Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1187: : Abyss Type 1

Rhode Island's mage short spear is indeed not cheap, but the cost of breaking the law is not high. The price of high-metal robots is not too expensive. Once manufactured, they have the task of cleaning the battlefield.

In fact, the protection of high-metal robots is very good, weighing more than one ton, you can trample most creatures with one foot.

The Duke collar will indeed make cheaper metal robots. It is extremely cheap and will not even modify the appearance.

But the robots in their core legion must be beautiful, and they are designed by artists and magicians in appearance.

Rhode Island's design is really frustrating, and every number of robots is different. Reflecting the differences between different armies, you still have to get a good name. Anyway, robots are fighting partners, and this concept should be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As for the rougher robots, they were designed for the peripheral legions.

There must be such a legion. Xiahe's current army can no longer be expanded.

The meta knife robot said by Master Metatron, Rhode Island was designed, the plan was shot, and then picked up by Xiahe and handed over to the outside army.

Later, similar servant legions could use this kind of robot.

A steel robot between four and five meters tall, a large low-energy battery, simple and rough protection, and a terrible appearance. The level will not be too high, the five levels are slightly higher than the average.

Considering the rank of the servant army, basically the quasi-professionals at the first level, this kind of robot will still be very popular.

The American model is not free, especially the robots, whose height is more than two meters, are also designed to be gold.

Without strong design capabilities, everything is nonsense.

Of course, low-level robots will not modify anything, anyway, the size is large enough, modification can make way for functional design. The wide design space is also a feature of cost reduction.

Like the previous scorpion-shaped robot, it has been banned.

Another large-scale high-metal robot replaces the scorpion-shaped robot, which was not tested this time.

The main world is rich in metal deposits, especially steel, which is amazing. The cost of high metal robots with steel as the main material is easy to control.

Although there are many troops in Xiahe's hands, the number of troops cannot be expanded indefinitely.

Like the Shenzhou Empire, robots and clones are the main combat members. All human soldiers will have better combat capabilities, but command ability is the most important.

Xiahe issued an order here.

"Send the abyss type one, try fighting power."

The abyss type one is based on the shape of the flame demon. It is a full-featured high-metal combat robot. Its level is much higher than that of ordinary high-metal robots, but the cost is very expensive. However, they are large and heavy, and can only walk with the army. If you cross the river or something, it is better to go shallower. You can just go directly to the river.

And this thing is so heavy, the cost of air transportation is high.

Therefore, although the design of the Abyss series is good, in the field, we must consider the transportation capacity.

And the abyss model is designed purely for combat, and the humanoid series can also assist in doing a lot of work. Handle wood, build houses, dig fortifications, etc.

At the beginning of the design, humanoid robots carried these capabilities.

"Master Duke, how much has been delivered?"

"One is enough. If you have more, you have to waste transportation capacity. I remember there was a trial production in Little Sun City?"

"Yes, Duke."

"Then get out of Little Sun City, let them deal with it first, and send them directly to the joint patrol by airship."


In the early morning of the next day, a six-pointed star airship came outside the patrol camp. After the airship dropped a pod, it flew away directly.

The small card received the order and went to open the pod.

This pod is made of wood. Obviously, the contents inside need no protection.

A five-meter-tall metal flame demon appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The flame demon has a long tail. Although it has not started, it also gives the illusion that the scales on its body are moving.

Abyss type 1, with dull metallic luster, black and red tones, some patterns, with dark gold, yellowish.

The flame demon had a long pointed angle above his head, and it seemed strange that he could not speak, as if it was really something that came out of the abyss.

Yan Mo's long tail is obviously also a weapon, but its body is directly equipped with a double-edged battle axe.

The wings behind the Flame Demon are in a contracted state, and the Metatron's mage sees it, and doesn't think it can fly.

Although it is not a solid structure, he can judge that this thing is still battery-driven, and the thing that generates electricity is raw coal crystals. Of course, if you have a large base, you can directly charge it, and use other power generation methods, which is cheaper than using raw coal to crystalize. This thing can also be charged by eating, and the consumption in the non-combat state is enough.

The magician was very curious and asked, "Little card, how many levels of this thing?"

"Less than thirty levels, you can look at the instructions."

