Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1155: : Chenxi Invitation

Muses frowned: "The matter of the **** of magic, the Princess Her Royal Highness did not deal with it properly. Now in the empire, the creatures are charcoal ..."

"It doesn't matter to your Highness, let's say you and I are ministers of auxiliary affairs, and nothing else. If it's an impeachment, we have to go through our two procedures. If the two of us disagree, if we don't pass , The rest are jokes. "

Seeing what else Muse wanted to say, life construction laughed and said: "You have to understand that now the world is in chaos, no matter what your high princess does, it is wrong, then it doesn't matter, who jumps out and kills first Who, exactly, there is a sense of wealth on my side. "

Muses was depressed, and people like Asra, who can't move at all, can't be confused today.

If you were someone else, you would have died a hundred times already?

They were all favored by His Majesty the Emperor, why did he fail to do it himself?

Xiahe naturally pays attention to this, and knows what Muses was thinking. Xiahe couldn't help but feel sad. Fortunately, he suppressed him a bit, otherwise, today, Muses may really reach the level of demigod.

Life Construction said again: "At this time, what are we two going to do?"

"You said."

"Help Her Royal Highness to establish her prestige and lay more ground."


"Yes, Her Royal Highness' army is already on the side of the semi-elven empire, and it has opened up a big scene. Therefore, the princess has insufficient manpower. The Empire's native side depends on us two."

Muses said: "I can't compare with you, I don't have that much strength in my hand."

"It's not good to cry poor, how can you make up a million troops, and the robot warrior can make up five million, right?"

"Why do you want me to be so reluctant?"

"When you take advantage, you must have a name. Don't blame me for eating all the benefits if you don't help."

"The thing I don't understand the most is this." Muses said rightly: "Why do you give me half of the benefits of being able to eat alone?"

"What do you think?"

"I can't think of it. Originally, I felt that my own realm was higher than yours, and my practice speed was faster than yours. Now it seems that you also have a level close to the 80th level. The possibility of breaking through the demigod is greater than mine. It ’s not investing in me at all, because your own hands are so powerful that I ’m not worth investing in. ”

"You are not worth investing in. Why does your majesty make you a minister of secondary administration?"

Muses was speechless and said my secret, isn't it a secret?

Life constructs: "There are not many people available around Her Royal Highness. His Majesty the Emperor lifted us up. What do you think the intention is?"

"Look at how much the two of us can do."

"What if we didn't do anything?"

"The emperor will kill us when he looks back."

"Yes, Your Majesty doesn't like waste. So two of us, what are the scruples!"

"Are you looking for someone to live with you?"

"At this point, is there still a way out?" Life Construction looked at Muses's eyes and stared at him inquisitively.

Muses said sadly, "There is no way out, but, but, but ..."

"But they fight, it's your offense, right? Muses, you can't just think about the benefits and don't pay. For the things about your high princess, you have to control, no matter what."

Muses thought, why should I pay a double price.

Ascending the realm, on the side of the Lord God, he owed a debt, and if he couldn't afford it, he became a slave completely, and the identity of the apostle disappeared.

But if you don't raise the level, you will be unable to stop the current situation.

Ashra ’s words, he did n’t think so, but the level was not enough, he would die at any time.

Enough level is also terrible, because this is to advance their own interests. On the side of the Lord God, it is impossible to be disappointed.

In the mind of Muses, there is an abnormal entanglement, but the life configuration is quite arbitrary.

"Mussis, I have a hunch, even if you are honest, someone will come to your door. By the way, what are you doing coming to me this time?"

Muses said depressed: "My territory is in a mess. Although the army of the **** of magic has not arrived yet, it is blocked by you. I happen to be in a good position."

When Muses spoke here, his mood was even worse. Because before that, it was the territory of Asla and the Snow King, which blocked his way out and prevented him from developing. Now that the blockade became a barrier, he was not happy at all.

"and so?"

"I want to discuss with you to form a joint legion, specifically targeting the forces of the God of Magic and maneuvering."


"Half each, I am responsible for this matter. On your side, as long as there are people from the outside army, just enough to make up 150,000 people. I have 150,000 people here. Firepower follows the army, and the number of legends should reach the level of one thousand people. "

"The 300,000 people are the three hundred legends, are you sure?" Life Construction asked.

"I'm sure, if you don't get enough together, I can help here."

"You want to form a coalition, just to let me sell you some weapons that wouldn't be sold, right?"

