Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1111: :Big Data Era

"Anna, you are so stupid."

"Brother, do you teach me?"

"Who are we, the teacher's disciples. Who is the teacher, the ancestor's favorite student, our little circle is the little circle of the ancestor. We two enjoy the best things, if the martial arts are in crisis At the same time, it is also necessary to rush to the forefront, even if you die, you can't shrink back. "

"I understand this."

"So what are you worried about?"

"Okay, I'm stupid." Li Anna felt very stupid at this time.

"Well, who would you like to come over? Do you plan?"

"Brother Sis, his manager is quite powerful, and he is also a first-class man. Although ... a bit fictitious, the future is not very good, but there is still some fighting power. The teacher said that he is hopeless, but if he is willing to invest, force It ’s been a day when I pushed to heaven, and if he accumulates wealth here, let him keep up with the resources. Now what is he managing on the college side? ”

"The matter of managing the deployment of materials has been done for more than a year."

Speaking of which, Li Anna and Lynn both sighed. In the same class, only two of them can become immortals without wasting resources. The rest have talents for swordsmanship, but wanting to become immortals is basically hopeless. But isn't this kind of person a genius? Of course, it is a genius, because they practice to the extreme, that is, the ninth order sword cultivation.

What is the concept of the ninth-order sword repair, ordinary gods are not opponents of these sword repairs.

Placed in this world is the most powerful demigod, capable of slaughtering the existence of gods.

Only when placed in the Taoist system, it appears vulnerable. Their fighting power may only be able to deal with gods of the same level as the Lord of Dawn.

But the Lord of Dawn is already a powerful one among the gods.

"Then ask Brother Si to come, Mithril City really needs someone to manage." Li Anna also knows that learning swordsmanship is a super first-class talent. If you manage, she is far behind Brother Si.

Li Anna discussed the development of Mithril City, and the tribal alliance quickly cleared the battlefield.

The troops sent by the God of Magic have very few humans. Of these five thousand people, less than one hundred. The nearly one hundred humans have been taken away, and they will choose a place to bury. The rest of the corpses were bloodied by the army of the Horde Alliance, and their internal organs were collected.

In fact, when raising Warcraft, the value of internal organs does not have to be low, and Li Anna is to let these people benefit. If they can't get any benefits, why should they risk losing a large number of soldiers and fight with you?

Eliminating this unit that attacked Mithril City, Li Anna felt that things were not that simple, because the number of this unit exceeded her expectations, that is, the number of troops attacking the underground world was larger than she predicted .

It's just that the flying robots went out to investigate, all of them were lost, and even useful information could not be passed back.

It is not clear how many people the God of Magic has sent to seek the underground world.

Fire Raven One brought a lot of supplies to the lab near the sun. In fact, even if Fire Crow No. 1 is present, it is impossible to easily detect the movement of the God of Magic.

After the destruction of this army, a few days later, there were small forces close to the harassment. However, Li Anna now has a lot of flying warships. After sending out cavalry to destroy them, the flying warships hunted down. These hundreds of troops were basically wiped out by the entire army.

Later, Li Anna ordered her infantry group to stop this kind of enemy and let the army of the Horde Alliance fight.

The result was unexpected. Although the tribal alliance people took a long time, they also won the victory.

The tribes in the underground world are basically mixed-race creatures, retaining a certain amount of primitive bloodline strength. For example, there are many mixed ogre, warriors and mages. Some ogres have returned to their ancestors and are tall, and there is also a two-headed ogres. The natural mage materials are all about to become legendary.

Li Anna happened to be watching the battle. He saw the two-headed ogres with his own eyes. An ice wall blocked the enemy, the wind blade flew back, cut across the ice wall, and chopped the enemy to the ice wall.

The combination of these two magics is seamless, and even if one magic is unsuccessful, the other magic will not be wasted, because two heads are in control, it is completely time to change the tactics, and then the other head is remedied.

Because of its quantitative advantage, the combat power of the tribal alliance army in the underground world surprised Li Anna.

These alliance troops, with a team of more than 200 people, also cooperate with each other. The small unit that brought the harassment was usually shocked by a dwarf's heavy shield soldier. After the impact, it was the caster that covered the wave.

The magic attacks of the harassing troops fell into the dwarf troops, and were basically dispelled. The ones that were not dispelled. The powerful magic resistance of the dwarves also made the enemy's caster helpless.

