Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1102: : Replacement

This shrine has 14 clergy and 20 shrine guards. Although the shrine is built magnificently, there are just a few people.

The three goddesses are all occupied. Anyway, the underground labor is worthless. If you show yourself some magic skills, you will get a whole area.

The goddess is angry, everyone must be transferred to the main temple for investigation, some people have ghosts in their hearts, but they dare not run away.

Because there is collusion between the three goddesses in the underground world. Everyone knows that you have nowhere to go.

Su Mian beckoned and taught a female priest to say, "Where is the information?"

The female pastor said: "Sir, please come with me."

Su Mian nodded and followed her. The female priest turned sideways and whispered: "Master, can you plead with the goddess and let me stay?"

"Standardly, I will not interfere with the goddess' affairs, but I can plead for you to be transferred back from the main shrine, and say ..."

"The Son of God is a person who is prepared to become a high-end warrior in the temple. He is naturally very close to the power of the gods. The choice is usually very strict, but here is near the northeast of the underground world. The selected people are ..."

"go on."

"This person has searched a lot of things, and adults can take it away."

"It's really bad for you to do this."

"No, no, these are not temple treasures, but his own."

"That should have been mine ..."

The female priest gritted her teeth and said, "I can serve you adults."

"Ah, has the temple been like this?"

The female priest thumped down, knelt down, and lowered her body low, saying in her mouth: "Adult, I am a person with no roots here, go to the main temple for investigation, and there will be no way out in the future. pity!"

"The temple wants useful people ..."

"I'm good at communicating with the eyeless demons. The eyeless demons live at the lowest end of the underground world. They can extract rare materials from magma, but they don't like to communicate with people. The adults let me go down, I guarantee that there are no eye in this area. Demon, Ken trades with our temple! "

"It doesn't make much sense to the duke lords, but you are indeed useful. You will not be a clergyman and stay here to do things for the duke. If you agree, you don't have to go to the main temple."

"I ... will." The female priest shed tears and knocked heavily.

Of course she did not want to. If all goes well, she is hopeful to become a regional bishop in this area. What is the future of her out of the temple system?

However, the identity of the other party, that is, the goddess gave face, how dare she resist.

"Get up, you have to remember that the Duke leads people, only those who are capable. Those who are incapable, make way for others. Since you are good at communicating with the eyeless, it will be difficult for someone to replace you in the future. Your talent is wasted. "


The female pastor brought three people to the back of a two-story building and said, "This is a new building. No one has lived here. You can stay here. The tower opposite is the place where you can directly contact the goddess. , Is also where we store our files. "

"Okay, you will stay. I told your goddess about your business, and I will be mobilized to solve the problem. You go to the temple to get some gold coins, take the temple guards, and communicate with the eyeless demon. This matter is done, no matter what The trading volume is large and the Duke will talk to you over there. "


The female pastor withdrew, and Su Mian and Li Anna entered the tower opposite to check the information.

Everyone in the reference room was evacuated, and everyone in the temple was panicked. He calmly found the map and watched it first. The construction of this temple was pretty good, probably built on the scale of 500 people.

Judging from the nearby map, there are more intelligent life here, and the belief spread is better, that is, there are insufficient clergy.

But this is not the focus of development, so the matter of sending people over the temple has never been resolved.

If the **** of magic attacks the underground world, this is not a point here, it should be the kind of too lazy to ignore. This is from a tactical perspective.

From a strategic point of view, there are many creatures in this position, which is worthy of the temple occupation.

Otherwise, the Goddess of Doom will not build a 500-person shrine here, the house is still new, obviously it is a matter of two or three years.

Soon, a few people figured out everything in this temple.

This area was developed five years ago. It expanded only two years ago. There are underground humans, dwarves, cavemen, and a hybrid ogre. In fact, there are few ogres in the underground, but considering the race of the main world, there are only a few left on the ground, and the rest may have escaped to the underground world, which is not too strange.

Snowman, Spiderman, Snakeman, White Hair, Dwarf Man have everything, and some are like half-orcs of half-blood, but the race with high IQ is no longer a tribe, but an underground city.

The construction of the temple was successful because of the support of the mixed races in this city.

They are all very smart, knowing that the Three Goddesses rule the underground world, and if they do not support it, they are easily attacked. Anyway, the goddess of doom does not pursue any pious people. The shallow believers are very good. The people around them have been persuaded, and the temple will be built soon.

