Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1153: : Sword in the palm

Xiahe was not surprised. Dian Rose, in fact, was the leader of the royal army on the entire ice field, and could also command a puppet minister. This high status is definitely not due to human relations.

Mysteries are all strong.

Otherwise, he would not let Medillary pass by. It wasn't someone like Medelly who could not suppress her by changing individual persons.

The mystic of the level of Diane Rose is equipped with powerful equipment, a solid foundation, and a high enough level. Under the demigod, there are few opponents.

"How is she hurt?"

"It's not easy to say, but she no longer takes the initiative to attack. The army of magic gods don't dare to mobilize the strong. It should be both defeats."

"You never see her again?"

"A glance, I don't have the ability to shoot for the time being, I just don't know, the damage is not the foundation."

"She has come to an end in her life, and her foundation must have been damaged. But she was originally hopeless. This time, she should be injured and the life loss should be."

"It's a pity." Xia He said it was a pity, because the mystery master, he couldn't get around.

Otherwise, in this case, offering soul liquid to supplement Shou Yuan's liquid will probably conquer a powerful magician.

The royal family certainly has alchemy remedies to supplement life. Even if not, the mystic mage will not switch to others.

It's like there is a group of people around Xiahe. It's impossible to take away how much you spend.

"I still stay here, anyway, there is no movement on the New World side," said Mediel.

Xiahe thought about it for the same reason. Because the New World attracts immigrants, the rate is very slow. The people of the Empire rarely seldom survive and have to leave their homes. If the conditions given by the New World are not particularly good, there will not be many people responding. The conditions given are too good, then the meaning of immigration is lost.

Therefore, over the New World, there are mostly military towns, and then hired workers.

There are not many workers. They are all senior workers who control the robots. Then there are the magicians who control the structure, the robots, and the number of workers in a mining area.

The army of magic gods is mainly used to destroy the population of the empire and slaughter the villagers.

There are too few people like this in the New World. The **** of magic is too lazy to spend his power on the army.

Mediril refused to leave, of course, worried about her own student Li Anna and others. Speaking of that, don't look at Li Anna and Lynn are very good, in fact, the four brothers Depp, and Medieri can not afford to lose.

This guy, Cheng Xian is impossible, but high-level sword cultivation is not a problem. He has lived for thousands of years and is also a competent clerks on earth.

They were all thrown here. In case of any actions by Dian Rose, Anna Li could not suppress it.

Li Anna and Lynn can escape. Depp's level is to wait for death.

Xiahe also knows, but he did not object, didn't he protect the students well. This is not spoiling. Why should we take the student's life to take risks in the face of too powerful enemies?

Now that their students have grown up too?

Li Anna and Lynn, one day sooner or later, will also become big sword repairs like Medieri.

Unexpectedly, Smith was a little lively, but confiscated a student, but rather a cold Medillie, a bunch of students as sword repairs.

What makes Xiahe feel incredible is that she has also cultivated two powerful talents.

Medirelli stayed on the ice field, if Smith knew ... anyway, he was sent to Kirishima, a cold, foggy broken place all day long.

The three sword-training apprentices were very happy. Li Anna dragged Medieri and asked her to tell everyone about the sword.

This talk was just a few days. Everyone was not tired. Medieri glanced at Depp and said, "Primary 4, why don't you advance?"

Depp hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Teacher, my foundation is not stable. I have advanced, and I can't cultivate the sword and thunder. It's better to accumulate first."

"You're a helper to Anna like this, and it's hard to accumulate. So, wait until this time is over, I will let you a few and see my Jianyuan."

"Really!" Li Anna hugged Medieri's arm in one go.

"Go, go!" Medirelli shook her off and said, "I'm still young, how can I feel like being a mother?"

Lynn was also excited, he had never really seen the power of Jian Yuan.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Medirelli smiled and said, "It's just for you to feel it. I don't care much now. It's really amazing when I reach the ninth level. The idle gods dare not provoke me."

The ninth order is a human fairy, not to mention sword cultivation, that is, the Taoist priest reaches the realm of human fairy, and the gods of this world must be kept away.

Sword cultivation reaches the ninth level, and it is not a problem to kill the low-level fairy.

"I can't watch it now?" Li Anna asked with a shy face.

Medirley looked around and asked, "Your Mithril City, or else?"

"Teacher, won't you?"

"Why not, my state is equivalent to the demigod of the main world. The real lethality is still above the demigod. If your ancestors are special, they will normally not beat me."

