Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1141: :Joint design

If the royal family seized the avatar of the **** of magic, it was indeed too much hatred.

Xia He said to Li Anna: "However, the wrath of the **** of magic will not last long. He will definitely invade the underground world. Your Mithril City is a point of attack. Hurry up and build, the three goddesses of the underground world, will Support you in terms of materials, you can speak casually. "


Xiahe doesn't say much, just break the key. The **** of magic will not fail to fight the underground world, that is, the royal family has helped Li Anna to attract hatred for several months, giving her the opportunity to build Mithril City.

Xia He has said that he can speak to the three goddesses at will. Li Anna simply lists what she needs and builds the fortress as soon as possible. The three goddesses are also unambiguous, what to give. All three goddesses passed the Mithril Fortress drawings.

If the core of Mithril City is like a tree, the Mithril Fortress is like a hill.

It is close to a level of forty meters, a total of four levels, less than two hundred meters.

Li Anna is also not hypocritical, and the outermost layer allows the three goddesses to station personnel and coordinate defense. Then, the first ice temple was built about fifteen miles from the Mithril Fortress.

This ice and snow temple is extremely hugely planned, and the three goddesses mobilized thousands of magicians to build it.

After seeing it, Li Anna knew that the goddess of ice and snow was a thug from the three goddesses. This temple of ice and snow was built according to the thinking of the fortress.

In this way, if you support each other with the Mithril Fortress, the army of magical gods will break through this entrance.

The entrance to the underground world is of course more than this one, and there are many, but the rest of the entrances are very small, and the space between the space below and the large space of the underground world is also narrow.

Access is definitely possible, but do n’t even think about transporting troops. It will also be blocked when you enter below.

The three goddesses are arranged in other places, and it is not a problem to block small passages or simply block them without requiring a few people.

The Ice Temple, when only a small temple was built, invited Li Anna.

Li Anna took the guards to the temple location all the way, and saw the huge construction site, full of robots and magicians everywhere, which was very lively.

Jon took Li Anna and whispered: "This time, the three goddesses may speak to you personally, don't hit them too much, all right?"

Li Anna said: "Except for the goddess of doom, the other two, I can't afford it, and the goddess of doom is her own person, in front of outsiders, I naturally want to hold her and say, otherwise she will lose face in front of people. Isn't this the truth? "

"This is the reason, I haven't seen it before."

"Don't see that I know so much?"


"I just don't want to waste time on these, because everything is meaningless."

Jon didn't want to say much, and took Li Anna straight into the hall.

In this temple, the dome has been completed, and there is no **** pattern decoration. In the center of the temple, a crystal sits on a bed, and there is a female creature, which should be the body of the goddess of ice and snow.

Two clerics in different dresses wait patiently for Li Anna to arrive.

Jon introduced to Li Anna that it was the regional bishop of the goddess of wealth and the goddess of spiders.

Four people, sit on the bed around the water mirror and stand, Jon said: "Next, let the goddess tell you personally."

Li Anna nodded, and Jon and the other two regional bishops both lowered their heads, but only a moment later, they looked up.

The regional bishop in golden robe looked at Li Anna's young face and said, "Are you a student of Xiahe?"

"Student student."

"It's the same, not recognized, even if you learned something directly from him, it's not a student."

The priest in a black robe is also looking at Li Anna, looking at it for a while, and saying, "Your strength is not enough to protect the Mithril Fortress."

"The Duke is assured, you will be relieved," Li Anna said. She was not at all frightened.

"You've got a lot of money too." Jon opened her mouth. Li Anna determined that it was the gods who came, and used their regional bishop's body to come in contact with themselves.

"Anxious, otherwise I will not ask you for supplies."

"Understandable." Goddess of wealth said.

"Next, what should I do?" Li Anna asked.

Still the goddess of wealth, she said to Li Anna: "This body was created by us. Of course, the duke's collar is also a force. There is a space next to the heart of the chest. It blends with the body and contains an artificial deity. "

"Artificial Godhead?"

"The Duke said so. It seems that it does have a divine function. Of course, I feel that it is not helpful to become a god. But now, everyone needs a person to face the army of magic gods on the ground, and we have no good way. "

Li Anna realized that the duke's collar was still relatively calm for the **** of magic. There was a royal family in the front and a huge empire in the back. There were many forces, and the background of many grand dukes was not low.

But for the three goddesses, the **** of magic is coming, that is the disaster of extinction.

