Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1234: :pressing

Phoenix did not speak. He remembered Bill saying that others were to save the empire, he was to explore the truth.

Just do it with others, he does not intend to contribute to the brain.

Because everyone has different goals, what he said was all selfish, and sooner or later he was abandoned.

Berger said: "No matter what, if this is a big world, such a large-scale arena cannot be owned by a small city. Let's go out and occupy this arena and explore in all directions. If there is nothing worthwhile here Where we directly occupy, we will use this as a base to explore in all directions. "

Berger looked firm and continued: "If the enemy is too strong, we will stand here and calculate the way back through the coordinates. Anyway, the passage is here, it does not matter if it is two-way. It is also possible to support it over the main world. , What do you think? "

"You are the conductor."

"I am willing to obey orders."

"The same."

"The same."

Several other people said that they would not make their own claims. Berg was relieved and said: "Let the captain take charge of cleaning up the stands. When we entered, we were under tremendous pressure. Let's familiarize ourselves with the rules here, and don't act lightly. Lear, you just started, a little impatient."

"It's my fault." Lear did not mean a little arrogance, and took the initiative to admit the mistake.

Once he shot, he felt the malice of this world.

"All legends are on standby. The following officers are responsible for commanding their respective teams, clearing the stands, activating large robots, blocking the access channels, and building the power station directly on the spot. I immediately need a hundred charging ports!"

Commands were issued, and three thousand troops were busy running.

Around the stands, there are still many monsters, staring at the tiger, but dozens of dead directly before, so these monsters are also hesitant.

The small robot is the first to be activated. On the Phoenix side, the small robot is a demon, and there are some early full attribute series. The full-attribute series of robots, although the design is not too good, but can use the original magic gun to make up for some of its defects.

The first-level magic musket, the real magic attribute is one, breaking the magic.

Full-attribute series now has a large number of Duke collars, but most of them are sold. Many of the remaining full-attribute robots have also been disassembled, and the computing core remains. The ones that haven't been dismantled are the earlier models, the calculation core is common, and there is no dismantling value.

Was not disassembled later, because it was discovered that the demon was able to absorb the full attribute robot and evolve.

Considering the dismantling cost and recycling value, Rhode Island did not dismantle and sell the remaining full-attribute robots. This time it brought a lot, mainly for the demon absorption.

"Adult, I don't feel very good!"

An epic master of the Metaline family, said to Berger. His face was pale, as if it was difficult to breathe, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Immediately afterwards, the following big magician also started to experience problems.

"Let's turn on the protective equipment." Berger knew that things became troublesome. This world is suppressing legendary, epic, and master-level professionals. He has also been observing the structure, and the structure is also under pressure. The life of the structure brought this time will be shortened by about two-thirds.

This is the cost of being taken away directly and has to be paid.

"Everyone pays attention to safety." Phoenix said to everyone under his opponent. The following epics, masters, all touched the ring of laws with their hands. A light green rune flashed on the ring of laws, then slowly extinguished, and active protective measures were activated.

Every family has similar equipment and is in multiple activation modes. Now that the rules of the world are strict, you have to turn on the active mode, which is too expensive to use.

The law adapts to equipment, although it allows professionals to move freely in other worlds and will not be judged by the law, but, after all, it affects combat effectiveness.

Large-scale configuration has been activated, in the auxiliary calculation, soon, the legend of the six team leaders, all got a bad result. Everyone's fighting continuance ability was suppressed by half, and the upper limit of attack was reduced by at least 30%.

This may lead to battle consumption in this world, surged several times.

Berger said: "The laws here are slightly chaotic, but they are like new changes that should be related to the changes here. Not just for us, many people who died in the stands are also professionals. Those Monsters ... they are here again! "

Only in the stands, the monsters who were just deterred finally couldn't bear it. This time there was no group of them rushing down, but they were scattered in different directions and jumped into the arena one by one.

Legendary mages, looking at the monsters that jumped down, it did n’t matter. The things in the 20s, it ’s right to have strong defense, but ...


A flame demon robot, with a snake spear in his hand, cut off the head of a monster. This monster lizard-like head rolled twice on the ground, blood dripping, and the smell could be smelled from afar.

The large robot of the Metatron family uses a giant sword, which is wide and thick.

