Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1241: : Not in a hurry

"Don't use mental power to explore, alchemical telescope!" Berg ordered.

At least more than twenty alchemical telescopes adjusted to the sky, and a thin film appeared in the sky, covering the entire arena.

No, not only the arena fortress, but also the surrounding area. The size of this film seems to have no margin, covering the sky.

When I looked through the telescope, the sky was not so dark, but looking down, it was indeed already dark on the ground like the night, and there was no moonlight.

Hundreds of sharp blade demons flew upwards and flew thousands of meters before they touched the film, but the sharp demons flew straight out without any hindrance.

The tiny robot made by the Augustine family also flew up and stuck it on the film, trying to cut it with a small laser knife.

The laser knife cuts on the film and cuts it easily, but the laser is retracted, the film is closed again, and no energy consumption is felt?

Berger gave the order again, there was a magician below, and took a one-foot flight configuration. The structure is like a falcon, with wings, but the body is humanoid.

After flying up, the dragon scale scroll was taken, activated, and a cloud of fire suddenly spread out.

Is only the tenth-level fire cloud technique, and now, in the sky, it is crackling, like the sound of glass being blown, densely ringing.

A whole piece of film shattered, and the sunlight came in.

The cloud of fire disappeared, and the surrounding film closed towards this side again. In less than a minute, the hole burned by the cloud of fire immediately healed.

"It's even more chaotic. This is a larger area than our arena ..." Berg said.

"It was made by a real intruder." David said.

"What shall we do?" Clement asked Berger.

"Tomorrow there will be action. Now the fortress or something is not well protected." Berg said: "There are also platforms on both sides of the gate. It is necessary to build strongholds. It is safe to enter and exit. It is not always possible to use a warship to transport every time you go out . There are also pools to store water, and all the military barracks facilities are completed, and then go out to explore. "

The monster that invaded the city created a huge field, in which chaos is the mainstream.

If the magic tower of the arena is not done well, the repression will be more severe now.

Berger did not immediately go out to fight because the nine-layer magic tower can still communicate with deep space. The connection between the element planes has not been severed.

The field of monsters is huge, but it can't affect the magic tower. It is still safe in the arena.

First build all the fortifications, otherwise, if a battle breaks out, too many heavy weapons will be lost.

These monsters will not change much in a day, Berger is very sure. It takes more than half a year for his arena to become an indestructible bastion.

Has given him half a year, even if he came to the demigod and wanted to lay down the arena, he had to lose half his life.

The monster's technology cannot be better than the main world. The only possible trouble is that the monster has more reinforcements, and on its own side, there are only three thousand people, and there are many robots. But in a year, who knows how much it will wear out What?

On the other side of the main world, I found that on the other side of the channel, the message was broken and there was no way.

There is only one passage in the main world, but there are not many exits there. Going in now can only hit the Universiade in order to meet the first army to enter.

But the past six people have enough resources and have strong computing power. At most one year there, they can calculate the detailed coordinates, and then send the information back, here can also determine the coordinates there. . Then enter the channel, you can reach the world with certainty and purpose.

The main world is attacking the outside world, it is not that there has not been a similar problem, and the six-pointed star fortress is not particularly anxious.

This is something that can be expected to happen, rather than trouble that has never been seen before.

However, if this kind of thing happens, some emergency materials will be prepared here. Once a year, as long as you can get in touch, it will be sent to you immediately.

Various heavy weapons, scrolls, powerful constructions, etc.

Fortress of Demon Arena ...

No words for a night, the fortress inside the fortress has been completely reinforced, and there are super small magic ballistas around the fort. This was developed by the Metaline family, with a range of less than two kilometers, and the launch price is not expensive.

This is an interception weapon that can accurately hit a moving target.

If there is any magic attack or physical attack, if it is aimed at the turret, it is intercepted with this small magic ballista.

This saves a lot of spiritual power of the magician, as long as the magician only deals with relatively large attacks. And all magicians have magic armor connected to the magic tower. The magician chooses what target to attack and what to give up. These magic ballistas themselves know, and there is a deeper fuzzy judgment.

In this way, there will be no omissions.

The outer wall of the arena, on the platform of more than 50 meters high, has built strong bunkers on both sides of the remaining arena gate. On the 20-meter-high platform, bunkers were also built on both sides, and robots and structured defenses were not sent. No soldiers were sent.

