Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1179: : Replacement (2)

Five teams of short pterodactyl knights crushed in front of this army of more than 200 people.

Both magic attacks and divine attacks are immune to short pterosaurs, and the river of blood wanders out of the ground.

The knights behind the short pterosaurs in the front row did not launch a blow, simply relying on the trampling ability of the short pterosaurs when they charged, and trampled half of the enemies to death.

The short-rowed pterosaur knights spread out the attack, and after all the knights rushed past, only the wounded were left on the ground.

A knight who headed said: "Very well, half of the people cleaned the battlefield and killed all the wounded soldiers. The magician further cleaned up with soul beads."

"Yes!" The people below agreed.

This time I came out and learned with the instructors of the main legion. Sure enough, in the face of low-level enemies, constructing a knight is simply crushing the past.

The ground was quickly cleared, and the instructor said: "There are no enemies nearby for a while, I will explain here."

The training knights of the Changling Corps held their breaths one by one and waited patiently.

"Silent sprint, the biggest effect is not to approach the enemy quietly. Our short pterosaurs' speed and ability to attack will not give the enemy a chance to escape. The function of the silent sprint is to unite the killing intention. You have not done well enough this time, otherwise When the first sequence of magic in the configuration was stimulated, the killing intentions of the battle array broke out, and the magic of those magicians could not be released at all, which would cause them a strong backlash. "

Everyone was ashamed, and the instructor said again: "But killing training, this takes a lot of time. You don't have a large phantom array on your side. It is indeed a troublesome thing. Fortunately, the troops of the God of Magic will continue to face this side. For penetration, you all have the opportunity to exercise. "

After a pause, the instructor said again: "Inspire the killing intentions of the battle line and contain the opponent's caster. This is the meaning of the existence of the constructed cavalry. Although our construction level is high enough, the opponent's caster failed to cause us Damage, but the resources consumed by the defense itself, as well as the wear and tear on the structure, are all counted in the war effort. "

When everyone listened, they felt that they were losing money.

"If there are two teams concentrating on killing this time successfully, the opponent's caster won't even dare to release the spell of the long-range attack type. All of you should get used to this, before launching the charge-like skills, contain the opponent's long-range means."


"Although this short pterosaur configuration is an excessive product, it will be better for you to build a new configuration for the Changling Legion in the future, and these functions will be preserved. Constructing a knight is a nightmare for the caster, and it is also your Changling The core of the Legion ’s field operations. Think about it, even if the current Pterosaurs are built, how much will it improve you? "

The knights were fiery, yes, five teams came out this time and attacked more than two hundred targets.

Ten times as many enemies, silent sprint and war trample, it is over.

"Instructor, what will the configuration look like for us?" A Changling Knight could not help asking.

"Humanoid structure, it's probably a behemoth close to ten meters high, and it runs no slower than a short pterosaur."

"Humanoid structure?" The knight was a little disappointed, but suddenly thought that this is a behemoth with a height close to ten meters!

"I dare not say it, but the training of the humanoid structure is less difficult. And the standards given by the Changling Corps are very high, that is, three levels, 20, 30 and 40."

"God, there is legendary construction for us!"

"Nonsense, there are already legendary knights in the Changling Legion. Without the legendary configuration, the advantage of the legendary knight is wasted. The Changling Legion is now a core legion. These configurations are a must."

"However, the lowest level is a 20-level configuration, many people can't equip it?"

"This is the reason for the value. The construction for the Changling Legion can be equipped with the standard of ten levels down. That is, the knight of the tenth level can be driven. No matter how low-level knights, there is no need to be equipped The cost is too high, and the combat effectiveness cannot be improved much. "

The minimum equipment standard of level 10 will actually eliminate a large number of people.

But this is the standard of the main legion after Xiahe. If it does not reach the standard, do not enter. Although he is almost unable to fill up the army now, mainly because the expansion is too large, there are not so many soldiers available.

Before Xiahe made low-level architecture, it was to select talents and train the architecture knight. Now that enough people have been trained, they will naturally not provide any low-level configuration in the main legion.

The first-level fighter gives him a magical musket, and his attack power is comparable to that of the fifth-level fighter. If the quasi-head is good enough, the effect is better.

A magic gun can solve the problem, you let me build a set of solutions? That's a pit in my head.

A five-member squad, if all are 20-level builds, these five build-up knights are quite terrifying below the 30th level. It would not be a dream if the team could expand to twenty people and hit an epic enemy.

