Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1247: :Observed

The stagnant water receded, and the magician withdrew the crack. It may be that the enemy feels that this siege has lost its meaning and simply let the water out in the distance. It takes a certain amount of effort to maintain the accumulated water.

The stagnant water receded, and the people of the Augustine family immediately went to build a gravitational well.

If you already have this thing, stagnant water will not form at all. If the gravitational well jumps down, it is estimated that it can be sent to a place close to the center of the earth and burned directly.

So this thing, no one wants to be close, even if you have the ability to resist gravity.

Too tired.

The people of the Augustine family went to build a gravitational well, and immediately surrounded by watermen and monsters, the water receded, and the watermen had not yet died.

The soldiers of the Metaline family, with a large number of robots, are engaged in defensive operations.

Inside the fortress, the artillery roared almost without interruption.

Phoenix was very concerned this time and carefully observed the battle of the Metatron family.

It looks unremarkable. Heavy armored robots block the enemy's offensive line, and the artillery fire destroys the enemy's gathering place remotely. General-purpose robots, with technology guns, in groups of three, attack the same target in different directions.

It's not that the robots that are approaching hit a target, but they are far apart and shoot at a cross angle from left to right.

Once a powerful enemy approaches, the magician first strikes, and then the large robot immediately goes out.

There are no special tactics, no special strong attacks, everything is very appropriate and smooth. Phoenix knows that this means that the Metateling family's commanding ability and execution ability are very good.

In this kind of battle, the soldiers do not have to boil blood, and the time they can persist will be longer.

The technology projectile of the Metaline family is different from that of Rhode Island, focusing on the critical hit attribute, with a knockback effect. Shooting on a person is just like hitting with a hammer.

In Rhode Island, these types of projectiles are special projectiles, ordinary projectiles, which are characterized by armor piercing, tearing, and cavity tumbling.

If you think about it carefully, the projectile of the Metatelin family chooses the direction. It is also very good. Even if it is a knight, it is hit by the front, as long as it is not a charge skill, it will have a knockback effect.

When the movement is blocked, the movement is slow and more vulnerable to attack.

And the critical hit attribute comes into play, and it can cause damage to internal organs without penetrating the body. Hitting the head, still fatal. On the battlefield, many people were killed by hammers, but they were not stabbed to death.

Heavy armored robots, even if they use short swords, are also heavy weapons.

Sharp and heavy, striking hard in the hands of robots can break heavy armor. If it is a Warhammer, it is even equipped with a gravity strike system. Tomahawks and the like are the attributes of armor piercing.

Technology weapons can still have these attributes, as long as you are willing to consume energy.

Phoenix sees a heavy armor robot warrior, with a thin sword, piercing an enemy's iron pimple-like water man, he is more convinced of this.

The technology development of the Metaline family is quite impressive.

The height of the heavy armor robot is only two meters, and there are heavy external armor. The action is relatively energy-consuming, and there are various attributes in it, that is, the battery technology is already very advanced.

Because heavy armored robots are considered consumables, but they are not the kind of robots like the flame demon, and even worse than the demon.

Anyway, Rhode Island will not use the best technology on low-level robots, only the cheapest technology, even if the combat environment is limited, it does not matter.

What the fighting cost should be is a very complicated thing. However, heavy armor robots have limited uses, and the upper limit of attack is also limited, then it will certainly not invest expensive technology, only cheap ones.

Metatron, not only the great aristocracy in the south, but also controlled a first-level college.

The magician of the Augustine family is a little nervous, and the engineering robot has drilled hundreds of meters of deep wells on the ground at a fast speed. Then the magician of the Augustinian family dispatched the magic to construct the magic masonry of the gravitational well. In fact, any gravity well that wants to serve the fortress must have a depth of thousands of kilometers. The underground situation is quite complicated, and the construction speed cannot be too fast.

However, if you are not afraid of the loss of the robot, you will forcibly make a breakthrough. When you encounter the rock, you will use the alchemy agent to blow it up.

The same is true when encountering dark rivers, temporary blockage, drainage on both sides and so on.

Sometimes, hitting a hole is not a bad thing. You can fill in the earth and rocks below to save time and don't have to transport it to the ground.

The Augustine family, all the legendary mages, participated in the construction, because the penetration of the depth of more than one thousand, relying on the robot alone, could not be completed quickly. Legendary magicians use legendary magic, they will first slash the following, the progress of the robot's project has doubled, and the original project that took more than a month will be completed in half a day.

