Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1079: : Industrial Capability

Therefore, this matter is particularly troublesome. Suppose Xiahe is now dispatching a large army to attack the green forest and attack the wizards who created the magic god.

If the other party fails and is dying, if they believe in it, it will be a disaster for Xiahe.

Therefore, even if the royal family seizes the evidence, they will not start with these magicians, so that the other party's dog will not jump into the wall. The royal family went directly to kill the **** of magic, or the royal family also wanted to control the **** of magic.

Things in the main world are really strange, want to control the gods ...

"Teacher, our own shop, do you want to go in and see?" Smith pointed to a shop in the middle of the road.

The road is not straight, has twists and turns, and the width is not the same. This store is a single building, only three floors, but it is very high. There is a seal on the plaque, which is indeed the three-legged firecrow logo led by the Duke. Xiahe can see more details. This shop was opened by Sith himself.

It's really a fake public welfare, such a store that brings together the luck of all the shops around.

Among the Daomen, there is the saying of luck, but most of them are used by the 3,000 side gates. The Jiu Avenue Palace is usually only used in business, as it is now the case.

On the first floor of the shop, it is made of dark red masonry, and also has selected cornices and artificial crystal windows.

Speaking of which, there are many kinds of artificial crystals, there are cheap goods, and there are such things in front of you. The price of the enchanted one is amazing.

No one was greeted when three people walked in. There were a lot of counters on the first floor, and there were also tall wooden shelves with samples placed on them. The counters were also closed with crystals. These wooden shelves could be touched by reaching out.

The staircase is in the central position and can go up in all four directions. The interlaced wooden staircases seem to lead to different time and space, with a psychedelic feeling.

Around the stairs, there are hollowed-out armor in different shapes.

Xiahe nodded, all the arrangements were in formation, without traces. It should have been arranged by Sith himself. Those with a slightly worse level would not be able to make it.

Several people went directly to the third floor. On the third floor, in the magic circle, samples were suspended, and the formation was protected.

"A few, what do you want, or do you want to visit casually?" A young female magician came up and greeted him politely.

"Want to visit."

"So, do I need to do the product introduction?" The female magician kept her enthusiasm. Xiahe three said that they did not come to buy things, she still accompanied them throughout the journey.

This is the level of high-end stores, and of course it is also related to the identity verification of the three people in Xiahe. Not everyone can enter this kind of shop. In fact, when you enter, you already have an evaluation. Although Xiahe three hide their ranks and look simple, but a robe is also very expensive, and this is not concealed.

The three people in Xiahe may not be able to afford it, or they do not want to buy it, but they are definitely not here to make trouble.

As long as it is not trouble, welcome, even if you come in to avoid the rain.

"This dress is very beautiful, isn't it a magic robe?" Medieli pointed to a robe. The robe was glorious, but it was not dazzling. It was more like the moonlight. feel.

The female magician smiled and said, "This thing is also considered a magic robe. It mainly improves the elemental affinity, the law control, and there is no specific skill on it. Of course, do n’t wear this on the battlefield. Important people, any attack is given priority to you. "

"It seems like this." Smith nodded.

"this is……"

"Magic musket, you see, the shape of this appearance is directly a separate armor. The pattern on it can be suspended, which is a special-shaped barrel. Don't look at the short barrel, the range is five miles."

"Five Miles!" Medieri was also surprised. Even the legendary magic musket, this shape can shoot five miles, it is quite amazing.

"It's not surprising that the price of seven million gold coins can be shot for ten miles." Xia He reminded Medieri.

I applied for a 400 million loan to repair the floating city myself. Why do n’t I grab a 7 million gold coin for this broken thing?

"This adult, 7 million gold coins, includes after-sales, ten years of free maintenance, one hundred years of after-sales care, ten free magic projectiles per year, mental energy blending potions, to ensure that users can resonate with this equipment. Add some money If you can continue to increase the range, you can also customize various attributes of magic projectiles. You think, if you are in Green Forest and need to take care of this equipment, as long as you contact our shop, you will dispatch flying warships in the past 24 hours , Deal with you personally. "

"I know that labor is free, but the money to dispatch a battleship is to be spent."

The female magician smiled awkwardly and said, "After all, the warships are leased. Besides, this thing is sold for 7 million. If the warships are used for free, how will the warships be sold in the future. Let us measure the difficulty of the Duke.

