Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1095: :new task

"I'm really confused, just did not let him swear, or you have a sensitive mind." Li Anna opened his mouth.

"So what should I do now?" I asked on the 18th, but I was about to start.

"Don't, don't say, he gave me the devil's cage, so ..." Li Anna said to Paterson: "If you take refuge in our Rhode Island, he will leave your practice."



A slight sword qi was ejected from Baide's right eye, with his broken eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't control it." Li Anna said with a smile: "But the legendary Master, any way, you can always put on a new eye, it's not a big deal. Pater, aren't you angry?"

Baide felt cold in his heart, and he suddenly understood that Li Anna was a viper woman.

In the past, all of them lied to him. The people outside were all in the same way. They didn't need to discuss with each other. They had planned to kill themselves.

"Bai Tak, I told you before. The people of Rhode Island, like quick battles and quick decisions. Are you willing to surrender to our Rhode Island. Give a happy talk, I will give you a happy, otherwise a few Thousands of sword qi squirted out of your body, time and time again, I am bothered. "

"I am willing to give in." Paterson said bitterly.

"Haha, that's good, this contract was signed first." Reaching out on the eighteenth, he took out a magic contract. Paterson reached out, wiped a handful of blood on his face, and then left his magic on the contract. signature.

He didn't care how the contract bound him, and even the content, he died without signing anyway.

On the 18th, he put him down, patted his shoulder, and said enthusiastically: "Welcome, we will be a family from now on."

Paterson did not dare to avoid it, so he patted his shoulder on the 18th and bowed his luck.

"Okay, let's go."

"I'm going? Where are you going?" Paterson looked at Li Anna in surprise.

"Go back to your green forest, or do your business. If you surrender to Rhode Island, you don't have to follow me."

"How can I go back ..."

"Ah, it's like this, I didn't make you what you should do, even if I think about it, I'll talk about it in the future. The thing on the icefield is the war between you and the royal family, not about Rhode Island. You go back What should I do, as long as you do n’t come to my camp, I wo n’t bother you. ”

After finishing talking, Li Anna greeted Brother, on the 18th, and two legendary robots, walking towards the crack.

Paterson is demented, standing still, not knowing where to go.

Li Anna walked to the edge of the crack and looked back. The Patek was still standing in the snow, and his robe was messed up by the wind.

Li Anna raised her hand and waved to Paterson. Paterson raised his hand numbly, palms stiff in midair.

"It's really troublesome ..."

Li Anna turned around and returned to Baide with a light, saying, "I can't expel Jian Qi from you, weaken it. It will completely dissipate in a maximum of ten days, and it will not affect you. "

Paterson let Li Anna put her palms on her head, it was awkward.

Ten minutes later, Li Anna pulled away, Paterson suddenly thumped, knelt on the ground, and reached out to pull Li Anna's sleeve.

Li Anna shook it twice, and did not throw it away, she said: "What are you doing, you are also a legendary mage, a person with dignity!"

Baide suddenly burst into tears and choked: "The **** of magic, knowing that I betrayed the mage tower, he will use this to threaten me. If I go back, even if you don't expose me, I have to turn to the **** of magic. I would rather die , Do n’t be his slave, please, save me! "

Li Anna couldn't help crying, but it turned out to be this result. I thought I would put him back to be a chess piece, and I can use it at any time in the future.

"I'm still too young." Li Anna said in earnest: "You said, I gave up hello, or give you a chance? For myself."

Baide cried: "Anyway, please save my life."

"It's really important to survive?"

Paterson did n’t know what to say, and Li Anna said again: "Yes, you are no one to pursue. Of course, life is the first. But if someone threatens you with life in the future, you will betray Rhode Island. Didn't it do a bad thing? "

"I don't care, I want to live!"

"Nonsense, you say that, how can I save you?"

"I ... Rhode Island must have a way, get something in my head, as long as the gods try to control my soul, I will die, is this all right?"

"Can't you yourself?"

"I'm not good at the soul. This matter, only Lord Duke can help me." Baide still snotted with tears on his face.

He was indeed afraid of death and wanted to survive. The problem is that it is even more terrible to be controlled by the gods while living.

Not to mention that these magicians created the **** of magic, but no one really wants to be a believer. It is just to use the magic **** to get the power of magic more easily, so that the status of the magician in this world can be improved.

"Then I will write a letter to you, take it, go to Little Sun City, find our Lord Duke, and surrender yourself. Rest assured, my letter is no better than others, you can see the Duke directly. Regarding your request, I will Write in the letter. Although Rhode Island does not lack a legendary mage ... "

"Thank you, Your Excellency!" Paterson quickly let go and stared at Li Anna.

