Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1195: : Shenyou

"Freya, we can always contact." Xiahe still separated Freya, as the closest **** in her hands, she could not be the same as a child.

"However, there is no taste." Freya posted it again, inhaling deeply, and Xiahe just waited patiently and stopped talking.

Freya finally let go of Xiahe and said, "Sir, what's the matter, let you run back?"

"People in the main world, the pattern is not big. I feel boring, come and relax."

Freya smiled: "How can the pattern of the people in the main world be large?"

"Don't say this, I'm in the main world, I got the **** body of the **** of machinery, let the goddess of ice and snow nurture a bit, now is a good material for the fairy. By the way, how is your design of the fairy soldier?

"Fairy soldiers, most of them are the old routines, mainly cheap. If you are the general, you can watch my data, don't waste your time on this matter?"

Xiahe smiled and said, "Chat."

"Come on, come to the airspace of Xianfu." Freya said, taking Xiahe, escaped, disappeared.

At the next moment, the two came to Baiyun, Freya pulled Xiahe, lay down, and looked at the strange sky above his head.

Here is close to deep space, it is impossible to be a blue sky anymore, and in Xiahe's eyes, all kinds of strange rays, caused by colorful sky, is also full of danger.

The two were lying on the white cloud, Freya said, "Sir, you can chat."


"what does this mean?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Adult doesn't need to talk." Freya leaned close to Xiahe and looked at the sky without saying a word. It didn't matter if she lay like this for tens of thousands of years.

Xiahe stopped talking and looked at the sky, slowly not thinking about anything.

This feels good, but it doesn't last long.

Or Freya took the initiative to speak, she said to Xiahe: "Su Taizhen went to control the prefecture and did very well. Now the construction of the heavenly court has no eyebrows, mainly after a big disaster, the power of Xianfu was hit It ’s not small, and the loss in the world is also very heavy. Fortunately, there is no other force, otherwise it will cause irreparable impact on us. "

"I know."

"As for the fairy, I made a batch of them, but they haven't grown up yet, and now they are your standard."

"Demi god?"

"No, Tier 7." Freya said.

Xiahe asked in surprise: "How much have you made?"

"I made thousands, but only 24 were awakened. The rest, I couldn't wake up."

"How could our world be so weak?" Xiahe was surprised.

"The number of robbery came last time, and Xianfu suffered a great loss. If it were not for Su Taizhen's credit, it would be impossible for the 24 immortals to awaken."

Twenty-four seventh-order celestial generals are quite powerful in the main world, but for a Taoist, it is too bad.

Even if there are no immortals in the Daomen, the ninth-order human immortals must be there. No amount of people under the ninth-order can deal with the catastrophe. The last Heavenly Tribulation came to the world, if there were ninth-order human immortals, it would be much better.

"Seventh-order fairy, how effective is it?"

"I modeled it, the combat effectiveness is assured, and it will not be taken away by other people."

Xiahe nodded and said, "What about the fairy family equipment?"

"Heavenly Emperor armed."

"Too expensive?"

"There are gods who can be treated as Taoists. It is worth investing more."

Among the Daomen, there are immortal soldiers and generals in the heavenly court, and there are magical soldiers and generals, which are different things. The number of immortal soldier immortals has always been small, and it is the expatriate force stationed in the heavenly court by the Daomen.

The gods and soldiers were created by the gods themselves.

Xiahe understands roughly that the twenty-four seventh-order celestial generals are all armed with Heavenly Emperor, and are among the middle-class forces. Some people are fairies.

If twenty-four eighth-order immortals will be able to deal with a human immortal, because immortals will not be afraid of death.

But there is no insurance. Although the power of the immortals is only the ninth level, it is much stronger than the eighth level. Even if it is armed by the Emperor of Heaven, it may not be possible to trade for life.

But on the side of the world of Taiyin Xianfu, the growth of power is still possible. For the power of no human fairy, it can be easily won.

Seventh-tier generals, all at once, are no problem dealing with eighth-tier Taoists.

If you are not an advanced person, everything is vain.

Thinking of this, Xiahe's heart moved, and the level that could not be loosened for a long time, suddenly showed signs of advancement.

"Freya, I want to wander."

"Sir, are you anxious?"

"No, my heart is moving. After the wandering tour, the eighth order is almost complete."

"Congratulations, Master!" Freya was pleasantly surprised. Xiahe wouldn't be an advanced immortal. The upper limit of Xianjiang is 7th rank, that is because the upper limit of Daojun of Xianfu is 7th rank, and he is also limited to this.

"It happened to be back physically, and I can return to the main world with my mind. It's not a soul trip, it's safe."

"Where are you going to attach?"

"I have a three-legged fire crow that can be refined into a fairy weapon. It has been cultivated repeatedly over the years and can be used."