Xiahe couldn't help crying or laughing, what is this?

Does this mean that the Duke-led flying warships are cheaper to sell? You should increase your price!

However, those sold to the royal family can't increase the price anymore. They all added a zero up. They cost 200,000 for 20,000, and they are still bare metal, core magic arrays, and later upgrades. That is all money. The royal family can indeed upgrade itself, the problem is that the bare metal version is not worth the money, just a shell.

It seems that he is not dark enough, so this little magician yells for himself.

"Show you this." The female magician took out the musket, took out a magic projectile, and put the magic musket back.

This magic projectile is golden-red, not very reflective, and has a delicate pattern on it.

Xia He held it in his hand and marveled in his heart. Over the years, many of the things the college tested have been successful. He knows how to make this thing, so he has a lot of emotion in his heart.

The female magician proudly said: "This is a special product of the Duke's collar, which is not available outside. Don't look at the small projectile, the material is unique. Phoenix knows?

"Yes." Smith looked silly.

"This magic bullet was made by using the feathers of Phoenix and metal replacement."

"Phoenix, isn't it extinct?"

"Anyway, the Duke has a way to make it. I don't believe you can buy a projectile for your own research. There is absolutely no falsehood."

In fact, she didn't know how these phoenix feathers came from.

In this universe, the phoenix is ​​also considered an archaic creature. Not only is the main world extinct, most of it has completely disappeared. The duke lord is to find a magical creature with Phoenix blood veins. The magic experiment carried out in some worlds with a particularly fast time flow has repeatedly purified the blood veins and cultivated them from generation to generation.

For Daomen, creatures such as phoenixes and dragons are not worth mentioning, but their materials do have special laws from the ancient times, and their affinity for various laws is also quite Tough. So it is a good thing to bring a refiner.

Of course, this cultivation process is confidential and quite bloody. The blood lines of various ancient beasts are in the breeding factory. They are propagated from generation to generation. Only the qualified products that are selected will go further and be placed in the environment. Evolve in good places.

Where is the breeding factory? It ’s not dark. In order to let the blood of the mythical beast grow quickly, it does n’t give you time to sleep at all. The magic lamp is lit every day, and all kinds of stimulating drugs are eaten. In order to pursue a huge base, cages are stacked one after another.

The number of deaths every day is terrible. If you die, you will use the waste to make fertilizer.

Cultivating a phoenix is ​​how much material is consumed, and it is no less expensive than building a floating city.

The phoenix that was cultivated at last did not grow so fast, and the quantity would not be so much, so the cost of the previous investment was evened out, and the price of a phoenix was amazing.

However, after the cultivation is successful, the previous experiments do not need to continue, only some laboratories will be retained for in-depth research. The cost will gradually decrease.

This magic projectile, woven with phoenix feathers, looks at least the level of an epic mage. The metal materials have been replaced, and the proportions of various metals in them are secret formulas and refining techniques, which are also obtained through countless trials.

It took a little time to develop this small projectile. The number of magicians involved may be tens of thousands.

Of course, since the phoenix has been cultivated, the previous experiments cannot be wasted.

The phoenix at level 20 is of course not the same as the phoenix at level 40. It is cheaper, and its attributes are also suitable for equipment under the legend.

The breeding plant of the God Beast will not be abandoned, but will produce a lot of materials under the legend.

The phoenix of level 20 has not that good bloodline, but the power is not small. The phoenix feather is used to create magic feather arrows, and the power will naturally be greater.

Don't look at the Duke's collar making artificial dragon scales, it was an option that was impossible at first.

Cultivate the dragon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Pull out the scales, use the scales of the real dragon to smash, refine and create the dragon scale scroll, the final price is actually the same as cheap, as long as you can control the cost of the beast factory.

This artificial dragon scale has higher affinity, easier to use and more powerful.

As long as you choose a world dedicated to breeding, it will be produced endlessly.

The material of the dragon is also a high-level magic item. With the dragon breeding factory, the dragon blood ink is made of real dragon blood, not a substitute. It has a name.

Then there is bionics, the cultivation of the dragon is successful, so that the short pterosaurs have a real dragon structure inside the structure.

Although Longwei and Longyu magic are no longer a problem for powerful humans, but under the legend, what kind of creatures are not afraid.

These are all Daomen's experiences. Xiahe copied them. After so many years of research and promotion, the Duke's leader has already possessed a huge manufacturing capacity.

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