Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1097: : Centaur Robot

Su Mian did not answer this, he said: "This time, there is a slight possibility that it is directed against our Duke."

"Royal targeting?"

"It may also be targeted by the **** of magic. Although the layout of our duke's collar is not long over there in the underground world, but the foundation is very deep, others can't enter again. The extreme north, only in this direction, and Bingfeng The mainland is bordered, and the sea is separated in other directions. "

"In other directions, there is an invading mechanical life."

"Yes, for the **** of magic, it is inevitable to conquer the underground world. There are not many people in the royal family who are all in one heart with Princess Angelina. The empire of this world is only part of the power of the royal family. . "

"The two of us, without more orders, will there be support?"

"We have sixty regular legions, do we keep the interest? Of course we have to send them to the battlefield, but I don't know if this time is to mobilize the Lieyang Magic Legion, the Blue Moon Noble Legion, or the Xia's Guard."

The Lieyang Magic Legion is the earliest main legion. The Blue Moon Noble Legion is a legion composed of large and small nobles. The Xia's Guard Corps is the original secondary legion.

Within each number, there are 20 legions.

A large number of these legions are deployed in different worlds to fight, and some of them are stationed in various places to defend. Although they are very large in scale, in fact, a limited number of them can be mobilized.

Many soldiers of the Legion have served too long, and recently they have to retire and replace them with recruits.

The number of recruits in reserve is sufficient, but in a short period of time, the impact on combat effectiveness is certain.

Xiahe does not prevent the veterans from retiring, although the veterans are more powerful and more comfortable to use. However, retiring is a good thing, he will not be resigned.

According to the law, if a world war breaks out, these soldiers will immediately restore their identities, reorganize themselves in the regiment, and enter the battlefield.

Especially when the Duke's homeland is attacked, these soldiers will go to the battlefield desperately without mobilization.

Xiahe now maintains such a large army, although it is the reason for the huge territory, and at the same time, he still has experiments in it. The training data of each soldier is collected through a phantom array.

Human body data is also very valuable in Daomen.

For each individual soldier, the data is nothing, but what about millions of soldiers? For professionals, each time the body data changes, the details of the body data of various professional skills and so on. Some people are willing to buy these money.

Otherwise, why did Xiahe spend a lot of money to maintain this army.

With so many armies, no one except the Knights of Medirelli can cause huge damage to professionals above the legend. At most, it is considered a serious threat.

That's because, in every legion, there are enough legendary strongmen.

The Medelly Knights really rely on the knight formation and equipment coordination to kill the legend. After these knights advance their own legends, they are more powerful combat troops.

In the final analysis, the Medelly Knights were built in the direction of the Daomen soldiers.

The remaining legions are still human forces.

The next morning, when the team was heading west again, two more robots went along. These two robots were made by Su Mian by means of construction. The body parts are not the factory products, pure and magic handcrafts.

However, these two robots were built into the form of a centaur, equipped with two swords and spears.

Lin En said: "Su Mian, it seems that you and Li Anna can't say who you are and will not make friends."

These two melee robots, in addition to sword spears, are equipped with thick magic muskets. Low-level robots, or those that have not been refined by magic, cannot control this weapon at all.

Melee magic muskets, the killing distance is within 50 meters, but the power is much stronger than ordinary magic muskets.

Su Mian said: "Let's go to the underground world. It's easier to be accepted by people with this monster. The melee weapons, swords and spears are better, especially for powerful people. These two centaur machinery People are as powerful as epic warriors, and they are superior in skills. "

"You will reinvent it, right?"

"Well, my craftsmanship can make ten before reaching the underground world."

"It's up to you to always let others use swords and spears."

"That's the truth."

"Then why don't you help me refine the robot?" Li Anna asked dissatisfiedly.

"Because I have helped you refine the sword bag, I can't think of anything suitable for you for the time being. Don't look at my level is not high enough, I refining equipment, are tailor-made. These Centaur robots, let Lynn command, He is invincible in the army, "he said.

"Invincible in melee?"

"Can't compare with the unicorn knight, but the unicorn knight is a final word and can kill legendary enemies. These centaur robots, if they follow Lynn, can form a terrible kill beside Lynn Field, break up the opponent formation. "

Li Anna and Lynn, then carefully looked at the Centaur Robot. It was found that this robot was not only a weird weapon, but also an independent magic pattern system on the body. It was scattered on the surface of the body, and actually inspired it to specifically destroy the power of the enemy field or battle array.

