Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1223: : Night raid

Outside the Great Wall of Ice, in the forest, night falls, but the lights shine like daylight.

Night raid? If it doesn't exist, there will be a small power station on the spot. The furnace is filled with raw coal and can burn for several months.

However, in the forest, there are still shadows taking off in the night and rushing to the Ice Great Wall. Above the Great Wall, in the shadows, there are robots bending their bows, making arrows, and shooting towards the sky.

Robots can draw hard bows, much stronger than human archers. The lethality of this arrow is not inferior to the power of technological muskets. It's just that this weapon is fragile and really went out to fight. Now the empire has basically eliminated the bow and arrow. Unless it is a magic archer, which can be attached with attributes, it is equivalent to special equipment.

In the hands of the soldiers, muskets were replaced.

Like Rhode Island, as long as it is a professional, it can control magic muskets, which is more lethal than technological muskets, and has a better effect of breaking magic. In the hands of the robot, there is a powerful technological musket. The closer the target is to the target, the stronger the ability to break the magic. If you can shoot against your head, all magic shields below level 20 can be penetrated.

It is a creature in the forest now. The defense is not strong enough. The robot takes materials locally and builds a hard bow, which is still used for air defense.

Most of the flying attackers were shot down by robots, and a few were killed by construction.

In the end it fell to the head of the city and there was no one left.

At the head of the city, the Cyclops opened his eyes, took a stick and took a step forward to launch the charge.

A black shadow holding a sharp blade, facing the Cyclops was a blow, and the Cyclops' metal stick was broken by the sharp blade. However, within the Cyclops' body, there was a crunching metal friction sound, and his footsteps did not retreat, but continued to charge forward.


The black figure was hit by the cyclops, and the bones in his body shattered directly.

Almost every shadow, the fate is the same, there are a few, was hit by the magic of the configuration, the body of the flashing divine light, failed to block the magic damage.

Everyone has seen flying arms long before. They have strong attack power and speed, but their defense is weak.

Being hit by the cyclops' knees, it was over on the spot.

However, in the forest, more creatures flew up, densely packed, most of them were insects, and some of the larger ones were this kind of intelligent life with a sharp blade.

There are no angels, just life living in this forest.

At high altitude, the battleship appeared, hovering tens of thousands of meters, using its own weapons, and began to aim at the forest. Usually only a few warships patrol above, and they all fly slowly to save energy.

It was found that the number of enemies was huge, and the warships on the side of the Ice Great Wall all flew up.

On the ground, they are also vulnerable to attack. Only after the warship flies can it threaten the enemy.

There are countless insects in the forest. Although this small thing is fragile, once it is a special life, it threatens a lot, such as highly toxic, hallucinogenic, corrosive, and even explosion.

Only this time, countless insects encountered a problem.

Their attack is of little significance to robots, poisoning? Just bite it. Hallucinogenic? The action of the robot is based on the program. If you have a virus program, it is okay. However, the low-level robot warriors of the empire can only enter the low-level program at the factory and leave the factory. It is impossible.

The rest of the so-called learning is some surface-level programs, if there is an invasion, it will be cut off.

As for the high-level robots, if you want to invade, you will have the same difficulty as grabbing a master-level professional and brainwashing them.

The dense bugs looked very disgusting and terrifying, but the robots had no emotions, but just used their weapons to start cleaning these things. For human soldiers, the biggest threat to this attack is the rest who have not worn armor.

This atmosphere was not brought by Xiahe. The nobles of the empire, the main force in their hands, have always been truly elite wearing magic armor. It's just that the number is different. Like Metatron, there are more such elite troops than Xiahe, but most of them are in other worlds.

However, Metatron has the ability to mass-produce this fully enclosed magic armor.

At first, the monsters of the Devil Realm could not quickly destroy the defense of the magic armor. The poisonous insects in the forest are not as good as the defensive abilities.

Faced with metal bumps, the poisonous insects in the forest have no alternative.

Many robots get orders to catch these bugs and collect samples. Soon there was a magician involved, everyone put on the closed mage armor, without wasting energy, let out a big net and grab a bunch.

The demon spiders have the biggest gains. They have a lot of cobweb material in their bodies. In this case, they can create a tennis ball within one second, spray it out, open it in the air, and catch the enemy net.

Many mages began to cast spells together.

In the camp, a fireball soared into the sky, flew into the black poisonous worms, exploded, and instantly cleared a large piece.