In this way, people inside the fortress will get extra support when they go out.

If the enemy wants to attack from the gate, they must first pull out these bunkers.

Phenix had only one hour of rest, which was enough. This is a relatively long rest time for Taoists in a state of war. Such continuous tossing for a year or two will not affect the practice too much. Of course, this ability is only on the first order.

Rely on deep sleep to maintain the health of the soul.

This night, Phoenix created some sword slaves with some prepared materials. Equivalent to the magician's soul configuration, the level is not low, the level of the ninth grade sword repair.

Phenix didn't have this plan originally. The refining of the sword slave, he learned it, to deal with this kind of scene.

The support will arrive at least one year later. The fighting power of these four sword slaves is also good. In the army, the role played is no different from that of the 40th-level magician.

No matter how low-level sword slave, he did not make, wasting materials.

The precious material of sword slaves is the soul beads.

Things about consuming souls, Daomen authentics have never liked it, although they are not exclusive. If not necessary, try not to do so. This is contrary to the Taoist philosophy and will accelerate the collapse of the universe. Possibly, the destruction of a soul is only one or two seconds away from accelerating the destruction of the universe.

The problem is that the universe is so big that too many people squander their souls.

Otherwise, the universe is definitely more than a few hundred billion years of life, it will be longer.

Is like the life of an ordinary person. Many people are unknowingly wasting, days, hours, minutes. For a person's life, it is indeed very short.

But unknowingly, in your life, those precious time, sneaked away.

These four soul beads, which he collected, were on the verge of being destroyed. They were rescued and refined into soul beads. So the life span of this sword slave is not long, just over a hundred years.

But since it is placed on the battlefield, three to five years of lifespan is enough, maybe it will not survive for three to five years.

Four sword slaves, each sword slave gave a flying sword, three sword symbols, and a small sword pocket. However, the sword slave was still covered with the armor of Rhode Island. The style was the same. In essence, it was the sword armor, which could help the sword slave to fly.

If you do n’t have the ability to fly, it will affect the fighting power of the sword slave.

When Berger convened for discussion again, Phoenix had already dispatched the sword slaves to Rhode Island's defense zone. The sword slave does not need to sleep and is very alert, better than any magic eye.

In the mirror conference, Berg said: "It is still our way of the world, relying on the fortress and fighting with the support of artillery. However, the attack speed of the artillery is a serious injury. If it exceeds three miles, it can only be effective for low-level targets. Above level 10. People will always be alert that the shells are flying so far, and they have no time to escape. So we will use the fort as coordinates to fight in all directions within three miles. "

"Send troops to go out?" Phoenix questioned for the first time.

"Not really, it is still the size of a squadron, but in every direction, it dispatches manpower and robots carry double the number."

"Consumption will not be small!"

"Yeah, if there are few human soldiers, there is no command, and robots often choose the battle method of replacing lives with injuries. Everyone's procedures are similar, and priority is given to protecting the survival of human soldiers. This cannot be changed."

"This time, Metatron has brought a lot of robotic computing cores, such as heavy armored robots, centaur robots, and large robots such as cyclops. Our soldiers ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ can be equipped with more of these three kinds of robots, anyway, it is to fight near the fortress without too far. "

Everyone has no opinion, the problem of the robot is to supplement the ability.

Heavy armor robots and Cyclops have one thing in common, they don't have the ability to move fast for a long time. But balance is no different from other robots.

The computing core of the robot needs to be advanced and balanced. The computing core of these two kinds of robots is a bit low. This causes the speed of the robot to be limited.

Centaur speed is okay, because of the four legs, the balance is better to operate.

"Then it's done, we still take the hybrid approach, in each of the six directions, we have a squadron in each direction."

Everyone nodded in agreement, six squadrons in one direction, three hundred people, six directions, that is 1,800 people.

For a coalition of only 3,000 men, this is not a small force transfer. Double the robots to follow, there are probably more than 8,000 robots in each direction.

Is close to 10,000 troops, and with the rear artillery support, it is only within three miles of combat, it should be ok.

"The double robot I am talking about does not include the heavy armor robot, centaur and cyclops provided by Metatelin. Despite the peace of mind, we are not too scarce."

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