If a squadron had fifty 20-level build knights, the epic would have to run away, provided the speed was faster than the build.

When the power of the legend is limited by the law in the future, the 20th-level construction knight is the absolute main force on the battlefield.

Besides, in case there is a Star Wars in the future, how to fight without a knight?

It's no wonder that the people of the Changling Legion are excited and constructing knights is a great boost to combat effectiveness.

If it is the original, if you want to deal with more than two hundred people and win without loss, then you have to have a large team. If the same amount, the Changling Corps must be injured, although it will still win.

Although it is impossible to fight in this way and the construction is expensive, in the future, the construction of a small team of knights, together with the standard team, together with a squadron, also has good combat effectiveness.

For example, today more than two hundred enemies can be dispelled with five configuration knights, and then let the remaining nine teams concentrate on killing. In fact, the five construction knights can charge dozens of enemy main forces in one round of charge.

There are now more than 300,000 people in the Changling Corps, and there are tens of thousands of soldiers above level 10.

In a small world, this army can complete the unification.

All corpses have been recycled, Xiahe has no worries, planting factories need this advanced raw material. When human life is used to eat directly, there is some pressure, and it is afraid of what it is like fertilizer.

Although this kind of recycling has no military merit, it has rewards.

Everyone owes a lot of money to the Duke, so as long as there are rewarded tasks, they will do it. What's more, a dozen-level professional, if it's not strict internal regulations, everyone is expected to fight for this corpse.

After cleaning the battlefield, the instructor said: "There are enemies again, this time there are many, we can't solve it. First return to the castle to stay dead, up to an hour, support can arrive."


All short pterodactyl knights know that this is a strong man who has come to the epic realm.

The epic of the order is okay, the instructor is already up to the 29th level, and can rely on the strength of the construction to fight, but the number of enemies is no longer the same.

The team quickly withdrew and fled back to the castle.

Although the castle is small, it is more than two hundred meters square. The main reason is that the city walls are particularly thick, exceeding 30 meters. Such a thick building used magical means and a cannon to bombard it, and it took a long time to collapse.

The castle is so big, two floors above ground and five floors underground. But for humans, it is only one underground floor, and the area of ​​the lower four floors is getting smaller and smaller, mainly for storing some necessities. There are no rivers here, only a deep well, so scary, so there are only five floors underground. It has been dug anyway.

Among the castles, it is a large captain. This is not a good task. It is not easy for 500 people to guard a castle. The number of robot warriors in the Changling Corps has always been small. Recently, there have been more. Products that have been eliminated.

If it is Xiahe's main army, the number of robots in a large group may be close to six thousand. Usually there are not so many activations, there are also two thousand upwards, and it must be broken six thousand in the field.

But the Changling Army, in this castle, there are 2,000 robots, and only 500 are usually opened.

The main reason is that there are not so many constructs. Mutants are the lowest-level constructs. They can use magic guns, while ordinary robot warriors use technology guns. At most, they can release current attacks at close range, but they ca n’t. lasting.

But soon, the captain was relieved.

Although nearly 10,000 people have been killed from the west, there is no legend. If there is no legend, it is impossible to lay down the castle with only a few epics. You can stick to it for an hour, and you can send the strong to support the Changling City for at most an hour.

And he also temporarily added four teams of construction knights, all riding short pterosaurs.

These short pterosaurs are placed on the head of the city, and can also rush to the left and right. If you want to cross the city wall, the difficulty increases by many times. The main reason is that the short pterosaur itself has the ability to be immune to magic. Although it consumes a bit more, it ensures that the knight will not be cleared by the magician or the magician.

The army of the magic **** ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ came very fast. After the investigation robot gave the news, within half an hour, this army of nearly ten thousand people came to the castle.


There were two chariots in the castle, and two cannons. The chariots did not move, but the two cannons waited for the enemy to approach within three miles before launching an attack. Although the shell speed is fast, if it is too far, it may still be intercepted by the magician.

The huge shells made a horrible sound and went away.

In the wilderness in the distance, dozens of lights flickered and landed on two shells at the same time. Two large shells were exploded by volley, but the medicine inside failed to explode.

"Damn ... keep attacking!" The captain discovered that there were more magicians in the enemy team than expected.

However, there is no way to do it. You have to be on your scalp, and the artillery attack can at least consume the enemy's magic. <(https: //) "Daomen Invasion" only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates the laws of the state, please delete it. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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