Xiahe made up his mind and really attached an idea to the three-legged fire crow, and sent the three-footed fire crow back to the main world. Although it is not the arrival of the soul, Xiahe still has to concentrate on cultivation in the world of Taiyin Xianfu.

The three-legged fire crow returned to the main world, still went to Xiahe's life configuration, quietly lurking.

In the battle of Yinyan City, the two sides began to compete and consume.

The war losses of human soldiers are increasing, not to mention robot warriors. The first batch of Cyclops on the city wall was completely depleted. The wastage of old robots is also very alarming. Had Xiahe not provided too much, it would simply be a sea of ​​robots, and I am afraid that the empire could not withstand it.

It is not that there is no money to make, but that the rate of wear and tear is too fast to supplement.

However, at this time, Life Construction began to stay away from Yinyan City, but began to tour around its own territory with a group of people.

Everyone has no idea about this. The airship in Rhode Island is busy transporting supplies here and night.

It doesn't matter if Duke Asra is gone.

The Academy Corps was dispatched to help the two marquises recover their lost ground. After several fierce battles, the guards sent by the **** of magic were killed and injured.

However, the loss of the legions of the Nine Academy is not small, and many legendary mages died in battle.

Although it temporarily stopped the **** of magic from going south, the whole country was shocked.

Only at the founding of the Nine University College, did such losses occur!

Although it is because of changes in the laws of the world, and the influence of the equipment of the God of Magic, so many legendary mages have been killed in battle.

However, these legendary mages also have auxiliary equipment from the nine colleges. It is not that their strength is contained in epics, and their legendary power can still erupt.

For this reason, the nine universities have put aside their barriers and started to discuss the issue of joint troop dispatch.

Another reason for this loss is that the people of the nine colleges are fighting each other.

If they can cooperate with each other, the loss will be more than half less, and many legendary mages will not be killed at all. Just because there was no support, he was killed by the guard of the magic god.

On this day, heavy snow was flying, west of the Changling Line of Defense, a main force of the God of Magic appeared on the patrol line of the Joint Experimental Corps, with a scale of 50,000, of which 10,000 were the guards of the God of Magic.

The executive dean of Metaline, His Excellency Joey, issued an order for active combat.

Xiahe's consciousness followed the structure of life, and after getting Joey's information, the structure of life was a bit confused, but at this time, Xiahe could not be reached.

He only knew that Xiahe had gone to Taiyin Xianfu World and sent a three-legged fire crow to defend himself.

He didn't know that Xiahe could still contact him through the three-legged fire crow.

Xiahe came from God, letting life build around, but he often left secretly to see the true face of this world. He didn't want to participate, nor communicate with life configuration, everything, let him find a way.

Life construction has been thinking for a long time, and I feel that since training a new army, it is time to fight.

At this time, the people who evacuated themselves, on the Metatlyn side, also lost their credibility.

Fight, anyway, Joey is also a demigod, so he won't make a big mistake.

Faced with 50,000 enemies, Joey dispatched four battalions. The number of human troops is 24,000, plus more than 300,000 robot warriors, it can be said that they attacked with all their strength.

On the surface of an icy river, the vanguard forces exchanged fire for the first time.

The glacier is not wide, but there are no tall trees on both sides of the bank, the swaying grass, half buried in the snow. Joey, who grasped the enemy's movements, laid an army of battalions here. Two of the brigades arrived at the earliest and were responsible for the engagement.

The number of enemies is two thousand people, more than one hundred gods guard, and the rest are divine magic creatures.

This unit of two thousand people is equipped with one hundred magic dragons.

When seeing more than two dozen warships flying in the sky, this vanguard was not at all panicked. The weapons of flying warships, alchemy bombs are not a great threat to them, they are slow and can be intercepted in mid-air.

Although the threat of magic ballistas is great, in this unit, a large number of magic dragons can provide strong protection for soldiers.

The effect of long-range strikes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has been weakened too much.

If twenty-four battleships are attacking together, these two thousand people are indeed dangerous, but they will use up the ballistic ammunition on the battleship, and at the same time, the battleship will be threatened when it is close to the attack. .

Approaching, the battleship is in danger.

The close guard of more than one hundred magic gods, relying on the magic wand, releases the sacred blow and can quickly and effectively intercept similar weapons.

Of course, if the other party makes a volley, they can't stop it. However, that would waste more ballistas and ammunition, which would never be cost-effective for war.

When the unit of the Guardian of the Magic God appeared, for the airship in the sky, the large army of the Magic God was not too afraid. They are more afraid of artillery, so the formation of two thousand people is very sparse, and they have adopted empire-like warfare. The soldiers are equipped with long-range attack weapons and no longer try to fight with the group charge. (https: //) Daomen Invasion only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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