Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1090: : Blood Search (2)

Lynn gathered all the corpses together, shattered them with sword gas, turned into blood water, and penetrated under the ice. By the way, he added something from the abyss, and the blood suddenly melted into an evil breath.

Laying the magic net underground is of course just a common material. It takes a while to be integrated into the space. The elements in this position in the future can more easily resonate.

In fact, this magic net is also a virtual network, and the entities now laid out will disappear automatically sooner or later.

Lynn also knew that there was no way to solve this problem, so he simply added some materials in it.

"Okay, let's go." Li Anna didn't want to waste time. In the west, she felt a stronger feeling to attract her in the past. This is not a trap. It may be more dangerous than a trap.

The two robots stood in front of Li Anna. Li Anna checked the layout of the robot and turned out to be an unseen energy stove, driving all the mechanical devices and activating those magical runes.

The energy furnace is very stable. It contains liquid substances. It is artificially blended out. The magic raw stone accounts for about 30%. There are also three images of the raw coal crystals. The rest are things she can't tell.

This energy stove is expensive because it uses the technology of internal folding space, and the storage capacity is large. There is no need to worry about fighting the war. The robot suddenly stops.

Then the robot also has a battery, and actions other than combat will be driven by this battery.

Battery technology is not very new, it is still a common layout, and it can provide stable power.

The battery technology on these two robots is not meant to be tested at all, but the new energy furnace is tested.

After seeing the robot, there is no problem, Li Anna let the team continue to advance. The patrol team in front is quite dense, but most of them are five to ten combat units, a few are about thirty, and more than one hundred. Never encountered.

"It's over there." Crossing the crack and walking for more than two hundred miles, Li Anna pointed to a deep pit in the distance.

The diameter of the deep pit may be more than 10,000 meters, and the margin is vertically downward. For such a large pit, the edges are extremely smooth.

Li Anna and Lynn took their mounts, and Lynn strangely said: "I can't feel anything? This is like a natural tiankeng. It's normal to not look at such a glorious plane."

"Below, the divinity is too weak, you didn't find it, it seems like a hibernating guy."

"Is it worth it?" Lynn asked.

"You can't sense it. I sensed it through the sword pocket. In a deep sleep state, the level may be close to level 60."

"That can't beat ..."

"Go on." Li Anna said excitedly: "I feel that this is the biggest magic net node in the neighborhood of the **** of magic."

"How do I feel like I'm blaming my upper body!" Lynn said, but he had taken out his own sword.

He is not afraid of trouble, although he always advises Li Anna to be safe first.

"The depth is quite scary, more than 1,000 meters." No. 18 glanced at the edge of the pit.

"You can fly, don't be afraid." Li Anna said: "Let's go down, you few let me concentrate on dealing with this guy."

Li Anna said, sliding down against the ice wall.

She wore gloves and her palms pressed against the ice wall, but she didn't slow down. She almost fell straight down. More than a thousand meters, that is, a depth of more than one kilometer. People like the legendary level will also be killed if they are not protected. Jianxiu is a strong body, and he will not die without protection. Serious injuries are certain.

Lynn also slid down the ice wall. On the 18th and two robots, he honestly spread his wings and descended.

In a blink of an eye, a depth of more than a thousand meters, when the bottom of the pit was vaguely visible, there was a buzzing sound from above, and a transparent cover appeared on the entire big pit.

Suddenly, Li Anna broke away from the ice wall, flung forward, and swooped down, regardless of what happened in the back lane.

Layers of transparent covers emerged, densely patterned.

This is a detection error. There may be powerful creatures underground, which blinds perception.

However, Li Anna is calmer than the robot, that is, she rushes to the target and feeds her sword pocket first. This is the sword repair.

If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, first solve the problem that can be solved.

At the bottom of the pit, a snow-white bug lies in the middle, and the fat body is over 100 meters in diameter. When Li Anna threw herself down, the worm was still asleep, and there were countless white worms around it that had the same appearance, and the body shape was ten million times different. It looks really numb.

Li Anna's silver long sword pierced the head of the giant white bug.

No matter how old you are, a sword pierced, **** it?

The white bug does not move, but powerful creatures have the instinct to protect themselves. On top of it, Li Anna's long sword stabbed the way, and a six-petal crystal ice sheet was suspended, which strongly blocked Li Anna's attack.

Li Anna's sword and people pressed hard down, and the borneol pressed against the white bug's head.

