Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1157: : Ugly eating

The army obtained by the magic **** is actually burning life and raising its strength for a short time. Otherwise, it was freezing cold this day, wearing a simple divine magic creature, I am afraid that most of them will freeze to death.

Since there is not much left in life, shouldn't we attack aggressively?

If you drag on like this, you won't be able to take the initiative to attack. The army of the God of Magic may slowly die a lot.

Not right, absolutely not right, the **** of magic is just crazy, not stupid.

But she was badly injured and could not go out in the field until she could hide in the city.

She originally wanted to enter the underground world, but the airship was sent out to see the Ice Temple. The snow elves cruising outside the shrine, all armed one by one, look very unpleasant.

Dian Rose knew that the Ice Temple could not support so many soldiers. It just broke out temporarily to deal with the attacks of the **** of magic in the past. But even so, the Ice Temple has a few years of prestige.

Can I stay so long?

Dian Rose thought of it, and she gave birth to evil thoughts, but there was a fear in her in Mithril City, so she didn't dare to do anything.

In Mithril City, brother and sister Li Anna are also very sorry.

After the two of them advanced, they were already very sensitive to Dian Rose's malice. I just hoped that the old woman would come over. It was a hundred.

It was disgusting to put this army of the royal family on the ice field.

If Dian Rose is dead, the royal family should be more convergent, right?

But she couldn't take the initiative to provoke her, just waiting for her to make mistakes. The problem is that although Dian Rose is arrogant, she is also a traitor and feels dangerous in her heart. She has never touched Mithril City.

However, the three goddesses have appointed the pope, and the appearance of the three deities makes the Mithril City much less stressful.

Diane Rose, now it is impossible to enter the underground world.

It was a death to go in, and the three goddesses hurriedly established the pope, also preparing for war.

The three goddesses directly shot, a lot of trouble, but to give the believers the power to let the believers go to war, there is no problem. The gods of any world are familiar with this kind of thing.

Medirelli walked away with confidence, Mithril City, with the power she left behind, whoever came in would have to suffer, unless it was a higher level than her.

She is all of the seventh order sword repair, and if you go up, you will be close to the realm of human fairyland. In this world, there will not be too many people stronger than her.

The power of this kind of arrangement in the huge formation of the city can exert 100%, which is incomparable to a sword gas thing left at will. If Dian Rose came in, she could beheaded in one go. Or it is a demigod of the same level, it does not take long to be controlled by the Mithril City formation, it is only a moment, then it is fatal.

As long as the apprentice guards the Mithril City and does not go out, then there is no need to be afraid of an accident.

Medieri left in peace and went to Little Sun City to replace Andusias.

Before leaving, Medirelli still lost the book to Li Anna and Lynn. This book imitates the life and death book of the local government, but there is no name in it, only a sword spirit.

But it was Medirelli who practiced swords or fighting. The sword spirit was born with spirit, and the sword spirit was collected by her as soon as the sword spirit was extinguished.

Watching this book is tantamount to learning her previous swordsmanship skills.

Li Anna said: "Brother, this book, I will give it to you."

Lin Endao: "Why? You don't know, how powerful is this book?"

"The patriarch helped me refine the sword pocket, look." Li Anna shook her red cloak.

"The teacher gave me a real Kendo."

"Your kind of swordsmanship, you want to grow up, it will be a long time, this book can be used now, you can keep it." Li Anna said involuntarily, stuffed the book with Lynn.

Medirley, who had arrived in Little Sun City, also smiled.

Well, Li Anna did a good job, indeed, this book is better for Lynn.

In this case, you don't have to worry about it, the disciples under your door are in a good mood.

The teacher worried about his own apprentices, did he also worry about himself? Medieri thought of this, a rare tenderness appeared on her face.

This life is worthwhile.

Xiahe took the people away and went to the green forest without mentioning. On the side of the arcane empire, the army of magical gods raged. All divine magical creatures were burning life more or less in exchange for the rapid increase of power. Such an army is the most terrifying, because there is no future.

Their only way is to become a hero after death and enter the earthly kingdom of the **** of magic.

Without care, there is no bottom line. These troops do not attack large cities, only aiming at small cities and villages. If it were n’t for cheaper airships now, everyone had a few, and many cities were too late to arm.

This is how the creatures are painted.

At the time of the Devil's invasion, none of the catastrophes brought by the magical gods. The Demon Race also fought from the outside to the inside. The **** of magic was simply an air-dropped unit and entered the hinterland of the empire.

