Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1219: :Fighting spirit

The number of robots equipped by the Oldington family is not less than that of Rhode Island, but this soldier has bad luck. After being divided by the Demon Arena, there are only five robot warriors around him, a low-level configuration.

However, in the first battle, he faced an epic mage.

After constructing and finishing the battle on the spot, he will try his best to ensure that the robot does not lose too quickly. He is an almighty warrior, very special, and his strength recovers quickly.

However, after persisting for so long, the last robot also broke down, leaving only one.

The soldiers of the Oldington family took out the battle flag. Originally, this thing was used to wrap the body. No one helped wrap the body ...

In the warrior's eyes, the earthy yellow light jumped endlessly, that was his arcane power.

Come and see what other enemies there are!

He carefully dismantled the robot's technology gun and hung it on his body. No matter what, don't give up!

Outside the gate of the arena, an angel came in. His wings were decaying, and he held a slender sword in his hand, which was more than four meters long. The armor of this angel was stained with rust, and there were dried blood stains under his eyes.

Where is this creature?

The soldiers of the Oldington family raised the robot's musket and slammed it out.

A long and narrow silver projectile went straight to the eyebrow of the weird angel. Blood glowed in the angel's eyes, flashing in front of him, turning into a blood-red shield.

When there was a loud noise, the bullet was ejected and the red shield dissipated.

"Then try this!"

The warrior in Oldington raised his magic musket. This musket was the magic musket he bought from Rhode Island. It was specially used for fighters. Although the price was a little more expensive, it was comparable to the magic musket issued by the family It ’s more powerful, and it does n’t matter if you shoot slower.

The rifle roared, and the bullets strangely withdrew from a cave, in the air, like a worm.

The angel's decaying wings spread open, and he sprinted forward. The magic projectile was red on the wings, and the feathers were blown into the sky.

It didn't break the defense!

But the soldiers of the Oldington family already knew what the enemy was. Although he didn't break the defense, it was the wing's credit. He dared not use the red shield to resist the magic projectile.

And that wing has been blown away by magic bullets.

The soldiers of the Oldington family turned around and picked up the spear with the flag of war, and charged back towards the angel.

On that battle flag, there is a blue moon pattern. In the center of the moon, there is a standing bear. The Aldington warrior charged, and as he approached the angel, the angel's slender giant sword suddenly swayed, turning into an arc of sword gas, and fell towards the soldiers of the Aldington family.

The speed is too fast, the soldiers of the Oldington family, in any case, can not escape some of the sword gas attacks.

He wouldn't hide, the earthy arcane energy exploded, forming ripples on the armor. At the same time, above the battle flag, the bear seemed to come to life and growled at the angel.

The people in the stands all saw the appearance of a giant bear.


The spear pierced the angel's chest, the soldiers of the Oldington family, with a slight force on the wrist, the angel was blown out by a force and fell off the spear.

The sword that the angel fought back was less than one meter away from the face of the soldiers of the Oldington family. If it is not to repel the attribute, this time it is necessary to fight all together.

No, not all. The angel turned into a puppet, lying on the ground, and in the shadow beside him, the figure of the angel appeared again.


A flame engulfed the angel who had just appeared. The warrior of the Oldington family touched his flame bottle distressedly.

It ’s too little to use once. This angel is so weird that it ’s impossible for him to retain his ability.

Arcanum can resist the sword gas, but the armor on the body is still a little damaged. If it is damaged again, the magic pattern may be inconsistent, and the defense will be greatly reduced. He had to solve the angel as soon as possible, otherwise, even if he was killed, the armor would be finished.

The penetrating power of Jian Qi was too strong, and he resisted it. After ten minutes, he might not recover much arcane power.

The soldiers of the Oldington family put the fighting spirit stained with angel blood back on the ground, then sat down and took out a silver bottle to repair their armor.

The repair liquid was still purchased from Rhode Island.

In this alliance, Rhode Island released goodwill. Many things that were not for sale are now willing to be sold to the Oldington family. This kind of repair magic liquid is one of them.

This thing is not too expensive, after all, it is a consumable and the number is too small.

This bottle happens to be able to repair a set of own armor, but if it is only partially repaired, it will not take long.

