Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1087: :Feeling good

Medelly was also helpless. These two students always like to be alone, so there will be problems in practice.

Of course, I followed because of Xiahe's order, not really worried about what went wrong.

Xiahe means that since the **** of magic has not yet been predicted to be so powerful, there is no need to worry about Rhode Island. He and Smith handled it completely. But in the extreme north, the rich oil over there, so let her come and try to search for something.

It seems that Medirelli is a demigod and can carry a lot of things. If there is anything similar to the small world skin, Medierli can walk away alone.

By the way, let Lynn and Li Anna come to hone them by the way.

This is more interesting than going to the abyss. Go and see the **** of magic. If possible, the **** of slaughter is also a good practice.

Medelly didn't think about competing with the royal family, but giving the magic **** a sword was a great reward for himself and his students.

Because the base camp is in the world of Xianyin Palace, Medieri's mind is different from the people in this world.

The contention is also different, let alone envy and jealousy.

As for the two students, she still loves it, and wastes time to run out, saying that she has her own things, and is not worried about the safety of the two students.

Li Anna ran to the small square, and saw his brother with a white face, who was directing the robot, to move things out.

In the ice castle, the real space is the underground of the ice tower, leading to the processed underground cracks, where a lot of logistics materials are placed.

This time Lynn came and brought a lot of food, ammunition, medicine, robot parts, magic materials and so on.

Food includes a lot of cooking materials. In the Duke's kingdom, the materials for removing food toxins are not counted in the pharmacy, but in the food ingredients section, there is a special category.

"Anna, Anna, come here!" Lynn waved to Li Anna.

Li Anna shook her head and said, "I don't work."

"Bring you something good."

"What is it?" Li Anna's figure flashed before coming to Lynn.

Lin En rolled up his sleeves and put two red bracelets on his right wrist. He took one, and said to Li Anna: "I asked the patriarch especially, this thing can fly faster, it is a bit more expensive."

"How fast is it." Li Anna smiled and closed the red bracelet, putting it on her right hand.

Both people's left hands are lunar fairy rings, which are standard.

"It's as fast as a battleship, it's mainly long-lasting." Lynn said: "We two are flying fast, but we can't hold on for too long. This thing, let go, is a large ring of fire around the body, I test Well, in an hour, I can fly more than 10,000 miles. "

"I'm not good at playing with fire, Brother." Li Anna pouted.

"This is thunder fire, and there are gold winds, wind and fire flying rings, powerful, all made up of runes, runes are made of thunder crystals, and with this bodyguard, even if the demigod attacks you against the soul, do not be afraid."

"You're so good, don't make it yourself."

"My craftsmanship, you can't look down on it." Lin En didn't take it seriously. Li Anna said he was always happy.

"That's right, too. Unfortunately, the third son has embarked on a path of evil, but his craft is very good."

"Ignore him." Lin En was depressed. The so-called third son was also an apprentice of Medieri. Although he was a sword repairer, he became obsessed with the refiner. It turned out that it was earlier than the two. .

In fact, Xiahe's two sword repair students, Medieri and Smith, were all obsessed with swords, but neither was a combat maniac.

Li Anna is more enthusiastic than they are, let alone Lynn.

"Then do you give me anything?" Li Anna lowered her sleeves, blocking the wind and fire.

"Well, when I went to hell, I got such a thing." Lynn took a quick metal out and handed it to Li Anna: "The ancestor said, this is a remnant of a sword repair, a fragment of a fairy sword. You also know that if it is crushed, it is impossible to return to the original. But the material is always good. "

Li Anna rubbed the debris of the fairy sword and felt that the quality was really good. And such a large piece can create a set of sword symbols.

Li Anna didn't have much demand for swords. She had her own swords, and the teacher gave her a green sword. Then there is the newly acquired sword pocket, which is also a good baby.

She also has a sword box, which was created when she practiced her hands. Although it is also considered a first-class equipment, it has no value to increase, and its own materials are just like that.

Neither she nor Lynn was good at this. All her energy was spent on her silver long sword.

Concentration, only, she can deal with that silver sword.

"Brother, is the devil powerful in hell?" Li Anna stood on the open ground and chatted with Lynn.

"It's amazing. I didn't dare to go too deep. I met a lot of so-called legendary demons, but their speed is average. I can't fight but can escape."

"Is there any special material in hell?"