In the other direction of the borneol, inside the borneol, a silver long sword rushed out, puncturing the huge head of the white bug without hindrance, and tearing open a huge hole.

Li Anna's sword pocket flew out, turned upside down in the air, and turned inside out, as if a monster full of dense teeth, burrowed into the wound of a white bug, chewing along the way.

Lin En also fell down, standing side by side with Li Anna on the body of the white bug, and the sword pocket burrowed into it, devouring the power of the giant white bug to evolve itself.

But the surrounding bugs boiled and wriggled one by one.

The huge white bug cannot wake up from dormancy, but it can use its instincts to order its descendants to attack Li Anna and others together.

"It's so cold." Lin En's sword was ethereal, and the insects near him were all cut into pieces. However, the cold and heartfelt feeling is getting more and more serious.

Even if it is absolutely zero, it will not freeze Li Anna and Lynn, but wanting to defend against this cold is a problem for their consumption.

A straight knife swept across the hand of a robot, and a sharp ice layer froze in a blink of an eye.

This ice layer is heavier than expected, and even the endless robot, the speed of wielding the long knife, is instantly reduced. By the time it shook its blade and shattered the ice, dozens of white bugs had crawled on it.

The blood red sickle of No. 18 danced wildly, ripping off the insects on it.

The two robots adjusted the combat procedures, and magic spells appeared on their bodies, and there was no omission on the blade.

With a sorrowful breath, this will not be attached to the weapon, and the movement of the two robots becomes smooth again. Only this consumption is very large.

The bottom of the pit, I don't know how many white bugs, each bug is lowering the temperature here.

Every moment, the heat is burning. For life, even if it can defend against the cold, it will not be physically supportive.

Li Anna's silver long sword waved casually, regardless of the white bugs, she carefully sensed her sword pocket and was devouring the huge white creature under her feet.

The speed of the sword pocket engulfing is extremely horrible, if the bugs under the feet are ordinary legends, I am afraid they have been digested clean.

However, this bug is not only huge in size, but also has powerful power. It is colder than the little bugs. Swallowing the sword pocket also consumes energy.

"It takes two and a half hours for the sword pocket to kill it. Can everyone hold on?"

"It will not end if you kill it. This is a node arranged by the God of Magic. If we can't get out, we can't kill these bugs. It may be bad." Road No. 18: "I can't contact the outside. . "

"Understood." A gray flapping sword pocket flew up around Linn's waist and rushed towards the surrounding bugs, just like a fierce beast, a white bug swallowed by the sword pocket. His sword pocket is not like Li Anna's. Li Anna's sword pocket chewed loudly when he swallowed the enemy, and his sword pocket, whatever went in, was silent.

The most terrible thing is that when a bug is swallowed, even Li Anna has the illusion that this bug never existed in this world.

This is to completely wipe out the bug from the world, and may also have the effect of cutting off the cause and effect.

Li Anna's sword pocket is also terrible. Even if the creature swallowed by her sword pocket, the swallowed creature seems to be still alive in this world and never died.

The sword pockets of two people happen to be two extremes.

"Two and a half hours is too long, Li Anna, can you speed it up?" Asked on the 18th.

"No, unless I go in myself."

"That won't work."

"I only succeeded in refining the sword bag, and I couldn't increase the speed. I'm sorry, it has affected everyone." Li Anna said.

"Go one step, count one step." Lynn waved his sword calmly.

"What about robots?" Asked on the 18th.

"I can still persist for about an hour and a half, I will recycle." Lynn replied.

On the 18th, let's just count as individuals. He and Lin En are on the left and right, protecting Li Anna. Li Anna strengthens control of the sword bag and can also improve efficiency.

White worms threw up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After some were killed, they turned into black ice and fell to the ground. The air was white.

On the eighteenth, two magics were thrown, both of which were broken hell, heating up the surroundings. However, the broken hell, which could have been hundreds of meters wide, was compressed into a range of more than 20 meters in this environment.

In the body of the giant white bug, the sac sac was opened, and the fangs were fangs, and they swallowed all over.

The sword pocket did not stop, and went straight to the core of the white bug's brain, tearing open the huge wound all the way. Even so, white bugs can't wake up. Most of its power is restricted, and its vitality is also being consumed in the layout of the surrounding magic net.

It is arranged here for sacrifice.

God is the Lord, everything, determines life and death, and determines fate.

The sword pocket approached the brain core of the white bug, and a colorful divine light shone on it, and the black gas steamed on the sword pocket to counteract the divine light.

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