Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1164: : Battle with Gods (2)

Dozens of whiplashes flashed, and more metal long whips twitched like tentacles, pumped on the huge fireball, and extinguished the fireball.

This is what Xiahe waited for. The metal whip is no longer invincible this time. When drawn to the fireball, each long whip was burned by the fireball and dissolved directly.

Hurt each other, come on!

The white robe monk frowned, this is the fight to consume. It stands to reason that I have the entire mechanical city as a backup, and I don't care what it takes to fight with these guys.

However, this is not the original intention of fighting.

Although Xiahe did not harm him, even this exchange was not beneficial to Xiahe, but the God of Machinery had a little awkwardness in his heart.

If a **** feels awkward, it must be wrong.

The seven-page book turned, and the magic that could only be released once was suddenly activated again, and dozens of fireballs were sprayed out, which was huge.

The metal tentacles of the God of Machinery, dancing again, are still equivalent exchanges. The fireball was extinguished and the metal tentacles melted.

The seven-page book turned again, and this time the God of Machinery realized why it was not right, because the opponent ’s fireball did not explode as he had imagined, only a fuse attack against his metal tentacle. That fireball, even if it hits the mechanical tower, will not cause much damage.

However, will it be like this?

No, this is the same as the starry sky warship emerging in his eyes. If you do n’t stop it, the forty-nine huge fireballs will definitely cause some damage to the tower. If it is intercepted, it is just an attack on the metal tentacles. The power consumed by the two cannot be the same.

This guy, just glancing at the warship phantom, grasped the true meaning of this attack.

But he did not carry out any special treatment attacks against Xiahe, because the other eight enemies made counterattacks of varying degrees, each counterattack made him a little uncomfortable.

Yes, these nine demi-gods did not cause any fatal damage to him, but he invaded the world without knowing how many, and naturally understand that this discomfort will definitely go down and become more and more serious.

There is indeed a level gap between the two sides, but he was forced out of his body and had to wake up. At the same time, his attack methods were also limited. There was really no way to kill the nine enemies with one blow.

He has huge power now, but he can't explode to peak damage.

So he used metal tentacles to cut the space and slowly lay out, just like a giant spider, and slowly sent the enemy into the net to sleep.

However, the nine enemies are all very rich in actual combat experience. In a blink of an eye, they came up with various countermeasures.

In contrast, Xiahe's discomfort to him is not the thing that bothers him the most.

Xiahe was not very happy. He discovered the weakness of the **** of machinery, and the quinoa should also be discovered. If the God of Machinery has a powerful attack method that can exceed the upper limit of everyone's defense, then the four and a half gods will use sacrifices to fight against the God of Machinery.

Now the **** of machinery does not have this ability. Will the four demigods of the Lord of Dawn still sacrifice their lives?

Xia Hexin said, if you don't sacrifice, I'm in danger.

"Long quinoa, it is our right to lose it, we lose." Xiahe couldn't help speaking.

"No, both are lost." Chang Chen answered indifferently.

Xiahe's heart sank, saying, "I don't know what the Lord of Dawn thought, I may not be able to change your decision, but you have to be clear, I can destroy your mission."

Chang Li said: "You don't care if you bite back."

"I know very well, if you don't follow the plan, that bite is nothing to me. I have seen the contract clearly." Xiahe said.

The **** of machinery, he didn't expect the other party to start fighting, so he was infighting. He was thinking about whether to change the tactics and make the other party's contradictions deeper.

"Okay, I will act according to plan."

He was reluctant to sacrifice the four demigods, but he also knew that people like Asra could not be deceived or forced, but could only come in accordance with the contract. Otherwise, it is really possible for Asra to start targeting his own people and make the mission completely fail.

Because in his original plan, the four and a half gods were to be sacrificed and written into the contract.

He regretted it a bit, but if he hadn't had this contract, Asla wouldn't agree to help?

Xiahe said while approaching toward the mechanical tower, the white robe monk released hundreds of metal whips and pulled towards Xiahe. The power erupted this time could not kill Xiahe, but he was allowed to lay it out around this tower. The square will be full of space cracks.

And all the cracks are combined to form a huge magic array.

Around the body of the white robe monk, nearly a thousand metal whips had been released, but they did not appear chaotic at all. Xiahe sees clearly that those long metal whips are not always present in this space.

The **** of machinery is very powerful.

The upper limit of power and speed he can burst out is far below his true level, but he can still create an absolutely favorable environment.