This weapon is very strong, and it can also be designed with energy channels inside.

And Metatlin's robot is just humanoid, with head and limbs. But the shape is asymmetric, the right arm holding the sword is very thick, and there is a separate energy system. The giant sword of the robot shot horizontally, hitting a monster, and the monster jumped and escaped the attack.

But the weapon of the giant sword robot, weirdly picked up, happened to be cut on the monster to avoid the attack.

This unreasonable movement trajectory is difficult for human beings to do, and the burden on the body is too great.

The robot's sword technique is different from that of human beings. This giant sword horizontal shot is itself a trick trap. The monster's body was cut off, and the giant sword robot bent over, leaning over the corpse, the steel body of more than eight meters high, a jump was dozens of meters away, the giant sword waved into a bright moon, and the sword just jumped into A monster in the arena split into two pieces.

In addition to large robots, ordinary robots are attacking with technology guns.

The gunshots in the field are not dense, the robots are shooting accurately, and cooperate with each other. Everyone, because of the pressure of the law, no one is on the stands, and they are guarding in the arena below.

Especially the mages need time to adapt to this world.

Monsters are just cannon fodder. It is best to delay for a little longer. Everyone is about to adapt. The combat effectiveness can be guaranteed at about 80%, which is several times better than the current situation.

Thinking like this, in the sky, a dark shadow fell down at high speed and went straight to the arena.

The legendary mages have judged that this shadow is about ten meters in size, even if it is a flesh and blood body, it is enough to fall down.

A diamond golem rushed towards the landing point, and the location was 10 small robot warriors. Raising a musket in his hand and shooting into the sky.

The shadow was hit by a musket, and Mars was flying around, unable to break the defense at all.

It's too late for the robot to dodge. The shadow figure is getting bigger and bigger, like a meat mountain, crashing on the robot, ten robots are pressed down by a powerful force, and the internal structure is broken , Even failed to blew up.

The diamond golem hit the body of the behemoth sideways, and heard a puff, and half of the body fell into it.

Everyone can see it clearly at this time, this falling thing is like a dumpling ...

What monster!

The diamond golem hit it, fell into half, and then was ejected. The monster is greasy and looks soft and has no head and limbs.

After it landed, it was a flick upward again, hitting the side.

A mage in Rhode Island threw a dragon scale scroll away from his hand, and a huge stone monument appeared out of thin air. It is more than ten meters high. Nearby soldiers gathered towards the stele. Roshan was smashed down and was held against a stone tablet. The soldiers below survived.

The bouncing diamond golem rushed up again, and a bright silver light flashed from his hand, cutting towards the monster's body.

The monster also showed green light, collided with the silver light, and made a creaking electric current.


A small magic cannon, fired at close range, a fist-sized elemental ball, blasted on the monster, and a dull sound came out of the monster's body, as if it was fear, but also like anger.

The elemental ball, as if absorbed by the monster, fell on the skin and disappeared.

But on the monster's yellow-green skin, there was a scorched black color.

This is also a kind of magic immunity!

Although it caused damage, but compared with the attack power of the element ball ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The magic cannon's attack has been weakened to the extreme.

Phoenix said: "I'm coming, I'm not a mage, but a swordsman, it doesn't suppress me much."

Said, Phoenix urged Mithril Swordsman to construct, a jumping, constructing hand, has drawn a long sword. The Mithril Swordsman fell, and the long sword cut into the monster's body.

The blue blood spewed out, blocked by the magical glow from the Mithril Swordsman, and no drop fell on him.

Phoenix's configuration, over the body of the monster, the sword on the long sword clings to the blade, making the blade sharp and unmatched.

Refining the sword into silk, attached to the magic sword, this cutting ability is not caused by any magic at all.

The Mithril Swordsman turned around, the long sword backstabled, and a sword gas was sent into the monster's body again. It was too late for the monster to react. The sword gas exploded in the body. The mage next to Metatelin directly dropped an air cage to cover the monster.

Phenix figure is already dozens of meters away, and I saw the yellow and green minced meat and blue blood everywhere in the air cage.

He glanced at his body. Fortunately, the protective cover was constructed so that the blood was not sprayed.

"Poisonous, deal with the magician." Phoenix withdrew the magic sword, bypassed the air cage, walked to his original position, and continued to rest. ...

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