Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1082: : Siege (2)

More than a dozen humanoids feel like they are as heavy as a body, not only unable to climb up, but also sliding straight down, the speed is fast, they no longer want to control, and they all fell heavily on the ground, and the bones cracked.

It's really difficult.

The epic mage was restless, the soldiers attacking the city were too scattered, and the long-range bow and arrow harassment never stopped. Human soldiers are okay, the robots are damaged, and many vision collectors have been damaged, so they have to go down and repair them.

It is a last resort to go out of town, otherwise the enemy will be repeatedly impacted and climbed up, which will inevitably cause bad consequences. The enemy's long-range weapons have not exerted their maximum power, waiting for opportunities. Wherever there is a breakthrough, the attack will be strengthened in any position. This kind of thing will also be done by the Royal Corps, and it will be more skilled.

Archers of divine magical creatures are elves, and magical musketeers are things like goblins.

The opponent's magical musket has a range of only about 100 meters. It has not shown its power yet, mainly because it is counted from a long distance. If you are close, the magic gun of the goblin is a large piece, and its power is not small.

There are dozens of divine magical creatures, attacked by a technological musket, and under the wall, only a dozen remain.

Suddenly, these dozen magical creatures released a strong brilliance and rose into the sky. The glorious turn turned on the epic mage.


The magician was inexplicably frightened, feeling that the vitality of his body quickly disappeared, and his black hair turned pale and mottled.


The epic mage slowly fell to the ground, and the magic robe on his body became decaying.

The divine magic creatures under the wall also fell down, life was exhausted, and soul dissipated.

The soldiers of the city head were all in fear. They lost their epic mages for the first time. The enemy used a dozen lives to exchange the lives of a magician.

Li Anna was also startled, and immediately thought that the soldiers under her armor had the ability to defend against similar spells, not just one layer, but multiple layers of protection.

Even if it can't be protected in the end, it can't be broken in an instant, and it can completely dispel the magic by casting spells.

How did the patriarch know that he would encounter such an enemy, even the armor of the soldiers had this arrangement?

Li Anna was surprised that she played with soldiers these days and she knew the soldier's armor function well. Even the soldiers under her will not be killed by this magic.

Judging carefully, you can even persist for more than ten seconds.

For ten seconds, as long as you are out of the attack range, or a mage releases the dispel spell beside you, or carries a rune for death, you can crack this attack.

But the epic mage was really miserable. Li Anna judged that the mage was less than a hundred years old and could still live for more than two hundred years. With good luck, she broke through to the legendary level Can live another thousand years.

It is worthless to die on the battlefield like this.

Pray, life is deprived!

Similar spells lit up under the fortresses, and Li Anna also discovered that this magical spell must be placed close to a certain distance before it can be cast. If it is far away, the power will drop dramatically. So divine magic creatures have to sacrifice a lot of people, but also close to the walls of the fortress.

At the head of the city, the legendary mage discovered this matter and immediately raised his vigilance, ordering all magicians not to act alone, at least five together, to protect each other, to release dispel at any time, or to destroy the enchantment of magic.

More than a dozen divine magical creatures, appearing to be the blood of trolls, rushed to the head of the city, holding long iron rods and fighting with human soldiers.

But soon, the robot was stabbed in the back with metal for a long time.

The robot is irrespective of its own safety. At this time, it is just surrendering its life, too fast. Those troll bloodline creatures have strong defense, but when the metal thorn hits, it will carry a strong current and have a paralyzing effect.

Destroyed more than a dozen robots, and killed the enemy who rushed to the head of the city, the command of the royal army, and then began to pay attention and mobilize more robots to come up. The new robot is not a type of long-range attack, and heavy warriors have appeared.

Li Anna frowned. The number of divine magic creatures this time must have exceeded two million. However, if you want to attack a well-defended town or a similar large camp, you must have ten times the strength to be reliable. There are millions of people in the royal family here, the distribution of troops is still very reasonable, and the defense weapons are sufficient.

Divine magical creatures, not to win, but to consume each other.

It is not difficult to understand that those creatures sacrifice their souls to attack the enemies and do the same thing.

Fortunately, he didn't come to attack his castle, otherwise, death and injury are inevitable.

Looking at the sky, there are still a variety of huge ice blocks, elemental balls, metal shells, and a few meters of magical giant crossbow that are barely projected. Li Anna suddenly felt the insignificance of her own strength.