Of course, this also uses people's hearts.

As soon as they came up, the people in the Temple of Dawn should launch a lore, and directly sacrifice the four half-gods.

However, the people in the Temple of Dawn hesitated and lost the best opportunity. Xiahe can't blame, instead of being himself, isn't it the same choice?

Xiahe continued to turn through the seven-page book, and it was clear that the magic book could only be released once. In his hands, there were continuous fireballs spraying out. If the fireball is not intercepted, it is in full power. If intercepted, the energy contained can just melt a metal long whip.

The God of Machinery is getting more and more irritable. How can his own field of forbidden magic be invalid?

He had to be distracted to control Xiahe's magic book, but with a slight sense of touch, he understood that the inside of this magic book is like a small world, although not to that extent.

This magic book is not an artifact, it just simulates the meaning of a little artifact.

But if you want to control it completely, it takes a lot of energy. The God of Machinery thought for a while, and a thick metal long whip was drawn to the magic book in front of Xiahe to carry out a tentative attack.

Xiahe let the metal whip draw on the magic book, and the magic book flew towards the sky, but forty-nine fireballs were ejected in an instant. All the fireballs were attached to the metal whip and burned violently.

The white robe monk turned around, suddenly a steel knife was added in his hand, and he split towards Xiahe's back.

"Do it!"

Chenopodium used spiritual power to treat everyone.

Xiahe's turn was a punch, and this record of Shouyuan Hammer, a thousand hammers and hundreds of roads can't be described. Prior to Xiahe's earliest study of Taoism, Master taught him this boxing technique.

Before he had cultivated true qi, he used this Shouyuan hammer to carry his breath.

If there is a weapon in this hand, the most suitable one is a warhammer.

Xiahe's hands shone with metallic luster, and his fist was the Warhammer. A bite of Zhengang condenses, even the Taoist.

The white robe monk's knife was still cut straight, and he was going to split Xiahe in two pieces.


Xiahe's fist hit the blade, and the white robe monk was surprised. The angle of his split was perpendicular to the fist, but it felt that the power of this fist hit the side of the knife.

How can this be!

Xiahe felt that his fist had lost consciousness, although his power skills were far above this mechanical god. But the strength gap between the two sides is impossible to make up. The God of Machinery just failed to raise the power to the upper limit, but he was like a mountain, heavy and majestic, unable to shake.

As much as the strength of Xiahe's punch, he almost gave back how much damage he had.

But this is no trick, Xiahe, creating opportunities.

A crack appeared on the steel knife of the **** of machinery. This half-artifact was hit by Xiahe with a punch.

The God of Machinery never thought that a person so much lower than his level would be able to destroy his weapon with one punch. Just when there was a sense of absurdity in his heart, the four bishops in white robes, with their bodies blooming, appeared in four directions. The milky white light blends into one, and the **** of machinery is in the center of these four people.

He felt his body melt in the white light.

"Do not!"

The God of Machines screamed in horror. He saw that in the white light, a gentle-faced man smiled at him.

The Lord of Dawn is not sealed!

Qiu Xuanji's long sword pierced into the belly of the white robe monk with a single sword. The long sword pierced all but did not send it out from the back, but disappeared into the body of the white robe monk.

Qiu Xuanji's face was pale, and he retreated backwards. The white robe monk's eyes swept away. Qiu Xuanji's eyes escaped, but he was still swept in the face, and the entire face was suddenly blurred.

However, there was no follow-up attack, and Lynch's giant sword swept across and hit the back of the white robe monk.

Lynch was blown out by the whole person ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and flew towards the mechanical tower. Among the mechanical towers, I didn't know how many metal tentacles, and grabbed Lynch. Lynch was so numb that he was about to be caught.

The white robe monk was shocked by this sword, and Qiu Xuanji got rid of the crisis.

The three saints pounced on and turned into a giant with three heads and six arms. Among the white light, the shadow of the Lord of the Dawn, nodded his finger at the three saints. On the armor of the three saints, the golden divine pattern surged.

Long quinoa also shot, and the four bishops sacrificed their souls, attracting the idea of ​​the Lord of Dawn staying in this world.

Although it is not the coming of the body, there is no difference, the mechanical god, the power in the body is disintegrating.

Only Xiahe retreated, and suddenly a blue gourd flew out in front of him.

The gourd opened the lid, flew a white light, and landed on the mechanical tower. (https: //) Daomen Invasion only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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