Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1192: : Data transaction

Everyone stared fiercely at Andre County King in the Mirage Conference Room. Although everyone knew that it was not the matter of the county king, but the words were so ... so unlucky, is it really good?

Sure enough, Princess Angelina said: "The attack power of the magic dragon is just that, but it can provide very strong protective support to the surrounding magical creatures. The enemy soldiers can follow the magic dragon and rush Go to the city. If the magic dragon encounters too many attacks, it will explode when it dies. Our city wall is temporarily built. Although it is strong, it will inevitably cause damage in the face of the magic dragon's self-detonation. "

Princess Angelina looked at everyone and continued: "What's awesome is that this thing's ability to climb and jump is very good, and its shape is more than ten meters long. If it jumps on the city head, it will be impossible for the cyclops to lean on. Power suppresses it. "

Everyone is a little absent-minded. The magic dragon is no longer powerful, and it will not destroy the Great Wall. There are a large number of engineering robots in the city that can repair the Great Wall at any time.

It is much more difficult for the enemy to cross the Great Wall than to cross the mountain.

In addition, there are enough magicians in the city to deal with flying magic angels, and they have already gained experience. Although angels are weapons of war, the magical gods will soon become gods, and the advanced power that can be mobilized is limited. Only ten levels.

What a magician can fly is the 20th level base. This is a magical wing that can be used to fight freely in the air.

Those who do not need magic flying wings are directly legendary.

There is a void magic monument donated by the city of Juno, and the legend can fight freely within the scope of the Great Wall with little pressure.

But the **** of magic can create all kinds of strange creatures at any time, which is a big trouble. It doesn't matter if the magic dragon level is high, but the level is not high.

This is like a cyclops, low cost, can be manufactured in large quantities, in a special environment, the lethality is still considerable.

This is much more terrifying than a legendary construction that will take years to create. Did n’t you see Rhode Island? In half a month, thousands of them were made and placed on the city head.

With thousands of cyclops, the cost may not be as high as a legendary build.

Of course, it can't be compared so much. In the hands of advanced magicians, the construction is definitely more expensive. And what about Cyclops? It's just a pile of steel. The most expensive is a computing core. However, as long as there is technology, there is no pressure to manufacture. In terms of manufacturing time, it may be possible to manufacture thousands of them in an hour.

However, although the built-in computing core is more useful, it is not the robot's energy ratio, but to make one, it must be calculated in years.

For example, Rhode Island's powerful computing core with advanced configuration also requires more than one month of manufacturing time.

If it is lost, it cannot be replenished quickly.

The magic dragon is equivalent to the one-eyed giant, even if you kill it, you will feel more than worth it.

Princess Angelina said: "In the army going south, the attacking Yinyan City is just a small unit. Think about it, how many divine magical creatures have been invaded by the entire empire? Big cities can hold, rural What? This is not comparable to the Demon Race. The Devil Race is here to destroy, and it will only crowd to places with many souls, and a group of groups, a cannon can blow up a lot, and the army of the magic **** has now learned to march. The method of arranging the formation, bombarding it with a cannon, how many people will not be killed at a time. "

In fact, these technologies in the main world existed very early, because no one developed them because of lack of motivation.

Science and technology weapons are cheap, but if there is no large-scale war, if an enemy appears, dozens of magicians are dispatched, a piece of fireball is thrown away, and the lethality is greater than that of a cannon.

Don't look at a cannon bombing, there is no grass in a hundred meters, but the cannon shells can be intercepted, and the lethality of magic protection is not targeted.

What about magic?

A magic squad in Rhode Island, five people, holding a magic book and releasing fireball at the same time, the damage range is larger than the heavy artillery, and the magic fireball, in terms of lethality, is not only an explosion, but also the penetration of magic, attack The enemy is cooked inside and out.

When it is cooked, it will be broken into pieces.

If you are wearing well-protected artillery attacks, lie on the ground, hide in a depression, and use warfare for simple protection, you can almost hide it.

Magic will not work, lethality is permeable.

Then, the weapons created by the God of Magic are all magical attacks, and the lethality is much more terrible than the cannon.

Everyone has technology, but the balance point has not been found. There are many cannons in the city. How many cannons are needed to balance the magic dragon? Even if the balance is gone, won't the God of Magic create other weapons?

The magic dragon, with its ability to contend with the cannon, is already outstanding.

The best way is to fight with the magician.

