Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1147: : Robot use

Li Anna took people back to Mithril City and inspected the periphery of Mithril City. There are a lot of soldiers in the underground world outside. The magic shield has been propped up, but it is incomplete. It can only expose Mithril City to the environment of ice and snow, and the temperature is controlled at about minus ten degrees.

This is already very good, at least for professionals, you won't feel cold in a short time.

The army of magical gods received orders to change their formation, slowed down the march, and regrouped the former army, but more powerful men were placed in the former army.

The task of the former army is not to attack the enemy like lightning, but to build a relatively strong frontier camp.

The commander of the magical god, now no longer fantasizing, the 65th-level frost dragon soul is summoned, and this kind of thing has shocked all the high-level.

It was a huge dragon blessed by God, with a strong vitality.

Li Anna's interception won 10 more days for her. During these ten days, enough dug cannons were delivered from the Duke's side.

The Mithril City or the Mithril Fortress is also a structure that is very suitable for the layout of a large number of forts.

And Mithril City took advantage of this time to complete the deployment of urban weapons.

That's right, Mithril City also has its own urban weapon, the Sword of Mithril.

Very simple and rude name, isn't it?

After receiving the news of the completion of the city weapon, Li Anna tried it a little and was very satisfied. Especially under the circumstances of her personal control, the power of the Mithril Sword should not be delusionally resisted under level 60.

And she has stored enough original magic stones, even if there is no huge geothermal magic, she can release such attacks many times. Just be willing to spend money.

Is the problem that money can solve, or is it a problem?

Like her master, Li Anna is not an arrogant person, but what is it? Millions of troops were killed, and they had to protect two places, five main battalions, and one battalion under construction, which can only be regarded as secondary troops at the moment.

The number of feathers over there is barely the number of three thousand people, which is less than one battalion.

Underground world, those soldiers, um, keep the city well.

In this state, she is willing to spend money. She is not a tycoon.

Now she is not worried about Mithril City, and there is more than ten days to the Mithril Fortress, the ice goddess has created more snow elves.

The army of magic gods is late.

Although Duolun's army did not dare to chase too far, but it also delayed a little time, but Li Anna completed the layout calmly. Overall, the project was completed well this time.

At the highest point of Mithril City, Li Anna looked into the distance.

On the ice plains, the troops of the God of Magic appeared, building huge camps, and did not immediately enter the battle.

Li Anna calculated for herself that the distance from fifteen miles up was still within the coverage of the scientific and technological artillery, even small-caliber artillery could not be hit. The construction of the campsite is also very particular, not so dense, the strong are relatively scattered, but they also vaguely cooperate with each other.

If these powerful men intercept the shells, even if there are shells that can hit the camp, the damage caused is not enough to make up for the losses caused by the shells' consumption.

Killing hundreds of soldiers of magic gods is basically meaningless to this war.

Worthy of being a god, he will not repeat meaningless things.

However, Li Anna is not worried, because the geological structure here, so that the **** of magic can not easily penetrate the ground and send people down. This is why the entire underground world is not too worried.

Thick layers of ice and rocks are restrictions on the underground world, but they are also protective.

There is no way for the gods to penetrate hard, so the three goddesses hope to build the Mithril Fortress, instead of furiously recruiting troops to fight the war.

It took four days for the army of magic gods to complete the camp layout, and the troops arrived one after another. Really build permanent camps and build endless snow castles.

They avoided the shrine of the ice goddess, and started construction only thirty miles away from Mithril City.

This is interesting. Can Mithril City attack targets that are thirty miles away? Yes, but the number of such weapons is very small.

After building the castle, the army of magic gods began to strengthen. During the strengthening process, the ice wall gradually thickened and became a huge integrated building. This can't be bombarded with a cannon.

Li Anna did not bombard the camp, or even sent a flying warship to harass.

As you please, as long as you dare to spread the main building area forward, at a distance of twenty miles, I will be in full swing.

Li Anna was not idle, anyway, the enemy did not attack, she was building the Ice City in the east of Mithril City. Nothing else, the last batch of supplies arrived, there were many, many robots.

These robot warriors, even the earliest models, have no time to be demolished, or have no demolished value.

This batch of materials is considered to be supported by the Duke for free, because it is an early robot, almost all-metal structure, Xiahe means, sent as a metal resource.

When all are disabled, Li Anna will be able to sit in a large amount of metal.

