speed was not fast, as if afraid of the top of the **** Soldiers rushed down the same.

"Why, not reconciled?" Asked Li Anna on the 18th.

"Yeah, they are not the Legion of Rhode Island. In the battle formation, there is a lack of effective formation coordination, and I am almost unaffected. If I have 5,000 here ... no, as long as there are 3,000 people, I rushed up. "

"If I had a flying squadron, I would throw the alchemy bomb directly."

"You are lifting the bar."

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