This is not good, because if the troops of the God of Magic all need magicians to deal with them, then the number of magicians in the empire is somewhat insufficient. Or the number of wizards that the princess can mobilize is insufficient.

This is why the empire seldom fielded the troops of the God of Magic, and they all fought close to the city.

Large-scale field operations require too many mages.

Life Construction, at this time coughed and attracted everyone's attention, and then said: "I conducted some tests with Metatron Academy west of the territory, mainly to test field weapons. What kind of lethality is effective, there are some data now, but there are more than one joint experiment, and I am not easy to take out the data. "

The princess said at once: "It doesn't matter, everyone will take out the money. In addition to sharing the experimental consumption, it will also compensate for all your combat losses and the various costs paid for this."

No one objected to Princess Angelina's words, which is normal.

Other people's data, said that it will be brought, and the blood mage's data is still good to buy. Others said politely that Metatlin was in it, and there was King of Snowvis. In fact, the other two are also embarrassed to sell them, depending on what Rhode Island means.

Metatlin was not afraid of Rhode Island, but worried about the Duke of Asla, because of this boom, the loss of things must be more than ten times more than that directly.

You have a status, and your efforts can be rewarded.

People with low status, many efforts, will be taken away by others without any compensation.

This is how life constructs: "Then I will first announce the loss in the experiment and the consumption of developing these things."

He is not polite, if you want data, then my research and development funds, you also help share.

The price he opened will be ridiculously high. However, the rest of the people didn't care, because it was shared by everyone, and everyone had to pay. After sharing it, it was equivalent to a number lower than the normal price.

For example, Rhode Island spends tens of millions of gold coins before and after investing in these things. However, there are more than a dozen royal families sharing it, plus large colleges. This is more than 20, each with two to three million gold coins.

Rhode Island does not need gold coins, but can also pay with magic stones.

Now that everyone hasn't realized the importance of the original magic stone, they will feel very relaxed.

Life configuration has really come up with various actual combat data.

Of course, specific things will not be given, such as how the abyss model robots were built. These can be made by everyone. Except for the calculation of the core cost, the rest will not be made than Rhode Island. How much is more expensive, all within the tolerance range.

This is the power of the main world. The technology is not controlled by who alone. You can get pregnant at a glance.

This part of the data, the most valuable place, lies in the actual combat content of new weapons and magical **** troops.

The money is more, and everyone is very satisfied. After all, the Duke Asra did not count the city on the top of the mountain. If it really counts in, everyone will pinch their noses out of the money, otherwise they will not lose the person.

From this point of view, neither the royal family of the arcane empire nor the nobles are considered extravagant.

Because they still spend money on enjoying, but they often don't care about the cost of investing in the power system.

Millions of gold coins, said to take it out, but the clothes they wear, usually eating and living, really don't have much investment.

This is a clear contrast with Lvsen.

Moreover, the noble royal family and the like have invested a lot in the public domain.

A city like Juno is the best example. The buildings are beautiful, but they are not private. Public buildings and even residential buildings are all beautified by the nobility or the royal family.

The ordinary people don't have to pay the price, but the money they paid, in fact, it is not enough for one-tenth of these expenditures, or even one percent.

The royal family and nobles like to invest in the big environment, so that when they wander in their own cities, they will also feel that they are very standard, not upstarts.

The upstarts will pack up their cellars, move valuable things into the cellar, wear gold and silver outside, and put them all on their bodies.

In some of the more vulgar places, the rich locals like to cry poorly, wear patched clothes and the like.

Xiahe doesn't necessarily need this money ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but has rules, own data, and why you give it to you. When you need data, don't you buy it from others?

With the data in hand, everyone asked the powerful masters to count, and each one was quite satisfied.

Fortunately, Her Royal Highness mentioned that although it cost millions of gold coins, it is impossible to study these things in the short term.

If you buy it directly, it will probably solve 80% of the cost.

It is indeed necessary to invest tens of millions of gold coins, and there must be suitable enemies to obtain these interesting data. Since the money is worth it and everyone has no complaints, the meeting will be easy to proceed.

Princess Angelina said: "I have a good alchemy factory on the New World side. However, it is too expensive to make items and then ship them. So I want to find a place to expand the alchemy factory on the Empire side to create a new style Robots, specializing in dealing with the army of the God of Magic. "(Https: //)" Daomen Invasion "only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. / 'S position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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