Jian Xiu is powerful, but the power of the giant crossbow really hits him head-on, afraid that he will fly a few hundred meters away.

The enemies surrounding the camp are obviously a huge magical formation. If the camp is not properly arranged, it is estimated that the other party will launch an attack and the entire ice layer of the earth will fall down.

This is also the reason why Dian Rose took the camp. The geology of this piece is good enough. The other party wants to use similar spells, which is extremely difficult to succeed.

On the side of the ice castle, if there is a door technique to fill the cracks in the underground, then the other party launches a magic art, and the ice castle will quickly collapse.

In the sky in the distance, snow-white butterfly-like creatures fly wildly, that is something that has been encountered in the cracks of the ice layer, low-level creatures, but the damage is huge.

Rows of fireballs fly into the sky, rolling into the sea.

A few miles away, I could feel the blaze in that color. The double attack and defense has never stopped. The flying warship in the camp, under the protection of the legendary mage, flew at a very high altitude and fired shells downward. The cannonball hit the enemy camp with a huge impact and was difficult to stop.

However, the power of the explosion was still limited.

War is not like this. Li Anna knew very well that the real conflict is coming.

She concentrated on the ice tower, focused on the battlefield, and watched it all day and night. The attack of divine magic creatures has never stopped. If the royal family had sufficient troops, it would have been defeated by this kind of rotation attack.

Then Li Anna saw that in the camp of divine magical creatures, the four smokes rising into the sky instantly condensed into the image of a human mage wearing a golden robe.

Even using the means of advent? Although it is said that there is no Divine Kingdom, it is less affected by the law to make such a projection, but the loss can be even greater. Is it the **** of magic ...

No, the **** of magic has sacrificed a lot of life to create the advent projection.

The image of the **** of magic is a golden robe with long black hair pulled up randomly above his head without a cap. He held a magic book in his left hand and a magic wand in his right. It seems that there are no outstanding features.

Only when this projection came out, the rules of the entire battlefield were affected, and the various artillery in the camp was directly misfired.

It's quite tolerable. Observed for a day before shooting?

Li Anna didn't care much about the projection of this magical god, which was far from the teacher. Although you can control the rules at the bottom, but you want to kill the mystic group, it is not so powerful. After all, it is the power of sacrifice, not a projection cut from the gods.

In the camp, a figure lifted off. This person looked strange and expressionless, wearing a noble minister's dress, flying straight and flying toward the projection of the **** of magic.

"Destroy!" The projection of the magical **** raised his magic wand and pointed to the noble minister flying in the camp.

"My emperor ..." The minister said, his body suddenly stood upright, and the light in his eyes bloomed.

The projection of the magical **** suddenly failed.

"My emperor opened up all realms, took control of life and death, and killed the gods ..." The minister's mouth did not know what to say, but volley step by step to the projection of the magic god, the projection of the magic **** trembles Consolidation turned into vain, and it was about to collapse.

"I'm **** ..." Li Anna said a **** and was shocked in her heart. What kind of means is this for the royal family, why can't you figure it out yourself?

But she saw that the minister brought by the royal army was aimed at the **** of magic. The power he possesses restrains each other's magic. And now it is revealed that the projection of the magical **** means that he does not care about exposure at all, and there are more means.

A group of figures flew from the army of divine magical creatures, into the air, to intercept the royal minister.

In the camp, more legendary mages ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also flew into the sky and intercepted them head-on.

Both sides no longer care about whether they will influence each other. On the royal side, the projection must be ruined. On the side of the divine magic creature, I do n’t want the projection of God to be inexplicably lost.

The projection of the magic god, in such a collision, recovered a little bit of strength, turned around and left.

The royal minister was not in a hurry, he followed behind step by step, as if there was a road on the sky for him to walk. His speed didn't seem fast, but the projection of the God of Magic, no matter what, would be difficult to get rid of his tracking.

The two weird existences were far away in a blink of an eye, and Li Anna's alchemy telescope could not be seen. Only the camp was left, and the legends of the two sides fought together.

On the ground, the army of divine magic creatures began to charge intensively. This time, because of the battle in the sky, the elements in the entire area were in chaos. The ordinary magic cannon on the ground was completely invalidated, and even the legendary artillery was unsustainable.

Only the musket of the robot is left, and it can still attack normally.

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