In the small units of each alliance, there are gnomes, armed with their own modified magic muskets, to specifically attack the spellcasters that contain the enemy. Even the spellcaster in the epic realm cannot concentrate on casting spells.

A unit of the alliance's forces repeatedly hit, cut, and harassed the troops so that they were killed by ten or eight.

Tribes in the underground world also have the wisdom to fight.

The gap between the equipment and the Duke's collar is too great. These underground forces cannot defend against the magical artillery bombardment. The elemental ball is released more than a dozen miles away. It is too powerful to fight back.

The ice field is getting colder and colder. The recent combat missions have been handed over to these underground world alliance forces to fight, and the manpower and weapons that Li Anna needs are gradually in place.

Before preparing for the attack, she ordered a batch of weapons and clothing from the Duke's side in exchange for everything in the soldiers of these underground world tribal alliances.

The leaders of the Alliance were shocked again.

But there were more shocks, and the duration was shorter this time. The Duke's side has tailored armor and weapons for each soldier, with the necessary supplies.

A hybrid ogre, holding his staff and smirking.

Previously, his staff was made of fossil oak fossils, with the petrification effect removed and Mithril added. Although the property is good, it is a bit crisp.

Now the Duke's collar had replaced him with a longer wand, suitable for his figure. It looked like wood, but he couldn't tell the tree material. I only know that the enchanting attributes are amazing.

My wand is a master-level equipment, the material is good, but you can't even upgrade the level.

This wand is an epic piece of equipment and will be able to advance to legend in the future. At the top of the wand, four gems are set. Although the quality is ordinary, the mounting hole is alive, and the gem can be taken down and replaced by what he wants.

Then there is the end of the wand, a magic is constant. When this magic is urged, the wand can be used as an iron whip to attack the enemy. Ogres are so powerful, even pure ogren magicians, when they wield heavy weapons, they are very frightening.

He also knows that the **** oak fossil is a more expensive thing, but he can't afford the price of the work of this wand.

Then there is the mage armor, his original equipment is dragon skin. The subspecies dragon skin, he knows, outside the underground world, this subspecies dragon skin is now worthless. The dragon skin armor is lined with mysterious black gold. It is wrapped with fine gold wire and wrapped with high-grade spider silk outside the dragon skin to protect important parts.

Now his armor, made by the duke's collar, wraps him forward from the back waist, half the back, and the hips are protected. This part is soft metal, he does not know it, it is very light. The important parts of the shoulders, heart and other joints on the body are a thick golden metal with foam-like holes in it and self-healing ability.

Then there is the scale armor on the body, which is worn with white silk thread to form a whole piece of armor.

Needless to say, the boots are thicker and lighter than the previous bottom, and the defense of the foot surface has also increased, and there is an additional kicking skill.

The complete set of the ogre's mage armor comes down, and he estimates that his equipment has doubled in value.

The duke's leader is not at a loss. The stuff of these people in the underground world has some special materials in it, but the technology of the underground world is not good. These special materials are basically wasted.

In this way, the Duke led the replacement of equipment for the Alliance forces in the underground world, improved the strength of the troops, and recovered a batch of special materials. Everyone is happy. This is the criterion for doing business.

You can't always use bad goods to change your baby. The most powerful thing about the Duke's leader is that these underground forces have many races, and their height and weight cannot be unified. Each set of equipment is tailor-made and there is no unfit.

At the same time, these equipments ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are also very in line with the current level of these warriors or casters, as well as the expected level of the future.

For example, this cannibal magician is now at level 30. Although the promotion speed is not fast, it is possible to advance to legend within a hundred years. His equipment has the possibility of promotion. In terms of quality, there is room for promotion.

Some fighters are already at their peak in this life, and there will be no further progress. Then their weapons and equipment will not have this kind of advancement reservation.

The duke leader has the information of everyone here.

Even, the Duke Lord has a lot of racial data in the underground world. For example, the difference between a troll caster and an ogre caster is shown on their wands. Different dwarves have different magic resistance directions. The magic armor presented by the Duke's collar is also making up for the shortcomings of dwarves of different races.

This gives people a feeling of powerlessness. The leaders of the tribal alliances in the underground world do not know what to do, and they can confront the duke leader.

In fact, for the army of more than 10,000 people, all the data, the core of Xiacheng's calculation, that is, it takes less than an hour to calculate all the data.

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