Indeed, with such a group of people, it is difficult for the enemy to form a large-scale field.

Jianxiu is powerful and afraid of entanglement. Some formations, like spider webs, become more sticky as they are pulled. Wrapped around, it can't be released. If such a robot assists during the battle, it is indeed good. It's like Daomen Jianxiu is often fighting with Taoist helpers.

Taoists will also create some puppets. The low-level ones are like the yellow towel warriors. The biggest effect is not the attack power, but the auxiliary battle.

Neither Li Anna nor Lynn could see the mystery of the robot at a glance, indicating that Su Mian's refining skills were brilliant.

"You two, what you really need is a sword spirit in the form of a sword rune. When you fuse the thing in your hand, it will be very powerful when fighting. However, your teacher does not give you this opportunity, indicating that you still need to hone, not On the battlefield. "

Li Anna and Lynn do not refute, if it is a magician, at this level, when it is indeed on the battlefield, but sword repair is not in a hurry.

Only sword repairs with low qualifications will be sent to the battlefield early, so that they can get more credit and obtain training resources that were not available. Sword repairs with good qualifications will only be posted on the battlefield when they are about Tier 4.

This is the standard of the Nine Avenue Palace. If there are three thousand gates, the sword repair under the first order is taken out to fill the facade.

It's like Medicili. There are more than a dozen students. The two students are the ones who really focus on training.

The resource tilt is very obvious, but other people have nothing to say, they are small in two grades, stable in practice, high in grade, and unlimited in the future.

Resources should be given to this kind of people, not to people with more ordinary qualifications.

Maybe some people will be dissatisfied. By all means, they are practicing under one's door. You have more resources than me. Even if my qualifications are not high, I should take the same thing. You are suppressing it, it is unfair.

There are actually many such people. Therefore, it is not so easy to gather disciples.

Nine Avenue Palace, the best disciples, loyalty is not stupidity, but recognition of the Nine Avenue Palace concept. Under this system of ideas, there is fairness. To disapprove of this idea is to be unfair and resentful.

The three thousand side entrances, ups and downs, because the disciples who recruited could not guarantee their loyalty, and eventually accumulated worse and worse, and could not compare with the Nine Avenue Palace.

Some schools even have blood problems. The son of the master can get more resources, whether he is an idiot or not.

This behavior is idiot in itself.

In the Nine Avenue Palace, as long as you do n’t betray the school, there is no accident, the prefecture is reincarnated after death, and the soul is transformed again and again. It is possible to become a very good person before the soul is completely consumed.

Then, Cheng Xian.

After becoming an immortal, under the protection of martial arts, the universe will not be destroyed, and you will be able to live forever.

Su Mian said that the two of them were not qualified to go to the battlefield and could only make a small fuss. Lynn and Li Anna were not angry because this was a normal thing.

Su Mian looked at his work with pride, Centaur Robot.

This kind of robot was not created by him. The empire had already existed, and the duke leader had also made it. But he is the only one with such a perfect fighting style.

The real auxiliary lucky robot has anti-magic ability, anti-field ability, and destroys the enemy's domain ability.

Moreover, this robot is still growing, it is just an epic, but it will soon be able to advance the legend, three or two days.

The upside is not big, but the cost is here, what is the upside.

Although they are all made by hand, there is nothing special in the material at all. Only a little blue metal powder is used. Even if it is a substitute, because the amount is small, the cost is not high, and more than one hundred gold coins are added .

Li Anna looked at the Centaur robot and pouted. If she didn't use swordsmanship, she used the big gun the master gave her.

Although the environment of the underground world is very open, there are some places that are very forced. Fighting with a big gun is not as good as the sword and spear of Brother.

"Su Mian ..."

"What's the matter?"

"Build ten guard robots for me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ build a set of heavy magic armor for me, preferably with auxiliary weapons."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Experience the feeling of the warrior, why do you want money?"

"Five pounds of blue metal powder."

"You must be deducted!"

"give or not?"

"Humph ..." Li Anna waved again, emitting a blue smoke, and was put away by Su Mian.

Su Mian smiled and said: "Like a two-handed magic sword, it really is not for you. I will equip your left and right hands with different long swords. The quality assurance is the same as that of your brother. How?"

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