Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1123: : Patrol in person

Li Anna summoned people to come to the meeting. After sharing the information with everyone, she said: "The number of such creatures is not too small. The icicles that we set up on the defense line are the eyes of the defense line. If these creatures destroy The icicles will be completely destroyed, so the patrol work outside cannot stop. "

The battalion will say: "Sir, only two of our teams are transferred from the main legion."

Two brigades, a thousand people, patrolling the entire front is not a problem. The problem is that these two brigades are at the core of the battle of the entire unit.

If they are all used as patrol teams, a large-scale battle erupts. What will be the final word?

Besides the main force, it's useless.

Li Anna asked: "Alien Corps, the combat effectiveness should also be good?"

"But I don't know how many such creatures will appear. If this is the case, it is not a problem to encounter one from time to time. If a group of thirty or fifty, then a team of foreign legions may be wiped out. On the robot side, we are not specifically equipped to fight in this environment. "

Li Anna nodded and said, "I understand, let the foreign army patrol, I will go out to take care of."

"grown ups!"

"Needless to say, Rhode Island and I have already applied for support. I will be outside for a maximum of three or two days, and then I will be able to cope with the scene. All your legends are always waiting for my order.


The rest of the people did not object. Li Anna is a powerful legend. Everyone knows that within the scope of the Void Magic Tablet, you want to kill Li Anna directly, unless there is a 60th level upward.

At that level, hiding is not a good way.

Only when everyone works together can it be possible to fight back.

Anna Li, from the core of Rhode Island, will certainly have the ability to save life. In case of danger, it is not impossible for this plan to summon everyone to do it together.

Just let the coach go on patrol, everyone feels too little face, sorry for their position.

Li Anna left half of the magic tower, and by the way brought a robot warrior into the snow. Sword repairs of her level, after she dissipated, covered a few miles. But it's not necessary, the entire front's defense system is still there, and it hasn't been destroyed.

Li Anna soon discovered more than a dozen creatures flying in the blizzard. She set a procedure for the robot warrior to follow the patrol route and move forward at a uniform speed.

Li Anna let out a sword gas herself, suddenly in the wind and snow like electricity.

More than 800 meters away, a strange creature was swept by the sword and fell to the ground, Li Anna frowned.

This thing's vitality is not strong, but the combat level can be quite high. If you are not yourself, you can finely control the sword gas, and you can hit the key at such a long distance. It is still very difficult to kill it.

When the sword gas passed by, this strange creature shuddered in the wind, as if the water lines were fluctuating, almost avoiding the sword gas.

It's just that creatures of this level, how to control themselves, can be comparable to sword repair.

The problem is that if it is a fighter less than tenth level, it will be missed in one blow. It doesn't need much of this stuff. With three or five thousand heads, it can defeat an army of 100,000 people.

Of course, the premise is that there are no strong men in this army.

However, even if there are legendary battles, if the number is insufficient, it will cause huge damage to the soldiers.

Jianguang is far away. Li Anna, who has acquired this biological characteristic, does not need to control it. This sword gas will naturally chase this creature to kill it.

If no one controls it, it may not be so easy to hit the point. However, the sharpness of this sword energy, even if it does not hit the point, is fatal. In all two halves, what can it do? The ready-made corpse samples have been thoroughly studied by the magicians. This creature does not even have toxins. It relies on high-speed flight in a snowstorm, causing the head spike to hit the target.

Ordinary targets will be frozen at the moment of impact and become very brittle, and they can be crushed in one click.

This kind of attack also has the effect of breaking the magic, but it has no meaning for the air shield and the phase frost dragon shield. Phase Frost Dragon Shield itself is not afraid of low temperature attacks. The air shield is a full-defense thing, not to mention this low temperature state.

The slender sword qi, like a fairy feather in the snow and wind, fluttering with the wind, encountering this creature is a sword.

Li Anna was walking in the wind and snow.

She doesn't wear armor now, just a blue robe, like her teacher. There is not much on her body. The belt itself is a sword pocket, and then the newly created sword pocket is hung on the belt, and on the other side, a gourd is hung.

Beside her, the robot warrior moves forward step by step with steady movements. On its face, the red electronic eye flashed from time to time.

Li Anna said, sadly, she did not bring her on the 18th.