Reluctantly, Li Anna took the magic paper, wrote a letter, sealed it with sword gas, and handed it to Paterson, saying, "Even if you are a magician like this, it is difficult for you to enter the core. Of course, more than one hundred It is also possible to gain trust after the year, mainly because of you ... alas, forget it, and I hurt you, I wo n’t say much. ”

Paterson collected the letter and took out a large transparent gemstone from its own space equipment.

Li Anna looked at it, smiled and said, "I have forgotten to rob you, but you still have a conscience, this gem is good, I accept it."

Paterson, forget to rob me?

He quickly took another box out and said, "I only got that gem by chance. Although the quality is good, I can't use it myself. This box of gems is my treasure. I will give it to your lord and save my life. Comparing the grace is nothing. "

Li Anna took the gem and said, "Okay, I know what you want, but don't do this with others. Rhode Island is not so greedy for money, I count one."

"Yes, yes." Paterson agreed, watching Li Anna turn away and could not help clenching her fists in secret.

Li Anna returned to the crack, and Lynn asked, "What happened?"

"Recommend him to Rhode Island, be a test subject."

"Test subject?"

"This guy is still thinking about making merits in Rhode Island, turning around and selling me back to the Black Eye Magic Tower."

"It's okay to kill directly." Lynn frowned.

"He is going to peek at my letter and die on the spot. If he gave the letter to the ancestor, his secrets would be clear to the ancestor. A little legend can't lift the storm. Then you think the ancestor Would it be worse than me? He went to Rhode Island and took a few more layers of skin to lighten it.

"You just love tossing, it doesn't mean anything." Lynn pouted.

"Hey, if you are a beauty mage, you must not say that."

Lin En jumped off the crack in one step, and Li Anna threw out her tongue and jumped down. Turning around on the 18th, I saw Baide still standing there in the snow, never moving his footsteps.

On the 18th, he spread his wings and flew to Baide in an instant, saying, "What are you waiting for?"

Paterson gritted his teeth and said, "I know one thing. Under the ice field near the Arcane Empire, there is an underground world, and the Master Tower is plotting to attack. Because the underground world has three goddess guardians, if the three goddesses are killed, Can quickly ascend and help the Master Tower rule the world. "

Laughing on the 18th: "You see, I have a higher rank, right?"

"Yes, when you catch me, even if there are no hidden dangers in my body, then a sneak attack is a must."

"Okay, let's go, this information will let you know your love. In the future, if you have something, I will help you once." The eighteenth smiled.

"Thank you." Baide just leaned forward, flew in the air, and hurried toward the south.

On the 18th, he relayed the information back, then waved his wings and caught up with Li Anna and Lynn.

"What did that guy say?" Li Anna asked curiously.



"Unclassified, we may receive orders soon."

"What's going on?"

"Underworld, the three goddesses, the Master Tower is plotting them."

"It's really interesting." There was no frivolous expression between Li Anna's expressions, and she said seriously: "It is estimated that a few of us will be sent over there. Rhode Island may have to conduct large-scale operations this time."

"Well, the underground world is very important to us. After all, the resources are too rich. The output of gems, metal ores, and medicinal materials are particularly large. Some Warcraft are still raised there. The underground environment is special. There are many things. Nothing on the ground. "

Li Anna raised her head, the sun rose a little, and the thick cloud of blood slowly dissipated, I don't know what happened to the teacher.

A giant like that, is it hard to fight?

When several people returned to the Ice Castle, they received orders from Xiahe on the 18th. Sure enough, Xia He let Li Anna and Lynn go to the underground world of the ice field to cooperate with the three goddesses and destroy the conspiracy from the Master Tower.

Of course, not only the two of them, but also other forces.

However, the two of No. 18 and No. 1 will not leave, and the two brothers and sisters will take the two legendary robots to the road.

Handover with Shrek ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Say goodbye to companions, the people in the team are very reluctant.

But Li Anna has the above tasks, they can't keep them.

"Order me to go on the road immediately, otherwise I will definitely have a drink with you. The things I promised this time will be done when I go back. Everyone is relieved." Li Anna outside the barracks, said goodbye to each of his four hands.

"team leader……"

"grown ups!"

"What's crying, it's a little bit awful. I'm trying to go back alive this time. Don't succeed. It's not a task led by our Duke. You don't have to work hard. Do you know?"


Li Anna raised her hand and waved. The top of the ice tower in the center, Lennon the feather also waved silently. In the sky, the residual clouds flew, and the cold wind was strong.

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