Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1092: : Suspense

The battle is not earth-shattering. The height of these demon gods is more than 20 meters. Between the hands and feet, the pressure is also amazing. Just close to the two sword repairs, everything will disappear.

One sword, one sword, one sword.

All fights have become very simple things.

Dead or alive.

The two demon gods burned their lives, one left and one right, waving fists towards Lynn and smashing them over. I saw a red sickle phantom flash, the power of the two demon gods burning life was suddenly terminated, and the speed slowed down.

The sickle on the 18th has a wonderful property.

Lynn's two sword lights fell, and the demon gods, which had slowed down at both ends, opened their hearts.

This time, the demon **** hit by the No. 18 sickle couldn't burn vitality. When he died, his soul was relatively intact. The devil's body was swallowed by Lynn's sword pocket.

Swallowing dead things, the sword pocket is extremely fast without pause. Only by devouring living creatures can we feel that the sword pockets are swallowing.

The remaining dozen Demon Gods turned around and left. Linn flicked his fingertips and flew sword lights. The dozen Demon Gods fell from the sky and were greeted by two robots, each with a knife.

When the demon god's body fell on the ground, he couldn't keep his balance, nor could he use his strength to protect the flesh.

"It's a great loss." Lynn stepped forward and swallowed the demon gods of the world one by one with his sword pockets.

The sword lights he popped were all one-off sword symbols, all of which were first-order sword symbols. It is not impossible for others to refine the sword symbol, but in the legendary level of confrontation, you need to absolutely control the sword symbol you release. There is a slight mistake, and the one who died is yourself.

In other words, ordinary sword symbols can be used when crushing low-level monks.

It is best to use weapons of your own refining at the same level, at least for Jianxiu.

"Why kill it clean, the **** of magic may have to send more powerful things."

"I have no choice." Lynn collected his sword and took out two sword spears again, looking at the white flower bugs that were thrown in the distance. These insects, after losing the mother insect, the threat becomes lower, the problem is that the number is still huge, and the level is not low.

Four hours later ...

The bottom of the pit was full of white corpses, two sword pockets were full, and Lynn's sword pocket also experienced a small evolution.

On the 18th, with a frowning face on his face, he took out a gourd and began to decompose the corpse of bugs and extract the essence.

"This kind of hard work is not what I should do. And we are trapped here, shouldn't we hurry to find a way to leave? Collect the corpses here, and finally get more than one hundred thousand gold coins?"

"Why not." Li Anna made a huge water mirror and threw the corpse of the bug into the water mirror. Soon, the water mirror spit out the remains of the body.

"I don't know, there are tens of millions of corpses? Kill these bugs. Do you know how much magic stone I have consumed?"

Linn's fingertips, condensed with a drop of emerald green gum, flicked and received a badge in the waist.

Then, he grabbed a worm in the sky and extracted green gum from the corpse of the bug.

"Eighteen, you can see that this gum is very valuable. One drop has half a gold coin, and a worm can have three drops."

"Only you can draw, my level is much higher than yours, I am not staring." Road No. 18. Lynn extracted the gum, using his sword repair method, and Li Anna could not learn the extraction process.

"Also, how quickly do you want to collect 100,000 gold coins? How long do you want to earn 100,000 gold coins at that time?"

The barrier above the head shattered, but it was still blocked by magical power, letting the small flying robot out, and mysteriously disappearing. And the force itself can't sense the space transmission, so no one can do it.

Li Anna snorted and said, "I eat a lot of food with me and I'm hungry."

"I don't eat." On the 18th, it was very hard.

Lin En said with a bitter face: "Or do I find a way to chant?"

"Yes." Li Anna and No. 18 spoke in unison. They were very happy to see Lynn extracting the green gum.

"This gum is alive, and it is a good test material to go back for further extraction. If the research direction is the same as I thought, it will eventually develop a new brain fluid for the robot to calculate the core. It can also be used if installed here. The biggest problem of robots is that they are afraid of being controlled by the enemy remotely. For the computing core, computing speed is not the biggest problem, safety is. "

"Is this thing safe?"

"What do you say on the 18th?"

"I tried to control these bugs, and they were naturally resistant. But this also doesn't explain the gum ..."

"It is because of colloidal reasons, I know. The biggest value of these things in front of you is not to sell them, but to take them back to the alchemy laboratory."

Li Anna's mouth is curled up, she also has a unique refining technique, and is also a laboratory to extract materials.