Lynn was also surprised.

If the teacher shows Jian Yuan, the Mithril City will be destroyed?

"I didn't know it originally, but last time, I accidentally wiped out an army of mechanical life. I found out that the teacher and I said are not very accurate. My strength is greater than expected A lot. You said, what can I do? "Medieri complained.

"Teacher, are you showing off?"

"You know what a fart." Medirelli slapped Li Anna aside and said, "I can't practice in the magical territory now. The illusion of the duke's leader can't afford my Jianyuan. At his home On the site, you ca n’t practice, you can only stay away. But if you go to other places, you can only choose the mountains and the sea, alas ... "

Li Anna threw out her tongue and said, "I understand, the teacher can't find anyone who is accompanying the sword practicer?"

"Your ancestors are too busy, they can still accompany me in the illusion, but now the illusion is no longer possible, and they cannot follow me into the sea ..."

"Why can't I?"

"At this level ... the attention above is too great. So, in the future, I might go to the nearby Star World to wander around and practice my skills in the unmanned starry sky."

Three students, try to understand the teacher's troubles.

Li Anna suddenly said: "No wonder the teacher wants to kill Dai An Luosi, this grade, barely enough for the teacher to make one shot?"

"That's not true, I just don't see the bully."

Li Anna didn't say anything, and she said that there is someone who is more domineering than the teacher. Dian Rose doesn't care much about her.

When everyone was gone, and only Li Anna was left, Li Anna sat obediently across from him and said, "Teacher, I am in second order."

"In doubt?"

"No, I just want to ask, why is the sword in our palm?"

Hearing this question, Medirelli reached out and touched Li Anna's head. Li Anna did not hide this time and waited obediently.

Mediril said: "Of course, the existence of the sword in our palm is to liberate all mankind ..."

On Li Anna, the sword was agitated, and she seemed to explode at any time under her robe.

"Teacher, you can't fool me."

"Then why are you?" Medieri asked with a smile, not caring about how the students were going to run away.

"I don't know. I started to like swords. Later, I felt that I was getting more and more powerful. I wanted to draw a sharp edge among the brothers. Later, I realized that no one else was my opponent, so I realized the mirror. Sword, and then start to compete with yourself in the mirror, I just want to win. "

"Have you never thought about longevity?"

"I haven't thought about it. I should follow the teacher anyway. I should be able to."

"You guy has become Da Jianxiu, and it's also a rogue!"

"Teacher!" Li Anna straightened her neck.

"Actually, I'm not kidding you. Your ancestor wants to save all human beings from the pain of death. But death is inevitable. Then you must do the right thing with this heaven."


"Any universe is going to perish. No matter what your achievements are, even the Daluo Jinxian, there are traces left by the universe that you were born. The universe is extinct, and the Daluo Jinxian is actually very difficult to survive. , That ’s just a lingering panic. "

"Patriarch really wants to solve this problem?" Li Anna was surprised. She had always thought that this was a slogan.

"Nonsense, otherwise why did the patriarch make such a big force and recruit so many students."

"Is there a helper to fight?"

"Fuck, that's called Hu Dao. My sword is the sword of Hu Dao."

"It does sound a little noble."

"There is nothing noble, but the higher end is certain. So many universes are born and die, and no one can do this."

"I like!"

Li Anna shouted: "I actually feel it. Sooner or later, I will be crushed by myself in the mirror, and I will not be my opponent anyway. Who else can I mess with? Think about it. And only this **** heaven. "

"You learn sword, just to make trouble with others?"

"Awkward to the maximum, is it the avenue?"

Medirelli thought for a while and said, "It's true that if you have trouble with the heaven and earth of the universe, it is indeed a avenue."

"That's good." Li Anna breathed out for a long time, and then Medirley saw that her second-order state was directly stabilized and became very calm.

"Teacher ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Am I a genius?"

"I don't know, originally I thought it was. But now I'm thinking, a dog will eat shit, is it a genius?"

"Teacher, you are such a beauty! So vulgar! Me me me!"

"The things on Kendo, you figure it out, you can stabilize the realm, isn't this the same as dogs are born to eat shit?"

"I'm going to see Shizu."


"Well, I want Master Zu to bring everyone together and study hard." Li Anna was about to cry.

"Do you think that I rarely read?"

"A lot of words, how do you hurt me like this?"

"Because you are about to lift your tail, don't beat and beat, with your temper, the next step is to cause trouble."

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