Daomen Invasion

Chapter 117: : War of Loot

Xiahe checked all his equipment, and when he came back, he had no time to replenish the Shenhuo flying raven rune, and there were six pieces left in the rune box. The other equipment is no problem, and the drugs have been re-divided into Freya.

On the first floor of the Magic Tower, Ovilla and Cotton Jack are present, arranging soldiers to receive equipment and wait for the next order.

"Ovilla, you and Jack bring two hundred people to the temple to organize and let your people retreat into the temple." Xia He knows that there are many crazy guys among the children of the law, who may go to kill farmers indefinite. The place where Stormwind is suitable for cultivation is the mountainous area near the temple. The harvest is not high, but hundreds of people are also arranged.

These people were all transferred from Ovilla, and Xiahe had to take care of them.

"Okay." Ovilla knew Xiahe's thoughts, and immediately counted two hundred people, half of whom were Medieri's dead.

"Medi Li, you arrange the defense of the magic tower, if you don't need it, don't go out to fight."


"Martin, go out with me."


Xiahe ordered fifty more soldiers and hurriedly took Martin away from the magic tower.

Freya did not appear in front of anyone, she seemed to disappear, never existed, and no one thought of or mentioned her.

Amidst the Dragon and Tiger Dao, Austin suddenly heard news.

Austin: Master, there was a fight outside the city, and the shops outside were attacked.

Xiahe: What about the pier?

Austin: I can't see that far.

Xiahe: Got it, put our minds in the city. We have magic towers to repel other space forces. It is difficult for the enemy to enter the city directly, but it is not impossible.

Austin: Master, I understand.

The market behind the pier was completely rebuilt. After the **** Mary cleaned the black market, the people in the black market were moved to the ground in batches. All the shops are made of stone, and the structure is two and a half floors above the ground. Bloody Mary even repaired the drainage system. The house has a semi-basement, does not open windows, and specializes in stacking cheap goods.

At the closest location to Stormwind City, there are townhouses, all of which are erected to store food.

In the middle of the road is a gatehouse that defines the edge of the market.

Now the gatehouse is burning, and the red armored pirates guarding the warehouse are killed cleanly. In a shop on the edge of the bazaar, the woman's wailing sounded. The room was brightly lit, and the door was smashed. On the counter facing the door, a young woman was taken off her skirt, pressed on it, and twisted her body desperately.

She did not suffer this kind of pain under the cleaning of Bloody Mary. Standing between her legs was a young man with short blond hair. The young man still wore quirky armor on his upper body, which looked thick and heavy, the belt around his waist was loosened, and his pants fell on his ankles.

"Crazy dog, you should be light, don't kill her." A middle-aged man watching the battle next to him was grinning and naughty.

"You all say that I am a mad dog. She can't stand it. It's her business. Who let the uncle have bones." The blond man said, moving unscrupulously.

Another dark-skinned man smiled and said, "I want the mad dog to get things done, I have a way."

The black-skinned man said, grabbing a comatose man from behind the counter, poked his finger on the man's waist, and poked a blood hole. The man was the shop owner. He woke up in pain and saw a vague murmur in his throat, struggling to go up desperately.

The black-skinned man's finger turned in the boss's wound, and the boss felt a bit numb and could not move.

The black-skinned man grabbed the boss's hair and sent it forward, grinning: "Hurry up and have a look, let the dog master refresh."

Seeing the woman ’s husband, the mad dog was more excited and shouted, "Hold me hold her hand!"

The middle-aged man walked around behind the counter, pulled out two daggers in the scabbard, suddenly inserted it, passed through the palm of the woman, and plunged deeply into the counter. Both his daggers had serrations behind them, and this time, the tendons in the woman's hands were torn off.

"You killed me ..." The boss's hair was lifted up, and his eyelids didn't know why he couldn't close it. The woman's body lifted up in pain, and her head was raised so that she could see her husband's face.

The face was hanging upside down, tears were dripping down, and a series of hits on the woman's lips.

"Fuck, there's nothing valuable in the warehouse." A small, withered man came up from the semi-basement, chewing his mouth without knowing anything, bright red.

"No?" On a chair in the corner of the room, a handsome young man looked somber.

"Boss, I really don't have any. They are all worthless goods."

"Ask him, this time it is a predatory mission, and it is impossible to find valuable things."

"You killed me!" The shop owner seemed to have stopped saying anything else, just repeating this sentence repeatedly.