These insects have special properties, one is the low temperature property, and the other is the safety property of the soul. Another point is to set the joint attributes required by the magic net.

Most bugs, lost their lives, are absorbed by the earth and enter the magic net arranged by the magic god.

She and her brother are competing with the **** of magic, and if one more worm is quenched, the magic net will be weaker.

Of course, doing this is tantamount to provoking the **** of magic. Originally there was Diane Rose in front, the **** of magic would not pay attention to such small things as she and Lynn. Now killing a magic net node, let alone continue to damage the originally planned layout of this node.

This big pit was blocked because of the power of the magic net within thousands of miles, which was concentrated a little bit here.

This is what made the brothers and sisters dare not rush through.

Of course, if the sword pocket is worn as an armor, it can penetrate a wave, that is, the sword pocket will be damaged. If that's the case, it might be better to consume other powerful equipment and break through the blockade.

It is not necessary right now. If you repeatedly hit the gods, the frequency will be high, which will cause real attention.

It's just the attention caused by a little consciousness of the gods, not the magic **** itself. So the two men endured and waited for the opportunity to refine these bugs.

Now the two also know that the Demon God is a mass-produced product, and it has not emerged from the extreme north, or where the divine magic creatures are concentrated, it can appear.

When there is a threat, the devil is born, usually more than forty, with a legendary level, to siege the threat. This is like an automatic production plant, with high efficiency and strong pertinence.

If Li Anna or Lynn came alone, this matter would be difficult to deal with, and may be dead now.

Together with the companion, plus the 18th, brought two legendary robots. Once the pressure is dispersed, Jian Xiu can seize the opportunity and make breakthroughs.

Even in Jiu Avenue Palace, in the encounter, the most common tactic is to let the priests contain the main forces of the enemy, and then sword repair to kill the weak points.

Jianxiu's fighting style can basically solve the battle in the face of the enemy's weakness.

After opening the gap, the scope of the gap is continuously expanded, and the force will soon lose its balance. The party with sword repairs will definitely do so.

Gradually, everyone felt that the blockade was getting stricter and even the blue moonlight was completely cut off.

Li Anna said: "There should be an outbreak of fighting outside, so we have no temperament to control us, here is temporarily blocked. On the 18th, how much can you take away the body?"

"Can't you bring the gourd?" Asked on the 18th.

"The difference between insects is quite big. It only takes about a dozen gourds. I don't have many gourds. One is full of metal powder and can't let go of these insects.

"Then choose the dress that matters."

After thinking about it, Li Anna took a green gourd and put it in the air to take care of the bugs she needed. As for what Brother asked for, she didn't touch it.

The purpose of these gourds is to collect valuable loot, and they are huge in quantity and of the same quality. If it is something with different attributes, the gourd cannot be installed.

Li Anna and Lin En collected almost the same. When the materials were enough for the laboratory, they felt tired.

Suddenly, from the top, he drew a big hand and was caught in front of several people.

Li Anna and Lynn escaped with a sword light. The 18th and the three robots all had their wings spread, and the wind was violent, swaying like a catkin, and swaying lightly.

Li Anna turned back to be a sword, the sword light flew away, cut on the nails of big hands, and made a loud noise.

There was a shallow sword mark on her nails, and Li Anna was taken aback. Her sword, like stainless steel, was torn open like tofu. Then there was no energy element on her nails, which was pure flesh. Resisted his sword.

Generally speaking, even the dragon scale armor can't stop the attacks of most professionals without the guardian of energy.

Not to mention the first-level sword repair, the 20th-level fighters can break through defense.

Lynn Jianguang is like silk ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ lifted up in the opposite direction, the huge palm shook, and held Jianguang in the palm of his hand, smashing it.

The eighteenth sickle came out of his hand and passed through the palm of his hand. Lynn's shattered sword light re-stranged strangely, penetrated in the huge palm, and blood spewed out like a red heavy rain.

The huge palm suddenly retracted and disappeared.

On the 18th, he looked at his sickle and sighed. The damage was not small, it was all money. Thinking of this, on the 18th, a box was silently thrown out, like a sword pocket, swept through the air and swallowed tens of thousands of corpses of insects. It is also good to repair the material of this corpse of a bug.

However, in the process of repairing, it still consumes the magic stone.

When can I break through the 80th level? If I break through the 80th level, it is not a construct. The things the Lord Duke is studying can also be used on himself.

At that time, it was the Immortal Soldiers, which opened up a sea of ​​jade in his body, and his power was countless times greater.

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