Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1203: : Anyway

The magician's casting range is limited by the level after all. With this method, it is a master who can cast a kilometer away. Although the effect is not as ideal as the close range casting, the additional attack damage can be achieved. of.

For example, this time, a magic weapon with a level 25 magic weapon easily killed a magic dragon 1,500 meters away.

Although the magic dragon looks like 25th or 6th level, this thing has always been known for its defense. Now the legendary mage's spellcasting is restricted. This kind of musket casting is a major innovation.

"Really ... impressive!" Lily clapped her hands.

She chatted with Norman, mainly speaking. If you really go directly to talk, if the other party does not agree, it will be difficult later. Let me reveal a little bit and see how Rhode Island reacts.

Using the Mithril City of others as the rear is not an easy matter to negotiate.

Although it is not necessary to enter the Mithril City, there is an ice city outside the Mithril City. However, Ice City is too close to Mithril City, where it still depends on the entrance to the northeast of the underground world. It is said that the entrance is not small enough to accommodate large-scale troops.

In addition, Rhode Island is there, and has a relationship with local gods.

In this case, Rhode Island also has many concerns if it wants to use Mithril City.

If it weren't for such a complicated situation, Metatlin had already asked Joey to talk directly to Xiahe.

Norman threw the magic musket back to Nini and said, "Did you finish reading?"

"Well, in fact, Rhode Island's weapons may not be as powerful as our Metatron, but it is really cheap and easy to manufacture. This is the best weapon in the army."

Norman smiled and did not answer.

The equipment in the Rhode Island Army can continue to evolve in the hands of everyone, but the core is the same. In addition to the general equipment, at least the magician has his own separate equipment, which is all the magician himself, using the calculation core of large cities to calculate.

For example, he himself is a piece of equipment designed at the computing core of Tongtian Tower.

To speak of uniqueness, it must be something that no one else has.

Not just himself, as long as he is from Rhode Island, almost all of them have similar things. As long as they are not too poor.

Lily said: "Now, what everyone needs most is indeed a cheap weapon, otherwise it will be unbearable for anyone to fight against the God of Magic. Rhode Island ..."

Norman still didn't answer the call, and Lily didn't make any mistakes. She said, "Okay, I should take action."

During the talk, the magic wand was raised in her hand, and the gentle light seemed to spill out of the city.

Elemental Trial!

The magic dragon near the city wall, the golden light on his body, immediately disappeared. The sound of the city head musket instantly became dense, and the remaining magical dragons were beaten with blood holes. These magic dragons leaped high, lost power in the air, and fell again.

Originally they would create a chance for the soldiers who followed to rush to the top of the city. Now that all the magic dragons have fallen, those soldiers are embarrassed.

The magic dragon's protection disappeared, and the city's muskets aimed at them again.

It doesn't matter if one or two muskets alone, but hundreds of muskets, projectiles blasted on their armor, and soon torn apart the thick armor, and blood rushed outward.

Lily said: "Look, if you don't kill me, these people can't rush to the top of the city."

"Rhode Island people have never spoken like that," Norman said.



"It's unlucky to talk like that."

"Did you find out?" Norman asked.

"What did you find?"

"The **** of magic tests arms, evolves arms, and there are few new things coming out now."

"so what?"

"It's almost ready," Norman said. "Either it is a sign of giving up, or ..."

"Want to launch a bigger blow?"

"Yes, the bigger blow, I don't know. Why is he staring at Yinyan City?" Norman was really puzzled.

Not only Xiahe is looking at the map and the trend of the war, almost all the officers are looking at it, but some people can see more profound things.

The two little legendary masters can touch something, but still can't see the deeper stuff.

And on the Rhode Island side, life construction has seen a lot.

If Yinyan City is occupied by the **** of magic, the whole empire will become very strange.

This position has nothing to do with the nine colleges, but from the perspective of the geography, it is a very good place. After seeing the life structure, I want to take this place.

But what is accounted for, the life structure is not clear.

Anyway, it's good. It turned out to be fair, but after the Great Wall was built, the entire Yinyan City was circled.

Then the life was built, and I got the news. Metatlin was trying to use Yinyan City as the rear, and then built a fortress on the ice field to hunt the extreme north.

Is this Metatlyn clear, the **** of magic, can't shoot himself?

Then Metatlin, use this to lure Rhode Island?