If you can survive, you will buy it yourself. These things are cheap and practical. It seems to have defects, such as the flame bottle, the recovery speed is not fast, and the number of uses is limited. However, the magical equipment that can be used by the soldiers is baby in the eyes of the soldiers.

The key is his eighth level, this fiery bottle fifteenth level, he can still urge.

The fifteenth level magical flame sprayed the angel.

I hope that the next enemy, if not so strong and weak, can slowly delay the time and finally solve it with a technology bomb. The robots were damaged, but some ammunition was left, such as a throwing technology bomb. It is still possible to kill professionals below level 5.

It's a pity that you don't have much money, otherwise, if you buy a fire crow, you can last longer.

The soldiers of the Oldington family thought this, but there was no complaint in his heart. He was quietly repairing the armor and waiting for the next battle.

On the battle flag, the moonlight shed, covering his body, and he was still at a loss.

In the stands, some professionals were surprised to see that this warrior, in the battle of the arena, began to gather the soul of war!

Over time, this guy can at least advance to epic!

The person who thinks this way, in his world, the level of epic is equivalent to the 40th level of the main world. Above the epic, it is not a legend, but a legend.

In the words of the main world, he feels that this warrior, if he does not die, will definitely advance to legend.

So far, none of the soldiers who fell into the demon arena are still fighting and still insisting calmly. They silently took advantage of the rest time to repair their weapons and equipment, waiting patiently.

These people have experienced even worse times. Last time, the world was divided by countless space barriers.

Many years ago, they were fighting alone.

Guice is the most relaxed, because none of his enemies have reached the legendary level. He is a legendary mage, with advanced robot warriors around him, space equipment, as well as the preparations for the team, as well as more weapons and ammunition, and some robots under test.

The important thing is that he also brought a diamond golem, and he is not lacking in magic original stone.

Up to now, he has not been threatened by his life.

Relatively better, it is the soldiers of the Rhode Island family. They have a sufficient amount of demon around them. They are also allocated to the configuration, and some are even allocated to the chariot.

Rhode Island's mages are in better shape. They are carriers of materials outside the logistics team, mainly for spare weapons, including but not limited to various robots.

Some soldiers are assigned to the flame demon, and some are assigned to the six-armed demon, the Astra apostle, the vampire robot, and the angel robot. Those assigned to these are in better condition.

These robots are all 20th level upward.

The distribution is so uniform because every soldier on Rhode Island is trained as an officer to develop command capabilities, and usually assigns robots to the soldiers with control authority. Equivalent to their equipment.

The devil arena is divided according to life. These robots are not life, so they are distributed to soldiers, and they are fairly even.

The soldiers of Rhode Island have more small bits and pieces. If it is a low-level flame bottle, all soldiers have it. The more advanced ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will also choose among reward items after completing the task.

Many soldiers have a fiery bottle of fifteenth grade.

Soldiers with a rank of more than ten, even if they are not officers, can also apply to change the badge, there will be a small space in the badge. This space is usually equipped with personal weapons.

The chaotic barrier space can be opened as long as the mental power is still there.

The soldiers of other families are in the same state, only one of them has bad luck, the robot is exhausted, and may die in the next few days.

Icefield ...

Not only was the Mithril Legion dispatched, but this time the net was cast, but all the families were involved. It's just that the large corps battles have turned into the cleanup of small units.

Rhode Island's troops were less dispatched, and the other families dispatched the servant legions, combed with all their strength, and put their power on the edge of the extreme north.

Rhode Island also had two battalions arriving. The generals present looked at the lush forest in the distance and couldn't tell the feeling.

"It's not yet time to enter. Forget it, according to the plan, we dispersed and dispatched the magician to build the Ice Great Wall. Form a line of defense."

Joey adopted Rhode Island's tactics, because this is an ice field, and the ice is not changing all year round. Building the Ice Great Wall is relatively easy for the magician. This time, everyone paid a lot of money and prepared a large number of robots. No human soldiers will be left on the Ice Great Wall.

There are only some configurations that can simply command operations, and then add a variety of robot warriors.

Metatron ordered a lot of raw coal from Mithril City, and the magician built a lot of rough raw coal generators. The advantage of the magic world is that it can be stopped at any time by using raw coal to generate electricity without wasting resources.

On the Ice Great Wall, large robots like Cyclops will be placed, using this generator to supplement energy.

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