The magician was embarrassed and took over the manual, which had a anatomical view of the flame demon with some basic attributes marked. Include and are not limited to fighting methods.

Wings are not useless, after opening, they can form a short flight function!

And it is a very high-speed sprint flight. Once you fly, you must rest for at least half an hour to allow the flight battery to recharge.

He knew that batteries were far cheaper than magic furnaces. And it's easy to use, but it's impossible to achieve too powerful attributes and it's restricted a lot.

But this is also great.

Charge for half an hour and fly for five minutes.

Don't underestimate the five-minute high-speed flight. This flight speed is all after the legendary mage. This thing is very powerful against airships.

Look at the long horn above its head. When flying, it hits you, and the dragon has to pierce the intestines.

Or, on the ground, if you charge in a flying attitude, and the double-edged battle axe swings ...

Rhode Island ’s weapons are really simple and rude!

Yes, the abyss type 1, if it breaks out, it can only fight for one hour, and the non-breaking state, which is about six hours of fighting time, is not easy to charge. There is no breakthrough in battery technology in Xiahe. Although there are better high-energy batteries, the question is cost?

A battery is more expensive than a magic furnace, so why don't I build a structure, the magic resistance is better, and I can cast a spell.

The robot is equivalent to the warrior in the human world, and the construction is the magician.

The magician looked at the attributes of the configuration and made a judgment in his mind. This thing is very powerful. It can cause crushing damage to targets below level 20.

Regardless of your skills, can you stop it if someone axe down?

The flame demon's tail is also a weapon. When it is shaken, the three meters at the end, at any angle, can cause powerful damage.

Because the three meters at the end can also explode with high-tech means and have the effect of breaking the magic.

In addition, it is a six-ton ​​multi-body, which can kill many people by stepping on it.

"Deep abyss type one test code 2, start." Small card voice input.

The Flame Demon Robot slowly opened his eyes and glanced around, before bowing his head to Xiaoka. Then the magician saw that the flame demon robot started to float!

The whole robot is like burning!

Soon he was shy, fooled, it was just the effect of light and shadow, but the design was too real, giving him a slight illusion, as if this thing was the flame demon coming out of the abyss.

But think about the instructions, the position of the tail, the position of the mouth, and the wings, it seems to really have a flame attack effect.

But that's an ionizing flame, which requires battery consumption.

No wonder it's such a high-level robot, so many batteries are needed. If you want to support a huge attack output, you have to have enough power.

He guessed right. This flaming demon robot uses high-energy batteries to save space in ordinary action combat. Because of ordinary actions, there is no instantaneous output and no overclocking, which has little effect on battery life. The other spaces in the flame demon's body are equipped with ultra-durable batteries, which are used for overclocking output.

There must be enough units superimposed, otherwise the battle output of this robot will not be provided.

This thing, it failed to replace the humanoid robot, it still makes sense. Although the design concept is very good, there are too many difficulties to overcome.

Of course, Xiahe can make some legendary flame demon robots to play with. It is not that he has no materials, but he can't control the cost.

The Abyss Type 1 is essentially a large battery of action.

The magician calculated this abyss-type internal space and roughly judged the battery manufacturing level of Rhode Island.

The nobles used electricity for longer than Xiahe, and no one had occupied the technological world, or they had to lay a lot of lines with electricity. The nobility rejected these lines and affected the layout of the magic array, so about the use of electricity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not very popular.

But the battery is more common. The lamps used with them carry batteries. The power generation, relying on the magic array, can be used for a long time after generating electricity.

Power generation by magic arrays is better than any wind, water, or firepower, because if you stop it, you wo n’t have to say that when you do n’t use electricity, you have to keep making electricity.

Duke-led batteries, regardless of capacity, instantaneous output speed, and price, are far beyond the technology controlled by this world.

Technology requires progress before it can progress.

And this world has never lacked magical rough stones, so battery technology has made little progress. It wasn't until the robot warriors could fight in a simple and autonomous manner that a certain amount of combat power was formed, and everyone began to consider and develop high-energy batteries.

Rhode Island took a step first, and it was still a long way off.

Because Xiahe already has very good technology, but to localize, you need to choose battery materials in this world, and then the materials must be common and cheap.

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