The doctrine of the goddess of doom itself also means the mitigation of disasters, and any soul is needed.

Even if the goddess of doom looks very evil, but does not need blood sacrifices, everyone stays vigilant at a certain distance, and also accepts the existence of the goddess of doom.

However, the temple's force here was too poor, mainly because Su Ye succeeded the original Su Taizhen, causing some trouble and interrupting the construction process. When I came back, there were some mistakes. For example, something like the Son of God has a problem.

The local clerics don't care so much, they are actually a bit sullen.

The Goddess of Doom pays attention to this, and after looking at it, she knows the reason, and she just left. It is enough to send people here again, which may delay the speed of the mission, but if it is not governed, there is no value here.

On the goddess of doom, a new cleric was soon dispatched.

This time, a regional bishop was directly airborne, and then a fifty-person Temple Knight Squadron led by a doomed fairy rider. Then there is a temple guard of fifty people, stationed in the temple.

The rest of the apostles, evangelists, pastors and so on, have the largest number.

In total, there are a total of 300 people, and the fighting strength is only 100 people.

However, this time the regional bishop is a legend. Of course, the doom Xianqi is also a legend. The Temple Knight Squadron is well-equipped and the average level of the Temple Armor also exceeds level 10.

The underground world is not an arcane empire, there are not so many terrible powerhouses.

Such power is enough to cause regional power imbalance.

To Su Mian's satisfaction, the temple knights were also complemented by robots. Fifty temple knights brought fifty temple mechanical cavalry.

The knight of the Temple of Doom, riding a dark elk configuration, the duke collar specially designed things, the power is equivalent to the short pterosaur configuration, it is still very powerful.

The regional bishop who came this time met with three people and was very enthusiastic.

In the bishop's own restaurant, the candlelight shakes, and the bishop takes the initiative to pour wine to Su Mian.

"Master Su Mian, you have been aggrieved by the matter of the Son of God before."

"I'm not wronged, it's the wronged one." Su Mian pointed to the badge on his chest.

The regional bishop righteously said: "It is not wronged! It is a symbol of power. If you are challenged, you must let the other party understand what it means!"

Su Mian laughed, this guy, quite talkable.

"My name is Salmon, and I respect you." The regional bishop raised his wine glass. He wore a black robe, with a solemn face, and a little bit of affinity. This guy is personal.

"King of Duke." Su Mian raised his glass.

"Respect the Duke!" Salmon drank the wine.

Su Mian drank the wine, put down the glass, and said, "Sammon, did the goddess tell you?"

"Say, the goddess also said, let me cooperate with you."

"No, unless the army of the **** of magic comes over, you usually operate the temple normally. The temple armor is under your command, and I will borrow the temple knight. I may borrow the name of the goddess, some disrespect."

"Where is this?"

"Just explain in advance, because I will not be a believer, but to act in the name of the goddess, or even pretend to be a clergyman."

"The goddess said, rest assured."

"That's good. That son of the gods, it's scumming, but it has searched a lot of wealth, it is my spoils, but I won't take it away, you need to spend money to build the temple. I see the scale here, you still Do you have to recruit 200 people? "

"Yes, I have to recruit 200 people, and the cost is usually not small."

"You don't spend the money I got for the time being, because once the war starts, you may need a pension. There will be no pension over the temple. Fighting to die for the goddess is glory. But we have to give, even It ’s just a few silver coins, it ’s better than nothing. ”

"Will this ... destroy the doctrine of the goddess?"

"For those who died in war ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, we can add a little extra recruitment fee, and it is one-time, there is no long-term compensation, is this okay?"

"No problem, it can also boost morale." Sammon was relieved.

"Actually, I will still take most of this money, as the alchemy fee paid to me. I will be responsible for the entire temple's defense and the cleric's equipment. I am not taking this money for nothing. Come, it will cost more, you have to understand that my master alchemist of this level, put it in the duke's collar, that is sky-high price. "

Su Mian didn't lie, he was not of high rank, but his technique was very powerful, it was equivalent to the original Xiahe.

"This is your decision, I won't intervene." Salmon smiled.

"No, all of these have to be signed by you." Su Mian didn't give him any chance to clarify.

"His Bishop ..." Li Anna suddenly said.

"Please speak." Salmon smiled.

"Do you really believe in the goddess?" Li Anna asked coldly.

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