"That's why, forming a coalition, I'll pay for my money, but equip you to come out and be unified."

Life construction bows, as if contemplating. Xia He was at the Tenth Academy of Magic, and his heart was shaking, but he felt it to the south, and a few people advanced to the demigod!

He is not clear about others, there are three people who advanced, which he can sense.

One is Lynch, one is Abigail, and the other is Qiu Xuanji.

It's terrible!

Xiahe felt the deep maliciousness of the world and allowed more people to advance. What kind of **** storms would it be next?

Then he glanced at the information and saw directly what he needed. Many people in the territory of the Duke of Zhesu originally applied to enter Rhode Island, and some also applied to the New World.

Those who can apply to enter Rhode Island have actually been invited. After they have gone, they are loyal to themselves and are completely separated from the past.

Why are there more people applying now? Because the army of magic gods raged, everyone knew that a large army that entered Rhode Island would be wiped out in less than ten days.

Rhode Island is now a pure land.

The new continent is also good, mainly because the new continent has quite a lot of work. To enter Rhode Island, it is probably necessary to join the army, and it is still a privilege of a group of talents who turned to the Duke very early. And entering the New World is the best choice for many ordinary people.

The survival pressure there is also relatively small, and the land is vast.

Taxes in the New World are also relatively low.

Life Configuration is multi-purpose and quickly approved a large number of applications. The population of Rhode Island is further enriched, and there is also a good situation on the New World side.

But how long can such a good situation last?

The crazy **** of magic, I am afraid to continue to invest in the army, and he can create a level of more than sixty levels of existence, which shows that the magic **** itself, the level is much higher than he expected.

Then, Xiahe saw the news of the three goddesses, which was passed directly to him.

The three goddesses all chose the pope to strengthen the theocracy.

The pope of the goddess of wealth is the newly promoted Abigail.

Xiahe's mood is not particularly good, Abigail, still stuck in it. But it does not matter, if he can conquer the goddess of wealth in the future, he will naturally give her a free future.

But the three goddesses established the pope at the same time, and the other two popes must also be demigod-level.

This is so powerful, Xiahe thought about it, or sent a message to Medierli, let her go to the New World.

As for the Mithril City, Medieri's layout these days should be more than self-preserving.

Although Xiahe wanted to build the world of Taiyin Xianfu, it was of course uncomfortable to see his own fortune's main world view going in the direction of collapse.

As he frequently issued orders here, a man appeared at the Tenth Academy of Magic.

Xiahe sensed it almost simultaneously and had to invite him to his room.

"Long quinoa, what do you mean?" Xia He looked at the advanced quinoa's long quinoa, and was a little annoyed.

"I have to come and tell you in person, I'm going to be the pope." Chang Chen's expression didn't seem to be happy at all.

"and then?"

"This is the result of the struggle, not the attention of the gods. The Lord of Dawn did not come out of the blockade, and then there seemed to be a problem with the Master Tower. There was another **** in Omori, guess.

"God of machinery?"

Long quinoa sits on the ground and wants to lie down.

Xiahe then sat down and said, "What's so great?"

"The **** of magic is really crazy. He tolerates that the mechanical **** from another world takes root. I am afraid that the person who is the mage tower has completely lost control of the **** of magic."

"You told me so much, I can't always organize a large army to go to Green Forest to protect you?" Xiahe said with a sneered tone.

"If you are willing to go, my Lord may propose that you be promoted to God."

Xiahe was shocked, but he didn't expect that Chang Chen said such a thing. Because normally speaking, if he helps, the best reward from the gods is to make you a servant god. But long quinoa means ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lord of dawn, can help him become a true god.

True God, with a divine personality, means sharing the authority of everyone.

But Xiahe still said: "You think too much, um, you come here, do you want to borrow troops?"

"Of course not to borrow from you, I know you have a good relationship with the three goddesses of the underground world ..."

When Xiahe heard Changli say this, his heart burst, and he made no secret.

Chang Chen calmly said: "What's the point of killing me? If you make up your mind over the temple, you will naturally send someone to contact the three goddesses."

Xiahe Road: "There is no discussion about this matter, since you have become a pope, then this matter will be rejected."

"I want to integrate internally, and now I can't decide in a single word."

"Unless I can help you, right?" Xiahe's voice still revealed danger. The three goddesses of the underground world, he has been regarded as a thing in the pocket, how can someone let others intervene?

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