The goddess of wealth continued: "You use your control method, in its virtual deity, just leave the means. All three of us have been reserved to ensure that she will not betray."

The goddess of wealth used both her and her.

Li Anna did not answer, and looked down at the body of the ice goddess. The goddess of ice and snow is quite perfect, but the white skin is a bit excessive. If it is not with a sacred light, it is simply not available to creatures. There is a crystal crown directly, with a scepter next to it.

The simple **** pattern spreads on the long skirt.

A pendant on the neck, inlaid with huge stones.

Only one pair of feet is naked, and gloves are still on the hands.

"How is it?" The goddess of doom asked.

Li Anna said: "I have been prepared, nothing, just familiar with the whole body."

As she spoke, she took out a crystal clear rune, as thin as a blade. This transparent rune didn't wait for the three goddesses to see clearly, so she shot into the chest of the ice goddess and fell into the artificial god.

The goddess of doom doesn't matter. The other two goddesses hesitated and didn't speak.

What kind of tricks can a 40-level legend come up with?

The three goddesses simultaneously said, "Activate her."

Li Anna nodded, stretched out her hand, and pressed it on the ice goddess' forehead, sending power in, opening a magical formation that blocked the goddess of wisdom. For her, it was a matter of no difficulty. Difficult, it was just a sword symbol that had been hidden from the sky.

That sword rune has been raised for a long time, and she never thought it would be used. This time, she felt that the ice goddess might have a very high achievement. It is worth paying for a sword of control.

The goddess of ice and snow unraveled her wisdom, floated directly from the crystal sitting bed, rolled over and stood among four people.

Without any explanation, she nodded to the three goddesses and saluted Li Anna. Then the momentum of her body climbed up and down, and she took out a silver divine code, waved her hand, and held her ice scepter.

The ice scepter lit up, the divine light soared into the sky, but did not penetrate the building, just hit the dome, and then spread towards the surroundings.

"I am the **** of ice and snow, ice and snow in this world, listen to my orders!"

In the sky, dark clouds gathered, and in a blink of an eye, there was a storm. However, the wind and snow circled the entire construction site of the temple, and did not mean to fall inward. Heads of humanoids slowly formed in the blizzard, and their eyes gradually became clear.

"You are really willing!" Li Anna couldn't help but sigh.

This ice goddess has the ability to build an ice elf as soon as she wakes up. How much resources have been invested.

"Without giving you a good helper, how can you stand by the fortress?"

"in fact……"

"The power of the faith of the snow elves, the three of us can also share." The spider goddess suddenly explained.

"The three respected ... exist, please come back, this is not for you." The goddess of ice and snow continued to operate the things in her hand. The divine code she was holding flew up, opened in the air, and turned into a divine writing. Combine it, break it down, and combine it again. This is to create a divine system.

But this is not all the power of the ice goddess, the divine code is actually made by Xiahe himself.

The three goddesses will naturally not be monitored here, they are much more busy. The three bishops shook and the three goddesses disappeared.

Li Anna muttered: "Can't you feel a little sacred?"

Jon said: "The sense of sacredness is for the believers. You cannot be a believer in your life."

"The three of you, the physical quality is really good, and the gods can return to normal so quickly!" Li Anna exclaimed again.

"Nonsense." Said the regional bishop of the spider goddess: "I want to be the pope."

"What about you? Jon?"

"I can't do it anymore. I've been a regional bishop in my life." Jon said with a smile.

Li Anna's gaze looked at the regional bishop wearing golden robes. The bishop in that area was a bit ugly, and Li Anna knew why, because if the goddess of wealth wanted the pope, the only option was Abigail.

I've seen Abigail once myself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ From Jian Xiu's point of view, it was a perfect woman.

Just don't know why the patriarch can't be included in the house?

It ’s fun to marry a pope, right?

Maybe it is that the goddess of wealth is not strong enough? If it is a creation god, it is estimated that the patriarch will start?

Li Anna thought wildly, but said in her mouth: "The things here are over, I'm leaving. If you have any needs, go to Mithril City to find me."

After Li Anna finished speaking, regardless of the ice goddess still practicing, she walked loosely and walked out of the scope of divine light.

Seeing Li Anna crossing the divine light calmly, the three bishops felt awful in her heart. The divine light did not conflict with her at all, and did not merge.

As if the road was facing the sky, each side.

This Li Anna is bigger than she thought.

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