However, the imperial nobles are thinking about each other, and many small nobles have perished, which is not a bad thing for them.

It is because there are too many dead people, which is a headache.

Suddenly, the assistant minister of government, Muses, formed a coalition to clear the army of magical gods in the country. When the news came out, the response was to the nobles who were in danger.

The conditions that Muses gave up were really good, that is, in the New World, a land was given to all the nobles who had joined.

You can relocate your family. After you finish playing here, the territory is still yours.

The coalition has not yet been established, but the fleet was built first. The nobles, large and small, were sent to the sea by the warship led by the Duke of Asla, and most of their belongings were sent to the warship to the New World.

Then Muses began recruiting troops, and all the nobles who left the territory, who joined the army, could take the family together.

Muses hit the big noble with a heavy punch.

It was only at this time that the life was constructed that Muses was powerful, just right, is it really just right? Xiahe went to the green forest, broke contact with himself, and had to do big things. He had to hide it deep enough.

Now the entire Duke's leadership is his own responsibility.

And Muses came out like this, turning his hand over the cloud and rain.

For those little nobles to survive, there is no such thing as politeness, honesty and shame. In addition to money, how can the people in their hometown carry it. It takes money to bring people. An ordinary adult person is transported from the Arcane Empire to the New World. The cost is really not small, and the nobles will also be distressed.

Therefore, even if these people come back again, the people in the territory can no longer be loyal to them.

But what can the little nobles do? Even the surrender to the big nobles is not enough. It is too late, and only the flying warship of the Minister of Administration is available.

Subsequent conscription, Muses will not pay these enlisted people.

If you want to survive, just give me a soldier, and I will take away all your relatives, and will not be killed by the forces of the magic god.

As a result, Muses paid for transportation and obtained a large number of soldiers and people to enrich his territory in the New World.

The new continent is too broad, no matter how many people can hold it.

Muses made a priceless business and was not worried about the nobility's repentance. These nobles went to seek refuge in his territory, at most they would become rich.

Yes, many nobles carry elite knights with them, but there is a fart.

Lost territory is all wood without roots, water without source.

Wealth is consumed for a few years, almost.

As for the wealth that was not taken away by the Empire, they no longer belonged to them. As Muses recruited soldiers, they also had to pay, so mines and fields, or fields, became Muses ’military expenses.

Seeing the hot eyes of life's construction, he asked Medieri: "If the Duke is there, what will he do?"

"You are most like him, you can do it yourself." Medirelli looked lazy.

Life constructively laughed and said, "I'm not as good as the Duke, I'm too greedy. Let Muses go toss, he doesn't toss, everyone is staring at us.

Anyway, these things, the Duke's lords make money. After all, Muses did not have so many warships and airships, and not so many sea ships. Everything had to come from the Duke of Asla's side.

In the end, Medirelli couldn't help but say: "Do you think that this matter of Muses has successfully escaped the supervision of the Duke and played a trick?"


"How do you know that the Duke did not let him toss and left intentionally?"

"The Duke didn't target him, this time was an accident." The life configuration is very certain.

Medirelli smiled and ignored the topic. Xiahe is Xiahe, and the configuration is the configuration. Even if this configuration has a wonderful relationship with Xiahe, for her, there are two things that have nothing to do with it. She came over to protect the structure, don't let this guy be killed.

Other things, Medieri did not care too much. No matter what intrigues and tricks Muses had, even if he was an advanced demigod, Medieri was still sure to kill him with a sword.

A person who can be killed at any time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not worth wasting too much time on him. Anyway, there are teachers.

Life constructs a wry smile, and this time, Muses really played too much, and it completely attracted hatred. Duke Asra made money by the way and made contributions, and at the same time recruited some people into the legion, and certainly could not be alone.

Those who hate Muses will certainly not forget Asla.

Mainly this time, Muses was fierce and very local, like a country bun. He seized the opportunity and became a county magistrate. He wanted to scrape heavily during his term of office, completely unruly.

Life construction, I really want to clear the relationship with Muses, the problem is not clear.

This matter had to continue, and Muses' salary was paid, which caused a huge crack in the empire. Are these little nobles really useless?

In the future, if there is one day in the future, when the power of Muses is enough to fight against everyone, he will swallow up all these little nobles and become his own. At that time, he was one of the largest nobles of the empire, and Asra couldn't compare.

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