The thin and dry man nodded, came to the counter, looked at the boss's eyes, and said indifferently: "You must be killed to kill, but if you don't say where the valuable goods are, you have to look slowly Seeing how your woman was killed by a mad dog. "

"Do not!"

"Why not?" The wretched middle-aged man stretched out his hand and grabbed it in front of the woman's Moon Hungarian, and pulled out a dagger with the other hand.

"Please, I said ..." the shop owner shouted wildly.

"I'm listening." In the corner, the young man sitting on the chair looked out of the door. The burning fire in the gatehouse illuminated the distant woods.

"Various things are in Stormwind City." The boss's eyes showed a vicious look.

There is a blood mage in Stormwind City, go ahead and let the demon avenge me.

The young man laughed and said, "He lied, you continue."

Having finished speaking, he got up from his chair and walked out of the shop. Behind him came the desperate curse of the shop owner. The young man turned a deaf ear to him. He looked at the city under the darkness of the north, where the main task destination was.

However, there is a magic tower in Stormwind City, so why should you touch the mold?

Anyway, it was a looting mission, killing a few more people, and a lot of points.

The woman's voice was raised vertically, not knowing what the people inside were doing. The young man gently shook his head, a group of idiots and beasts, but he still had to use them.

Xiahe took the people and came to the government office. Andrei had already evacuated them, leaving only twenty soldiers outside the courtyard of the envoy. Xiahe asked the twenty soldiers to withdraw from the magic tower and replace them with the fifty dead.

Then he came outside Long's door and raised his hand.

"You two, come in." Before waiting for the door to knock, Long was talking inside.

Xiahe motioned Martin to stand at the door without having to follow up. He pushed open the door and entered the room that almost killed him again. Long is writing notes at the table. He uses a delicate magic pen. The notebook is very thick, and the pages are large, with a hard skin.

"Master Long." Xiahe salutes well.

"Sir Earl, you sit."

Xiahe sat down opposite Long, and after finishing a few lines, Long Fei put away the magic pen and said, "What happened? I sensed that the space was blocked, and fighting broke out further away, yes People from other empire? "

"Adult, have you heard of alien monsters?"

"I heard that during the ancient gods, there was a large-scale demon invasion that was eventually cleared out. You mean that what happened outside is related to strange monsters?" Long's attitude is still calm, no matter how powerful the enemy is As long as he is not a demigod, he can escape.

That was the scroll the emperor gave him to save his life.

"Master Long, this demon is different from the time of the ancient god." Xia He said, and released the magic image of the scene where the ghost eye mage performed the magic disaster blood sacrifice.

"Sure enough, **** and cruel!" Long was surprised when he saw the scene.

When he came to Stormwind City, the Little Devil Disaster had just ended, and he also heard a lot of information.

"In addition to this, when I attacked the Boulder Mercenary Corps, I also encountered a group of demons, fighting with weird energy weapons, and some alchemy chemical weapons, so that people with very low ranks also have strong lethality. "

"Count Asla, you came here to tell me that the demon is going to attack Stormwind City?"

"They are already outside. Lord Long is naturally not afraid, but I am worried about the safety of the envoy."

Long frowned and frowned. Asla said something quite reasonable. He didn't worry about anything, but if the envoy was dead, the new Earl would be blamed.

"The government office is not conducive to defense, it is better to let the envoy to my magic tower?"

"You are not afraid of being told that you can't even hold your own city?"

"The Magic Tower will have a photo stone to record all battle scenes. Besides, I only have a thousand people on hand, most of them recruits, and the number of outside monsters at the gate of the city is more than that."

"It's fine if you're not afraid, but I want to go to the city gate to see it. Haven't you lost?"

Xiahe knew that this was a function of 300,000 gold coins, and Long was now himself. He wanted to help, and he was curious about the strange monsters. Besides, which magician would not be curious?

"Not yet. I ordered the gate to be closed, which was filled with stones and filled with mud."

"Gulizhana, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. You took someone to the magic tower to help Lord Asra defend." Long gave the order across the wall, and then he and Xiahe went out of the government office and went straight to the city gate. go with. Martin followed, and when he walked out of the street, he looked back suspiciously, but found nothing.

Under the glory of magic, the streets were clean and without shadows.

Long was too lazy to bother the thief, he felt the existence of Freya, if nothing, only a distance of more than twenty meters. It is a very special ability to be invisible under white light, but how can it conceal the magician's perception?

The city head was dark, the glory of magic did not shine, and the shadowy soldier walked silently.

Long leaped slightly upward, and Xiahe and Martin were involuntarily taken by him to the wall of more than ten meters high.

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