In the case of joint hunting, the fortress will have a copy of Rhode Island, which is not mutually owned. In the future, the fortress will still be very important.

If Rhode Island joins now, the cost is minimal.


Life Construction also knows that Xiahe does not want to mix these things now. So, how to decide? Xiahe is away, he has to make up his mind.

It didn't take long for the life construct to decide to do it. But he didn't contact Metatelin, this kind of thing still needs someone to come to the door.

However, he contacted Li Anna and said this to Li Anna to let her prepare supplies.

Next to the Mithril City, there is also an ice city, which has to be rebuilt. At the beginning, Dian Rose was stationed. Except for the city walls, the rest of the buildings were very unattractive.

Li Anna naturally has no opinion, Mithril City is her site, and if she does logistics here, she has income. Some of the original unwilling buildings, now finally have money to invest.

She immediately asked Depp to do this, anyway, she was not very good at construction, at least compared to the four seniors, her construction level was still much worse.

After hearing this, Depp said to Li Anna: "Why do you build an ice city? There are a lot of artificial stone materials in the underground world. The ice city is too close to the Mithril City, so it is better to go further north. There is also a solitary mountain on the side, and a fortress is built around the mountain. "

"Over there, is it two hundred miles from Mithril City?"

"One hundred and eighty miles, why, are you worried about being out of control?"

"How can it be?"

"Of course impossible, and I have a big plan."

"what's the plan?"

"The Ice City Project."

"tell me the story?"

"The underground world of Mithril City, although not small, can accommodate millions of people, and has an upper limit. Although it is also an ice field near our Mithril City, but below, the magician has checked, and the ice layer is 200 It ’s several meters thick, and it ’s completely different from other locations. "

"Build an underground city?"

"The city under the ice has geothermal resources underneath. If it is not used, it is a waste."

"But, who is going to live?"

"Under the world, the population will always overflow. The three goddesses have no good solution. They can only let the tribes attack each other to reduce the population. If there are other places that can provide survival, these people are willing to migrate."

"Not human?"

"Yeah, in the future, if our ancestors want to turn over with the empire, we must find a reason?"

"It makes sense that these people are now people of the Mithril City, and they will need them in the future, also from Rhode Island!"

The two stood tall, looking far, and grasped the point at first. Why do you want these people? Both of them knew that Rhode Island would definitely go towards a unified world in the future.

In the underground world, there are three goddesses in control. Although Su Ye is her own, it is not easy to admit.

To attract people from the underground world and go to the city under the ice, first treat these people as people of the Mithril City. As it happens, Mithril City started a school, and many people have already come to study.

"Right, Brother Sis, did you say that fortress?"

"First build an underground space south of the fortress, and hire people from the underground world to work. There are also underground passages there ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We will spend some effort to build an underground railway, specifically from On the other side of the underground world, transport materials to the ground of the fortress. The main food, energy, etc. come from the underground world. "

In the underground world, there is actually a shortage of food, but on the northeast corner, Li Anna can build a food factory.

This is a good idea. It is now in the name of employment to attract people to the past. If the construction is good there, someone will naturally stay. The underground world is also divided into many layers, and the lower space has many dangerous creatures. If these dangerous creatures rarely come up, the underground world will not even have so many people.

Li Anna meditated and then said: "At a distance of 180 miles, you can build more towns on the ground. Anyway, the climate here is a frozen world all year round, with a huge dome structure and a little magic pattern. , It is very stable, and occasionally the internal temperature is too high, and will not melt ... "

"Well, that's it. On the Ice City side, we are our own robots. Then, between the Ice City and the fortress, the Great Wall is built with hard ice. It is wide enough and tall enough to be built as a highway."

Li Anna said: "If the extreme north is not beaten, will we lose?"

"Unless the empire is finished, the empire will definitely want such a place. The soldiers in front need not food, but food that can be imported at any time. Here in Ice City, factories can be built to produce finished products and then transported. Go to the fortress, and then from the fortress to the edge of the extreme north. "

"Very good, that's it, right. Last time I remembered that there was black ice technology. We didn't need it, so we didn't care. Hurry up and find out the materials, and then enter the raw materials. I want to build Ice City!" Li Anna Get excited.

Although this Mithril City is good, it is like a backcountry after all. She's a lord of the city, a little tasteless.

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