The first two hundred meters is the simplest, not relying on the master, but on the robot alone.

Over two hundred meters, the legendary mage went down to do the destruction work, and then the ordinary mage went down to construct with the robot to deal with the special situation.

The epic mage is below, responsible for cutting the roots of those demons and killing them partially.

A dozen miles away, a legendary breath was released, and Lear of the Augustine family, without hesitation, released his own breath and condensed into a human face in the distance.

That breath of legend is hidden.

But the attacks of the water and monsters continued.

The face condensed by Lear roared angrily and rushed towards the sky. Thousands of kilometers of film was broken by the face and completely smashed, even the dust could not condense.

The man's face rushed to a higher place, tens of thousands of meters in height, and there was more than a scream.

The sound spread to the whole city. On the ground, those watermen and monsters who were still attacking on the ground, one by one, shivered.

"What's wrong? Lord Lear?" Berger asked worriedly.

Lear's shadow in the mirror image was a little hazy. He was silent for a moment and replied: "I am affected by the law, and I am a little irritated. But it's okay, it's just the secret of the family, the mood adjuster, not really crazy."

"I know, just ... Is it a big influence?"

"It's just alert. I'm afraid it's too late to deal with it later."

Everyone knows that many legendary mages have such vigilance that they can predict danger in advance and deal with it in time to avoid many life and death crises.

Phoenix is ​​very strange, Daomen technology, is it really beyond the sorcerer?

Why don't you be suppressed so much? You don't have a similar sense of crisis from beginning to end. Or is your level too low to sense?

The magic tree is still not ready for a decisive battle, and the gravitation well is built here to attract its attention. However, it does not feel that the gravitation well can pose a threat to it. That is a means of defense. The opponent likes to defend, indicating that the offensive ability is insufficient.

The magic tree just let one of his own people occupy a magic tree in a remote temple, and tried it out. The other party reacted irritably, making it more convinced that these enemies, although powerful, had no backup and did not even need themselves. After finishing the layout, they can be trapped to death.

What's the use of expanding the defensive circle?

Let the water man and the monster attack, but also the nearby forces, especially the water man, has been created, no need to use it, no more than three or five days, these water people will dissipate.

However, the number of sailors has exceeded 100,000, but the artillery inside the fortress is too powerful, and the sailors dare not gather large-scale shocks, and can only continue to use fueling tactics.

For small units, the frequency of artillery attacks is reduced, and the losses of heavy armored robots are greatly increased.

However, the loss of the heavy armor robots was due to the destruction of the body, the computing core is still there, and it was dragged back by the companion. If it can be repaired, it will be sent back to the fortress directly.

Then there were some demon robots purchased by the Augustine family to gobble up the parts.

Unusable parts are left behind and taken back for disposal.

This is said beforehand. Everyone bought some demon. On the battlefield, they can devour the abandoned robots and strengthen their demon.

Despite the tension, in fact, all gravitational wells were completed within twelve hours. Further improvement is at most half a month's time, but now the gravitational well has been able to play a role of at least 50%.

The robot took the opportunity to demolish all the buildings within a kilometer range, and reinforced the platform around the fortress.

Then the robot builds a sentry every two hundred meters between the gravitational well and the fortress. Inside the sentry, a weapon station was installed. This is what means to prevent the dead completely and make it a safe zone within a kilometer outside the fortress.

Berger told Phoenix: "This time, what kind of mutants did the Xia family bring?"

Phoenix smiled helplessly: "It's not enough points."

"Then forget it, mainly magic guns, ordinary robots can't use them."

"All attribute robots can use the lowest level magic musket, if you need ..."

"No, no, it's okay. You don't need all-attribute robots. You might as well keep a cold gun. I plan to go out with a small group of troops ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Use the powerful melee magic rifle as the internal guard of the team.

"With small units, Xia's can come up with about 240 mutants, and we can't allocate more of them ourselves. The configuration of our main legion has a minimum."

"Two hundred and forty, okay, anyway, I don't plan to send so many people, every time it is six squadrons, three hundred people will do, and the directions are all in one direction, the back of the magic tower is good to support. In the past two days, I have observed the layout of the city. The entire city, with hundreds of temples, are all finished and occupied by a kind of magic plant. "

Formed a network? Everyone thought so.

"We have strongholds, and it is difficult for enemies to get in. The other party has formed a network that covers the entire city, and it is also difficult for us to fight out. But for those small temples, I want to try it out and do some damage." ...

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