Li Anna does not understand what it means, millions of robots? Without a commander, the combat effectiveness is worrying. But she still took it down and built an ice city to accommodate it.

Anyway, just be a warehouse. The construction of the Ice City is not difficult. The outside is a tall city wall, and inside is a fortress in the shape of an igloo. When the enemy gets in, he starts a street battle with the robot, and then the seizure of buildings is guaranteed to be a very sour process.

When Li Anna felt that there was nothing serious, she suddenly heard from Rhode Island.

There was an accident on Diane Rose's side. The army of magic gods broke her camp and the royal legion was retreating southward. But there is no fleet to meet in the south, and eventually we have to run west.

The direction of the Royal Legion is exactly Mithril City.

The royal family is sending a large number of air units to block the enemy and avoid too much loss of the royal army. However, the army of the magic **** is attacking the air and chasing it.

The royal air power, the loss is not small.

Rhode Island expects that the army of Diane Rose will arrive in up to three days.

What Li Anna can say, she immediately issued an order to strengthen the construction of the Ice City, and set up the Void Magic Monument and temporary magic tower.

The Royal Corps retreated to her, and she couldn't ask to go down.

This is really a pit. You are so good. Why did you attract the army of magic gods? Fortunately, the Ice City was big enough to repair, otherwise, the Royal Army could not be accommodated.

Li Anna felt that Shizu must have the ability to predict, otherwise he would not let himself repair such a thing.

Of course, this prediction may fail, but given millions of old-fashioned robots, even if the prediction fails, it is nothing. The magic tower and magic monument have not been built before, and the cost is not high.

When Diane Rose came to Mithril City, she was very disappointed. Outside the Mithril City, a huge ice city was built, with complete facilities. The Mithril City Master sent her directly into the Ice City.

Well, there is no reason to enter the Mithril City underground.

Damn it!

Dian Rose didn't want to be arrogant, but after she settled in Ice City, she had to face a problem, that is, she had to wait with Li Anna to wait for the attack of the army of magic gods.

Her arrival not only failed to occupy Mithril City, but also scored the pressure of the other side.

Li Anna was so happy that although Shrek didn't come, the teacher came.

The teacher is here!

Medirelli, when she appeared in her room, Li Anna cheered up and was squeezed gently by her neck, lifted up, and set it aside.

"Look at you, what it looks like." Medieri glanced at the other two students.

Very good, Lynn is also a second-order sword repair.

Depp, alas, not every student can be so lucky.

"Teacher, I am the city master." Li Anna tilted her tail.

"No one else manages it for you."

"I'm not as smart as Brother Four."

"Okay, I'm coming this time, I won't leave for now, but I won't help you."

Li Anna and Lynn both looked nervous immediately.

"Yes, there is a demigod among the enemies." Medieri thought about it and added, "There is more than one."

"No wonder Diane Rose escaped."

"Well, her core strength can also deal with the two demigods, but ... she doesn't want to fight hard." Medirelli casually compiled a reason for Dian Rose.

Li Anna had no scruples and said: "It is clearly impossible to go north, so I came to plot my Mithril City."

"It's a plot to the underground world." Lynn said: "They never had a good heart."

Li Anna said: "There is a temple of the goddess of ice and snow over the Mithril Fortress. Dian Rose will suffer even if she goes."

"Don't underestimate Dian Rose." Mediel Lili said: "The emperor backed her, otherwise I would have killed her long ago."

"Well, Your Majesty the Emperor, we can't afford it." Li Anna said helplessly.

"It's not irritating, it's just not good to kill it directly." Medierli's words made the students have an urge to burst into tears.

The teacher is still so domineering ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has not changed at all.

"After I come, you can just play normally. There is no need to support Dian Rose. She has enough supplies and we do n’t need our support. Of course, when necessary, I will send the robots to the past. Rhode Island does not add a lot For you? "

"This ..."

"Lost, it's all considered royal." Mediel Li said: "Just don't believe it, disgusting them."

"The patriarch really is!" Li Anna admired, if these millions of old robots are lost, how much money the royal family has to compensate. In addition to the old-fashioned robots, there are also old-fashioned firearms and ammunition, which cannot be discounted when converted into money.

Battlefield losses are counted on the battlefield.

I thought I was confused on Rhode Island. Why did I get so much waste? It turned out to be so, hahaha!

"Your Duke has never been a well-preserved person. It is exactly what happened to him in the end." Medelly smiled when he said this.

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