Even the two specially-made legendary robot warriors will not chat, such a snowstorm makes people feel lonely.

I don't know how the fairies wandering through the stars.

If all people are dead and there is only one fairy, survive the catastrophe, how to face this world?

Some missed Brother, and left him in the Mithril City himself, not knowing what he was doing.

Amidst the wind and snow, a malicious envelope came over, and Li Anna released her sword pocket. The sword pocket flashed a red light and disappeared suddenly. A few miles away, a huge bizarre creature was flying with the wind, adjusting its direction, and rushed towards Li Anna.

The sword bladder was at the top, opened its mouth wide down, and swallowed the dozen-meter-sized creature at once.

In the sword pocket, chewing sounded.

It seems that there are huge teeth rubbing against each other, and what flesh and blood are bitten.

Li Anna sneered, a legendary creature, but so. This thing is that the attack power is strong, its own defense level? It's a joke.

The most defensive artificial creature, so far, what she has seen is the yellow towel made by the patriarch.

However, the patriarch said that it cannot be taken out, and if it is used more, the traces cannot be hidden.

The real enemy of Rhode Island is not in this world, but in the Tao Palace of another universe.

The sword bag created by Su Mian is powerful, but the disadvantage is that it is not a group attack equipment. However, the advantages are there and it is worth investing.

This sword bag has excellent growth and can fight on its own.

Ordinary growth equipment requires constant investment from the owner, and in this sword bag, after the initial investment, the owner can let it seek food for itself. For example, today, I swallowed a legendary creature and became the nourishment of the sword pocket.

A sword pocket that can feed itself is completely worthy of the initial investment.

And unlike the previous battle, this time, after the sword bag swallowed the legendary creature, it was still trying to find it out to see if there were any new targets. A legendary creature in its belly did not cause any burden to it.

Li Anna did not recall the sword pocket, but continued to walk in the snow.

The storm that blows flying stones only makes her coat fly gently, and the cold snowflakes can't hit her face. She walks between heaven and earth like this, and doesn't leave the space of this world, but this world The environment seems to have little effect on her.

I don't know how long it took, Jian Qi killed more than one hundred creatures, and the sword pocket swallowed two legendary things. Suddenly in the sky, a snowflake fell down.

The natural lines on the snowflakes were twisted, and in a blink of an eye, a black cave was formed.

In the cave, a long knife was cut off, and the hand holding the knife was covered with black scales.

Li Anna raised her hand, with a silver long sword in her hand, and the blade pointed upward, directly bypassing the long knife and wiping the wrist of that hand.

The long knife fell to the ground, and the black cave on the snowflake disappeared.

Li Anna looked at the hand holding the knife and narrowed her eyes.

It's kind of interesting. Divinity, unseen Divinity, can hide a person in this environment. Except for the battalion general and a legendary mage, the rest of the legends are probably not opponents of this hand.

The enemy army did not come, it was the wandering killer.

Fortunately, his own people were all huddled in their positions, not giving the other party an opportunity to assassinate. Out of this environment, the power of the killer is reduced. Not to mention killing legends, it is difficult to kill warriors in the epic realm.

However, these things thrown by the **** of magic can trap people in their positions.

If you do n’t come out, it means that your strength is being strangled.

Are you fighting for time? But if you do n’t fight for it, I ca n’t let the army travel in such a hell, let alone my own army, the number is not very good, pure disadvantage.

Is the target me?

Li Anna and the robot are still heavy, walking step by step.

If you are dealing with yourself, you really want to mobilize people above level 60. But what did you do to create the Void Magic Tablet yourself?

Level 60, in the range of the Void Magic Tablet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not dead yet.

If you want to kill the powerful magician, you have to lure him out of the magic tower. Will you leave the protection of the Void Magic Tablet?

Of course not. I do n’t pursue anything, as long as I protect this line of defense.

If you do n’t want it, you will have no weakness.

Even if the people on the entire defense line are dead and clean, they will not be shaken and will not do anything outrageous. On Rhode Island, the Patriarch did not ask himself anything, as long as he was honestly waiting here.

Li Anna smiled.

I see you guys, what can I do!

The secret controller was very angry at the mass of creatures he released, but he dared not invest in it on a large scale. Because of this investment, there is no return.

Twenty teams were patrolling the entire line of defense. Soldiers from outside the world took their robots.

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