Among the poisonous insects, a large number of humanoid flying creatures threw down and tried to attack the magician.

The guardian robot next to the magician loyally blocked it, blocking the creature's fatal blow. Many robots were pierced by the blade, and the damage was still not small. At least they needed to be sent back to the six-point star fortress to repair.

Temporary repairs in the field are no longer possible.

However, although such injuries need to be repaired, it does not affect the robot to continue fighting. The flying assassins were hit by the robot with their fists, pierced by the short spear, and split by the tomahawk ...

But the number of poisonous insects is increasing, the sky is completely dark, and the buzzing sound can be heard through the armor.

"It's really annoying." Another Rhode Island battalion waved his magic short spear.

This thing, originally used as a magic wand, can increase magic, including casting speed, magic power, and mental stability.

Rhode Island ’s magical short spears come in many varieties, some for mages and some for soldiers, and vary in level.

This short spear for the mage is also very difficult to buy in the empire.

Rhode Island does not take out, this is the rule. Occasionally I get it, it is all kind of gifts, or friendship exchange.

This battalion will wield a magic short spear, and a magic will take three seconds to form.

Endless Shadow Arrow!

Xiahe's classic magic, no one has seen this thing for a long time. The shadow arrow is divided into two, and the two are divided into four, as if the endless can be divided.

However, the power of Shadow Arrow will decrease every time it splits.

This is a branch usage of Endless Shadow Arrow, the number of Shadow Arrow split will be more. However, the defensive power of poisonous insects is not very high, even the first-level magic can kill them.

The shadow arrow pierced the poisonous insect and would continue to fly away.

The battalion threw out a skill, and immediately felt that there was still too little killing. As a legendary mage, he killed tens of thousands of bugs at a time and used a legendary magic?

It ’s time for practice ...

Damn, I didn't learn the death fog chain! If you kill these bugs, use the legendary scroll to say humiliating.

Alas, if it isn't for the rule to change, you can get good results with your own endless shadow arrows.

The battalion would think about it and simply released a shimmering golden tornado.

He didn't practice this magic in place, but the huge tornado, with a diameter of more than ten meters, rose into the sky, and was absorbing the surrounding poisonous insects, and was involved in the tornado.

The poisonous insect powder was broken into bones, but it became part of the golden dragon.

This battalion will not be able to learn well. He is also a legendary mage, even if suppressed by the law, this magic lasts for up to five minutes.

Other magicians also shot.

Rogge didn't do it. He was Jianxiu. If he did, it was too conspicuous.

He also has a sword pocket in his hand, which stores the sword energy he usually cultivates, and can be released a few times, and can carry out a large-scale killing.

The consumption of sword energy is proportional to the enemy's defense.

The higher the enemy's defense power, the faster the sword energy is consumed. For poisonous insects, the time that a sword gas can be used may be calculated in years.

This is first-order sword gas, and its energy is far more than a fifty-level legendary magic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and magic is explosive and diffusive, and it is necessary to release energy instantly. On the contrary, Jian Qi is condensed and sharp, and must remain unchanged.

Not to mention his big sword repair, it is just below the first level, and the world with the lower level will be called an enemy of thousands of people.

In the battle ahead, the heads of the six-pointed star fortress are paying attention. When these poisonous insects appeared, someone immediately felt very dangerous. To these elites, the poisonous insects do not matter. The fully enclosed magic armor is the nemesis.

The servants who came this time also wore fully enclosed armor, and the rank was only low.

But such armor is not equipped with all troops. Some armor is not completely enclosed, and some small bugs may get into it.

Roy said: "Only such a large forest can breed so many poisonous insects. Rest assured that the poisonous insects are restricted by the ice sheet and cannot fly out."

"What if the **** of magic teleports?" Someone asked.

"Can teleport, he has already teleported."

"Be prepared for it."

"Well, report the royal family and let the imperial family solve the problem."

No one said anything this time, it meant that someone had to take responsibility. If this thing appears, it must be reported. In case of the **** of magic, is there a way to send the demons to the big cities of the empire?

Everyone has a solution, after all, the Devil Realm has invaded, and the demons at that time were much more powerful than this.

The seemingly fierce night raid lasted all night.

When the sky was bright, no more insects appeared, and the strange assassin no longer came.

The soldiers of the main legion felt that this battle was very easy, that is, it lasted longer, but the assassins who were threatened were not as fast as some robots. But for the soldiers of the servant legion, this night seemed a bit long.

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