"What are you going to do? I'm not going to another world, but the **** of parallel space, the material is worse. The main thing is that it can't last, we practice, and the pursuit of eternity. Waste time on ordinary things, no worth it."

"I want to build a sword slave."

"What's the use?"

"It's good to serve tea and water."

Lin En has nothing to say. The so-called sword slave is a special construction for sword repair, and the combat effectiveness is possible. However, he and Li Anna are of average level of refining tools, and things like creating sword slaves will be pitfalls.

"The important thing is the show. I'm a team captain now, followed by a few silly boys ..."

"Silly boy? Won't there be any attempt on you?" Lynn was nervous.

"How is it possible? I'm so beautiful, I didn't try to blame, but my identity was exposed, and I didn't even think about it one by one, it made people feel very depressed."

Lin En knotted and said: "Li Anna, you pay attention to your identity, don't make friends with that kind of people casually."

"Which kind of person?"

"How can it be worthy of your background, who is our teacher!"

Li Anna threw out her tongue and said, "Where to find the right one, let alone, it doesn't matter if you can't find it."

"Why do you say that?"

"The teacher didn't look for it. It must be meaningless to find it."

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin En was guilty, and the teacher was on the flying battleship.

"I don't have any nonsense, let's talk about it, the man I like, at least wants to be like the patriarch."

Lynn grabbed her hair for a while and said, "Yes, but if you lower the standard, don't lower it too low, at least worse than me. I don't want your family to have an accident in the future, but I have to help. "

"What are you talking about?"

Medelly was on the battleship and heard two people talking nonsense. She understands Li Anna better. When Jianxiu reached this level, it was not a matter of vision, but a problem of feeling.

Only Xiahe caught her eyes.

Because Xiahe is a Taoist, he has a pleasant taste on his body. Practitioners say that the world is red, and that's because people in this world really have a taste on their bodies.

Very vulgar taste.

What makes people frustrated is that it is like Lynn and Li Anna. They were originally very suitable, but the two sides did not feel that way to each other. Two swords can't be together without feeling.

However, the relationship between the two is okay, and they can only be brothers and sisters.

It ’s really too hard to find a fellow.

The robot kept moving materials from the six-man battleship, and Li Anna asked, "What are you doing with so much ammunition?"

"Some are not ammunition, those are alchemy instruments for processing. Isn't Su Mian here? He brought too few things last time. There is no shortage of materials here, and the lack of manpower and tools. The fifty people brought in this time were supplemented to Su Mian. "

"Then you ..."

"A lonely man, I'm in your squad."

"Who controls that battleship?"

"It's wise to construct, Anna, this time there are two Sky Blue Moon series, do you want to go up and see?"

"Not again."

At this time, Shrek finally came together and greeted Lynn.

Lynn is not the same as Li Anna. He very politely gave Shrek and said, "Master Shrek, I have never had a chance to meet. I am Lynn, from the Unicorn Knights.

"You're welcome, you come here this time ..."

"Send the supplies, and then I stay, with the sister, is it okay?"

"No problem, if there is any need ..."

"I can solve it myself." Linn pointed to the flying warship, and said, "The warship will stay behind. Fortunately, you have built it large enough, otherwise it will be very troublesome to stop these ships."

Shrek said, "You have filled the square, what can I say." This place was originally a place to gather troops, and now there are six battleships, completely lacking the space for soldiers to gather.

When it was dark, the supplies were considered to be settled. The dinner on the day was the best impression after the expedition team set off. After coming to this ice field, I have to make a lot of time.

Human beings are a more tolerant race, eating everything, but it is also very important to make it fragrant.

This time brought a lot of spices, each soldier has a dragon meat reward, the processed dragon meat will not be reminiscent of the dragon's stinky mouth.

That night ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lynn was cheeky and squeezed on Li Anna's bed.

"Anna, I have fifty now, how about you?"

"Wait a few months, almost forty-five? You know it's useless."

"I heard Su Mian made a sword bag for you?"

Li Anna untied the sword and threw it on his face. Lin En probed for a while, and said: "It's pretty good, then I don't have to worry about it, you look at mine."

Lin En also solved a sword bag for Li Anna. Li Anna studied it and said, "This is interesting, layer by layer?"

"It's built in accordance with the rules of the prefecture. This thing is very powerful."

"Send me."

"Don't give it!" Lynn snatched back the sword pocket.

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